12 research outputs found

    Investigation of selected phytogenic growth stimulators on production results and quality of broiler meat

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    Osnovni cilj istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je bio da se ispita uticaj ishrane brojlera obrocima sa dodatim različitim fitogenim aditivima na zdravstveno stanje, proizvodne rezultate (tjelesna masa, prirast, konzumacija i konverzija hrane), parametre prinosa (randman i procenat mesa u trupu) i kvaliteta mesa brojlera (hemijski sastav i senzorne anlize), mikrobiološke i morfološke karakteristike pojedinih segmenata crijeva, kao i opravdanost korištenja fitogenih aditiva u ishrani brojlera. Ogled je izveden na ukupno 240 brojlera provenijencije Cobb 500, podijeljenih u 4 grupe po 60 jedinki. Hranjeni su standardnim smješama po preporuci proizvođača, s tim što su se grupe jedino razlikovale u tome što su ogledne grupe u smješi za ishranu imale dodate različite komercijalne fitogene aditive (O-I grupa dvokomponentni fitogeni aditiv- timol i cinamaldehid u količini od 100 g/t, O-II grupa četverokomponentni fitogeni aditiv-esencijalna ulja kima, nane, karanfilića i anisa u količini od 150 g/t i O-III grupa jednokomponentni fitogeni aditiv-timol u količini od 750 g/t) i kontrolna grupa bez dodataka fitogenog aditiva. Smješe za ishranu su bile izbalansirane i u potpunosti zadovoljavale potrebe brojlera u svim fazama tova. Za vrijeme trajanja ogleda su praćeni proizvodni parametri (tjelesna masa, prirast, konzumacija i konverzija hrane) i zdravstveno stanje. Kontrolna mjerenja tjelesne mase i konzumacije hrane vršena su na kraju svake faze tova. Na kraju tova brojleri su izmjereni, izračunata je potrošena količina hrane, a na klaonici je izvršena primarna obrada, hlađenje, mjerenje mase ohlađenih trupova, rasijecanje, mjerenje mase osnovnih dijelova trupa (bataka sa krabatakom i grudi) i uzimanje uzoraka mesa za hemijske analize (hemijski sastav mesa) i senzorne analize i uzoraka crijeva za mikrobiološke i histološke analize. Korištenjem fitogenih aditiva su postignuti bolji proizvodni rezultati oglednih grupa u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Tjelesne mase brojlera oglednih grupa su bile veće od kontrolne grupe u svim fazama tova. U periodu tova do 10. dana, utvrđeno je da je prosječna tjelesna masa brojlera kontrolne grupe statistički značajno manja od brojlera O-I i O-III grupe. U periodu tova do 20. i 42. dana, utvrđene su statitički značajne razlike između posmatranih oglednih grupa u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. U svim fazama tova, kao i za cijeli period tova ogledne grupe su imale veći prosječni prirast od kontrolne grupe. Na kraju tova najveći prirast je imala O-III grupa, a statistički značajne razlike su utvrđene između posmatranih oglednih grupa u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Ukupna konzumacija hrane za cijeli period tova je bila najveća kod kontrolne grupe, a najmanja kod O-I grupe...The aim of this doctoral thesis was to investigate the influence of broiler diet with addition of different phytogenic additives on the health status, production results (body weight, weight gain, consumption and feed conversion), parameters yields (yields and percentage of meat in the carcass), quality of broiler meat (chemical composition and sensory analysis), microbiological and morphological characteristics of individual segments of the intestine, as well as the explanation for the use of phytogenic additives in broilers diet. The experiment was conducted on a total of 240 broilers Cobb 500, divided into four groups of 60 individuals. They were fed by standard mixtures recommended by the manufacturer, taking into account that the groups differed only in the fact that the experimental group was fed with mixture with different commercial phytogenic additives (O-I group of two-component phytogenic additive- thymol and cinnamaldehyde in the amount of 100 g / t, O-II group four-component phytogenic additive-essential oils of caraway, mint, clove and anise in the amount of 150 g / t and O-II group of one phytogenic additive-thymol in the amount of 750 g / t) and the control group without phytogenic additives. Mixtures were balanced to completely satisfied the diet needs of broilers at all stages of fattening. Production parameters were monitored during the experiment (body weight, weight gain, consumption and feed conversion) as well as a health condition. Control measurements of body weight and feed consumption were carried out at the end of each stage of fattening. At the end of the fattening broilers were measured, the amount of feed consumed was calculated, and primary processing was carried out in the slaughter- cooling, measuring the mass of chilled carcasses, cutting, measuring the mass of major carcass parts (thighs with drumsticks and breasts) and taking meat samples for chemical analysis (chemical composition of meat) and sensory analysis and intestines' samples for microbiological and histological analysis. Better production results of experimental groups compared to the control group have been achieved by using the phytogenic additive. Body weight of broilers of experimental groups was higher than the control group at all stages of fattening. During the ten days fattening period, the average body weight of the broiler from the control group was significantly lower than broilers from O-I and O-III group. During the 20 and 42 days fattening period, significant differences were determined between the experimental groups compared to the control group..


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    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj dodatka fitogenog pripravka “Digestarom poultry” (Biomin, Austrija), u hranu brojlera na zdravstveno stanje i proizvodne rezultate. Pokus je proveden na 120 brojlera Cobb 500 provenijencije, podijeljenih u dvije skupine po 60 jedinki. Brojleri su hranjeni standardnim smjesama po preporuci proizvođača hibrida Cobb 500. Pokusnoj je skupini u smjesu umiješan komercijalni fitogeni dodatak (E skupina – pripravak koji sadrži esencijalna ulja kima, mente, klinčića i anisa u količini od 150 g/t). Kontrolna skupina je hranjena smjesama bez dodatka fitogenog aditiva u hranu. Za vrijeme trajanja pokusa praćeni su proizvodni pokazatelji (tjelesna masa, prirast, konzumacija i konverzija hrane) i zdravstveno stanje brojlera. Mjerenja tjelesne mase i konzumacije hrane vršena su na kraju svake faze tova. Tijekom pokusa nije došlo do poremećaja zdravstvenog stanja niti su zabilježeni klinički znakovi bolesti brojlera. Korištenjem fitogenog pripravka “Digestarom poultry” postignuti su bolji proizvodni rezultati pokusne skupine brojlera u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Utvrđeno je da je prosječna tjelesna masa brojlera pokusne skupine bila numerički veća od kontrolne skupine u razdoblju tova do 10. dana, a nakon 20. i 42. dana pokusa i statistički značajno veća (p<0,05). U svim fazama tova, kao i za cijeli period tova pokusna je skupina imala značajno veći prosječni prirast, manju ukupnu konzumaciju hrane i bolju konverziju hrane.The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the phytogenic additive, the commercial preparation “Digestarom poultry” in broilers’ diet on health and performances of broilers. The experiment was conducted on a total of 120 Cobb 500 broilers, divided into two groups of 60 individuals. Broilers were fed on standard feed mixtures as recommended by the manufacturer, of Cobb 500 hybrids. The experimental group was fed on a mixture with the commercial phytogenic additive (E group - phytogenic additive containing essential oils of cumin, mint, cloves and anise in the amount of 150 g/t), while the control group have not phytogenic additives in the feed. During the experiment, production parameters (body weight, weight gain, consumption and feed conversion) and state of health of the broilers were monitored. Control measurements of body weight and feed consumption were carried out at the end of each phase of fattening. During the experiment, there was no disturbance of health condition and/or appearance of clinical signs of disease in broilers. By using the commercial preparation “Digestarom poultry”, better production results in the experimental group were achieved compared to the control group. It was found that the average body weight of broilers of the experimental group was higher than in the control group during the 10 days of the experiment only numerically, but after 20 days and 42 days of the experiment it was significantly higher (p<0.05). At all stages and during the whole period of fattening, the experimental group had significantly higher average weight gain, lower total feed consumption and better feed/gain ratio


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    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj dodatka fitogenog pripravka “Digestarom poultry” (Biomin, Austrija), u hranu brojlera na zdravstveno stanje i proizvodne rezultate. Pokus je proveden na 120 brojlera Cobb 500 provenijencije, podijeljenih u dvije skupine po 60 jedinki. Brojleri su hranjeni standardnim smjesama po preporuci proizvođača hibrida Cobb 500. Pokusnoj je skupini u smjesu umiješan komercijalni fitogeni dodatak (E skupina – pripravak koji sadrži esencijalna ulja kima, mente, klinčića i anisa u količini od 150 g/t). Kontrolna skupina je hranjena smjesama bez dodatka fitogenog aditiva u hranu. Za vrijeme trajanja pokusa praćeni su proizvodni pokazatelji (tjelesna masa, prirast, konzumacija i konverzija hrane) i zdravstveno stanje brojlera. Mjerenja tjelesne mase i konzumacije hrane vršena su na kraju svake faze tova. Tijekom pokusa nije došlo do poremećaja zdravstvenog stanja niti su zabilježeni klinički znakovi bolesti brojlera. Korištenjem fitogenog pripravka “Digestarom poultry” postignuti su bolji proizvodni rezultati pokusne skupine brojlera u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Utvrđeno je da je prosječna tjelesna masa brojlera pokusne skupine bila numerički veća od kontrolne skupine u razdoblju tova do 10. dana, a nakon 20. i 42. dana pokusa i statistički značajno veća (p<0,05). U svim fazama tova, kao i za cijeli period tova pokusna je skupina imala značajno veći prosječni prirast, manju ukupnu konzumaciju hrane i bolju konverziju hrane.The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the phytogenic additive, the commercial preparation “Digestarom poultry” in broilers’ diet on health and performances of broilers. The experiment was conducted on a total of 120 Cobb 500 broilers, divided into two groups of 60 individuals. Broilers were fed on standard feed mixtures as recommended by the manufacturer, of Cobb 500 hybrids. The experimental group was fed on a mixture with the commercial phytogenic additive (E group - phytogenic additive containing essential oils of cumin, mint, cloves and anise in the amount of 150 g/t), while the control group have not phytogenic additives in the feed. During the experiment, production parameters (body weight, weight gain, consumption and feed conversion) and state of health of the broilers were monitored. Control measurements of body weight and feed consumption were carried out at the end of each phase of fattening. During the experiment, there was no disturbance of health condition and/or appearance of clinical signs of disease in broilers. By using the commercial preparation “Digestarom poultry”, better production results in the experimental group were achieved compared to the control group. It was found that the average body weight of broilers of the experimental group was higher than in the control group during the 10 days of the experiment only numerically, but after 20 days and 42 days of the experiment it was significantly higher (p<0.05). At all stages and during the whole period of fattening, the experimental group had significantly higher average weight gain, lower total feed consumption and better feed/gain ratio

    Utjecaj dodatka pripravka eteričnih ulja digestarom® poultry na zdravstveno stanje i proizvodne rezultate brojlera

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj dodatka fitogenog pripravka “Digestarom poultry” (Biomin, Austrija), u hranu brojlera na zdravstveno stanje i proizvodne rezultate. Pokus je proveden na 120 brojlera Cobb 500 provenijencije, podijeljenih u dvije skupine po 60 jedinki. Brojleri su hranjeni standardnim smjesama po preporuci proizvođača hibrida Cobb 500. Pokusnoj je skupini u smjesu umiješan komercijalni fitogeni dodatak (E skupina – pripravak koji sadrži esencijalna ulja kima, mente, klinčića i anisa u količini od 150 g/t). Kontrolna skupina je hranjena smjesama bez dodatka fitogenog aditiva u hranu. Za vrijeme trajanja pokusa praćeni su proizvodni pokazatelji (tjelesna masa, prirast, konzumacija i konverzija hrane) i zdravstveno stanje brojlera. Mjerenja tjelesne mase i konzumacije hrane vršena su na kraju svake faze tova. Tijekom pokusa nije došlo do poremećaja zdravstvenog stanja niti su zabilježeni klinički znakovi bolesti brojlera. Korištenjem fitogenog pripravka “Digestarom poultry” postignuti su bolji proizvodni rezultati pokusne skupine brojlera u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Utvrđeno je da je prosječna tjelesna masa brojlera pokusne skupine bila numerički veća od kontrolne skupine u razdoblju tova do 10. dana, a nakon 20. i 42. dana pokusa i statistički značajno veća (p<0,05). U svim fazama tova, kao i za cijeli period tova pokusna je skupina imala značajno veći prosječni prirast, manju ukupnu konzumaciju hrane i bolju konverziju hrane.The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the phytogenic additive, the commercial preparation “Digestarom poultry” in broilers’ diet on health and performances of broilers. The experiment was conducted on a total of 120 Cobb 500 broilers, divided into two groups of 60 individuals. Broilers were fed on standard feed mixtures as recommended by the manufacturer, of Cobb 500 hybrids. The experimental group was fed on a mixture with the commercial phytogenic additive (E group - phytogenic additive containing essential oils of cumin, mint, cloves and anise in the amount of 150 g/t), while the control group have not phytogenic additives in the feed. During the experiment, production parameters (body weight, weight gain, consumption and feed conversion) and state of health of the broilers were monitored. Control measurements of body weight and feed consumption were carried out at the end of each phase of fattening. During the experiment, there was no disturbance of health condition and/or appearance of clinical signs of disease in broilers. By using the commercial preparation “Digestarom poultry”, better production results in the experimental group were achieved compared to the control group. It was found that the average body weight of broilers of the experimental group was higher than in the control group during the 10 days of the experiment only numerically, but after 20 days and 42 days of the experiment it was significantly higher (p<0.05). At all stages and during the whole period of fattening, the experimental group had significantly higher average weight gain, lower total feed consumption and better feed/gain ratio

    Investigation of selected phytogenic growth stimulators on production results and quality of broiler meat

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    Osnovni cilj istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je bio da se ispita uticaj ishrane brojlera obrocima sa dodatim različitim fitogenim aditivima na zdravstveno stanje, proizvodne rezultate (tjelesna masa, prirast, konzumacija i konverzija hrane), parametre prinosa (randman i procenat mesa u trupu) i kvaliteta mesa brojlera (hemijski sastav i senzorne anlize), mikrobiološke i morfološke karakteristike pojedinih segmenata crijeva, kao i opravdanost korištenja fitogenih aditiva u ishrani brojlera. Ogled je izveden na ukupno 240 brojlera provenijencije Cobb 500, podijeljenih u 4 grupe po 60 jedinki. Hranjeni su standardnim smješama po preporuci proizvođača, s tim što su se grupe jedino razlikovale u tome što su ogledne grupe u smješi za ishranu imale dodate različite komercijalne fitogene aditive (O-I grupa dvokomponentni fitogeni aditiv- timol i cinamaldehid u količini od 100 g/t, O-II grupa četverokomponentni fitogeni aditiv-esencijalna ulja kima, nane, karanfilića i anisa u količini od 150 g/t i O-III grupa jednokomponentni fitogeni aditiv-timol u količini od 750 g/t) i kontrolna grupa bez dodataka fitogenog aditiva. Smješe za ishranu su bile izbalansirane i u potpunosti zadovoljavale potrebe brojlera u svim fazama tova. Za vrijeme trajanja ogleda su praćeni proizvodni parametri (tjelesna masa, prirast, konzumacija i konverzija hrane) i zdravstveno stanje. Kontrolna mjerenja tjelesne mase i konzumacije hrane vršena su na kraju svake faze tova. Na kraju tova brojleri su izmjereni, izračunata je potrošena količina hrane, a na klaonici je izvršena primarna obrada, hlađenje, mjerenje mase ohlađenih trupova, rasijecanje, mjerenje mase osnovnih dijelova trupa (bataka sa krabatakom i grudi) i uzimanje uzoraka mesa za hemijske analize (hemijski sastav mesa) i senzorne analize i uzoraka crijeva za mikrobiološke i histološke analize. Korištenjem fitogenih aditiva su postignuti bolji proizvodni rezultati oglednih grupa u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Tjelesne mase brojlera oglednih grupa su bile veće od kontrolne grupe u svim fazama tova. U periodu tova do 10. dana, utvrđeno je da je prosječna tjelesna masa brojlera kontrolne grupe statistički značajno manja od brojlera O-I i O-III grupe. U periodu tova do 20. i 42. dana, utvrđene su statitički značajne razlike između posmatranih oglednih grupa u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. U svim fazama tova, kao i za cijeli period tova ogledne grupe su imale veći prosječni prirast od kontrolne grupe. Na kraju tova najveći prirast je imala O-III grupa, a statistički značajne razlike su utvrđene između posmatranih oglednih grupa u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Ukupna konzumacija hrane za cijeli period tova je bila najveća kod kontrolne grupe, a najmanja kod O-I grupe...The aim of this doctoral thesis was to investigate the influence of broiler diet with addition of different phytogenic additives on the health status, production results (body weight, weight gain, consumption and feed conversion), parameters yields (yields and percentage of meat in the carcass), quality of broiler meat (chemical composition and sensory analysis), microbiological and morphological characteristics of individual segments of the intestine, as well as the explanation for the use of phytogenic additives in broilers diet. The experiment was conducted on a total of 240 broilers Cobb 500, divided into four groups of 60 individuals. They were fed by standard mixtures recommended by the manufacturer, taking into account that the groups differed only in the fact that the experimental group was fed with mixture with different commercial phytogenic additives (O-I group of two-component phytogenic additive- thymol and cinnamaldehyde in the amount of 100 g / t, O-II group four-component phytogenic additive-essential oils of caraway, mint, clove and anise in the amount of 150 g / t and O-II group of one phytogenic additive-thymol in the amount of 750 g / t) and the control group without phytogenic additives. Mixtures were balanced to completely satisfied the diet needs of broilers at all stages of fattening. Production parameters were monitored during the experiment (body weight, weight gain, consumption and feed conversion) as well as a health condition. Control measurements of body weight and feed consumption were carried out at the end of each stage of fattening. At the end of the fattening broilers were measured, the amount of feed consumed was calculated, and primary processing was carried out in the slaughter- cooling, measuring the mass of chilled carcasses, cutting, measuring the mass of major carcass parts (thighs with drumsticks and breasts) and taking meat samples for chemical analysis (chemical composition of meat) and sensory analysis and intestines' samples for microbiological and histological analysis. Better production results of experimental groups compared to the control group have been achieved by using the phytogenic additive. Body weight of broilers of experimental groups was higher than the control group at all stages of fattening. During the ten days fattening period, the average body weight of the broiler from the control group was significantly lower than broilers from O-I and O-III group. During the 20 and 42 days fattening period, significant differences were determined between the experimental groups compared to the control group..

    Investigation of selected phytogenic growth stimulators on production results and quality of broiler meat

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    Osnovni cilj istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je bio da se ispita uticaj ishrane brojlera obrocima sa dodatim različitim fitogenim aditivima na zdravstveno stanje, proizvodne rezultate (tjelesna masa, prirast, konzumacija i konverzija hrane), parametre prinosa (randman i procenat mesa u trupu) i kvaliteta mesa brojlera (hemijski sastav i senzorne anlize), mikrobiološke i morfološke karakteristike pojedinih segmenata crijeva, kao i opravdanost korištenja fitogenih aditiva u ishrani brojlera. Ogled je izveden na ukupno 240 brojlera provenijencije Cobb 500, podijeljenih u 4 grupe po 60 jedinki. Hranjeni su standardnim smješama po preporuci proizvođača, s tim što su se grupe jedino razlikovale u tome što su ogledne grupe u smješi za ishranu imale dodate različite komercijalne fitogene aditive (O-I grupa dvokomponentni fitogeni aditiv- timol i cinamaldehid u količini od 100 g/t, O-II grupa četverokomponentni fitogeni aditiv-esencijalna ulja kima, nane, karanfilića i anisa u količini od 150 g/t i O-III grupa jednokomponentni fitogeni aditiv-timol u količini od 750 g/t) i kontrolna grupa bez dodataka fitogenog aditiva. Smješe za ishranu su bile izbalansirane i u potpunosti zadovoljavale potrebe brojlera u svim fazama tova. Za vrijeme trajanja ogleda su praćeni proizvodni parametri (tjelesna masa, prirast, konzumacija i konverzija hrane) i zdravstveno stanje. Kontrolna mjerenja tjelesne mase i konzumacije hrane vršena su na kraju svake faze tova. Na kraju tova brojleri su izmjereni, izračunata je potrošena količina hrane, a na klaonici je izvršena primarna obrada, hlađenje, mjerenje mase ohlađenih trupova, rasijecanje, mjerenje mase osnovnih dijelova trupa (bataka sa krabatakom i grudi) i uzimanje uzoraka mesa za hemijske analize (hemijski sastav mesa) i senzorne analize i uzoraka crijeva za mikrobiološke i histološke analize. Korištenjem fitogenih aditiva su postignuti bolji proizvodni rezultati oglednih grupa u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Tjelesne mase brojlera oglednih grupa su bile veće od kontrolne grupe u svim fazama tova. U periodu tova do 10. dana, utvrđeno je da je prosječna tjelesna masa brojlera kontrolne grupe statistički značajno manja od brojlera O-I i O-III grupe. U periodu tova do 20. i 42. dana, utvrđene su statitički značajne razlike između posmatranih oglednih grupa u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. U svim fazama tova, kao i za cijeli period tova ogledne grupe su imale veći prosječni prirast od kontrolne grupe. Na kraju tova najveći prirast je imala O-III grupa, a statistički značajne razlike su utvrđene između posmatranih oglednih grupa u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Ukupna konzumacija hrane za cijeli period tova je bila najveća kod kontrolne grupe, a najmanja kod O-I grupe...The aim of this doctoral thesis was to investigate the influence of broiler diet with addition of different phytogenic additives on the health status, production results (body weight, weight gain, consumption and feed conversion), parameters yields (yields and percentage of meat in the carcass), quality of broiler meat (chemical composition and sensory analysis), microbiological and morphological characteristics of individual segments of the intestine, as well as the explanation for the use of phytogenic additives in broilers diet. The experiment was conducted on a total of 240 broilers Cobb 500, divided into four groups of 60 individuals. They were fed by standard mixtures recommended by the manufacturer, taking into account that the groups differed only in the fact that the experimental group was fed with mixture with different commercial phytogenic additives (O-I group of two-component phytogenic additive- thymol and cinnamaldehyde in the amount of 100 g / t, O-II group four-component phytogenic additive-essential oils of caraway, mint, clove and anise in the amount of 150 g / t and O-II group of one phytogenic additive-thymol in the amount of 750 g / t) and the control group without phytogenic additives. Mixtures were balanced to completely satisfied the diet needs of broilers at all stages of fattening. Production parameters were monitored during the experiment (body weight, weight gain, consumption and feed conversion) as well as a health condition. Control measurements of body weight and feed consumption were carried out at the end of each stage of fattening. At the end of the fattening broilers were measured, the amount of feed consumed was calculated, and primary processing was carried out in the slaughter- cooling, measuring the mass of chilled carcasses, cutting, measuring the mass of major carcass parts (thighs with drumsticks and breasts) and taking meat samples for chemical analysis (chemical composition of meat) and sensory analysis and intestines' samples for microbiological and histological analysis. Better production results of experimental groups compared to the control group have been achieved by using the phytogenic additive. Body weight of broilers of experimental groups was higher than the control group at all stages of fattening. During the ten days fattening period, the average body weight of the broiler from the control group was significantly lower than broilers from O-I and O-III group. During the 20 and 42 days fattening period, significant differences were determined between the experimental groups compared to the control group..

    Istraživanje mogućnosti dobijanja deponijskog gasa na regionalnoj sanitarnoj deponiji 'Duboko' Užice

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    The paper examines possibility of getting of landfill gas from communal solid waste referred to in quantities that are collect the and brought on regional sanitary landfill 'Duboko' Užice. The listed are the amounts of waste generated by residents of the nine municipalities that enter the system of regional landfill 'Duboko', and actual percentage prikupljenosti municipal solid waste. For calculation of waste quantities used the data from research of local governments. Effected estimates of the volume of landfill gas based on the amount of waste that represents the current trend of waste disposal to the landfill, 'Duboko', which for 20 year. amounted 167,399,078.4 m3 of gas. If the account with calorific value of 4.5 kW / m3 this would amount to 629,420.535 MWh of electricity annually.U radu su istražene mogućnosti dobijanja deponijskog gasa iz komunalnog čvrstog otpada iz količina koje se prikupe i dovezu na Regionalnu sanitarnu deponiju 'Duboko' Užice. Navedene su količine otpada koje generišu stanovnici u devet lokalnih samouprava koje ulaze u sistem Regionalne deponije 'Duboko' i ostvareni procenat prikupljenosti komunalnog čvrstog otpada. Za proračun količina otpada korišćeni su podaci iz istraživanja lokalnih samouprava. Izvršene su procene količine deponijskog gasa, na osnovu količine otpada koja predstavlja sadašnji trend odlaganja otpada na deponiju 'Duboko' koje bi tokom 20 god. iznosila 167.399.078,4 m3 gasa. Ako se računa sa toplotnom vrednošću od 4,5 kW/m3 to bi iznosilo 629.420,535 MWh električne energije na godišnjem nivou

    Phytobiotics - natural growth stimulators in broiler feed

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    Фитогени додаци храни за животиње (фитобиотици) се дефинишу као једињења биљног порекла која се користе у исхрани животиња са циљем унапређења њихове продуктивности путем побољшања производних резултата животиња, својстава хране, као и квалитета намирница анималног порекла. Позитиван ефекат фитогених адитива (есенцијалних уља) у храни за животиње и њихових компоненти на производне резултате и здравље животиња је последица бројних својстава, од којих су најзначајнија њихова антиинфламаторна и антиоксидативна дејства, побољшање конзумације, стимулисање лучења ензима, повећање мотилитета желуца и црева, стимулација ендокриног и имуног система, антимикробно, антивирусно и кокцидиостатско деловање. Да би се испитао утицај исхране бројлера оброцима са додатим различитим фитогеним адитивима на здравствено стање, производне резултате, сензорне особине меса, као и оправданост кориштења фитогених адитива у исхрани бројлера организован је оглед на укупно 240 бројлера провенијенције Cobb 500, подељених у 4 групе. Храњени су стандардним смешама по препоруци произвођача, с тим што су се групе једино разликовале у томе што су огледне групе (О-I – О-IV) у смеши за исхрану имале додате различите комерцијалне фитогене адитиве а контролна група (К) без фитогеног адитива. Производни резултати (већи прирас, мања конзумација, боља конверзија) бројлера огледних група су били значајно бољи у односу на контролну групу бројлера у свим фазама това. У односу на бројлере посматраних огледних група код бројлера контролне групе утврђен је већи просечан број бактерија E. coli и Enteroccocus spp., а мањи број бактерија млечне киселине у испитиваним деловима дигестивног тракта. Посматране огледне групе су у свим испитиваним сегментима црева имале већу висину и ширину цревних ресица, а мању дубину крипти у односу на бројлере контролне групе, чиме је остварен већи ресорптивнии капацитет цревне слузнице. При сензорној анализи просечна оцена укупне прихватљивости меса груди О-I групе бројлера била је статистички значајно већа у односу на друге групе, а месо батака са карабатаком О-III групе бројлера у односу на О-I групу.Phytogenic feed additives (phytobiotics) are defined as compounds of plant origin used in animal nutrition with the aim of improving their productivity by improving the production results of animals, feed properties, as well as the quality of food of animal origin. The positive effect of phytogenic additives (essential oils) in animal feed and their components on production results and animal health is due to numerous properties, the most important of which are their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, improving consumption, stimulating enzyme secretion, increasing gastric and intestinal motility, stimulation endocrine and immune systems, antimicrobial, antiviral and coccidiostatic action. In order to examine the impact of broiler diet with various phytogenic additives on health, production results, sensory properties of meat, as well as the justification of using phytogenic additives in broiler diet, a total of 240 broilers of Cobb 500 provenance were organized, divided into 4 groups. They were fed standard mixtures recommended by the manufacturer, with the only difference being that the experimental groups (O-I - O-IV) had different commercial phytogenic additives added to the feed mixture and the control group (K) without phytogenic additives. The production results (higher increment, lower consumption, better conversion) of broilers of the experimental groups were significantly better compared to the control group of broilers in all phases of fattening. Compared to the broilers of the observed experimental groups, the broilers of the control group had a higher average number of E.coli and Enteroccocus spp., and a lower number of lactic acid bacteria in the examined parts of the digestive tract. The observed experimental groups had a higher height and width of intestinal villi in all examined segments of the intestine, and a smaller depth of crypts in relation to the broilers of the control group, which achieved a higher resorptive capacity of the intestinal mucosa. In the sensory analysis, the average assessment of the total acceptability of breast meat O-I group was statistically significantly higher compared to other groups, and drumstick with thigh of O-III broiler group compared to O-I group.Zbornik radova i kratkih sadržaj