13 research outputs found


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    The Quaternary glaciofluvial deposits in the Osoblaha region are studied in this work. Documentation of outcrops, paleocurrent measurements, grain-size, clast provenance and heavy minerals analyses of glaciofluvial sediments were carried out in Bohušov sandpit. Sediments were deposited by braided streams in the proglacial environment. I suppose, according to the results of gravel clast provenance analyses, that most of the gravel clasts comes from sources near Osoblaha region (Carboniferous flysch rocks and preglacial river terraces)

    Field gamma-ray spectrometric characteristics of arenites of the Godula Formation and its genetic interpretation

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    Our study was focused on low to medium radioactive sandstones of the Godula Formation of the external fl ysch zone of the Western Carpathians. It is widely known that concentrations of radioactive elements (K, U and Th ) in siliciclastic sediments are primary controlled by facies and mineral and chemical composition, which is largely influenced by their provenance. In the Godula Formation, K was found to be predominantly incorporated in some framework and accessory detritic minerals (K-feldspars, albite, mica, glauconite, illite). Main sources of U and Th were identified in heavy minerals, such as monazite and zircon. Variations of K, U and Th concentrations correspond to changes in modal composition of sandstones and indicate uplift and subsequent erosion of structurally deeper crustal parts of source area (Silesian Ridge). Significant increase of K, U and Th concentrations was observed near the boundary between the Middle and Upper Godula beds. Gamma-ray spectrometry could be used as good supplementary technique for discrimination of sandstones of these lithostratigraphical parts of the Godula Formation.Our study was focused on low to medium radioactive sandstones of the Godula Formation of the external flysch zone of the Western Carpathians. It is widely known that concentrations of radioactive elements (K, U and Th ) in siliciclastic sediments are primary controlled by facies and mineral and chemical composition, which is largely influenced by their provenance. In the Godula Formation, K was found to be predominantly incorporated in some framework and accessory detritic minerals (K-feldspars, albite, mica, glauconite, illite). Main sources of U and Th were identified in heavy minerals, such as monazite and zircon. Variations of K, U and Th concentrations correspond to changes in modal composition of sandstones and indicate uplift and subsequent erosion of structurally deeper crustal parts of source area (Silesian Ridge). Significant increase of K, U and Th concentrations was observed near the boundary between the Middle and Upper Godula beds. Gamma-ray spectrometry could be used as good supplementary technique for discrimination of sandstones of these lithostratigraphical parts of the Godula Formation

    Petrophysical characterization of loess-paleosol sequence from the brickyard in Litovel

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    Loess-paleosol sequences are an important source of terrestrial paleoclimatic proxy-data. Quaternary loess and loess loam cover the most of surface of the Upper Moravian Basin. Samples from loess-paleosol sequence in vicinity of Litovel town were studied using magnetic susceptibility, spectrophotometry and laser granulometry. Obtained petrophysical data were compared with detailed lithological description of section and geochemical characteristics determined by ED-XRF method. The results contribute to interpretation of paleoclimate in the Upper Moravian Basin during the last glacial.Section with total thickness of about 5 m is formed by loess in its upper part. This layer covers several soil horizons. It is most probably youngest loess deposit formed during the last glacial maximum. Petrophysical and geochemical data and comparison with nearby sites indicate relatively humid cold tundra conditions with bush-steppe vegetation during deposition of loess. Lithological features, position below youngest loess deposit and petrophysical and geochemical data allow interpretation of soil horizons as PK I. Low values of magnetic susceptibility indicate formation of soil in arctic interstadial conditions with higher humidity compared to interstadial average. Values of magnetic susceptibility of PK I are equal or even lower than in overlaying loess which doesn´t correspond with usual behaviour of magnetic susceptibility in loess-paleosol sequences in the Czech Republic. It could be explained by formation of soil horizons in cold interstadial climate (low production of oxi/hydroxide of Fe) supplemented by increased humidity and hence, intensive illimerization process (clay migration and Fe-minerals depletion).Loess-paleosol sequences are an important source of terrestrial paleoclimatic proxy-data. Quaternary loess and loess loam cover the most of surface of the Upper Moravian Basin. Samples from loess-paleosol sequence in vicinity of Litovel town were studied using magnetic susceptibility, spectrophotometry and laser granulometry. Obtained petrophysical data were compared with detailed lithological description of section and geochemical characteristics determined by ED-XRF method. The results contribute to interpretation of paleoclimate in the Upper Moravian Basin during the last glacial.Section with total thickness of about 5 m is formed by loess in its upper part. This layer covers several soil horizons. It is most probably youngest loess deposit formed during the last glacial maximum. Petrophysical and geochemical data and comparison with nearby sites indicate relatively humid cold tundra conditions with bush-steppe vegetation during deposition of loess. Lithological features, position below youngest loess deposit and petrophysical and geochemical data allow interpretation of soil horizons as PK I. Low values of magnetic susceptibility indicate formation of soil in arctic interstadial conditions with higher humidity compared to interstadial average. Values of magnetic susceptibility of PK I are equal or even lower than in overlaying loess which doesn´t correspond with usual behaviour of magnetic susceptibility in loess-paleosol sequences in the Czech Republic. It could be explained by formation of soil horizons in cold interstadial climate (low production of oxi/hydroxide of Fe) supplemented by increased humidity and hence, intensive illimerization process (clay migration and Fe-minerals depletion)

    Reflexně seismický výzkum pozdně kenozoické zlomové tektoniky na vybraných lokalitách hornomoravského úvalu

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    We measured shallow reflection seismic profiles across the assumed faults in the Late Cenozoic (Pliocene – Holocene) Upper Morava Basin (UMB). The faults in the UMB are indicated by horst-and-graben morphology, differential thickness of Pliocene and Quaternary siliciclastic sediments, considerable gravity gradients a present-day seismicity. Four seismic lines, 380 to 860 m long (fixed geophone spread) were designed to cross the assumed faults at three sites, Mezice, Drahlov and Výšovice. The data were acquired by 24-channel ABEM Terraloc Mk-8 seismic system with PEG-40 accelerated weight drop source and processed by Sandmaier ReflexW and Halliburton Landmark ProMax® seismic processing software. The processing included application of filters (DC shift, scaled windowgain, bandpass frequency and muting), stacking using normal moveout constant velocity stack, additional application of subtrack-mean (dewow) filter, topographic correction and low velocity layer static correction. Distinct reflectors were detected up to 400 ms TWT, which corresponds to maximum depth of 280 and 350 m at 1400 and 1750 km.s-1 velocities, respectively. The observed reflection patterns were classified into three seismic facies, which were interpreted as crystalline rocks (Brunovistulicum) and/or well consolidated Paleozoic sedimentary rocks (SF1), unconsolidated Quaternary siliciclastic sediments (SF2) and semi-consolidated Neogene clays (SF3) based on the cores drilled in their close vicinity. Distinct faults were observed at the Drahlov and Výšovice 2 profile, which coincided with the observed topographic steps between the horsts and grabens. Presence of the fault at the Drahlov profile separating the Hněvotín Horst from the Lutín Graben was demonstrated by independent electrical resistivity tomography profile. On the other hand, another topographic step at the Mezice profile, between the Hněvotín Horst and Olomouc Graben, does not correspond to any seismic indication of a fault. The reflection seismic proved to be useful and relatively low-cost method to visualize the shallow subsurface geology in the Upper Morava Basin

    Appreciation safety risks physical safeness primary school J. Valčíka

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    ŠIMÍČEK, Daniel. Posouzení bezpečnostních rizik fyzické bezpečnosti základní školy J. Valčíka Ostrava, 2019. Diplomová práce, Fakulta bezpečnostního inženýrství, Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita. Vedoucí práce Ing. Věra Holubová, Ph.D. Diplomová práce se zabývá posouzením možných bezpečnostních rizik fyzické bezpečnosti na konkrétní základní škole v Ostravě – Porubě. Obsahem teoretické části je charakteristika prevence kriminality obecně na území České republiky a dále se zaměřením na prevenci kriminality na školách. Praktická část zahrnuje popis areálu a budovy základní školy, charakteristiku stávajícího zabezpečení s přihlédnutím na vstupy do školy, vyhotovení analýzy zranitelnosti aktiv dle normy ČSN 73 4400 a následně navržení úprav v návaznosti na zmíněnou normu.ŠIMÍČEK, Daniel. Security Risk Assessment of Physical Safety of the Primary School J. Valčík, Ostrava 2019. Diploma thesis, Faculty of Safety Engineering, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava. Supervisor Ing. Věra Holubová , Ph.D. The diploma thesis deals with assessment of possible security risks of physical safety in a particular primary school in Ostrava – Poruba. The theoretical part covers the characteristics of crime prevention in general in the territory of the Czech Republic; moreover, it focuses on crime prevention in schools. The practical part includes the description of the premise and of the building of the elementary school, characteristics of the existing security provision taking into account entrances of the school, the vulnerability analysis of the assets according to the ČSN 73 4400 standard and subsequently the proposed improvements in connection with the mentioned standard.060 - Katedra bezpečnostních služebdobř

    Physical protection in warehouse of building materials and its adjacent area

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    ŠIMÍČEK, Daniel. Fyzická bezpečnost skladu stavebního materiálu a jeho přilehlých prostor. Ostrava, 2017. Bakalářská práce, Fakulta bezpečnostního inženýrství, Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita. Vedoucí práce Ing. Věra Holubová, Ph.D. Bakalářská práce pojednává o návrhu nového technického opatření pro objekt prodejny a skladů stavebního materiálu. Předmětem první části je obecná teorie fyzické bezpečnosti. Druhá, obsáhlejší, část se skládá z popisu vybraného objektu, popisu jeho stávajícího zabezpečení, zhodnocení zabezpečení podle vybraných metod analýzy rizik a následné navržení opatření vycházejících z výsledků analýzy nejrizikovějších částí stávajícího zabezpečení. Na závěr jsou vyčísleny náklady na realizaci inovativního zabezpečení.ŠIMÍČEK, Daniel. Physical protection in warehouse of building material and its adjacent area. Ostrava, 2017. Bachelor thesis, Faculty of Safety Engineering, VSB - Technical University. Supervisor Ing. Vera Holubová, Ph.D. Bachelor thesis describe new technical measures for building retail and warehouse building materials. The first part is about the general theory of physical protection. The second, more extensive, part consists of a description of the selected object, its description of the current security, assessment of selected risk analysis methods and then propose measures based on the results of the risk analysis. At the end there is the price for the implementation of innovative security.060 - Katedra bezpečnostních služebvelmi dobř

    Assessing provenance of Upper Cretaceous siliciclastics using spectral γ-ray record

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    The relationship between contents of clay minerals/grain size and spectral γ-ray record (concentrations of K, U and Th) in sediments is used for interpretation of sedimentary facies in wire-line logs. However, this approach is often complicated by the multi-component nature of mineralogically immature siliciclastics. As mineralogy of the source material and grain-size sorting during transport both contribute to the detrital composition of the final sediment, a joint study of facies and outcrop γ-ray spectra can potentially make the latter an effective tool in provenance studies. This paper provides comparison of outcrop γ-ray data and detailed facies mapping with mineral and chemical composition of the rocks (modal composition; transparent heavy mineral assemblages; WDX SEM chemistry of minerals) and interprets them in terms of provenance changes. We studied the Upper Cretaceous, synorogenic siliciclastic sediments of the Mazák and Godula Formations (Silesian Unit of the Western Carpathians flysch belt). Decreasing mineral maturity of the studied sandstones is consistent with provenance change from craton interior – (Mazák Formation) to transitional continental and recycled orogen sources (Godula Formation). Two major phases of K, U and Th concentration shifts, which occurred close to the Mazák/Godula Formation and Middle/Upper Godula Members boundaries, are consistent with changes in main detrital modes. These trends indicate gradually accelerated influx of material derived from high-grade metamorphic and plutonic rocks during deposition of the Mazák and Godula Formations. These changes are interpreted as reflecting a gradual exhumation and erosion of deeper crustal levels of the source area, the Silesian ridge

    Vznik a vývoj mrtvého ramene u Polanky nad Odrou v CHKO Poodří

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    Předložený článek se zabývá výzkumem sedimentů nově vzniklého mrtvého ramene, které je lokalizováno v CHKO Poodří. Cílem studie je charakterizovat iniciální stadia jeho vývoje. Pro určení základních vlastností sedimentů byly použity metody vysokorozlišující stratigrafie. Byl změřen obsah vody, magnetická susceptibilita, spektrální odraznost ve viditelném světle, zrnitostní rozbor a obsah celkového organického uhlíku (TOC). Studované mrtvé rameno, situované u Polanky nad Odrou, bylo vytvořeno po povodních v roce 2010 protržením meandrové šíje. Na lokalitě byla odebrána dvě jádra o délce 81 cm (POD2) a 108 cm (POD1). Sedimenty sestávají převážně z prachu s vysokým podílem jílové frakce. Materiál s písčitou příměsí byl nalezen v bazálních částech, což nasvědčuje ukládání během iniciálního stadia vzniku mrtvého ramene. Magnetická susceptibilita a CIEL* vykazují určitou variabilitu, která je podmíněna změnami sedimentačních podmínek během roku. Zejména může indikovat jarní povodně a vyšší organickou produkci během letních měsíců. Na druhou stranu je obsah TOC nízký, pravděpodobně v důsledku rychlé degradace organické hmoty. Mrtvé rameno je stále hydraulicky spojeno s hlavním tokem, a proto je dobře okysličené.  Rychlost sedimentace je vzhledem k malému akomodačnímu prostoru velmi vysoká, až 18 cm/r. Postupující změlčování a zužování dále vede ke zmenšování vodní plochy mrtvého ramene

    Redox geochemistry of the red ‘orthoceratite limestone’ of Baltoscandia : Possible linkage to mid-Ordovician palaeoceanographic changes

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    The orthoceratite limestone of the Ordovician epicontinental sea of Baltoscandia is one of the oldest Phanerozoic examples of pelagic marine red beds (MRBs). Being enriched in authigenic haematite, MRBs are considered to be sensitive palaeoceanographic redox indicators. In this paper, the origin of the reddening of the Ordovician MRBs and its timing and redox conditions were addressed at two sections, and in a drill core in the Kinnekulle area, Sweden, through the application of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, sedimentary petrology (microfacies and electron microprobe), bulk-rock and in-situ element geochemistry (laser-ablation ICP-MS) and molybdenum stable isotope systematics. Enrichment in haematite (up to ~0.05 wt%) occurred during very early diagenesis under low sedimentation rates (~5 mm/kyr), which is comparable to several examples of Phanerozoic MRBs. The reddening was associated with the mm-scale, in-situ mobility of Fe, Mn, As, Mo and U, due to Fe–Mn redox cycling between primary and secondary minerals and pore water under oxic and suboxic to anoxic conditions; it was not related to significant changes in seawater chemistry. Stratigraphic red-to-grey transitions likely coincided with two mid-Darriwilian global regressions (the so-called Täljsten and at the base of the Gullhögen Formation), likely due to the effects of changing sedimentation rates and sub-bottom redox potentials. The Ordovician MRBs coincided with a positive δ13C excursion during the middle Darriwilian, which is different to MRB examples cited from the Devonian to the Cretaceous age, which frequently coincide with shifts to lower values of δ13C. Although MRBs are believed to show a time-specific occurrence in greenhouse or transitional greenhouse-to-icehouse climatic modes by several authors, our study suggests that causal links between MRBs and global carbon cycle remain unclear