28 research outputs found

    Characteristics of heteroblasty in Hladnikia pastinacifolia (Apiaceae), a rare endemic from Slovenia

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    Hladnikia pastinacifolia, the most prominent endemic plant species in Slovenia, is rare and protected because it is a stenoendemic and paleoendemic species restricted to area of Trnovski gozd (W Slovenia). However, this species can be found in various habitats. The disparity between the nonspecific habitat preference of the species and its rarity has not been sufficiently explained. Here we focus on the functional morphological features that are most indicative for the ecology of plant species: the anatomical and morphological characteristics of leaves. Hladnikia pastinacifolia exhibits heterophylly during ontogeny (heteroblasty). We aimed to describe and compare the anatomical characteristics of three H. pastinacifolia leaf morphotypes among them and in relation to various habitats. Therefore, we compared leaf functional features that are indicative for the ecology of plant species: the thickness of the leaf lamina, the spongy and palisade parenchyma, the thickness of the upper and lower epidermis and the number of leaf stomata in the upper and lower epidermis. These measurements were further used to calculate the ratio between the spongy and palisade parenchyma, leaf stomata index and the density of leaf stomata. We determined that the H. pastinacifolia heteroblasty belongs to the Apium-type. Results showed that the five-pinnate leaves were the most distinct type, being the thickest, with the highest numbers of stomata abaxially. When compared among habitats, leaves from the scree habitat were the thickest according to all the tissue layers studied. The indices calculated were less useful for the distinction between leaf types and habitats

    Additional records of Megabruchidius dorsalis (Fåhræus, 1839) (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae) in Zagreb, Croatia

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    In this paper, we report two new locations of the alien invasive seed beetle Megabruchidius dorsalis in Zagreb, Croatia. Additionally, we confirm for the second time the presence of M. dorsalis at one location in the same city. All beetles were reared from mature Gleditsia triacanthos pods collected from the ground (three locations) and from trees (one location). These records contribute to the knowledge of the distribution of M. dorsalis in Europe

    Prisutnost stranih vrsta Prunus serotina i Impatiens parviflora u fragmentima nizinskih šuma u SI Sloveniji

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    Temperate alluvial, riparian and lowland forests are the European forests with the greatest presence of invasive alien plants. Consequently, identifying the environmental conditions for and other drivers behind the establishment of invasive species in natural forest communities is crucial for understanding the invasibility of these habitats. We focused on fragments (patches) of Illyrian oak-hornbeam forest in NE Slovenia, which are the least studied in this regard.Because alien phanerophytes and therophytes are significantly over-represented compared to native plants in lowland forests, we selected two representative invasives: the phanerophyte Prunus serotina and the therophyte Impatiens parviflora. By using logistic regression models on vegetation surveys, environmental data based on Ellenberg´s indicator values, and patch metrics, we identified patch characteristics explaining the presence of each species. Moreover, we included human impact in the models.We reveal significant characteristics differentiating P. serotina from I. parviflora. We also show that the perimeter-area ratio and soil nutrients of the forest patches correlate significantly with the presence of P. serotina, while human disturbance correlates significantly with the presence of I. parviflora. Our results and a similar approach for other invasive plant species can be applied to assess habitat invasibility on potential and species’ current geographic distribution, as well as to develop management plans.Aluvijalne, priobalne i nizinske šume umjerenih područja europske su šume s najvećom prisutnošću invazivnih stranih biljaka. Slijedom toga, utvrđivanje okolišnih uvjeta i drugih pokretača invazije tih vrsta u prirodnim šumskim zajednicama presudno je za razumijevanje izloženosti ovih sta­ni­šta invazivnim vrstama. Fokusirali smo se na fragmente ilirske šume hrasta kitnjaka i običnog graba u SI Sloveniji, koje su u tom pogledu najmanje proučavane.Budući da su alohtoni fanerofiti i terofiti znatno prezastupljeni u usporedbi s autohtonim vrstama u nizinskim šu­ma­ma, odabrali smo dvije reprezentativne invazivne vrste: fanerofit Prunus serotina i terofit Impatiens parviflora. Kori­šte­njem logističkih regresijskih modela na vegetacijskim podacima, okolišnim podacima na temelju Ellenbergovih indikatorskih vrijednosti i krajobrazne metrike na razini fragmenata (zakrpi), identificirali smo karakteristike fragmenata šumske vegetacije koji objašnjavaju prisutnost svake vrste. Štoviše, u modele smo uključili utjecaj čovjeka.Otkrivene su značajne karakteristike koje međusobno razlikuju invazivnost vrsta P. serotina i I. parviflora. Također pokazalo se da omjer površine i hranjive tvari šumskih fragmenata značajno koreliraju s prisutnošću vrste P. serotina, dok antropogeni poremećaj staništa značajno korelira s prisutnošću vrste I. parviflora. Naši rezultati te sličan pristup za druge invazivne biljne vrste mogu se primijeniti za procjenu podložnostistaništa na potencijalnu i trenutnu rasprostranjenost tih vrsta, kao i za izradu planova upravljanja

    Prikaz studentske terenske nastave na širem području mjesta Plomin (Plominska gora, Hrvatska)

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    Cilj ovog stručnog rada bio je predstaviti određene tematske nastavne jedinice koje se praktično obrađuju u obliku terenske nastave u okviru kolegija "Fitocenologija" i "Ekologija staništa i biljnih zajednica", a izvode se na Agronomskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Terenska nastava odvijala se na širem području mjesta Plomin i Plominske gore, području vrlo bogate i raznolike flore, gdje nalazimo mnoge endemične i ugrožene svojte te različite tipove staništa, kao i različite tipove eu- i submediteranske vegetacije. Plomin i okolica poučan su primjer kako utjecaj čovjeka u prostoru može biti pozitivan i/ili negativan. Bez aktivnosti čovjeka i njegovih domaćih životinja raznolikost prirodnih samoniklih orhideja (porodica Orchidaceae) bila bi mnogo manja. Spajanjem biljne i animalne proizvodnje maksimalno se može iskoristiti potencijal prirodnih datosti, štiteći pri tome biološku raznolikost svojti i staništa. Ova terenska nastava osmišljena je kako bi se studentima krajobrazne arhitekture i agroekologije omogućilo da se upoznaju s endemskom i ugroženom florom te mediteranskom vegetacijom Istre. Studenti su dobili znanje o mogućnostima obnove degradiranih staništa. Terenska nastava je također studentima pružila priliku da razumiju pozitivne i negativne promjene u krajobrazu povezane s tekovinama industrijske djelatnosti. Štoviše, studenti su mogli prepoznati da negativni utjecaji značajno narušavaju vizualnu i sadržajnu vrijednost krajobraza. Uz to, studentima je pružena prilika da kušaju tradicionalne recepture samoniklih biljaka koje rastu na različitim vrstama staništa. Prezentirane aktivnosti vode ka razumijevanju koliko je važno održivo upravljati poljoprivrednim zemljištem, primjenjivati načela ekološke poljoprivrede i očuvati tradicionalne namjene tla, biljaka i životinja, što u konačnici pozitivno utječe na očuvanje bioraznolikosti

    New insights into the anatomy of an endemic Hladnikia pastinacifolia Rchb.

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    We studied the anatomy of a rare narrow endemic species belonging to the Slovenian flora – Hladnikia pastinacifolia Rchb. Hladnikia is a monotypic genus with distinct taxonomic position within the Apiaceae family. The anatomical characteristics revealed by light and fluorescence microscopy provided new insights regarding the pollen, leaf and root characteristics of H. pastinacifolia, improving the understanding of its biology and ecology. Pollination, drought tolerance, life cycle and unattractiveness to herbivores explain the species’ persistence in time. Autofluorescence localized bioactive substances within secretory ducts and oil ducts

    Germination behavior of the extremely rare Hladnikia pastinacifolia Rchb. (Apiaceae) – a Pleistocene in situ survivor

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    The present-day diversity of European flora in temperate mountain ranges was mainly formed by the negative effects of Pleistocene glaciation, which caused extinctions, restricted survival in situ, and subsequent re-colonization. Only rarely can we find species that have retained the molecular information of in situ survival. One such example is the extremely rare H. pastinacifolia Rchb., a monotypic genus and a narrow endemic of a mountain plateau south-east of the Julian Alps (Slovenia). We investigated the germination behavior and dispersal indications, which are often closely related to rarity and persistence and thus valuable for species conservation. Additionally, results about H. pastinacifolia help us to understand better what kind of species survived glaciations in Europe in situ. Our results show that these seeds have an underdeveloped embryo and require an ecologically relevant moist chilling period of about 100 days. The temperature sequence of the colder period that H. pastinacifolia seeds received in nature was 20/15 °C (52 days), 10/5 °C (40 days), 5/0 °C (65 days), 10/0 °C (45 days), 15/5 °C (21 days). The germination rate was high, significantly increased by scarification, and therefore revented long-term seed bank establishment. We found cryptic seed differences expressed by two types of dormancy, each related to the order of the umbel: simple and complex morphophysiological dormancy for the lateral and the main umbel, respectively. Seed dispersal was very much influenced by precipitation in autumn. The germination and dispersal characteristics could explain the rarity and at the same time the persistence of H. pastinacifolia

    Germination characteristics of Salicornia patula Duval-Jouve, S. emerici Duval-Jouve, and S. veneta Pign. et Lausi and their occurrence in Croatia

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    According to recent molecular analyses of Salicornia, we revised the annual glassworts from the Croatian coast, classified until now only as Salicornia europaea. Two species, a diploid Salicornia patula and a tetraploid S. emerici were recognized. They can be easily distinguished by floral characters, but not only by their habitus, which varies extremely according to environmental factors. Both species differ also in seed morphology. Salicornia patula has dimorphic seeds, with larger central seeds reaching high germination rates. Germination patterns helped to explain the habitat preferences. The species rarely co-occur, however. The rare S. patula occupies drier habitats, on coastal mudflats or sands that are irregularly inundated. It occurs within the assoc. Suaedo maritimae-Salicornietum patulae. Salicornia emerici occupies the lowest coastal mudflats, regularly inundated, where nutrient-rich conditions prevail, and forms an almost monotypical assoc. Salicornietum emerici. Due to the synonymy of S. veneta with S. emerici, we exclude the occurrence of S. veneta in Croatia as an independent taxon

    Eastward range expansion of the ragweed leaf beetle (Ophraella communa LeSage, 1986) (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) in Slovenia

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    Ambrosia artemiisifolia is North American plant species established and invasive in Europe. In 2013 its natural enemy, chrysomelid beetle Ophraella communa was first recorded in Italy and Switzerland. Since then, it has been spreading spontaneously and unintentionally with transport across Europe. Until now, it has been recorded only in the southwestern part of Slovenia in 2017 and around Ljubljana in 2019. Here we report the first records of O. communa in the north-eastern part of Slovenia. Thirty-four sites with A. artemisiifolia stands were inspected for the presence of any developmental stage of O. communa. Adult beetles and all other developmental stages were registered at two distinct locations near the cities of Celje and Maribor in 2022. One case of predation of Zicrona caerulea on O. communa larva was also observed

    Germination characteristics of old seeds help explain coexistence of selected dry grassland species

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    Coexistence of congeneric dry grassland species presents an interesting opportunity to evaluate traits of closely related co-occurring species. Coexisting congeneric species, exhibiting common traits, are expected to experience strong niche-overlap, which can intensify competition. Mechanisms that enable coexistence should also reduce competition. We assume that plant characteristics differing among coexisting species would diminishing interspecific competition and therefore enable coexistence. We were interested in the species characteristics of three congeneric pairs found in the same sub-Mediterranean montane grassland (the Karst region in Slovenia) : Anthyllis montana var. jacquinii, Anthyllis vulneraria, Gentiana clusii, Gentiana verna ssp. tergestina, Plantago holosteum and Plantago media and an additional four accompanying common species. We compared their morphological and reproduction traits as recorded in the literature. We performed germination studies with seven-year-old seeds and compared germination rate under various conditions. Old seeds of A. montana var. jacquinii, A. vulneraria, Lotus corniculatus, Coronilla vaginalis, P. holosteum and Centaurea rupestris were able to germinate. Clustering analysis (k-means clustering) on traits and germination data resulted in two clusters, which produced ecologically interpretable patterns. Congeners were always found in separate clusters. Analysis showed the most prominent difference between clusters was germination rate at low temperatures. Results showed that, because of the high germination rate of old seeds in Anthyllis congeners, they have the potential to form longterm persistent seed banks, whereby the germination rate in the rarer congener was lower. Between Plantago congeners, the rare species exhibited the potential to be persistent in soil seed banks, however, only in the presence of unfavorable germination conditions. Seeds from both Gentiana congeners were shortlived rather than dormant. Studying coexisting species that occupy similar niches is becoming increasingly important, since the possibility for competitive, ecologically similar species to meet increases along with the range changes caused by global climate change.Sipek Mirjana, Šajna Nina. Germination characteristics of old seeds help explain coexistence of selected dry grassland species. In: Ecologia mediterranea, tome 45 n°2, 2019. pp. 99-112

    Vegetacija obalne lagune Stjuža v krajinskem parku Strunjan (Slovenija): zgodovinski oris, kartiranje in naravovarstveno ovrednotenje

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    A draft history of the artificial Stjuža coastal lagoon was reconstructed on the basis of old maps (1804 and 1873)and compared with the present-day situation using GIS. The current data were simplified to obtain comparable caregories (landscape units) with old maps. The following major landscape units were distinguished: lagoon, salt marshes, mainland, brackish rivers and estuaries, ditches and canals, salt-pans, embankment, villages and roads. On current map, a total of 47 habitat types according to PHYSIS typology occurring in 206 polygons, which cover an area of 41.6 ha, were identified and described. Habitats with greater nature-conservancy value cover 26.7 ha of the total research area and constitute 40% of the polygons described. 55.6% of these belong to halophilous scrubs - Sarcocornetea fruticosi (= Arthrocnemetea fruticosi) - and 25.9% to annual salt pioneer sward communities, dominated by Salicornia europaea. Mediterranean salt swamps (Juncion maritimi) are present to a small extent only. It could be concluded that the artificial Stjuža lagoon, constructed for fish farming purposes, developed in habitat diverse coastal wetland area after partial abandonment.Avtorja sta na osnovi starih zemljevidov (1804 in 1873) napravila rekonstrukcijo lagune Stjuža v Strunjanu in jo ob pomoči GIS (geografskega informacijskega sistema) primerjala z današnjo. Z namenom, da bi dobila s starimi zemljevidi primerljive kategorije (krajinske enote), sta poenostavila današnje podatke in določila naslednje poglavitne krajinske enote: laguno, slanišča, kopno, brakične reke in ustja, jarke in kanale, soline, nasip, vasi in ceste. Na današnjem zemljevidu sta identificirala in opisala skupaj 47 habitatnih tipov glede na tipologijo PHYSIS, ki se pojavljajo na 206 poligonih na površini 41,6 ha. Naravovarstveno pomembnejši habitati se raztezajo na 26,7 ha celotne raziskane površine in sestavljajo 40% opisanih poligonov. 55,6% od teh pripadajo slanoljubemu grmišču Sarcocornetea fruticosi (= Arthrocnemetea fruticosi) - 25,9% pa enoletnim slanim pionirskim združbam, v katerih prevladuje navadni osočnik Salicornia europaea Značilnih sredozemskih slanih močvirij (Juncion maritimi) je tu malo. Avtorja zaključujeta, da se je laguna Stjuža po delni opustitvi rabe razvila v pestre habitate obmorskih mokrišč