10 research outputs found

    Karakterizacija sitno-zrnaste frakcije povrŔinskog sedimenta u kanalskom području istočne strane Jadranskog mora

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    This paper presents results of a study conducted to provide detailed characterization of fine-grained fraction in the selected surface sediment sampled along the eastern Adriatic Sea. The studied fraction was dominated by silt-sized material and composed of carbonate particles (both of biogenic and terrigenous origin), biogenic silica and terrigenous siliciclastic particles. Both components, biogenic and terrigenous were deposited in recent and sub recent conditions. The knowledge about mineral and granulometric composition and the origin of fine-grained particles is essential for understanding sedimentological processes. The obvious complex composition of the fine-grained fraction should be taken into account when environmental studies are to be carried out.Ovaj članak prikazuje rezultate istraživanja provedenih kako bi se detaljnije okarakterizirala sitno-zrnasta frakcija u odabranim uzorcima povrÅ”inskog sedimenta uzorkovanih na području istočnog dijela Jadranskog mora. U sitno-zrnastoj frakciji generalno prevladava materijal veličine praha, a cjelokupna se frakcija sastoji od karbonatnih čestica biogenog i terigenog porijekla, biogenog opala i terigenih siliciklastičnih čestica. Obje komponente, biogena i terigena, taložene su u recentnim i subrecentnim uvjetima. Poznavanje granulometrijskog i mineralnog sastava sitno-zrnaste frakcije osnova je razumijevanja sedimentoloÅ”kih procesa, a njegovu očitu kompleksnost bi svakako trebalo uzeti u obzir pri istraživanjima kakvoće morskih okoliÅ”a

    Effect of sex on slaughter traits and carcass measurements of Travnik pramenka sheep lambs

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj spola na klaoničke pokazatelje i razvijenost trupova janjadi travničke pramenke. U tu svrhu, u mjesecu travnju 2017. godine, zaklano je ukupno 70 janjadi travničke pramenke, od toga 48 muÅ”ke i 22 ženske. Janjad je uzgojena na obiteljskom poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu u Velikoj Peratoviciā€“ Bjelovarsko-bilogorska županija. U dobi između 90 i 100 dana janjad je pojedinačno izvagana i podvrgnuta klanju. Neposredno nakon klanja i klaoničke obrade obavljenja su mjerenja trupova i pojedinih organa. Prosječna tjelesna masa janjadi izmjerena neposredno prije klanja bila je 21,85 kg s tim da je muÅ”ka janjad bila statistički značajno (P<0,05) teža od ženske (22,47 kg : 20,38 kg). Utvrđena je prosječna masa janjećeg trupa od 11,04 kg koja je bila statistički značajno veća (P<0,05) u muÅ”kih (11,32 kg) u odnosu na trupove ženske janjadi (10,42). Iako je randman ženske janjadi (51,04%) bio veći od onog utvrđenog u muÅ”ke travničke janjadi (50,33%) razlika nije bila statistički značajna. Dubina prsa i duljina stražnje noge bile su značajno različite ovisno o spolu janjadi (P<0,05; P<0,01). Temeljem utvrđenih mjera klaonički obrađenih trupova, trupovi istraživane janjadi travničke pramenke pripadaju kategoriji lakih janjećih trupova.The aim of this research was to determine the influence of sex on slaughter traits and carcass characteristics of Travnik pramenka sheep lambs. For that purpose, in April 2017, a total of 70 lambs of Travnik pramenka sheep were slaughtered, of which 48 male and 22 female. The lambs of Travnik pramenka sheep were raised on a family farm in Velika Peratovica, Bjelovar-Bilogora County. At age between 90 and 100 days lambs were individually weighed and slaughtered. After slaughter and standard procedures of processing, the carcasses and investigated organs were measured. The average slaughter weight of lambs measured immediately before slaughter was 21.85 kg, considering that male lambs had statistically significant (P<0.05) higher slaughter weight than female (22.47 kg : 20.38 kg). The average lamb carcass weight of 11.04 kg was determined, which was statistically significantly higher (P<0.05) in male (11.32 kg) compared to female lamb carcass (10.42). Although the dressing percentage of female lambs (51.04%) was higher than that found in male Travnik lambs (50.33%) the difference was not statistically significant. Based on determined carcass measurements of lamb carcasses, the carcasses of Travnik pramenka lambs belong to the category of light lamb carcasses


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    Uz cestu Marija Bistrica - Adamovec, nedaleko od raskrižja prema Lazu, može se na izdancima pratiti slijed srednjomiocenskih naslaga. U bazi slijeda vide se polimiktni, klastpotporni do matrikspotporni konglomerati. Valutice uglavnom odgovaraju sastavu okolnih stijena, a vezivo predstavlja koralinacejski bioklastični vekston. Sekundarni nalazi velikih oÅ”triga upućuju na moguća ostrižiÅ”ta, vjerojatno nedaleko od riječnoga uŔća. U zaÅ”tićenim lagunama stvarali su se rodoliti malih dimenzija, živjele su halimede i nježni, razgranjeni mahovnjaci i puževi. U oligotrofnim uvjetima alge su učestalije od mahovnjaka. Zbog isparavanja povećana je koncentracija i kristalizacija kalcijeva karbonata, koji je cementirao bioklaste. Oko nekih su bioklasta vidljive kortoidne ovojnice, a sediment je tipa grejnston. Rodolitno-briozojske biokonstrukcije nastajale su najviÅ”e u plitkoj potplimnoj zoni, najvjerojatnije na dubinama od 20 do 30 m. Mjestimice su izgrađivale barijere između laguna i otvorenoga mora. One se nisu uspjele sačuvati in situ, već kao fragmenti u bioklastičnim taložinama padine. Na strmijim padinama pokazuju mikrostrukturu floutstona. Sadržavaju velike briozojske kolonije i bioerodirane solitarne koralje, kakvi su mogli živjeti u neÅ”to dubljemu okoliÅ”u, vjerojatno između 30 i 75 m, uz neÅ”to veću količinu nutrijenata. U vrhu slijeda, samo desetak metara iznad konglomerata, leže lapori s pučinskim organizmima (kalcitičnim nanoplanktonom, planktonskim i malim bentičkim foraminiferama i planktonskim puževima, pteropodima), kakvi su obično taloženi na distalnim padinama. Morska je razina brzo rasla, Å”to je dovelo do naglih promjena u istraženome taložnom prostoru. Planktonski organizmi iz lapora upućuju na NN5 nanoplanktonsku zonu srednjega badena, pa se tonjenje rampe može povezati s početkom transgresivno-regresivnoga ciklusa TB 2.4.Fossiliferous Middle Miocene deposits from the surroundings of Marija Bistrica (north-east of Zagreb) transgressively overly older pre-Cenozoic bedrocks. Fossils from shallow marine environments are in most cases preserved as bioclasts, while deep marine calcareous oozes characterize the pelagic marls. The age of the transgressive sequence is estimated on the basis of planktic biota from marls (foraminifera, nannoplankton and pteropods) as the Badenian NN5 Nannozone. The following palaeoenvironments can be distinguished or presumed on the basis of biota and sedimentary features: (1) beach characterized by polymictic conglomerates with rhodolith-rich carbonate matrix; (2) oyster banks, recognized from secondarily found oyster clusters; (3) lagoons marked with compact bioclastic deposits and rhodolith-halimeda assemblage; (4) patch-reefs recognized from the surrounding bioclastic deposits; (5) shallow subtidal mƤerl beds preserved as loose bioclastic deposits and (6) distal slope argillaceous marls with pelagic biota. Palaeoenvironmental analyses indicate rapid drowning, most probably corresponding to the transgression during the Middle Badenian TB 2.4 3rd order transgressive-regressive sequence

    Slaughter traits and carcass characteristics of Travnik pramenka lambs reared in Bilogora

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    Cilj predmetnog istraživanja bio je utvrditi klaoničke pokazatelje, odlike trupova te neke pokazatelje kakvoće janjećeg mesa (pH vrijednost i boju miÅ”ićnog tkiva). Osim toga, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj spola na klaoničke pokazatelje janjadi, odlike trupova i pokazatelje kakvoće janjećeg mesa. U tu svrhu u mjesecu travnju 2017. godine zaklano je ukupno 70 janjadi travničke pramenke, od toga 48 muÅ”ke i 22 ženske, prosječne dobi pri klanju od oko 100 dana. Prosječna tjelesna masa janjadi izmjerena neposredno prije klanja bila je 21,85 kg s tim da je muÅ”ka janjad bila statistički značajno (P<0,05) teža od ženske (22,47 kg : 20,38 kg). Utvrđena je prosječna masa janjećeg trupa od 11,04 kg koja je bila statistički značajno veća (P<0,05) u muÅ”kih (11,32 kg) u odnosu na trupove ženske janjadi (10,42). Iako je randman ženske janjadi (51,04%) bio veći od onog utvrđenog u muÅ”ke travničke janjadi (50,33%) razlika nije bila statistički značajna. Temeljem utvrđenih mjera klaonički obrađenih trupova, trupovi istraživane janjadi travničke pramenke pripadaju kategoriji lakih janjećih trupova. Ujednačenost trupova muÅ”ke i ženske janjadi utvrđena je i temeljem istraživanih pokazatelja kakvoće mesa (pH vrijednost i boja), izuzev vrijednost L* parametra boje utvrđene na M. semitendinosus koja je u muÅ”ke janjadi bila statistički značajno veća (P<0,05).The aim of this study was to determine slaughter and carcass characteristics as well as some indicators of lamb meat quality (pH value and muscle tissue colour). Also, the aim was to determine the influence of sex on slaughter and carcass characteristics and lamb meat quality indicators. For that purpose, in April 2017, a total of 70 lambs of Travnik pramenka sheep were slaughtered, of which 48 male and 22 female with average age at slaughter of about 100 days. The average slaughter weight of lambs measured immediately before slaughter was 21.85 kg, considering that male lambs had statistically significant (P <0.05) higher slaughter weight than female (22.47 kg : 20.38 kg). The average lamb carcass weight of 11.04 kg was determined, which was statistically significantly higher (P <0.05) in male (11.32 kg) compared to female lamb carcass (10.42). Although the dressing percentage of female lambs (51.04%) was higher than that found in male Travnik lambs (50.33%) the difference was not statistically significant. Based on determined carcass measurements of lamb carcasses, the carcasses of Travnik pramenka lambs belong to the category of light lamb carcasses. The uniformity of male and female lamb carcases was determined based on the investigated meat quality indicators (pH value and colour), except the L* value of colour parameter determined on M. semitendinosus which was statistically significantly higher in male lambs (P <0.05)

    Slaughter traits and carcass characteristics of Travnik pramenka lambs reared in Bilogora

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    Cilj predmetnog istraživanja bio je utvrditi klaoničke pokazatelje, odlike trupova te neke pokazatelje kakvoće janjećeg mesa (pH vrijednost i boju miÅ”ićnog tkiva). Osim toga, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj spola na klaoničke pokazatelje janjadi, odlike trupova i pokazatelje kakvoće janjećeg mesa. U tu svrhu u mjesecu travnju 2017. godine zaklano je ukupno 70 janjadi travničke pramenke, od toga 48 muÅ”ke i 22 ženske, prosječne dobi pri klanju od oko 100 dana. Prosječna tjelesna masa janjadi izmjerena neposredno prije klanja bila je 21,85 kg s tim da je muÅ”ka janjad bila statistički značajno (P<0,05) teža od ženske (22,47 kg : 20,38 kg). Utvrđena je prosječna masa janjećeg trupa od 11,04 kg koja je bila statistički značajno veća (P<0,05) u muÅ”kih (11,32 kg) u odnosu na trupove ženske janjadi (10,42). Iako je randman ženske janjadi (51,04%) bio veći od onog utvrđenog u muÅ”ke travničke janjadi (50,33%) razlika nije bila statistički značajna. Temeljem utvrđenih mjera klaonički obrađenih trupova, trupovi istraživane janjadi travničke pramenke pripadaju kategoriji lakih janjećih trupova. Ujednačenost trupova muÅ”ke i ženske janjadi utvrđena je i temeljem istraživanih pokazatelja kakvoće mesa (pH vrijednost i boja), izuzev vrijednost L* parametra boje utvrđene na M. semitendinosus koja je u muÅ”ke janjadi bila statistički značajno veća (P<0,05).The aim of this study was to determine slaughter and carcass characteristics as well as some indicators of lamb meat quality (pH value and muscle tissue colour). Also, the aim was to determine the influence of sex on slaughter and carcass characteristics and lamb meat quality indicators. For that purpose, in April 2017, a total of 70 lambs of Travnik pramenka sheep were slaughtered, of which 48 male and 22 female with average age at slaughter of about 100 days. The average slaughter weight of lambs measured immediately before slaughter was 21.85 kg, considering that male lambs had statistically significant (P <0.05) higher slaughter weight than female (22.47 kg : 20.38 kg). The average lamb carcass weight of 11.04 kg was determined, which was statistically significantly higher (P <0.05) in male (11.32 kg) compared to female lamb carcass (10.42). Although the dressing percentage of female lambs (51.04%) was higher than that found in male Travnik lambs (50.33%) the difference was not statistically significant. Based on determined carcass measurements of lamb carcasses, the carcasses of Travnik pramenka lambs belong to the category of light lamb carcasses. The uniformity of male and female lamb carcases was determined based on the investigated meat quality indicators (pH value and colour), except the L* value of colour parameter determined on M. semitendinosus which was statistically significantly higher in male lambs (P <0.05)

    Slaughter traits and carcass characteristics of Travnik pramenka lambs reared in Bilogora

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    Cilj predmetnog istraživanja bio je utvrditi klaoničke pokazatelje, odlike trupova te neke pokazatelje kakvoće janjećeg mesa (pH vrijednost i boju miÅ”ićnog tkiva). Osim toga, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj spola na klaoničke pokazatelje janjadi, odlike trupova i pokazatelje kakvoće janjećeg mesa. U tu svrhu u mjesecu travnju 2017. godine zaklano je ukupno 70 janjadi travničke pramenke, od toga 48 muÅ”ke i 22 ženske, prosječne dobi pri klanju od oko 100 dana. Prosječna tjelesna masa janjadi izmjerena neposredno prije klanja bila je 21,85 kg s tim da je muÅ”ka janjad bila statistički značajno (P<0,05) teža od ženske (22,47 kg : 20,38 kg). Utvrđena je prosječna masa janjećeg trupa od 11,04 kg koja je bila statistički značajno veća (P<0,05) u muÅ”kih (11,32 kg) u odnosu na trupove ženske janjadi (10,42). Iako je randman ženske janjadi (51,04%) bio veći od onog utvrđenog u muÅ”ke travničke janjadi (50,33%) razlika nije bila statistički značajna. Temeljem utvrđenih mjera klaonički obrađenih trupova, trupovi istraživane janjadi travničke pramenke pripadaju kategoriji lakih janjećih trupova. Ujednačenost trupova muÅ”ke i ženske janjadi utvrđena je i temeljem istraživanih pokazatelja kakvoće mesa (pH vrijednost i boja), izuzev vrijednost L* parametra boje utvrđene na M. semitendinosus koja je u muÅ”ke janjadi bila statistički značajno veća (P<0,05).The aim of this study was to determine slaughter and carcass characteristics as well as some indicators of lamb meat quality (pH value and muscle tissue colour). Also, the aim was to determine the influence of sex on slaughter and carcass characteristics and lamb meat quality indicators. For that purpose, in April 2017, a total of 70 lambs of Travnik pramenka sheep were slaughtered, of which 48 male and 22 female with average age at slaughter of about 100 days. The average slaughter weight of lambs measured immediately before slaughter was 21.85 kg, considering that male lambs had statistically significant (P <0.05) higher slaughter weight than female (22.47 kg : 20.38 kg). The average lamb carcass weight of 11.04 kg was determined, which was statistically significantly higher (P <0.05) in male (11.32 kg) compared to female lamb carcass (10.42). Although the dressing percentage of female lambs (51.04%) was higher than that found in male Travnik lambs (50.33%) the difference was not statistically significant. Based on determined carcass measurements of lamb carcasses, the carcasses of Travnik pramenka lambs belong to the category of light lamb carcasses. The uniformity of male and female lamb carcases was determined based on the investigated meat quality indicators (pH value and colour), except the L* value of colour parameter determined on M. semitendinosus which was statistically significantly higher in male lambs (P <0.05)

    The Miocene ā€œPteropod eventā€ in the SW part of the Central Paratethys (Medvednica Mt., northern Croatia)

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    Deep marine Miocene deposits exposed sporadically in the Medvednica Mt. (northern Croatia) comprise pelagic organisms such as coccolithophores, planktic foraminifera and pteropods. The pteropod fauna from yellow marls at the Vejalnica locality (central part of Medvednica Mt.) encompasses abundant specimens of Vaginella austriaca Kittl, 1886, accompanied with scarce Clio fallauxi (Kittl, 1886). Calcareous nannoplankton points to the presence of NN5 nannozone at this locality. Highly fossiliferous grey marls at the Marija Bistrica locality (north-eastern area of Medvednica Mt.) comprise limacinid pteropods: Limacina valvatina (Reuss, 1867), L. gramensis (Rasmussen, 1968) and Limacina sp. Late Badenian (NN5 to NN6 nannozone) age of these marls is presumed on the basis of coccolithophores. Most of the determined pteropods on species level, except V. austriaca have been found and described from this region for the first time. New pteropod records from Croatia point to two pteropod horizons coinciding with the Badenian marine transgressions in Central Paratethys. These pteropod assemblages confirm the existence of Wā€“E marine connection (ā€œTranstethyan Trench Corridorā€) during the Badenian NN5 nannozone. Limacinids point to the possible immigration of the ā€œNorth Sea faunaā€ through a northern European marine passage during the Late Badenian (end of NN5-beginning of NN6 zone), as previously presumed by some other authors


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    Fossiliferous Middle Miocene deposits from the surroundings of Marija Bistrica (north-east of Zagreb) transgressively overly older pre-Cenozoic bedrocks. Fossils from shallow marine environments are in most cases preserved as bioclasts, while deep marine calcareous oozes characterize the pelagic marls. The age of the transgressive sequence is estimated on the basis of planktic biota from marls (foraminifera, nannoplankton and pteropods) as the Badenian NN5 Nannozone. The following palaeoenvironments can be distinguished or presumed on the basis of biota and sedimentary features: (1) beach characterized by polymictic conglomerates with rhodolith-rich carbonate matrix; (2) oyster banks, recognized from secondarily found oyster clusters; (3) lagoons marked with compact bioclastic deposits and rhodolith-halimeda assemblage; (4) patch-reefs recognized from the surrounding bioclastic deposits; (5) shallow subtidal mƤerl beds preserved as loose bioclastic deposits and (6) distal slope argillaceous marls with pelagic biota. Palaeoenvironmental analyses indicate rapid drowning, most probably corresponding to the transgression during the Middle Badenian TB 2.4 3rd order transgressive-regressive sequence