252 research outputs found

    Selene and Endymion on the marble relief from Celeia

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    Prispevek obravnava upodobitev Selene in Endimiona na marmornem bloku, najdenem na dvorišču Knežjega dvorca v Celju. Upodobitev Selene (napol gola, z bičem oziroma žezlom v roki) je kompozicijsko najbližje upodobitvam na rimskih stenskih slikah v Pompejih in Herkulaneu, ki so datirane v čas cesarja Vespazijana, in deloma tudi bistveno mlajšemu mozaiku iz Utine. Endimion in Eros, na drugi strani, bolj ustrezata t. i. prvemu razredu Endimionovih sarkofagov, ki so nastali med letoma 120 in 180 po Kr. Na desni stranici je krilati otroški lik s pokrito košaro, ki po mojem mnenju predstavlja enega od Letnih časov v obliki Erotov. Ti so bili še posebej pogosti v drugi polovici 2. stoletja. Marmornat blok je bil prvotno spodnji del večje edikulne grobnice. Vera Kolšek je v povezavi z njim izpostavila slabo ohranjen relief Marsa in Ree Silvije, ki je kot spolium vzidan v stanovanjsko hišo na Prešernovi ulici 10 v Celju. Oba pripovedna reliefa sta skoraj enakih dimenzij in sorodne kompozicije, prav tako se oba upodobljena para na rimski nagrobni plastiki občasno pojavita drug ob drugem, tako da bi morda lahko celo bila uporabljena na isti grobnici, in sicer na njenem levem oziroma desnem vogalu.The article discusses a relief of Selene and Endymion on a marble slab found in the courtyard of Knežji dvorec (Princes’ Palace) in Celje (Cilli in German in the early literature). The best comparisons to Selene (half-naked, holding a whip or a sceptre) can be found on the remnants of Vespasianic wall-painting from Pompeii and Herculaneum, and partially also on the much later mosaic from Uthina. Endymion and Eros, on the other hand, are better compared to the so-called first class of Roman Endymion-sarcophagi, dating to around AD 120–180. On the right lateral side is a winged childish figure, holding a covered basket, who in my opinion most likely represents one of the Seasons in the form of Erotes that were especially widespread in the second half of the 2nd century. The marble slab was originally a constituent part of the base of a larger aedicula tomb. Vera Kolšek drew attention to a badly damaged relief of Rhea Silvia and Mars, immured as spolium in a residential house at Prešernova ulica 10 in Celje. Both narrative reliefs share almost identical dimensions and similar compositions, and last but not least, both pairs of lovers are occasionally found side by side on Roman funerary sculpture and could therefore be part of the same tomb – either on the left or right corner

    Fundation of residential houses on Ljubljana marshland

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    In graduation thesis Foundation of residential houses of Ljubljana marshland, possible decomposers of timber piles are introduced, the changes in groundwater level of Ljubljana marshland and possible ways to reconstruct foundations of houses.\ud In chapter on decomposers, various fungi and bacteria are described along with their influence on the degradation of timber piles. The chapter on groundwater level introduces the groundwater movement in last half of century in the Ljubljana marshland and concludes that this area has very good hydrogeological conditions for spreading fungi and bacteria in timber piles. In the chapter on reconstruction, possible ways to restore proper foundation behavior of houses are introduced

    Assessment of land-use changes and their impacts on ecosystem services in two Slovenian rural landscapes

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    This study shows the link between land use, landscape changes, and ecosystem services. Two pilot areas were investigated for how land use changes from 1824 to 2013 affect the provision of ecosystem services. It was found that low-intensity managed traditional land use is disappearing due to the intensification of agricultural production on the one hand, and the retreat of agriculture from unfavorable areas on the other hand. However, such traditional land use contributes to more diverse and more numerous ecosystem services and helps preserve the cultural landscape. Therefore, intensification and overgrowth should be restricted, and less intensive agriculture should be encouraged. The approach presented can be used as a support tool for decision-making in managing and governing landscapes

    The role and importance of the landscape park Udin Boršt

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    Udin Boršt is an isolated conglomerate terrace in Gorenjska region, Slovenia. A number of surface karst features and caves developed here due to the predominance of carbonate gravel. It is one of the last contiguous areas of lowland forest in Gorenjska region, and a popular recreation location for the people living nearby. Due to its karst surface and the forest it offered shelter to the locals in turbulent times. Its role during the period when bandits (rokovnjači) was common and during the Second World War is still preserved in folk memory. Due to its natural and cultural heritage, the area was protected as a Memorial park in 1985, but the legislation has become outdated and needs to be amended and updated. This article presents new findings on the geomorphological and intangible cultural heritage that need to be incorporated in the amended legislation

    The role of identifying and managing cultural values in rural development

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    Cultural and natural elements contribute to the development of rural areas. Identifying and evaluating development aspects and the interconnection of cultural values and local stakeholders are key to managing cultural values. This article defines cultural values with development potential by studying the relevant research literature and legislation, carrying out field studies in the Idrija countryside, and using an online questionnaire to evaluate development aspects

    Early glottic cancer

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    Protecting trees through an inventory and typology: Heritage trees in the Karavanke Mountains, Slovenia

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    Both research and policy require a transparent approach to monitoring and managing natural and cultural heritage because landscape quality has become a key concept in landscape planning. This paper introduces an advanced approach to natural and cultural heritage inventory for the study of heritage trees. Because trees play different roles in society, different regulations apply to their preservation, which can lead to inconsistencies in records for heritages trees. The inventory of heritage trees and their types in the study area identified within the Karavanke Natura 2000 project, which is presented in this paper, is based on existing lists of heritage trees, fieldwork, and interviews. A new database of heritage trees has been established in which the advantage of geographical information systems unifying various data sources is emphasized

    Stakeholder conflicts in the Tivoli, Rožnik Hill, and Šiška Hill Protected Landscape Area

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    Green areas and especially their distribution and composition are the key factor that makes urban people’s lives more comfortable and healthier. Even though Ljubljana residents also have many other green areas at their disposal in their immediate vicinity, the area of Rožnik Hill and Tivoli Park as an urban forest with dispersed park features continues to be the most popular recreational destination, with roughly 1,750,000 visits per year. In 1984 it was designated a protected landscape area through an ordinance. In the past decades, a number of conflicts have arisen in this area between various stakeholders, such as landowners, park users, and specialist services, which is why these types of areas require careful and prudent management