56 research outputs found

    Posúdenie ohrozenosti osady Magurky lavínami s použitím modelu ELBA+

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    In our study we focused on advanced software applications to allow simulation of an avalanche. We used the model ELBA+, by which we tried to assess the vulnerability of mountain environments around the old mining settlement called Magurka (1036 m a.s.l.), which lies below the main ridge of Low Tatras at the end of Ľupčianská valley. The avalanche in the Ďurková valley released on 14th March 1970 went down in history because it is still one of the largest avalanches recorded in Slovakia. Using archived data of the Avalanche Prevention Centre in Jasná, we tried its most faithful reconstruction. Then we tried to simulate an avalanche in the Viedenka valley using the same amount of snow in the release zone as it was supposed to be in 1970. Because a part of the Magurka settlement is situated at the mouth of this valley, which has more direct and shorter terrain than the valley of Ďurková, we examined the possibility of intervention by the avalanche.V našej študií sme sa zamerali na moderné softvérové aplikácie umožňujúce simuláciu lavíny. Použili sme model ELBA+, pomocou ktorého sme snažili zhodnotiť ohrozenosť horského prostredia v okolí starej banskej osady Magurka (1 036 m n. m.), ktorá leží v závere Ľupčianskej doline pod hlavným hrebeňom Nízkych Tatier. Do histórie sa zapísala hlavne lavína v doline Ďurková zo 14. marca 1970, ktorá dodnes patrí medzi najväčšie lavíny zaznamenané na Slovensku. S použitím archívnych údajov Strediska lavínovej prevencie v Jasnej sme sa pokúsili o jej čo najvernejšiu rekonštrukciu. Následne sme sa pokúsili o simuláciu lavíny v doline Viedenka pri použití rovnakej výšky snehu v odtrhovom pásme ako sa predpokladá pri lavíne v roku 1970. Keďže časť osady Magurka je situovaných pri ústí tejto doliny, ktorá má priamejší aj kratší priebeh ako dolina Ďurková, skúmali sme možnosť jej zásahu lavínou

    Image dithering methods

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    Bákalárska práca sa zaoberá problematikou ditheringu obrazu. Cieľom práce je zosumarizovať bežné i moderné metódy rozpytlovania obrazu vrátane všetkých ich derivátov. Úvodná časť tejto práce vysvetlí dôležité pojmy, ktoré úzko súvisia s danou problematikou. V nasledujúcej časti bakalárska práca priblíži všetky metódy ditheringu obrazu vrátane všetkých známych algoritmov spadajúcich pod jednotlivé metódy. Táto časť bakalárskej práce pojednáva predovšetkým o prahovaní, náhodnom rozptyle a rozptyle s distribúciou chyby. V závere práce sú niektoré z metód naprogramované v interaktívnom prostredí MATLAB pre demonštráciu. Následne sú jednotlivé metódy porovnané z hľadiska rýchlosti.Bachelor’s thesis is concerned with the image dithering. The purpose of this report is to summarize common and latest methods of image dithering reduction including all its derivates. The important terms in close relation of this project are explained at the beginning of the report. In the next part of this bachelor’s thesis are mentioned all methods of screen dithering including all known algorythms related to these methods. This section of the report is more concerned with thresholding, random dithering and error diffusion. There are some of the methods programmed in MATLAB’s interactive environment for demonstration in ending of this paper. Then various methods are compared in terms of speed.

    Identifying the relationships of climate and physiological responses of a beech forest using the Standardised recipitation Index: a case study for Slovakia

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    The paper presents relationship between the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) and physiological responses of individual trees in a beech stand using an example of an experimental plot in Bienska valley (Zvolen, Slovakia). SPI is a widely used tool for monitoring both short-term and long-term droughts, and for the assessments of drought impacts on agriculture. Due to the complex ecosystem bonds, monitoring of drought in forests often requires a sophisticated technological approach. The aim of the paper was to correlate the SPI on the physiological responses of trees that were recorded during the performed physiological research (sap flow, and stem circumference increment) at the site in the growing seasons (May to September) of the years 2012–2014. The results revealed a relationship between the index and the physiological responses, although the problem with the impact of other environmental factors has also come up. The secondary correlation, in which soil water potential that significantly affects physiological responses of forest tree species was used as a dependent variable, showed a tighter relationship with the SPI. We found the highest correlation between the soil water potential and the values of SPI aggregated for five weeks. This indicates that the beech forest has a five week resistance to drought stress. The results also enable simple monitoring of the initiation of the drought stress by applying SPI for five weeks

    Piezoelectric Current Generator Based on Bismuth Ferrite Nanoparticles

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    Bismuth ferrite nanoparticleswith an average particle diameter of 45 nmand spatial symmetry R3c were obtained by combustion of organic nitrate precursors. BiFeO3-silicone nanocomposites with various concentrations of nanoparticles were obtained by mixing with a solution of M10 silicone. Models of piezoelectric generators were made by applying nanocomposites on a glass substrate and using aluminum foil as contacts. The thickness of the layers was about 230 um. There was a proportional relationship between the different concentrations of nanoparticles and the detected potential. The output voltages were 0.028, 0.055, and 0.17 V with mass loads of 10, 30, and 50 mass%, respectively

    Image dithering methods

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    Bachelor’s thesis is concerned with the image dithering. The purpose of this report is to summarize common and latest methods of image dithering reduction including all its derivates. The important terms in close relation of this project are explained at the beginning of the report. In the next part of this bachelor’s thesis are mentioned all methods of screen dithering including all known algorythms related to these methods. This section of the report is more concerned with thresholding, random dithering and error diffusion. There are some of the methods programmed in MATLAB’s interactive environment for demonstration in ending of this paper. Then various methods are compared in terms of speed

    Dark J–V Characteristics Model Of Chalcopyrite-Based Solar Cells

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    An equivalent circuit model of the current parasitic pathways is proposed to describe a behaviour of dark current density–voltage characteristics of chalcopyrite-based solar cells in order to understand a shunting behaviour between the ZnO:Al/i-ZnO/CdS/Cu(In;Ga)Se2/MoSe2/Mo/Ti/TiN layers. The model fitting with a parameter extraction is evaluated for the sample before and after an appearance of a permanent breakdown to prove an accurate response of the proposed model to an ohmic and non-ohmic component shift

    Interpolation with NURBS curves

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    Diplomová práca sa zaoberá problematikou interpolácie obrazu. Cieľom práce je naštudovať a následne teoreticky popísať charakter jednotlivých metód interpolácia obrazu a niektoré z nich implementovať v programovom prostredí MATLAB. Úvodná časť tejto práce teoreticky priblíži dôležité pojmy, ktoré úzko súvisia s danou problematikou spracovania digitálneho obrazu postačujúce pre jej principiálne pochopenie. V nasledujúcej časti diplomovej práce budú rozobrané všetky dnes bežne využívané metódy interpolácie obrazu. Pojednávať sa bude predovšetkým o metóde interpolácie obrazu pomocou najbližšieho suseda a interpoláciách za pomocou polynómov ako je (bi)lineárna, (bi)kvadratická, (bi)kubická metóda. Následne práca teoreticky rozoberá teóriu jednotlivých druhov kriviek a splajnov. Konkrétnejšie speje do ich najpoužívanejšej varianty B-splajn kriviek a ich zovšeobecnenia nazývaných NURBS, spolu s riešením problému interpolácie týmito krivkami. Záverečnú kapitolu tvoria výsledky dosiahnuté v programovom prostredí MATLAB.Diploma thesis deals with image interpolation. The aim of this work is to study theoretically and then describe the nature of the various methods of image interpolation and some of them implemented in the program MATLAB. The introductory part of this work theoretically closer to important terms that are closely related to this topic of digital image processing sufficient to understand the principle. In the following of the thesis will be discussed all of today's commonly used method of image interpolation. Will hear all about the method of image interpolation using nearest neightbor interpolation and image help of polynimals such as (bi)linear, (bi)quadratic and (bi)kubic method. Then work theoretically analyzes the theory of individual species curves and splines. More specifically, coming to their most frequently used variants of B-spline curves and ther generalizations called NURBS, with addressing the problem of interpolating these curves. The final chapter consists of the results achieved in the program MATLAB.