20 research outputs found

    Fázové transformace v moderních slitinách titanu

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    Tato práce se zabývá fázovými transformacemi v metastabilních β slitinách titanu s důrazem na studium vývoje nanočástic termodynamicky metastabilní ω fáze. Pro účely experimentů popsaných v této práci byly připraveny monokrystaly dvou metastabilních β slitin titanu pomocí metody zonální tavby - LCB (Ti- 6.8Mo-4.5Fe-1.5Al) a Ti-15Mo (ve váhových %). Diferenční skenovací kalorimetrie prokázala, že drobné změny v chemickém složení monokrystalického materiálu mají pouze malý vliv na probíhající fázové transformace. Rentgenová difrakce umožnila určit tvar a velikost ω částic v sérii různě vyžíhaných monokrystalických vzorků. Dále byly stanoveny mřížové parametry ω fáze a β matrice a tzv. misfit mezi oběma strukturami. Bylo zjištěno, že β matrice je v okolí ω částic deformovaná v tlaku. Maloúhlový rozptyl rentgenového záření ukázal na prostorové uspořádání ω částic do kubické mříže s bázovými vektory rovnoběžnými se směry 100 β. Maloúhlový rozptyl rovněž umožnil určit střední velikosti a vzdálenosti ω částic. Oba tyto parametry závisí na době žíhání jako t1/3 , což je ve shodě s teorií podle Lifshitze, Slyozova a Wagnera. Maloúhlový rozptyl rentgenového záření měřený in situ...This study deals with phase transformations in metastable β titanium alloys, focusing on the investigation of evolution of nanoparticles of thermodynamically metastable ω phase. For the purpose of this research, single crystals of two metastable β titanium alloys - LCB (Ti-6.8Mo-4.5Fe-1.5Al) and Ti-15Mo (in wt. %) - were grown in an optical floating zone furnace. It was established by differential scanning calorimetry that the phase transformations occurring in the material did not change significantly as a result of the single crystal growth process. Using single crystal X-ray diffraction, the shape and the size of ω particles were determined in a series of aged samples. The lattice parameters of ω particles and the β matrix, as well as the misfit between the two structures were calculated. The β phase was found to be locally deformed in compression around ω particles. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments revealed a spatial ordering of ω particles in the β matrix in a disordered cubic array with the basis vectors along 100 β directions. The SAXS data also allowed the evaluation of the mean ω particle sizes and distances and confirmed that the ω particle growth obeys the t1/3 law following from the Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner theory. In situ SAXS performed during isothermal ageing at selected...Katedra fyziky materiálůDepartment of Physics of MaterialsMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Sequence of phase transformations in metastable ß Zr–12Nb alloy studied in situ by HEXRD and complementary techniques

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    Phase transformations in a metastable beta Zr–12Nb alloy were investigated by high-energy X-ray diffraction (HEXRD) measured simultaneously with thermal expansion in situ during linear heating from room temperature to 800 °C. Complementary in-situ methods of electrical resistance and differential scanning calorimetry, which were performed using the same heating conditions as in the HEXRD experiment, provided additional information on the transformation sequence occurring in the Zr–12Nb alloy. Two bcc phases with a different lattice parameter, ßZr and ßNb, were observed in the investigated temperature range and identified using the phase diagram of the Zr–Nb system. In the initial solution-treated condition, metastable ßZr phase and athermal ¿ particles are present in the material. At about 300 °C, Nb-rich ßNb phase starts to form in the material and the original ßZr phase gradually disappears. Ex-situ observations of the microstructure using transmission electron microscopy revealed a cuboidal shape of the ¿ particles, which is related to a relatively large misfit between the ¿ and ß phases. At 560 °C, ¿ solvus was observed, identified by an abrupt dissolution of ¿ particles which was followed by growth of the a phase.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    On the complementarity between resistivity measurement and ultrasonic measurement for in-situ characterization of phase transitions in Ti-alloys

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    We present the results of in-situ characterization of the phase transitions in metastable β-Ti alloy Ti5553 by contactless laser-based resonant ultrasound spectroscopy method and electrical resistance measurement in a four probe configuration. Phase transformations were studied during continuous heating from the room temperature to 700 °C with various heating rates. We showed that both methods provide complementary results and can be successfully used for observation of phase transitions in metastable β-Ti alloys

    Characterization of the input material quality for the production of tisagenlecleucel by multiparameter flow cytometry and its relation to the clinical outcome

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    Tisagenlecleucel (tisa-cel) is a CD19-specific CAR-T cell product approved for the treatment of relapsed/refractory (r/r) DLBCL or B-ALL. We have followed a group of patients diagnosed with childhood B-ALL (n = 5), adult B-ALL (n = 2), and DLBCL (n = 25) who were treated with tisa-cel under non-clinical trial conditions. The goal was to determine how the intensive pretreatment of patients affects the produced CAR-T cells, their in vivo expansion, and the outcome of the therapy. Multiparametric flow cytometry was used to analyze the material used for manufacturing CAR-T cells (apheresis), the CAR-T cell product itself, and blood samples obtained at three timepoints after administration. We present the analysis of memory phenotype of CD4/CD8 CAR-T lymphocytes (CD45RA, CD62L, CD27, CD28) and the expression of inhibitory receptors (PD-1, TIGIT). In addition, we show its relation to the patients’ clinical characteristics, such as tumor burden and sensitivity to prior therapies. Patients who responded to therapy had a higher percentage of CD8+CD45RA+CD27+ T cells in the apheresis, although not in the produced CAR-Ts. Patients with primary refractory aggressive B-cell lymphomas had the poorest outcomes which was characterized by undetectable CAR-T cell expansion in vivo. No clear correlation of the outcome with the immunophenotypes of CAR-Ts was observed. Our results suggest that an important parameter predicting therapy efficacy is CAR-Ts’ level of expansion in vivo but not the immunophenotype. After CAR-T cells’ administration, measurements at several timepoints accurately detect their proliferation intensity in vivo. The outcome of CAR-T cell therapy largely depends on biological characteristics of the tumors rather than on the immunophenotype of produced CAR-Ts

    Fázové transformace a mikrostrukturní změny ve slitině TIMET LCB

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    In the present work, phase transformations in TIMETAL LCB tita- nium alloy and their influence on mechanical properties were studied. Different initial conditions were prepared by solution treating above β-transus immedi- ately followed by heat treatment in α/β temperature regime. These resulted in different grain boundary α thicknesses and contiguities at a fixed α vol- ume fraction. The subsequent ageing response of this material was studied by low temperature ageing at 400 ◦ C, 450 ◦ C and 500 ◦ C. Phase transformations were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and resistivity measurements. Mechan- ical properties were investigated using microhardness measurements and tensile tests. It has been proved that metastable ω phase is formed during annealing at 400 ◦ C and 450 ◦ C. ω particles further transform to very fine precipitates of α phase when exposed to annealing for longer time periods. These fine precip- itates significantly contribute to increase of microhardness and achieving high value of yield stress. Keywords: Metastable beta Ti alloys, phase transformations, microstructure changes, ω phase

    Phase transformations in modern titanium alloys

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    This study deals with phase transformations in metastable β titanium alloys, focusing on the investigation of evolution of nanoparticles of thermodynamically metastable ω phase. For the purpose of this research, single crystals of two metastable β titanium alloys - LCB (Ti-6.8Mo-4.5Fe-1.5Al) and Ti-15Mo (in wt. %) - were grown in an optical floating zone furnace. It was established by differential scanning calorimetry that the phase transformations occurring in the material did not change significantly as a result of the single crystal growth process. Using single crystal X-ray diffraction, the shape and the size of ω particles were determined in a series of aged samples. The lattice parameters of ω particles and the β matrix, as well as the misfit between the two structures were calculated. The β phase was found to be locally deformed in compression around ω particles. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments revealed a spatial ordering of ω particles in the β matrix in a disordered cubic array with the basis vectors along 100 β directions. The SAXS data also allowed the evaluation of the mean ω particle sizes and distances and confirmed that the ω particle growth obeys the t1/3 law following from the Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner theory. In situ SAXS performed during isothermal ageing at selected..

    Microstructure changes in modern Ti-based alloys

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    Katedra fyziky materiálůDepartment of Physics of MaterialsMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Phase transformations in modern titanium alloys

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    This study deals with phase transformations in metastable β titanium alloys, focusing on the investigation of evolution of nanoparticles of thermodynamically metastable ω phase. For the purpose of this research, single crystals of two metastable β titanium alloys - LCB (Ti-6.8Mo-4.5Fe-1.5Al) and Ti-15Mo (in wt. %) - were grown in an optical floating zone furnace. It was established by differential scanning calorimetry that the phase transformations occurring in the material did not change significantly as a result of the single crystal growth process. Using single crystal X-ray diffraction, the shape and the size of ω particles were determined in a series of aged samples. The lattice parameters of ω particles and the β matrix, as well as the misfit between the two structures were calculated. The β phase was found to be locally deformed in compression around ω particles. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments revealed a spatial ordering of ω particles in the β matrix in a disordered cubic array with the basis vectors along 100 β directions. The SAXS data also allowed the evaluation of the mean ω particle sizes and distances and confirmed that the ω particle growth obeys the t1/3 law following from the Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner theory. In situ SAXS performed during isothermal ageing at selected..