4 research outputs found

    Antioxidative properties and color stability in red beer, rośe wine and rośe sparkling wine

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    Biološki aktivne supstancije u pivu i vinu, posebice fenoli, zbog antioksidacijske aktivnosti smanjuju rizik za oboljenje od sve učestalijih kroničnih bolesti. Udjel fenolnih spojeva jedan je od najvažnijih parametara sastava, kako piva, tako i vina, budući da doprinose njihovim organoleptičkim svojstvima, kao što su boja, trpkost i gorčina. U ovom su radu uspoređena antioksidacijska svojstva Istarskog crvenog piva, ružičastog vina i ružičastog pjenušca primjenom različitih testova: određivanja udjela polifenola, sposobnosti vezanja slobodnih radikala (DPPH), redukcijske snage i određivanja stabilnosti boje piva, vina i pjenušca. Udjel ukupnih polifenola bio je veći u pivu nego u ružičastom vinu i pjenušcu. Veća koncentracija galne kiseline i (+)-katehina u pivu objašnjava bolji izbor piva kao dodatka prehrani zbog veće antioksidacijske aktivnosti nego što ju ima ružičasto vino. Nadalje, dokazana je razlika u kromatskim svojstvima između crvenog piva, ružičastog vina i ružičastog pjenušca tijekom osam tjedana skladištenja.The biologically active compounds in beer and wine, especially phenolics, are responsible for reduced risk of developing chronic diseases due to their antioxidant activities. Phenolic compounds content are one of the most important quality parameters both of beers and wines, since they contribute to organoleptic characteristics such as colour, astringency, and bitterness. In this work, the antioxidant properties of Istrian red beer, rośe wine and rosè sparkling wine have been compared using a range of assays: total polyphenol content, free radical scavenging ability (DPPH), reducing power and beer or wine colour stability. The content of total plyphenols was higher in beer than in rośe wine and sparkling wine. The higher content of gallic acid and (+)-catechin in beer is a possible explanation of the marked antioxidant activity of diets supplemented with this beverage rather than with rośe wine. The red beer, rośe wine and rośe sparkling wine also showed differences in their chromatic characteristics according to the duration of their ageing in eight weeks

    Antioxidative properties and color stability in red beer, rośe wine and rośe sparkling wine

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    Biološki aktivne supstancije u pivu i vinu, posebice fenoli, zbog antioksidacijske aktivnosti smanjuju rizik za oboljenje od sve učestalijih kroničnih bolesti. Udjel fenolnih spojeva jedan je od najvažnijih parametara sastava, kako piva, tako i vina, budući da doprinose njihovim organoleptičkim svojstvima, kao što su boja, trpkost i gorčina. U ovom su radu uspoređena antioksidacijska svojstva Istarskog crvenog piva, ružičastog vina i ružičastog pjenušca primjenom različitih testova: određivanja udjela polifenola, sposobnosti vezanja slobodnih radikala (DPPH), redukcijske snage i određivanja stabilnosti boje piva, vina i pjenušca. Udjel ukupnih polifenola bio je veći u pivu nego u ružičastom vinu i pjenušcu. Veća koncentracija galne kiseline i (+)-katehina u pivu objašnjava bolji izbor piva kao dodatka prehrani zbog veće antioksidacijske aktivnosti nego što ju ima ružičasto vino. Nadalje, dokazana je razlika u kromatskim svojstvima između crvenog piva, ružičastog vina i ružičastog pjenušca tijekom osam tjedana skladištenja.The biologically active compounds in beer and wine, especially phenolics, are responsible for reduced risk of developing chronic diseases due to their antioxidant activities. Phenolic compounds content are one of the most important quality parameters both of beers and wines, since they contribute to organoleptic characteristics such as colour, astringency, and bitterness. In this work, the antioxidant properties of Istrian red beer, rośe wine and rosè sparkling wine have been compared using a range of assays: total polyphenol content, free radical scavenging ability (DPPH), reducing power and beer or wine colour stability. The content of total plyphenols was higher in beer than in rośe wine and sparkling wine. The higher content of gallic acid and (+)-catechin in beer is a possible explanation of the marked antioxidant activity of diets supplemented with this beverage rather than with rośe wine. The red beer, rośe wine and rośe sparkling wine also showed differences in their chromatic characteristics according to the duration of their ageing in eight weeks

    The effect of C/P ratio on biological phosphorus removal in anoxic/oxic process

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    Poboljšano biološko uklanjanje fosfora (EBPR) je važna strategija u spriječavanju eutrofikacije. U EBPR procesu fosfat akumulirajući organizmi (PAOs) uklanjaju P više od svojih anaboličkih zahtjeva unutarstaničnim akumuliranjem u obliku polifosfata (poliP). U anoksično/aerobnom procesu kapacitet i potencijal PAOs za uklanjanje P je istražen pri različitim omjerima C/P (1, 3, 5, 7, 10). Natrijev acetat je uporabljen kao jedini izvor ugljika. Anoksično/aerobni EBPR proces rezultira simultanim uklanjanjem C, N i P, s konfiguracijom: 2 sata anoksičnog procesa (unutarstanično pohranjivanje PHA u PAOs, nema otpuštanja PO4-P) i, u slijedu aerobni proces (aktivnost PAOs –> unutarstanično nagomilavanje PO4-P u obliku poliP); aktivnost nitrifikanata i denitrifikanata (NI/DNI) –> istovremena nitrifikacija i denitrifikacija, i aktivnost heterotrofnih organizama (OHO) –> uklanjanje KPK preostalog nakon anoksične obrade pri C/P≥3). Povećanje omjera C/P rezultira povećanjem anoksičnog unosa KPK i aerobnog unosa P. Neto uzimanje PO4-P iznosi 4,86 mgPO4-P/gVSS (pri C/P 10) i 3,61 mgPO4-P/gVSS (pri C/P 1). FISH metodom je dokazan mikrobni klaster odgovoran za uklanjanje P (PAOs). Također, dokazan je unutarstanično pohranjen poliP.Enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) is an important strategy in preventing eutrophication. In EBPR phosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) remove phosphorus beyond its anabolic requirements by accumulating intracellular polyphosphates (polyP). In an anoxic/oxic process the capacities and potential of PAOs for P removal was investigated at different C/P (1, 3, 5, 7, 10). Sodium acetate was used as the sole source of carbon. The anoxic/aerobic EBPR process resulted in a simultaneous removal of C, N and P, with the following configuration: 2h anoxic phase (intracellular PHA storage in PAOs; no release of PO4-P), followed by aerobic phase (PAOs activity –> intracellular PO4-P accumulation in the form of polyP; nitrifiers/denitrifiers (NI/DNI) activity –> simultaneous nitrification denitrification (SND) and, ordinary heterotrophic organisms (OHO) activity –> removal of COD remaining after the anoxic phase in experiments at C/P≥3). The increase in the C/P ratio results in an increase in anoxic intake of COD and aerobic intake of P. The net intake of PO4-P was 4.86 mgPO4-P/gVSS (at C/P 10) and 3.61 mgP/gVSS (at C/P 1). Using the FISH method, a microbial cluster responsible for P removal (PAOs) was proven. Also, intracellular stored polyP was proven

    Ružička days : International conference 17th Ružička Days “Today Science – Tomorrow Industry” : Proceedings

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    In front of you are the Proceedings of the International Conference 17th Ružička days: „Today Science – Tomorrow Industry“ that was held in Vukovar, Croatia at September 19-21, 2018. The main goal of this interdisciplinary conference is to promote excellence in science and engineering as well as application of up-to-date research results and technological achievements in industry. In its fifth issue (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019) the Proceedings continues with publishing of quality scientific and professional full papers in sections Chemical Analysis and Synthesis (2), Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (3), Food Technology and Biotechnology (4), Medical Chemistry and Pharmacy (2), Environmental Protection (9) and Meeting of Young Chemists (4). All the papers were thoroughly reviewed from respectable evaluators, to whom we express our gratitude. We are also thankful to all the authors and participants of the Ružička days, and to all that support and contribute in its organization; especially our international coorganizers EuCheMS, EFFoST and EHEDG, the members of organizing and scientific committee, plenary and invited lecturers, sponsors, and of course our highly skilled and committed associates, which put a lot of effort in preparation of this book