12 research outputs found

    3–edge colorable graphs

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    In this BSc thesis we deal with chromatic index of cubic graphs, where we mainly focus on a significant part of the family of graphs, named generalized Petersen graphs. A graph Γ is said to be k-edge-colorable, if we can color its edges with k colors, so that incident edges are colored with different colors. The smallest such number k is called the chromatic index and it is denoted by χ'(Γ). Due to the fact that generalized Petersen graphs are cubic graphs, Vizing's theorem implies that their chromatic index is either 3 or 4. The results of this BSc thesis represent an important part of the proof, that the famous Petersen graph is the only generalized Petersen graph, which is not 3-edge colorable. In other words, the Petersen graph GP(5,2) is the only generalized Petersen graph, whose chromatic index equals 4

    The independence number of a graph

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    In the master's thesis we are dealing with the independence number of a graph. We show, that the well-known problem 3-SAT is reducible to the corresponding decision problem, the so-called independent set problem, which proves that the independent set problem is NP-complete. We then determine the independence number for different graphs, including some very well known infinite families of graphs like complete graphs, multi-partite complete graphs, cycle graphs, hypercube graphs, etc. In the last part of the thesis we focus on the family of generalized Petersen graphs GP(n,k). Based on their construction it is clear, that n is the upper bound for the independence number for GP(n,k). Moreover, if n is odd, the upper bound is n-1. In the master's thesis we determine the exact value of the independence number for different values of parameter k

    The independence number of a graph

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    V magistrskem delu se ukvarjamo s problemom določanja neodvisnostnega števila grafa. S pomočjo prevedbe problema 3-SAT na pripadajoči odločitveni problem o obstoju neodvisnostne množice dane velikosti najprej pokažemo, da ga uvrščamo med tako imenovane NP-polne probleme. Nato se osredotočimo na določanje neodvisnostnega števila za različne grafe. Določimo ga za nekatere dobro znane družine grafov, kot so polni grafi, polni večdelni grafi, cikli, hiperkocke itd. Posvetimo se tudi znani družini posplošenih Petersenovih grafov GP(n,k). Glede na konstrukcijo te družine je jasno, da je zgornja meja neodvisnostnega števila za GP(n,k) največ n, če pa je n liho število, pa celo največ n-1. V magistrskem delu raziskujemo, kakšna je prava vrednost neodvisnostnega števila za različne vrednosti parametra k in s tem ugotavljamo, kako dobra (oziroma slaba) je omenjena zgornja meja.In the master\u27s thesis we are dealing with the independence number of a graph. We show, that the well-known problem 3-SAT is reducible to the corresponding decision problem, the so-called independent set problem, which proves that the independent set problem is NP-complete. We then determine the independence number for different graphs, including some very well known infinite families of graphs like complete graphs, multi-partite complete graphs, cycle graphs, hypercube graphs, etc. In the last part of the thesis we focus on the family of generalized Petersen graphs GP(n,k). Based on their construction it is clear, that n is the upper bound for the independence number for GP(n,k). Moreover, if n is odd, the upper bound is n-1. In the master\u27s thesis we determine the exact value of the independence number for different values of parameter k

    Prvo kolonijalno gniježđenje ružičastog čvorka Pastor roseus u Hrvatskoj (otok Pag)

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    Više od 20 godina od kraja svibnja do prvih dana lipnja redovito pratimo proljetnu selidbu ružičastoga čvorka Pastor roseus na otoku Pagu. U tom razdoblju čvorci su dolazili svake godine ali s različitom brojnosti. Najviše smo ih zabilježili 2002. godine, kada je opaženo više od 1000 ptica u jednom danu. Samo jednom smo promatrali hranjenje skakavcima, obično smo ih vidjeli na murvama te rijetko na trešnjama, kojih na Pagu nema puno. Godina 2022. je bila osobito zanimljiva zbog toga što su neka jata već odlazila s otoka Paga početkom lipnja, dok su druga za to vrijeme bila na gnježđenju. Prve ružičaste čvorke smo u 2022. godini vidjeli 27. svibnja na selidbi, no u to vrijeme su bili prisutni i brojni ružičasti čvorci, koji su već bili na gnježdenju. Prvih dana lipnja čvorke smo viđali u letu, kako se vraćaju prema jugoistoku, kao što je opažano ostalih godina. Kolonija od najmanje 200 parova pronađena je nedaleko od Velog Blata na otoku Pagu 29. lipnja 2022. Gnijezda su bila u šupljinama kamenitog tla i u svim gnijezdima roditelji su hranili mladunce. Izvan kolonije uspjeli smo prstenovati 15 odraslih ružičastih čvoraka. Prvi mladunci su bili videni 7. srpnja 2022., dok su 29. srpnja bila promatrana jata od 200 mladunaca. Posljednji mladi ružačisti čvorci bili su viđeni 5. kolovoza 2022. Ovo je prvi nalaz kolonije i potvrđeno gniježđenje ružičastog čvorka na otoku Pagu i u Hrvatskoj. Zanimljivo će biti vidjeti hoće li se čvorci vratiti na gnježđenje u 2023. godini