15 research outputs found

    Kosovo-Serbia customs issue: A continuation of war by other means

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    Since 1999, Serbia inhibited Kosovo’s independence in many ways: it issued Serbian passports for Serbs from the North; it deprived Prishtina from access to local land registers and other documents removed to Belgrade; it limited telecommunication services and electricity to Kosovo. Finally, following Kosovo’s independence in 2008, Serbia banned entrance to goods from Kosovo. All these acts had political consequences, for between daily technical issues and politics there is often only a moot distinction. Yet the import ban issue eventually turned into a political dispute par excellence. Trade, custom stamps and checkpoint control arguments are being (ab)used as alibi to cover for the real geopolitical interest of both sides: the North of Kosovo, a region populated by some 60,000 Serbs constantly rejecting Prishtina’s authority

    Sadržaj teških metala u tkivima običnog jelena (Cervus Elaphus) iz istočne Hrvatske

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    The aim of this study was to measure the levels of some toxic and essential metals in the kidney cortex and jawbone of red deer caught in Baranja region, Eastern Croatia. Kidneys and jawbones of 57 red deer (17 males, 40 females), aged six months to ten years, were collected and the concentrations of metals determined using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The median mass fraction of toxic cadmium, mercury, and lead in the kidney were 0.099 mg kg-1, 0.362 mg kg-1, and 0.578 mg kg-1 (wet weight), respectively. In the jawbone, the Pb mass fraction was 0.281 mg kg-1. The median levels of essential elements in the kidney were 35.1 mg kg-1 for Zn, 5.20 mg kg-1 for Cu, and 108 mg kg-1 for Fe. The mass fraction of Zn in the jawbone was 86.8 mg kg-1. Statistical analysis showed age-related differences in the accumulation of Pb in both tissues and of Cd in the kidney. Kidney Zn and Fe also increased with age. Toxic metal levels in the kidney exceeded the levels considered acceptable for human consumption, especially in older animals.Divlje životinje u svom su okolišu stalno izložene različitim izvorima onečišćenja. Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je izmjeriti masene udjele kadmija, olova, žive, cinka, bakra i željeza u bubregu te olova i cinka u kosti običnog jelena (Cervus elaphus) ulovljenog na području Baranje u istočnoj Hrvatskoj, u blizini Parka prirode “Kopački rit”. Uzorkovane su jedinke odstrijeljene sanitarnim odstrelom zbog pojave velikog američkog jetrenog metilja (Fascioloides magna). Skupljeni su bubrezi i mandibule 57 jedinki (17 mužjaka, 40 ženki), dobi od 6 mjeseci do 10 godina. Sadržaj metala izmjeren je metodom atomske apsorpcijske spektrometrije (AAS). Za određivanje Cd, Zn, Cu i Fe rabila se plamena AAS, za Pb elektrotermi čka AAS tehnika, dok je tehnikom hladnih para određivana Hg. Medijani izmjerenih masenih udjela toksičnih metala Cd, Hg i Pb u bubregu su 0.099 mg kg-1, 0,362 mg kg-1 i 0,578 mg kg-1, dok je medijan Pb u kosti 0,281 mg kg-1 (mokre težine). Medijani masenih udjela esencijalnih metala u bubregu su 35,1 mg kg-1 za Zn, 5,20 mg kg-1 za Cu i 108 mg kg-1 za Fe. U kosti je izmjeren maseni udio Zn od 86,8 mg kg-1. Statistička analiza pokazala je razlike u akumulaciji Pb s obzirom na dob u oba tkiva te Cd u bubregu, kao što se i očekivalo, ali razlika u slučaju Cd nije bila značajna. Sadržaj Zn i Fe u bubregu također je pokazao trend rasta s dobi. Dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni su sa sličnim podacima autora iz drugih zemalja. Nije nađena povezanost stupnja fascioloidoze i količine teških metala, s iznimkom Cu i Pb u bubregu. Razine toksičnih metala u bubregu, posebno kod starijih životinja, više su od dopuštenih razina u namirnicama

    Review of the congruence between cytopathological and histopathological diagnoses of archived cases, from 2009 to 2016 at the Department of Veterinary Pathology, Zagreb

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    Citološka pretraga se rutinski primjenjuje u kliničkom radu radi svoje učinkovitosti, brzine i jednostavnosti. Patohistološka pretraga je složenija, zahtijeva više vremena za pripremu preparata, ali je ona zlatni standard za analiziranje arhitekture tkiva. Obje metode se provode na Zavodu za veterinarsku patologiju, no do sada nije ispitivana razina njihove podudarnosti za istovjetne lezije. Pretragom arhive Zavoda za veterinarsku patologiju, pronađeni su svi slučajevi (parovi) citoloških i histoloških pretraga od istovjetnih lezija u razdoblju od 2009. – 2016. godine, ukupno 251. Obavljena je statistička analiza ispravnosti i korisnosti citoloških slučajeva u odnosu na histološke. Ne uključujući nedostatne slučajeve (20,7%), 80,4% slučajeva pokazuje potpunu ili djelomičnu podudarnost, a 19,6% nepodudarnost. Većina uzoraka je bila upravo iz područja kože (50,6%), te je u tom području 20,5% dijagnoza činio mastocitom, dok su ostale dijagnoze činile 79,5%. Rezultati su pokazali 96,6% podudarnosti za mastocitom, neovisno o sustavu. Ovakvi rezultati su podjednaki onim dobivenima u sličnim istraživanjima, bilo u humanoj ili veterinarskoj medicini. Predmetno istraživanje je pokazalo visoku razinu podudarnosti između citopatoloških i histopatoloških dijagnoza te je dokazalo da je citopatološka pretraga, koja se nadopunjuje s histopatološkom pretragom, vrlo važna i korisna inicijalna i orijentacijska pretraga u klasificiranju kožnih lezija domaćih životinja.Cytological examination is routinely applied in clinical work because of its efficiency, speed and simplicity. Histological examination is more complex, andrequires more time for specimen preparation, but it is the gold standard for analysing tissue architecture. Both methods are performed by the Department of Veterinary Pathology of the Veterinary Faculty, University of Zagreb, but the rate of congruency between those methods has not yet been investigated. The Department archives were searched for all cases (pairs) that underwent both cytological and histological examination of the same lesion, between 2009 and 2016, that is, altogether 251 cases. Statistical analysis of the accuracy and efficiency of cytological cases in relation to histological cases was conducted. With indecisive (non-diagnostic) cases excluded (20.7%), the rate of complete or partial congruency between cytological and histological diagnosis was 80.4%, and the rate of non-congruency was 19.6%. The majority of samples were taken from the skin region (50.6%), where 20.5% were mastocytomas, in comparison to other lesions which altogether accounted for 79.5% of lesions. The results showed 96.6% congruency in mastocytoma cases, regardless of the region. The results are similar to those obtained in comparable research, in both human and veterinary medicine. This research showed a high rate of congruency between cytological and histological diagnosis and cytological examination was shown (supplemented by histological examination) to be a very important and useful screening method in the classification of skin lesions in domestic animals

    Influence of pH, Temperature and Common Ion on Magnesium Hydrogenurate Octahydrate Solubility

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    Physico-chemical investigation of urolithiasis today is mostly focused on applying physico-chemical description of precipitation processes to the stone formation with the aim to distinguish between stone formers and nonstone formers. This is done by calculating supersaturation for different solid phases which can be formed in urine using data obtained by urine analysis and existing solubility product, dissociation and complexation constants. In order for this approach to succeed it is of utmost importance that system is described as detailed as possible, i.e. that all species that can be formed are taken into account. Magnesium hydrogenurate octahydrate, Mg(C5H3N4O3)2·8H2O (Mg(HU)2·8H2O), is among species which can precipitate in the urine and for which solubility data doesn’t exist. In order to fill this void crystals of Mg(C5H3N4O3)2·8H2O phase I and phase II have been prepared and characterized. Solubility product constant of Mg(C5H3N4O3)2·8H2O phase I in water at 37 °C and phase II at different temperatures, pH and in different solvents have been determined by measuring total concentration of uric acid and magnesium ions in solutions at different time periods. Results show that in water at 37 °C thermodynamically less stable phase I is more soluble (Ksp=(5.64±0.20).10–9 mol3 dm–9) than phase II (Ksp=(1.66±0.13).10–9 mol3dm–9). Solubility of Mg(HU)2·8H2O phase II increases with temperature. At equilibrium the solubility of phase II is the lowest in the presence of excess of magnesium ions, while solubility in the presence of uric acid is comparable with the one obtained in water

    Appearance of resistant weed population on acetolactate synthase herbicides in the Republic of Croatia

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    Herbicidi inihibitori acetolaktat sintaze (ALS) koriste se u većini ratarskim i povrtnih usjeva te višegodišnjim nasadima za suzbijanje jednogodišnjih i višegodišnjih korovnih vrsta. Njihova široka upotreba, kao i povlačenja velikog broja herbicida s tržišta EU-a, doveli su do pojave rezistentnih biotipova korova na ove herbicide. Zbog gorućeg problema rezistentnosti svih štetnika na pesticide, Ministarstvo poljoprivrede financira projekt „Program monitoringa rezistentnosti štetnih organizama na sredstva za zaštitu bilja u Republici Hrvatskoj 2018-2020“ u sklopu kojeg su i u našoj zemlji potvrđene rezistentne populacije dvije korovne vrste: Sorghum halepense i Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Sustavnim provođenjem integriranog suzbijanja korova potrebno je spriječiti daljnje širenje rezistentnih populacijaAcetolactate Synthase Herbicides (ALS) are the most frequently used herbicides in arable and permanent crops to control annual and perennial weed species. Their widespread use and the withdrawal of a large number of herbicides from the EU market have led to the emergence of herbicide-resistant weeds. Due to the urgent problem of resistance of all pests to pesticides, the Ministry of Agriculture is funding the project "Resistance Monitoring Programme Harmful Organisms for Pesticides in the Republic of Croatia 2018-2020", which will confirm the resistance of two weed species Sorghum halepense and Ambrosia artemisiifolia on ALS herbicides. The systematic implementation of integrated weed control requires preventing the further spread of resistant populations

    Appearance of resistant weed population on acetolactate synthase herbicides in the Republic of Croatia

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    Herbicidi inihibitori acetolaktat sintaze (ALS) koriste se u većini ratarskim i povrtnih usjeva te višegodišnjim nasadima za suzbijanje jednogodišnjih i višegodišnjih korovnih vrsta. Njihova široka upotreba, kao i povlačenja velikog broja herbicida s tržišta EU-a, doveli su do pojave rezistentnih biotipova korova na ove herbicide. Zbog gorućeg problema rezistentnosti svih štetnika na pesticide, Ministarstvo poljoprivrede financira projekt „Program monitoringa rezistentnosti štetnih organizama na sredstva za zaštitu bilja u Republici Hrvatskoj 2018-2020“ u sklopu kojeg su i u našoj zemlji potvrđene rezistentne populacije dvije korovne vrste: Sorghum halepense i Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Sustavnim provođenjem integriranog suzbijanja korova potrebno je spriječiti daljnje širenje rezistentnih populacijaAcetolactate Synthase Herbicides (ALS) are the most frequently used herbicides in arable and permanent crops to control annual and perennial weed species. Their widespread use and the withdrawal of a large number of herbicides from the EU market have led to the emergence of herbicide-resistant weeds. Due to the urgent problem of resistance of all pests to pesticides, the Ministry of Agriculture is funding the project "Resistance Monitoring Programme Harmful Organisms for Pesticides in the Republic of Croatia 2018-2020", which will confirm the resistance of two weed species Sorghum halepense and Ambrosia artemisiifolia on ALS herbicides. The systematic implementation of integrated weed control requires preventing the further spread of resistant populations

    Prevalencija patoloških lezija dijagnosticiranih citologijom u mačaka i njihova povezanost s dobi, pasminom i spolom.

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    Cytology is the diagnostic procedure of the microscopic evaluation of cells. It is becoming increasingly important and more frequently used in veterinary diagnostics, having many advantages including simplicity, speed and low cost. To determine the pathological changes diagnosed by cytology in cats, as well as the distribution of age, breed and gender in the diagnosed changes, we performed a retrospective study on slides submitted to the Department of Veterinary Pathology for routine cytological examination. The archive was searched for all feline cytology slides submitted from 2009 to 2018. All the slides were re-evaluated and classified into one of the four pathological processes: ‘neoplasia’, ‘inflammation’, ‘other condition’ or ‘non-diagnostic sample’. Breed, age, gender and the tissue from which the lesion was sampled were noted from the submission form, and statistically analyzed. The most frequent type of pathological process diagnosed was neoplasia, which reflects the high prevalence of neoplastic diseases in cats reported in literature data. Pathological changes were mostly diagnosed in domestic shorthaired cats of both sexes, with an average age of 8.4 years, but no breed, age or gender predisposition was found. The most evaluated tissue was skin, probably due to its accessibility and the ease of obtaining a sample from skin lesions. The most frequent neoplasia were malignant and the most frequent diagnosis was round cell neoplasia. Cats affected with round cell neoplasia had a significantly lower average age (7.3 years) than cats diagnosed with epithelial and mesenchymal neoplasia (9.9 and 10.3 years, respectively), probably reflecting the common retroviral infection in Croatian cats.Citologija je sve važniji i sve češće primjenjivan dijagnostički postupak u kojemu se mikroskopski analiziraju stanice, a ima i brojne prednosti, kao što su jednostavnost izvedbe, brzina i niska cijena. Kako bismo odredili patološke promjene dijagnosticirane citologijom u mačaka kao i raspodjelu prema dobi, pasmini i spolu, proveli smo retrospektivno istraživanje na uzorcima dostavljenima Zavodu za veterinarsku patologiju Veterinarskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu za rutinsku citološku analizu. Pretraženi su arhivski preparati za sve mačje citološke nalaze od 2009. do 2018. godine. Svi su preparati ponovno analizirani i razvrstani u jedan od četiri patološka procesa: neoplazija, upala, druga stanja i nedijagnostički uzorak. Pasmina, dob, spol i tkivo iz kojega su uzorci uzeti zabilježeni su u odgovarajućem obrascu i statistički analizirani. Najčešće dijagnosticiran patološki proces bio je neoplazija, što govori o visokoj prevalenciji neoplastične bolesti u mačaka opisanoj u literaturi. Patološke promjene najčešće su dijagnosticirane u domaće kratkodlake mačke oba spola, prosječne dobi 8,4 godina. Pasminska, dobna i spolna predispozicija međutim nisu utvrđene. Najčešće analizirano tkivo bila je koža, vjerojatno zbog najlakše dostupnosti i lakog dobivanja uzorka iz kožnih lezija. Najčešća je neoplazija bila zloćudna tvorevina, a najčešća dijagnoza neoplazija okruglih stanica. Mačke oboljele od ove neoplazije imale su znakovito nižu prosječnu dob (7,3 godina) od mačaka kojima je dijagnosticirana epitelna i mezenhimna neoplazija (9,9 i 10,3 godina), što je vjerojatno pokazatelj da se radi o čestoj retrovirusnoj infekciji u mačaka u Hrvatskoj

    Effects on Some Therapeutical, Biochemical, and Immunological Parameters of Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Exposed to Probiotic Treatments, in Field and Laboratory Conditions

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    Several negative factors contribute to a decline in the number of insect pollinators. As a novel approach in therapy, we hypothesize that the EM® for bees could potentially have an important therapeutic and immunomodulatory e ect on honey bee colonies. The aim of our study was to evaluate its impact on honey bees at the individual and colony level. This is the first appliance of the commercial probiotic mix EM® PROBIOTIC FOR BEES in honey bees as economically important social insects. The sugar syrup with 10% of probiotic was administered by spraying or feeding the honey bee colonies in the field conditions, in order to evaluate the infection levels with spores of Nosema spp. and colonies’ strength. Moreover, in laboratory-controlled conditions, in the hoarding cages, adult workers have been fed with sugar syrup supplemented with 2.5, 5, and 10% of EM® for bees for biochemical and immunological analyses of hemolymph, and with 5 and 10% for measuring the size of hypopharyngeal glands. It was found that following the EM® for bees administration the Nosema spp. spore counts in colonies were significantly reduced, and colonies’ strength was increased. The results at the individual level showed significant positive physiological changes in treated groups of adult bees, revealing at the same time a higher mortality rate when feeding sugar syrup supplemented with the probiotic

    Physiological and immunological status of adult honeybees (Apis mellifera) fed sugar syrup supplemented with Pentadecapeptide BPC 157

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    Various factors contribute to a decline in diversity and number of bees. Here, an integrated approach in experimental BPC 157 therapy was implemented, combining laboratory-controlled and field study results. The aim of a study was to assess the effects of BPC 157 additional feeding of newly emerged worker honeybees on few biochemical and immunological parameters in hemolymph (glucose, trehalose, lipids, proteins, vitellogenin, glucose-oxidase (GOX)), and hypopharyngeal gland (HPG), in laboratory-controlled conditions. Additionally, to examine the physiological status of protein digestion, the enzymatic activity of leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) in the mid-guts of worker honeybees was analyzed. It was found that individual honeybees, in hoarding cages, following BPC 157 administration through carbohydrate food, showed positive physiological changes when compared to the control groups. Those results were complemented by strong and visible LAP activity, particularly noticeable in the apical parts of the epithelial cells in the mid-guts of young worker honeybees originated from treated hives, suggesting a link between alternative oral therapy with BPC 157 and honeybees’ immunity

    Jednokratno preoperativno vježbanja disanja može utjecati na postoperativne ishode kod otvorenih operacija raka debelog crijeva

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    Background: Preoperative prehabilitation is a set of interventions leading to better post-treatment outcomes. Prehabilitation protocols in colorectal cancer surgery lack standardization. We retrospectively analyzed the impact of a preoperative breathing exercise session as an additional intervention. Aim: This study analyzes the potential benefits of breathing exercises for opera singers on patients’ outcomes after open colorectal cancer surgery. Methods: We analyzed a database of colorectal cancer patients from January 2019 until May 2020 at a single cancer center, extracting age, sex, tumor localization, and complications that required medical or surgical interventions in 30 days postoperative period (graded according to the Clavien-Dindo classification), and 365 days post-surgery, and completion of chemotherapy protocol. Then, we compared the existing prehabilitation protocol (nutritional intervention with commercially available pharmaconutrition based on NRS-2002 scores; three times a week aerobic exercise including 30 minutes on a bicycle or targeted walking distance of 5000 or 10000 steps based on individual’s capacities starting at least two weeks before surgery), from the experimental protocol (breathing exercises for opera singers with relaxation session with music therapy). Endpoints were short term and long-term complications, ICU/hospitalization length, and chemotherapy completion. Results: We included 291 colorectal cancer patients, 173 males, and 118 females, mean age 66 years, of whom 31 (10.7%) completed the experimental protocol breathing exercise for opera singers. Patients of the control and experimental group had comparable demographics and tumor-associated characteristics at baseline. Experimental breathing protocol was associated with a shorter duration of ICU stay (χ 2 =4.132, df=1, p=0.047). However, it did not influence other parameters (length of stay on the ward, short-term and long-term complications, and ability to complete the treatment protocol). The binary regression analysis showed that patients with an NRS-2002 score of 5, with higher BMI and advanced age, would benefit the most from the suggested respiratory prehabilitation protocol. Conclusion: The addition of breathing exercises might benefit CRC patients by reducing time spent in the ICU and postoperative respiratory complications. Again, this needs to be tested in a larger cohort.Uvod: Preoperativna prehabilitacija definirana je kao skup intervencija koje dovode do boljih ishoda liječenja. Prehabilitacijskim protokolima u kirurgiji karcinoma debelog crijeva nedostaje standardizacija. Retrospektivno smo analizirali učinak preoperativne vježbe disanja kao dodatne intervencije. Cilj: Cilj je ovog istraživanja analizirati potencijalne prednosti vježbi disanja za operne pjevače na ishode liječenja nakon otvorene operacije kolorektalnog karcinoma. Metode: Analizirali smo bazu podataka oboljelih od kolorektalnog karcinoma od siječnja 2019. do svibnja 2020. u centru za maligne bolesti, izdvajajući dob, spol, lokalizaciju tumora i komplikacije koje su zahtijevale medicinske ili kirurške intervencije u 30 dana postoperativnog razdoblja (stupnjevano prema Clavien-Dindo klasifikacija), te 365 dana nakon operacije i završetka kemoterapijskog protokola. Zatim smo odvojili postojeći prehabilitacijski protokol (prehrambena intervencija s komercijalno dostupnom farmakonutricijom na temelju rezultata NRS-2002; tri puta tjedno aerobne vježbe uključujući 30 minuta vožnje biciklom ili ciljanu udaljenost hodanja od 5000 ili 10000 koraka na temelju individualnih kapaciteta počevši od najmanje dva tjedna prije operacije), iz eksperimentalnog protokola (vježbe disanja za operne pjevače sa sesijom opuštanja uz glazbenu terapiju). Krajnje točke bile su kratkoročne i dugoročne komplikacije, trajanje boravka u jedinici intenzivnog liječenja te hospitalizacije i završetak kemoterapije. Rezultati: Uključili smo 291 bolesnika s kolorektalnim karcinomom, 173 muškarca i 118 žena, prosječne dobi 66 godina; od kojih je 31 (10,7%) završilo eksperimentalnu protokolarnu vježbu disanja za operne pjevače. Pacijenti kontrolne i eksperimentalne skupine imali su usporedive demografske karakteristike i karakteristike povezane s tumorom na početku. Eksperimentalni protokol disanja bio je povezan s kraćim trajanjem boravka u JIL-u (χ 2 =4,132, df=1, p=0,047). Međutim, to nije utjecalo na ostale parametre (duljina boravka na odjelu, kratkoročne i dugotrajne komplikacije te sposobnost ispunjavanja protokola liječenja). Binarna regresijska analiza pokazala je da bi pacijenti s NRS-2002 rezultatom 5, s višim BMI i starijom dobi, imali najviše koristi od predloženog protokola respiratorne prehabilitacije. Zaključak: Dodatak vježbi disanja mogao bi biti od koristi pacijentima s kolorektalnim karcinomom u vidu smanjenjem vremena provedenog u JIL-u i postoperativnih respiratornih komplikacija. Opet, ovo treba testirati u većoj kohorti