180 research outputs found
Experience with defects and accidents classification of external thermal insulating composite systems
Příspěvek na téma "Zkušenosti s posuzováním vad a poruch vnějších tepelně izolačních kompozitních systémů" je vytvořen na základě vlastních zkušeností znalce s posuzováním vad a poruch realizovaných staveb. Příspěvek se bude zabývat jak teorií jak mají být tyto systémy v praxi prováděny, tak i zkušenostmi z realizací těchto systémů a posuzování vad a poruch, se kterými se znalec setkal.Report about "Experience with classification of defects and accidents of exterior heat-insulating composite systems" is based on experts own experience with defects and accidents classification of realized constructions. The report deals with theory of practic implementation of these systems, and with experience in realization of these systems and defect classififcation experienced by the expert
Valuation of listed buildings for insurance purposes
Obecně je problematika oceňování památkově chráněných objektů dlouhodobě diskutována, a to zřejmě proto, že zde více než kdekoliv jinde záleží na úhlu pohledu toho kterého subjektu na cenu nemovitosti, účelu, pro který má být cena zjištěna nebo stanovena, a druhu ceny nebo hodnoty, která má být zjištěna nebo stanovena. Onen úhel pohledu spočívá v tomto případě v rozdílnosti pohledu na cenu nebo hodnotu nemovitosti, jenž je zcela zákonitě dán pozicí dotčeného subjektu, který se na řešení cenového problému v této oblasti podílí. Je zcela pochopitelné, že značně odlišné pohledy na cenu památkově chráněné nemovitosti budou mít například prodávající a kupující, kupující a zástupce finančního úřadu, investor a zástupce stavebního úřadu nebo národního památkového ústavu, a samozřejmě pojistník a pojistitel.Generally, the issue of valuation of listed buildings has been long discussed, probably because here more than anywhere else depends on perspective on the price of real estate, the purpose for which the price is to be determined and the type of price or value to be determined or set The perspective is in this case in the differences of views on the price or value of the property, which is quite inevitable given by the position of the respective subject that is involved in this area to solve the price problem. It is obvious that very different views on the cost of listed buildings will be held by the seller and the buyer, the buyer and the tax office representative, investor and the building office or national heritage institute representatives and of course the policyholder and the insurer
The Direct and Indirect Effects of Online Social Support, Neuroticism, and Web Content Internalization on the Drive for Thinness among Women Visiting Health-Oriented Websites
One of the debates about media usage is the potential harmful effect that it has on body image and related eating disturbances because of its representations of the “ideal body”. This study focuses on the drive for thinness among the visitors of various health-oriented websites and online platforms because neither has yet been sufficiently studied in this context. Specifically, this study aims to bring more insight to the risk factors which can increase the drive for thinness in the users of these websites. We tested the presumption that web content internalization is a key factor in this process, and we considered the effects of selected individual factors, specifically the perceived online social support and neuroticism. We utilized survey data from 445 Czech women (aged 18–29, M = 23.5, SD = 3.1) who visited nutrition, weight loss, and exercise websites. The results showed a positive indirect link between both perceived online social support and neuroticism to the drive for thinness via web content internalization. The results are discussed with regard to the dual role of online support as both risk and protective factor. Moreover, we consider the practical implications for eating behavior and weight-related problems with regard to prevention and intervention
Modified HPV16 E7 Genes as DNA Vaccine against E7-Containing Oncogenic Cells
AbstractTherapeutic vaccines against tumors associated with human papillomaviruses (HPV) should elicit cellular immune responses against early HPV antigens, primarily the oncoproteins E7 and E6. Because of safety concerns, the direct use of an unmodified oncogene is impossible in human DNA vaccination. Therefore, we introduced three point mutations into the pRb-binding site of HPV16 E7 oncogene to eliminate its transformation potential. The resultant gene was denoted E7GGG. The rates of expression and the cellular localization of E7 and E7GGG proteins were comparable. In immunization-challenge experiments, the efficacy of plasmids containing the E7, E7GGG, or fusion genes of HPV16 E7, viz. L1ΔCE71–60 (M. Muller et al., 1997, Virology 234, 93–111), and Sig/E7/LAMP-1 (T. C. Wu et al., 1995, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 11671–11675), was compared. While tumors developed in all animals immunized with the wild-type E7 gene, a significant proportion of mice remained tumor-free after vaccination with the E7GGG gene. The fusion gene L1ΔCE71–60 induced negligible protection, but Sig/E7/LAMP-1 conferred the highest protection. Intradermal immunization by gene gun proved superior to i.m. inoculation. In “therapeutic” experiments, a 1-day delay between inoculation of oncogenic cells and the start of DNA immunization resulted in partial therapeutic effect, but a 3-day delay produced a substantially lower immunization effect. A combination of Sig/E7/LAMP-1 and E7GGG genes did not enhance the immune response. These results demonstrate a significant enhancement of HPV16 E7 immunogenicity after mutagenesis of the pRb-binding site, but the mutated E7 gene did not excel the Sig/E7/LAMP-1 fusion gene
Construction technology study regeneration external cladding and roof of accommodation building
Bakalářská práce se zabývá technologickou studií regenerace obvodového pláště a střechy ubytovacího objektu na ulici Tučkova 23 v Brně. Práce řeší technologické postupy, zásady organizace výstavby, časové plánování, návrh strojní sestavy, bezpečnost a ochranu zdraví při práci, kvalitativní požadavky a položkový rozpočet.The bachelor’s thesis deals with the technological studies of regeneration of external cladding and roof of the accommodation building located on the Tučkova 23 street, Brno. The thesis describes technological processes, principles of organization of construction, time scheduling, suggestion of mechanical sets, occupational safety and health, quality requirements and itemized budget.
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