10 research outputs found

    Attention and Concentration Test Application for Android Devices

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    Import 05/08/2014Za účelem vyhodnocení psychologických charakteristik jedinců se využívají psychodiagnostické testy, které pomáhají jejich klasifikaci do skupin, o nichž můžeme tvrdit, že vyhovují žádaným charakteristikám. Tohoto faktu se často využívá u povolání, vyžadujících specifické psychologické nároky. Zaměření práce pojednává o výkonových testech pozornosti, používaných při vyšetřování jedinců na pracovních pozicích s vysokými požadavky na udržení koncentrace. Cílem této práce bylo vytvoření mobilní aplikace, která bude vyhodnocovat Bourdonův test pozornosti. Nedílnou součástí této práce bylo také vytvoření serverové aplikace pro sběr dat z mobilní aplikace. Sesbíraná data jsou pak administrována a statisticky vyhodnocována. Před vývojem aplikací jsou rozebrány aspekty psychologické diagnostiky, které musí být během jejich návrhu respektovány. Testování obou aplikací, které zakončuje tuto práci, poukazuje na možnosti jejich dalšího vývoje.For the purpose of individual psychological evaluation, the psychodiagnostic tests are used. This evaluation helps to classify the individuals into the groups that comply with the specified characteristics. These tests are often used for professions that require desirable psychological needs. This thesis focuses on the performance attention tests typically used in examinations of individuals working in positions requiring high level of concentration. This thesis is aimed to the mobile application development that evaluates Bourdon test of attention. The development of server application is also an integral part of this work. This application collects data from mobile application that are being administered and statistically evaluated. The aspects of psychological diagnostics have to be considered and respected during the design phase prior to the application development itself. The last part of the thesis focuses on the application testing area and shows the possibilities of further development of both applications.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Advanced concept of voice communication server on embedded platform

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    The paper deals with a design of an embedded Voice communication server which was developed within the scope of the BESIP project (Bright Embedded Solution for IP Telephony). The project brings a modular architecture with additional functionality such as a speech quality monitoring and a protection against security threats.The speech quality assessment is carried out in a simplified computational E-model and we implemented our proposal into the BESIP as an optional component. In the security module. We applied a standard approach to the intrusion detection and protection and in addition to the mentioned modules we come up with an idea of unified configuration based on the NETCONF protocol. We implemented ntegrated the complex support of NETCONF configuration protoco into OpenWRT and our modifications were accepted by OpenWRT community. The paper describes the inidvidual modules, their features and entire BESIP concept.Scopus892b23322

    Advanced solution of SIP communication server with a new approach to management

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    The paper deals with the development of an advanced solution for a SIP communication server. Works were carried out within the scope of Bright Embedded Solution for IP Telephony (BESIP) project. The output of the project should be a modular architecture with additional functionality such as speech quality monitoring and security of IP telephony. We sought to unify the configuration of individual components based on the NETCONF protocol. In order to be able to implement the idea into OpenWrt, we had to integrate a complex support for the NETCONF configuration protocol. Our modifications of OpenWrt in respect of NETCONF were accepted by the OpenWrt community and have been included in OpenWrt/Trunk branch. The paper explains and describes the whole concept of the BESIP project and its individual modules.Web of Science59454954

    Real-Time Applications on Virtualized Machines

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    Import 04/07/2011Bakalářská práce se zabývá vlivem technik virtualizace na interaktivní aplikace probíhající v reálném čase citlivých na zpoždění, především IP telefonie. Řada institucí, organizací i uživatelé v domácnostech přecházejí často na virtualizovaná řešení z důvodu bezpečnosti, jednoduchosti správy a zálohování. Virtualizace, která byla při svých počátcích především výsadou firem a akademického prostředí, se s postupným vývojem rozšířila i na platformy běžných uživatelů, kteří mohou využívat výhod vyplývajících z provozu virtuálních strojů. Cílem této bakalářské práce je prozkoumat vliv virtuálních strojů na realtime provoz, který bude v našem případě představovat IP telefonii založenou na protokolu RTP a SIP. V této práci rovněž rozebírám vliv velikosti operační paměti a počtu jader procesoru jak na samotné zpoždění tak i na jeho rozptyl.The bachelor thesis deals with the impact of virtualization techniques on interactive delay-sensitive applications running in real-time, particularly IP telephony. Many institutions, organizations and home users often adopt the virtualized solutions for safety, ease of administration and backup. Virtualization, which was in its infancy mainly the prerogative of companies and academia, with the gradual development platform to extend ordinary users who can benefit from running virtual machines. The aim of this thesis is to examine the impact of virtual machines on real-time traffic that will be in our case the IP telephony based on SIP and RTP. The thesis also analyzed the influence of memory size and number of processor cores as the delay itself and its variance.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Performance analysis of virtualized real-time applications

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    This article deals with the impact of virtualization techniques on interactive delay-sensitive applications running in realtime, particularly IP telephony. Many institutions, organizations and home users often adopt the virtualized solutions for their safety, ease of administration and backup. Virtualization, which was chiefly the prerogative of companies and the academic world in its early days, has gradually develop its platform to reach out to the ordinary users who can benefit from running virtual machines. The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of a virtual machine on real-time traffic, in our case IP telephony based on the SIP and the RTP, which are now the cornerstone of VoIP technology. This article also analyses the impact of memory size and the number of processor cores on the delay itself and its variance, thus allowing user to have full picture when deciding what virtualization tool to use and how to configure so it performs the best possible way.Scopus6231330

    Automatically Provisioned Embedded Communication System Based on OpenWrt Platform

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    The article deals with a design of a system that provides tools for creation of automatically provisioned embedded communication system and its components. As the key feature of the BEESIP platform (Bright Efficient Embedded Solution for IP Telephony) a unique building and provisioning system of the network devices has been developed allowing the administrators to fully control the firmware and configuration of the devices even in the remote and inaccessible locations. The process of custom firmware building and device provisioning eases the mass deployment of the BEESIP based hardware to cover the needs of small to medium business in the vast range of services

    Prediction of speech quality based on resilient backpropagation artificial neural network

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    The paper presents a system for monitoring and assessment the speech quality in the IP telephony infrastructures using modular probes. The probes are placed at key nodes in the network where aggregating packet loss data. The system dynamically measures speech quality and results are collected on a central server. For data analysis we applied four-state Markov model for modeling the impact of network impairments on speech quality, afterwards, the resilient back propagation (Rprop) algorithm was used to train a neural network. Information about the speech quality are displayed in the form of automatically generated graphs and tables. The proposed solution has been tested with selected codecs and further generalizes the already presented concepts of the speech quality estimation in the IP environment.Web of Science9645389537