8 research outputs found

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusANOTĀCIJA Latvijas ekonomiskajā un mācību literatūrā, kas iznākusi pēc valsts neatkarības atjaunošanas, ir maz publikācijas par finanšu analīzi un tās metodēm. Pētījuma mērķis – analizēt un novērtēt Latvijas un ārvalstu zinātnieku izstrādātās finanšu analīzes metodes un modeļus uzņēmuma maksātnespējas prognozēšanai un, pamatojoties uz teorētisko un empīrisko pētījumu rezultātiem, izstrādāt Latvijas uzņēmumu finanšu pārskatu analīzē pielietojamu maksātnespējas prognozēšanas metožu sistēmu . Promocijas darbā izstrādātas šādas praktiskās novitātes: padziļināti veikta Latvijas un citu Eiropas valstu uzņēmumu maksātnespējas statistisko datu analīze, kas ļauj izdarīt secinājumus, ka maksātnespēja ir nopietna problēma un Latvija ieņem vidēju līmeni pārējo Eiropas valstu grupā; apkopoti dažādu valstu zinātnieku viedokļi par raksturīgākajām uzņēmuma maksātnespējas pazīmēm un ietekmējošiem faktoriem, izstrādātas rekomendācijas kvalitatīvo metožu pielietošanai finanšu pārskatu analīzē; izstrādāti ieteikumi finanšu pārskatu kvalitātes nodrošināšanai; veikts empīrisks pētījums par 10 dažādu bankrota prognozēšanas modeļu pielietojamību pēc Latvijas uzņēmumu finanšu pārskatu informācijas; izstrādātas rekomendācijas maksātnespējas prognozēšanas metožu pielietošanai. Pētījumā izmantoti 149 literatūras un citu avotu nosaukumi.SUMMARY In Latvian economic literature and text books published after restoration of country’s independence one can find little about financial analysis and methods of the analysis. The goal of the dissertation is – to analyse and assess methods of financial analysis and models created by Latvian and foreign scientists for enterprise insolvency prediction and on the basis of results of theoretical and empirical investigations to produce system of insolvency prediction methods applicable in analysis of financial reports of Latvian enterprises. In the doctorate work the following practical innovations were developed: carried out in-depth analysis of statistical data of insolvency for enterprises in Latvia and other European countries, thus enabling conclusion that insolvency is a serious problem, and Latvia in this respect corresponds to medium level among other European countries; summarised views of scientists from various countries about the most typical indicators of enterprise insolvency and the respective affecting factors as well as produced recommendations on application of quantitative methods in analysis of financial reports; produced suggestions how to ensure quality of financial reports; carried out empirical investigation (based on information from financial reports of enterprises in Latvia) on applicability of 10 different bankruptcy prediction models; produced recommendations for application of insolvency prediction methods. In the research 149 publications (references) and other sources were made use of


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    Economic growth is the important factor for improving competitiveness and to ensure the availability of financial resources at all stages of business development. The authors explore European Union activities to promote the development of small and medium enterprises, the Latvian business environment, the regulatory framework, the accounting regulatory framework for small and medium enterprises. The research study included an assessment of the business environment in the international context for the years 2010 – 2016, national support programmes providing financial resources, their availability and tax policy guidelines for small and medium enterprises. The research study results are summarized in a number of conclusions, and recommendations have been developed. Research methodology is based on the analysis of laws and regulations, statistical data and economic and scientific literature studies. 


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    In modern conditions for dynamic and competitive businesses, more and more companies face financial problems and eventually go bankrupt. A noteworthy trend: not only new companies that have not yet managed to establish themselves in the market go bankrupt but also large companies operating for years and maintaining good traditions. Bankruptcies of companies cause many problems not only for the companies themselves but also for the state and many members of society. Thus, it is crucial to evaluate the financial state of a company and its activity results as accurately and early as possible when forecasting the possibility of a bankruptcy. The paper recommends a complex analysis methodology for forecasting company bankruptcies. It consists of the following elements: 1) study of the external and internal environments; 2) evaluation of changes of absolute financial indicators;3) calculation and evaluation of financial ratios; 4) application of bankruptcy prediction models; 5) research of bankruptcy causes and 6) application of operational and prospective measures to avoid bankruptcy. By carrying out a thorough analysis of each of these elements, it is possible to obtain detailed and objective information about the company's financial status, activity results and cash flows as early as possible and anticipate the possibilities of the company's business continuity

    Detecting Asset Misappropriation: Forensic Accounting

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    The main task of the investigation of asset misappropriation is the correct classification of a crime: identification of the fact of misappropriation and determination of the amount of misappropriated assets. Specificity of asset diversity, asset accounting requirements, and a wide range of misappropriation opportunities require specialised knowledge in accounting and economics that investigators often lack. The aim of the study is to increase the knowledge of investigators in forensic accounting in order to increase effectiveness of investigations in detecting asset misappropriation. In this article, the authors, Latvian and Lithuanian accounting experts, talk about typologies of asset misappropriation and ways to detect misappropriation. The authors have compiled a list of red flags for misappropriation of assets and proposed an algorithm for determining the shortage or surplus of assets using forensic accounting methods. Research methods include: qualitative and quantitative methods of economic science, analysis of international standards and scientific literature, and graphical analysis

    Finanšu analīzes metodes uzņēmuma maksātnespējas prognozēšanai

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    ANOTĀCIJA Latvijas ekonomiskajā un mācību literatūrā, kas iznākusi pēc valsts neatkarības atjaunošanas, ir maz publikācijas par finanšu analīzi un tās metodēm. Pētījuma mērķis – analizēt un novērtēt Latvijas un ārvalstu zinātnieku izstrādātās finanšu analīzes metodes un modeļus uzņēmuma maksātnespējas prognozēšanai un, pamatojoties uz teorētisko un empīrisko pētījumu rezultātiem, izstrādāt Latvijas uzņēmumu finanšu pārskatu analīzē pielietojamu maksātnespējas prognozēšanas metožu sistēmu . Promocijas darbā izstrādātas šādas praktiskās novitātes: padziļināti veikta Latvijas un citu Eiropas valstu uzņēmumu maksātnespējas statistisko datu analīze, kas ļauj izdarīt secinājumus, ka maksātnespēja ir nopietna problēma un Latvija ieņem vidēju līmeni pārējo Eiropas valstu grupā; apkopoti dažādu valstu zinātnieku viedokļi par raksturīgākajām uzņēmuma maksātnespējas pazīmēm un ietekmējošiem faktoriem, izstrādātas rekomendācijas kvalitatīvo metožu pielietošanai finanšu pārskatu analīzē; izstrādāti ieteikumi finanšu pārskatu kvalitātes nodrošināšanai; veikts empīrisks pētījums par 10 dažādu bankrota prognozēšanas modeļu pielietojamību pēc Latvijas uzņēmumu finanšu pārskatu informācijas; izstrādātas rekomendācijas maksātnespējas prognozēšanas metožu pielietošanai. Pētījumā izmantoti 149 literatūras un citu avotu nosaukumi.SUMMARY In Latvian economic literature and text books published after restoration of country’s independence one can find little about financial analysis and methods of the analysis. The goal of the dissertation is – to analyse and assess methods of financial analysis and models created by Latvian and foreign scientists for enterprise insolvency prediction and on the basis of results of theoretical and empirical investigations to produce system of insolvency prediction methods applicable in analysis of financial reports of Latvian enterprises. In the doctorate work the following practical innovations were developed: carried out in-depth analysis of statistical data of insolvency for enterprises in Latvia and other European countries, thus enabling conclusion that insolvency is a serious problem, and Latvia in this respect corresponds to medium level among other European countries; summarised views of scientists from various countries about the most typical indicators of enterprise insolvency and the respective affecting factors as well as produced recommendations on application of quantitative methods in analysis of financial reports; produced suggestions how to ensure quality of financial reports; carried out empirical investigation (based on information from financial reports of enterprises in Latvia) on applicability of 10 different bankruptcy prediction models; produced recommendations for application of insolvency prediction methods. In the research 149 publications (references) and other sources were made use of

    The waves of enterprises bankruptcy and the factors that determine them: the case of Latvia and Lithuania

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    International audienceBankruptcy of enterprises is macroeconomic issue and a phenomenon of a dynamic and competitive market economy. It results in a lot of negative effects not only for the enterprise and its employees but also for other enterprises and institutions, as well as the state and society. The aim of the article is to carry out the analysis of bankruptcy of Latvian and Lithuanian enterprises. No such study has been carried out so far. Article analyses the dynamics of Latvian and Lithuanian enterprise bankruptcy, which manifest themselves in larger waves in certain periods and the factors that influence them. From 1993-when the bankruptcy of enterprises was started to be officially registered-to 1 January 2017, 21,503 Latvian enterprises and 20,933 Lithuanian enterprises went bankrupt. The largest wave of bankruptcy took place in the period of 2008-2010, when the financial crisis started in both countries. The comparative analysis of Latvian and Lithuanian enterprise bankruptcies was carried out according to the economic activity types and enterprises legal forms. In both countries mostly wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles enterprises (30% on average) go bankrupt, while construction enterprises (13% on average) are the runners-up. Initiators of enterprise bankruptcy are studied, numbers of Latvian and Lithuanian enterprises that went bankrupt are compared to the overall number of companies in the country. The data of this analysis are valuable when forecasting enterprise bankruptcy and preparing the measures to avoid it. The main research methods: analysis of scientific literature and statistical data, case analysis, methods of collection, grouping, comparison and generalization of information