21 research outputs found

    Celiac disease in the preschool age

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    Celijakija je kronična i imunoloÅ”ka bolest odnosno nemogućnost probavljanja glutena, proteina koji se nalaze u nekim žitaricama, uključujući pÅ”enicu. Bolest se joÅ” zove i glutenska enteropatija. Sastojak glutena koji se zove glijanid uzrokuje upalu tankog crijeva, crijevna stjenka postaje nadražena Å”to dovodi do malapsorpcije drugih hranjivih tvari. Mnogi smatraju da ovakvo oboljenje uzrokuju genetski i vanjski čimbenici o čemu ću detaljnije pisati u sljedećim poglavljima. Glutenska enteropatija ili celijakija javlja se u nekoliko tipova: tipična, atipična, tiha i potencijalna. Tipovi celijakije koji stvaraju najveći problem su atipični i tihi tip jer ne postoje određeni simptomi prilikom pojavljivanja bolesti. Atipični broj slučajeva celijakije znatno je porastao proteklih godina, a do otkrivanja dolazi slučajno, krvnim testovima. BaÅ” kao svaka bolest i celijakija znatno utječe na život oboljelih, naročito oboljele djece. Bezglutenska prehrana je jedini način držanja bolesti pod kontrolom. Takva prehrana može utjecati na psihičko stanje djeteta. Postoje i određene prateće bolesti koje se mogu javiti kao posljedica upale tankog crijeva radi konzumacije glutenskih proizvoda. Celijakiju treba prvenstveno shvatiti ozbiljno, zatim je kontrolirati i pratiti.Celiac disease is a chronic and immune disease, that is an inability to digest gluten, proteins found in some cereals, including wheat. The disease is also called gluten enteropathy. The part of gluten called gliyanide causes inflammation of the small intestine, the intestinal wall becomes irritated, leading to malabsorption of other nutrients. Many think that such an illness is caused by genetic and external factors, was described in previous chapters.. Glutathione enteropathy or celiac disease has several types: typical, atypical, silent and potential. Types of celiac disease that cause the biggest problem are atypical and silent type because there are no specific symptoms when the disease occurs. The number of atypical celiac cases has increased considerably over the past few years, and it is discovered by chance, when doing blood tests. Just like any disease the celiac disease significantly affects the lives of the diseased, especially the sick children. Gluten-free nutrition is the only way to keep the disease under control. Such nutrition can affect the child's mental state. There are certain accompanying diseases that may occur as a result of inflammation of the small intestine as the result of gluten consumation. Celiac disease has to be taken seriously, then controlled and monitored

    Celiac disease in the preschool age

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    Celijakija je kronična i imunoloÅ”ka bolest odnosno nemogućnost probavljanja glutena, proteina koji se nalaze u nekim žitaricama, uključujući pÅ”enicu. Bolest se joÅ” zove i glutenska enteropatija. Sastojak glutena koji se zove glijanid uzrokuje upalu tankog crijeva, crijevna stjenka postaje nadražena Å”to dovodi do malapsorpcije drugih hranjivih tvari. Mnogi smatraju da ovakvo oboljenje uzrokuju genetski i vanjski čimbenici o čemu ću detaljnije pisati u sljedećim poglavljima. Glutenska enteropatija ili celijakija javlja se u nekoliko tipova: tipična, atipična, tiha i potencijalna. Tipovi celijakije koji stvaraju najveći problem su atipični i tihi tip jer ne postoje određeni simptomi prilikom pojavljivanja bolesti. Atipični broj slučajeva celijakije znatno je porastao proteklih godina, a do otkrivanja dolazi slučajno, krvnim testovima. BaÅ” kao svaka bolest i celijakija znatno utječe na život oboljelih, naročito oboljele djece. Bezglutenska prehrana je jedini način držanja bolesti pod kontrolom. Takva prehrana može utjecati na psihičko stanje djeteta. Postoje i određene prateće bolesti koje se mogu javiti kao posljedica upale tankog crijeva radi konzumacije glutenskih proizvoda. Celijakiju treba prvenstveno shvatiti ozbiljno, zatim je kontrolirati i pratiti.Celiac disease is a chronic and immune disease, that is an inability to digest gluten, proteins found in some cereals, including wheat. The disease is also called gluten enteropathy. The part of gluten called gliyanide causes inflammation of the small intestine, the intestinal wall becomes irritated, leading to malabsorption of other nutrients. Many think that such an illness is caused by genetic and external factors, was described in previous chapters.. Glutathione enteropathy or celiac disease has several types: typical, atypical, silent and potential. Types of celiac disease that cause the biggest problem are atypical and silent type because there are no specific symptoms when the disease occurs. The number of atypical celiac cases has increased considerably over the past few years, and it is discovered by chance, when doing blood tests. Just like any disease the celiac disease significantly affects the lives of the diseased, especially the sick children. Gluten-free nutrition is the only way to keep the disease under control. Such nutrition can affect the child's mental state. There are certain accompanying diseases that may occur as a result of inflammation of the small intestine as the result of gluten consumation. Celiac disease has to be taken seriously, then controlled and monitored

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    Excessive accumulation and raising income inequality reflected on the high rates of poverty in the European Union countries. Economic literature has wide research on the link between income inequality and economic growth. However, knowledge about correlation between income inequality and poverty is scare. In this paper, we have proved that poverty is not synonymous for income inequality, but that is a product of income inequality. Income inequality, measured by the Gini coefficient, reflected the movement of the percentage of the population who are at risk of poverty. The coefficient of simple on correlation showed that income inequality affects the growth risk of poverty in the countries of the European Union. Besides poverty, as a consequence of income inequality, other socio-economic problems also appeared: the suppression of economic growth, the rise in crime rate, the decline in the quality of education and health, the political inequality growth. All these problems should warn governments to take economic policy for reducing economic inequality. The European Union, as an area of 28 member states, needs to carefully select economic policy instruments to reduce income inequality and ensure stable ground for economic growth. The differences between the level of development, the index of democracy, income and living standards in observed countries have influenced the difficulty in observing the problem and computing mathematical and statistical connection. Through equalization of incomes, the European Union could solve problems of poverty, social exclusion and democracy (measured by index of democracy).??????????? ??????????? ? ??????? ??????????? ? ?????????? ??????? ???????? ?? ?? ?? ?????? ????? ?????????? ? ??????? ???????? ?????. ? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? ?????? ??????????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????? ???????????? ?? ????????? ????. ???????, ????? ? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ?????????? ? ????????? ???????????? ?? ???????. ? ???? ??? ???????? ?? ?????????? ???? ??????? ?? ????????? ??????????? ???? ?? ???????? ????. ??????????? ? ?????????? ??????? ??????? Gini ????????????? ???????? ?? ?? ??????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ?????? ?? ??????????. ??????????? ?????? ?????????? ??????? ?? ?? ?? ??????????? ? ?????????? ??????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ?????????? ? ??????? ???????? ?????. ????? ??????????, ??? ????????? ???????????? ? ?????????? ???????, ?????? ? ?? ?????? ?????-?????????? ????????: ?????? ?????????? ?????, ????? ????? ?????????????, ??????? ????????? ?????????? ? ???????, ????? ????????? ????????????. ????????? ???????? ?? ??????? ?? ???? ????????????? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ???????? ????? ????????? ???????? ?? ??????? ????????? ????????????. E??????? ?????, ??? ????????? ?? 28 ?????? ???????, ????? ??????? ?? ???? ??????????? ????????? ???????? ???? ?? ??????? ??????????? ? ?????????? ??????? ? ????????? ???????? ??? ?? ????????? ????. ??????? ?????? ????? ???????, ??????? ???????????????, ??????? ? ???????? ??????????? ? ??????????? ??????? ?? ??????? ?? ????????? ? ?????????? ???????? ? ???????? ??????????? ? ??????????? ????. ???? ???????????? ?????????? ???????, ???????? ????? ?? ????? ???????? ???????? ??????????, ????????? ???????????? ? ??????????? (??????? ???????? ???????????????)

    Jasan jezik i pisana udžbenička građa nižih razreda: jesu li usklađeni?

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    Plain language is a concept that spread across Europe half a century ago. It refers to communication based on utterances and structure from which listeners and readers can easily extract and understand necessary information. This study presents the concept of plain language in the context of early education through the analysis of written materials to which pupils attending lower-grade elementary school are exposed. The aim of this study is to analyse phonological, lexical and syntactic characteristics of textbooks for first, second, third, and fourth grade and to link the obtained data with general principles of plain language. For the purpose of this study, a database of written texts was developed ā€“ School Corpus of Written Language (Riddys) ā€“ with 502 713 tokens. The distribution of graphemes, types of speech, as well as the lengths of words and sentences were analysed. The results show that of the three analysed language components, only the lexicon does not follow the principles of plain language. Too many words that occur only once in all written materials in the first two grades of elementary school do not contribute to faster and more efficient mastering of reading skills.Jasan jezik (engl. plain language) koncept je koji se prije pola stoljeća proÅ”irio Europom, a odnosi se na komunikaciju temeljenu na iskazima i strukturi iz koje sluÅ”atelji i čitatelji mogu lako pronaći i razumjeti potrebnu informaciju. U ovom istraživanju koncept jasnoga jezika predstavljen je u kontekstu ranoga obrazovanja, analizom pisane građe kojoj su izloženi učenici nižih razreda osnovne Å”kole. Cilj je ovoga rada analizirati fonoloÅ”ka, leksička i sintaktička obilježja udžbenika u prvom, drugom, trećem i četvrtom razredu te dobivene podatke povezati s općim načelima jasnoga jezika. Za potrebe rada razvijena je baza tekstova ā€“ Å kolski korpus pisanoga jezika (Riddys), s ukupno 502 713 pojavnica. Analizirana je zastupljenost grafema, vrsta riječi, kao i duljina riječi i rečenica. Rezultati pokazuju kako od tri promatrane jezične sastavnice samo rječnik ne slijedi načela jasnoga jezika. Prevelika zastupljenost riječi koje se pojavljuju tek jednom u cijeloj pisanoj udžbeničkoj građi u prvim dvama razredima osnovne Å”kole nikako ne pridonosi bržem i učinkovitijem ovladavanju vjeÅ”tinom čitanja

    Seed dormancy of hybrids and parent lines of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

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    Sunflower is a plant species with a prominent period of seed dormancy. Physiological maturation period can be accelerated under laboratory conditions using methods for breaking seed dormancy such as: previous cooling at 5-10Ā°C, previous heating at 30-35Ā°C, gibberellic acid treatment, KNO3, ethrel, etc. The aim of this study was to determine the duration of seed dormancy period of different sunflower hybrids and parent lines produced in Serbia, and to determine which of the methods for breaking seed dormancy gives the best results. Studies were carried out on five commercial sunflower hybrids and their parental components. Seed germination was determined after harvesting using standard laboratory methods and tetrazolium tests. The following methods were used for seed dormancy breaking: low temperature treatment of 5-10Ā°C, high temperature treatment of 30-35Ā°C, and treatment with gibberellic acid. The tests were performed in the period of 30, 50, and 90 days after harvesting. The application of gibberellic acid method gave the lowest values of seed germination, while statistical significant differences between the control and method of low and high temperatures were not found. Sunflower hybrids Sremac, DuÅ”ko, NS-H-111, Velja and Branko, as well as the female lines of hybrid NS-H-111, and male lines of hybrids Sremac and Velja had no prominent seed dormancy 30 days after harvesting. Seed dormancy in female lines of hybrids Sremac, DuÅ”ko, Velja and Branko and male lines of hybrids DuÅ”ko, NS-H-111 and Branko was decreased 90 days after storage, but it was not completely removed

    MikorbioloŔka svojstva zaslanjenih zemljiŔta Vojvodine

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    Soil profiles have been dug in locations registered in a soil map of Vojvodina Province as solonchaks in order to assess the microbial activity down the soil profile. Unfavourable physical and chemical properties of the studied solonchak and solonetz soils (such as increased salt content, high pH, low humus content) significantly affected their microbial properties. Solonchak soils are characterized by an exceptionally low microbial activity and high numbers of certain groups of microorganisms in the saline surface horizon. Number of microorganisms and dehydrogenase activity improved with depth, to achieve highest values in the transitional BC horizon at the average depth of 60 cm, which can be associated with soil chemical properties becoming favorable for microbial organisms. High numbers of microbes were recorded only for the average number of actinomycetes, which is an indicator of alkaline environment. The number of actinomycetes declined with soil profile depth.Na 25 lokaliteta koji su na pedoloÅ”koj karti Vojvodine označeni kao solončaci otvoreni su pedoloÅ”ki profili u kojima je ispitana mikrobioloÅ”ka aktivnost po dubini. Nepovoljna fizička i hemijska svojstva utvrđenih solončaka i solonjeca (npr. povećan sadržaj soli, visoke vrednosti pH, nizak sadržaj humusa) značajno utiču na mikrobioloÅ”ka svojstva. Solončaci se odlikuju izuzetno malom mikrobioloÅ”kom aktivnoŔću i brojnoŔću pojedinih grupa mikroorganizama u povrÅ”inskom zaslanjenom horizontu. Sa povećanjem dubine broj mikroorganizama i dehidrogenazna aktivnost se povećavaju, a najviÅ”e vrednosti su utvrđene u prelaznom BC horizontu na prosečnoj dubini od 60 cm, Å”to se može dovesti u vezu sa svojstvima zemljiÅ”ta koja su hemijski povoljnija za mikroorganizme. Ustanovljena je visoka brojnost aktinomiceta. Naime, bazna reakcija zemljiÅ”ta je pogodna za rast i razviće ove grupe mikroorganizama. Po dubini profila brojnost aktinomiceta je opadala

    Rezultati ogleda sa hidrogelom u proizvodnji kupusa

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    Different modes of hydrogel application were tested on yield and yield components in production of early cabbage on chernozem soil at Rimski Å ančevi. Also, its effect on soil chemical properties, soil water-physical features and soil microbiological activity were observed. There were four variants in this trial: control - without hydrogel, gel - swelled hydrogel incorporated into planting holes, dust - dry hydrogel dust incorporated into planting holes, dust - dry hydrogel dust scattered on soil surface in bands and incorporated. As for the observed features (whole plant weight, head diameter and cabbage yield) statistically significant differences were found between gel and other variants. The highest yield was with gel (55.85 t ha-1) and lowest with bands (39.78 t ha-1). Cabbage yield in gel variant is higher than in control by 18.98%. Yield was insignificantly decreased (1.02%) in dust variant incorporated into planting holes as compared to control. Application of hydrogel did not significantly impact soil properties nor distribution of tested groups of microorganisms and activity of dehydrogenase enzymes.Na zemljiÅ”tu tipa černozem na Rimskim Å ančevima ispitivani su različiti načini primene hidrogela na prinos i komponente prinosa u proizvodnji ranog kupusa. Takođe je posmatran njegov efekat na hemijske osobine zemljiÅ”ta, vodno-fizička svojstva zemljiÅ”ta i mikrobioloÅ”ku aktivnost zemljiÅ”ta. U ogledu su bile zastupljene četiri varijante: kontrola - bez primene hidrogela, gel - nabubreli hidrogel uneÅ”en u sadne jamice, prah - suvi hidrogel u prahu uneÅ”en u sadne jamice, prah - suvi hidrogel u prahu rasturen po povrÅ”ini zemljiÅ”ta u obliku traka i inkorporiran. U odnosu na posmatrane osobine (masa cele biljke, prečnik glavice i prinos kupusa) ostvarene su statistički značajne razlike između varijante gel i ostalih varijanti. Najveći prinos ostvaren je u varijanti gel (55,85 t ha-1) a najmanji u varijanti trake (39,78 t ha-1). Prinos kupusa u varijanti gel veći je u odnosu na kontrolu za 18,98 %. Prinos u varijanti sa prahom hidrogela uneÅ”enog u sadne jamice neznatno je smanjen (1,02 %) u odnosu na kontrolu. Primena hidrogela nije značajno uticala na osobine zemljiÅ”ta kao ni na zastupljenost ispitivanih grupa mikroorganizama ili aktivnost enzima dehidrogenaze

    Celiac disease in the preschool age

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    Celijakija je kronična i imunoloÅ”ka bolest odnosno nemogućnost probavljanja glutena, proteina koji se nalaze u nekim žitaricama, uključujući pÅ”enicu. Bolest se joÅ” zove i glutenska enteropatija. Sastojak glutena koji se zove glijanid uzrokuje upalu tankog crijeva, crijevna stjenka postaje nadražena Å”to dovodi do malapsorpcije drugih hranjivih tvari. Mnogi smatraju da ovakvo oboljenje uzrokuju genetski i vanjski čimbenici o čemu ću detaljnije pisati u sljedećim poglavljima. Glutenska enteropatija ili celijakija javlja se u nekoliko tipova: tipična, atipična, tiha i potencijalna. Tipovi celijakije koji stvaraju najveći problem su atipični i tihi tip jer ne postoje određeni simptomi prilikom pojavljivanja bolesti. Atipični broj slučajeva celijakije znatno je porastao proteklih godina, a do otkrivanja dolazi slučajno, krvnim testovima. BaÅ” kao svaka bolest i celijakija znatno utječe na život oboljelih, naročito oboljele djece. Bezglutenska prehrana je jedini način držanja bolesti pod kontrolom. Takva prehrana može utjecati na psihičko stanje djeteta. Postoje i određene prateće bolesti koje se mogu javiti kao posljedica upale tankog crijeva radi konzumacije glutenskih proizvoda. Celijakiju treba prvenstveno shvatiti ozbiljno, zatim je kontrolirati i pratiti.Celiac disease is a chronic and immune disease, that is an inability to digest gluten, proteins found in some cereals, including wheat. The disease is also called gluten enteropathy. The part of gluten called gliyanide causes inflammation of the small intestine, the intestinal wall becomes irritated, leading to malabsorption of other nutrients. Many think that such an illness is caused by genetic and external factors, was described in previous chapters.. Glutathione enteropathy or celiac disease has several types: typical, atypical, silent and potential. Types of celiac disease that cause the biggest problem are atypical and silent type because there are no specific symptoms when the disease occurs. The number of atypical celiac cases has increased considerably over the past few years, and it is discovered by chance, when doing blood tests. Just like any disease the celiac disease significantly affects the lives of the diseased, especially the sick children. Gluten-free nutrition is the only way to keep the disease under control. Such nutrition can affect the child's mental state. There are certain accompanying diseases that may occur as a result of inflammation of the small intestine as the result of gluten consumation. Celiac disease has to be taken seriously, then controlled and monitored

    The impact of air quality conditioned by emission of pollutants to the development of rural tourism and potentials of rural areas

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    Significant potentials for tourism development in Serbia are related to rural areas. Rural development, on its basis, includes the agrarian, but also the non-agrarian sector in rural areas, thus encompassing every vital component of the development of rural areas. This paper is, following the relevant theoretical positions, focused on key issues in the field of air quality impacts caused by the emission of pollutants to the development of rural tourism and the potentials of rural areas. These are primarily the following issues: which are the criteria for assessing air quality, or what are the limit values of the parameters for the protection of human health, and what is the trend of air quality by zones and agglomerations and what is the percentage of the population potentially exposed to concentrations of pollutants above the reference level. The mentioned topic is analyzed for the period 2012-2015. Analysis of the results of the degree of emission of suspended particles by zones and agglomerations in Serbia is presented correlatively in conclusion with concluding reviews on the existing ecological potential for the development of the basic rural areas in Serbia - Vojvodina, which makes up 28% of the total area of Serbia, Central Serbia, which consists of 29% of the total area of Serbia and South Serbia, which accounts for 44% of the total area of Serbia

    Main Concepts in the Spoken Discourse of Persons with Aphasia: Analysis on a Propositional and Linguistic Level

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    Individuals produce discourse for various purposes as part of their daily functioning. Therefore, the ability to form a discourse should be one of the main goals of functional speech-language therapy for persons with aphasia (PwA). In addition to assessing the language skills required to form a discourse, it is important to analyse how PwA form general ideas that need to be narrated. This study had two specific aims: (1) to investigate the ability of PwA, with special consideration to the stage of their recoveryā€”the acute and the chronic phaseā€”to form main concepts in a discourse, and (2) to examine the relationship between the number of main concepts and different types of language measures related to productivity, informativeness, and grammaticality in all tested groups. Participants included a total of 38 persons with mild and moderate aphasia (19 in the acute and 19 in the chronic phase of recovery) and 38 healthy speakers (HS) who were matched in age, gender, and level of education. In order to effectively compare the discourse produced by the groups, a single structured stimulus was used, whereby all participants were asked to orally describe a picture from the Croatian version of the Comprehensive Aphasia Test. Compared to the HS, the main concepts produced by PwA were different in number, as well as in terms of their accuracy and completeness. However, when analysing the success in the production of the main concepts with regard to the time post-strokeā€”acute and chronicā€”the difference was not confirmed, indicating great individual differences between PwA that undermine the differences on a group level. Linguistic measures of informativeness (CIUs and CIU/words) and only one measure of grammaticality (number of clauses) showed a significant correlation with the number of main concepts in PwA. When analysing correlations for PwA in the acute and chronic phases, only CIU showed a significant association with MC, confirming it as a robust measure of discourse production in PwA. PwA did not produce long and complex sentences, and they showed difficulties in the use of verbs and the marking of argument structures