23 research outputs found

    A first record of Glyphesis taoplesius (Linyphiidae, Araneae) from Slovakia

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    This paper presents new data, characteristic features, standard body measurements and illustrations of the rare European linyphiid spider Glyphesis taoplesius Wunderlich, 1969; which is recorded here for the first time in Slovakia. The species was found with high abundance in pitfall traps exposed in a floodplain forest near a water reservoir in the lowland Podunajská rovina

    The case study of physiotherapeutic treatment of a patient with total endoprothesis of the knee joint

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    Anna Šestáková Název: Kazuistika fyzioterapeutické péče o pacienta s diagnózou TEP kolenního Cíl: Hlavním cílem této práce přiblížit fakta týkající se TEP kolenního kloubu a vypracování kazuistiky fyzioterapeutické péče o pacienta touto diagnózou Práce je rozdělena na část obecnou a část speciální. části obecné shrnuji základní fakta týkající se anatomie a kineziologie kolenního kloubu ále se věnuji popisu artrotického onemocnění operativní léčbě implantací TEP kolenního kloubu. V závěru části obecné uvádím možnosti fyzioterapeutické léčby pacientů s touto diagnózou. V části speciální je zpracována kazuistika pacientky, se kterou jsem pracovala během bakalářské praxe v léčby pohybového aparátu říjnu 2020 Skládá se ze vstupní ineziologického u, záznamů 6 terapeutických jednotek, výstupní kineziologického zhodnocení efektu terapie. Výsledky: Došlo ke zlepšení klinického téměř ve všech sledovaných Pokrok sleduji především ve snížení operované dolní končetiny, zlepšení stability chůze zvýšení operovaném Klíčová slova: totální endoprotéza, artróza, kolenní kloub, fyzioterapie, léčba,Author: Anna Šestáková Title: The case study of physiotherapeutic treatment of a patient with total endoprothesis of the knee joint Objective: Main goal of this work is to present facts concerning total endoprothesis of the knee joint and to develop a casuistry of physiotherapeutic care for a patient with mentioned diagnosis. total knee replacement. Methods: Bachelor thesis is divided into two parts - a general part and a special part. General part summarises the basic facts concerning the anatomy and kinesiology of the knee joint. This part also describes arthritic disease and its surgical treatment by implantation of total knee replacement. At the end of the general part, summary of the possibilities of physiotherapeutic treatment of patients with this diagnosis, is presented. The special part deals with a casuitry of a patient - woman -, which undertook the rehabilitation during my bachelor's internship at CLPA in October 2020. Moreover, this part consists of an initial kinesiological analysis, records of 6 therapeutic units, an output of kinesiological analysis and evaluation of the effect of therapy. Results: In general, patient's clinical condition improved in almost all monitored areas. Progress seen mainly in reducing swelling of the operated lower limb, improving gait stability and...FyzioterapieFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    First record of Poltys nagpurensis (Araneae: Araneidae) from Iran

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    A female specimen of Poltys (Araneidae) is reported from southern Iran, representing the first record of the genus for the whole Middle East and its westernmost record in the entire Asian region. The specimen was identified as Poltys nagpurensis Tikader, 1982, previously known only from central and western India. Since the Iranian specimen differs in habitus morphology (but not in the epigyne), a brief description and comparison to the holotype with photos of the habitus and copulatory organs are provided.</p

    The case study of physiotherapeutic treatment of a patient with total endoprothesis of the knee joint

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    Author: Anna Šestáková Title: The case study of physiotherapeutic treatment of a patient with total endoprothesis of the knee joint Objective: Main goal of this work is to present facts concerning total endoprothesis of the knee joint and to develop a casuistry of physiotherapeutic care for a patient with mentioned diagnosis. total knee replacement. Methods: Bachelor thesis is divided into two parts - a general part and a special part. General part summarises the basic facts concerning the anatomy and kinesiology of the knee joint. This part also describes arthritic disease and its surgical treatment by implantation of total knee replacement. At the end of the general part, summary of the possibilities of physiotherapeutic treatment of patients with this diagnosis, is presented. The special part deals with a casuitry of a patient - woman -, which undertook the rehabilitation during my bachelor's internship at CLPA in October 2020. Moreover, this part consists of an initial kinesiological analysis, records of 6 therapeutic units, an output of kinesiological analysis and evaluation of the effect of therapy. Results: In general, patient's clinical condition improved in almost all monitored areas. Progress seen mainly in reducing swelling of the operated lower limb, improving gait stability and..

    Carinostoma elegans neu für die Weberknechtfauna der Slowakei (Opiliones, Dyspnoi, Nemastomatidae)

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    A new genus and species of small harvestman was found for the first time in Slovakia – Carinostoma elegans (Sorensen, 1894). One male and two females were collected in the Mlyňany arboretum of the Slovak Academy of Science (western Slovakia). Descriptions and photographs of both sexes of C. elegans are provided. Additional comments, and a map of distribution of all species of this genus, are provided.Eine neue Weberknechtgattung und –art wurde erstmals in der Slowakischen Republik nachgewiesen – Carinostoma elegans (Sørensen, 1894). Ein Männchen und zwei Weibchen wurden im Mlyňany Arboretum der Slovakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften nachgewiesen. Beide Geschlechter sowie die Verbreitung der Art werden beschrieben und abgebildet

    A new combination expands the range of the African araneid spider Singafrotypa (Araneae, Araneidae)

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    Study of the syntype of Larinioides subinermis, a species known from Ethiopia only, revealed that it actually belongs to Singafrotypa Benoit, 1962. We redescribe Singafrotypa subinermis (Caporiacco, 1940), comb. n., and provide a key to females of four species belonging to Singafrotypa. A distribution map for all species is provided

    On Araniella and Neoscona (Araneae, Araneidae) of the Caucasus, Middle East and Central Asia

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    New taxonomic data for species belonging to Araniella Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942 and Neoscona Simon, 1864 occurring in the Caucasus, Middle East and Central Asia are provided. Three species are described as new to science: A. mithra sp. nov. (♂♀, northwestern, central and southwestern Iran), A. villanii sp. nov. (♂♀, southwestern Iran, eastern Kazakhstan and northern India) and N. isatis sp. nov. (♂♀, central Iran). Neoscona spasskyi (Brignoli, 1983) comb. nov., stat. res. is removed from the synonymy of N. tedgenica (Bakhvalov, 1978), redescribed and recorded from Iran and Turkmenistan for the first time. New combinations are established for this species, as well as for Araniella nigromaculata (Schenkel, 1963) comb. nov. (♀, north-central China) (both ex. Araneus). Two new synonymies are proposed: Araniella tbilisiensis Mcheidze, 1997 syn. nov. is synonymized with A. opisthographa (Kulczyński, 1905), and Neoscona sodom Levy, 1998 syn. nov. is synonymized with N. theisi (Walckenaer, 1841); the latter is recorded from Iran, Georgia, and Russia (Northern Caucasus) for the first time

    A tropical invader, Coleosoma floridanum, spotted for the first time in Slovakia and the Czech Republic (Araneae, Theridiidae)

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    The pantropical theridiid spider Coleosoma floridanum Banks, 1900 was recorded for the first time in Slovakia and in the Czech Republic. Both sexes and juveniles were collected in some numbers in heated greenhouses with high humidity. A description and photographs of the species are provided

    On Araniella and Neoscona (Araneae, Araneidae) of the Caucasus, Middle East and Central Asia

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    New taxonomic data for species belonging to Araniella Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942 and Neoscona Simon, 1864 occurring in the Caucasus, Middle East and Central Asia are provided. Three species are described as new to science: A. mithra sp. nov. (♂♀, northwestern, central and southwestern Iran), A. villanii sp. nov. (♂♀, southwestern Iran, eastern Kazakhstan and northern India) and N. isatis sp. nov. (♂♀, central Iran). Neoscona spasskyi (Brignoli, 1983) comb. nov., stat. res. is removed from the synonymy of N. tedgenica (Bakhvalov, 1978), redescribed and recorded from Iran and Turkmenistan for the first time. New combinations are established for this species, as well as for Araniella nigromaculata (Schenkel, 1963) comb. nov. (♀, north-central China) (both ex. Araneus). Two new synonymies are proposed: Araniella tbilisiensis Mcheidze, 1997 syn. nov. is synonymized with A. opisthographa (Kulczyński, 1905), and Neoscona sodom Levy, 1998 syn. nov. is synonymized with N. theisi (Walckenaer, 1841); the latter is recorded from Iran, Georgia, and Russia (Northern Caucasus) for the first time

    First description of the male with redescription of the female of Araneus strandiellus Charitonov, 1951 (Araneae, Araneidae)

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    Redescription of Central Asian orb-weaver Araneus strandiellus Charitonov, 1951, only known from the original description of female. The male of this species, previously unknown, is described here for the first time