11 research outputs found

    Influence of the Botanical and Geographical Origin on the Mineral Composition of Honey

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    Elemental composition was analysed to determine the effect of the botanical and geographical origin on the mineral content in black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.), and lime (Tilia spp.) honey. The study included 174 samples from three different geographical and climatic regions in Croatia. A total of 15 elements were analysed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The highest total mineral content was determined in chestnut honey samples, followed by the lime and black locust honey samples, in descending order of presence: K, Ca, Na, Mg, Mn and Fe. A good potential of marking the botanical origin was confirmed on the basis of increased contents of Mn and Sr in chestnut honey. Increased concentrations of Pb and Zn determined in honey samples from the Pannonian Region showed to be a good basis for demarcation of the geographical origin. The content of some heavy metals in honey were low (Median: Cd < 0.005 mg/kg; Pb 0.015 mg/kg; Ni 0.083 mg/kg; Zn 1.362 mg/kg; with no harmful health effects)

    Influence of the Botanical and Geographical Origin on the Mineral Composition of Honey

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    Elemental composition was analysed to determine the effect of the botanical and geographical origin on the mineral content in black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.), and lime (Tilia spp.) honey. The study included 174 samples from three different geographical and climatic regions in Croatia. A total of 15 elements were analysed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The highest total mineral content was determined in chestnut honey samples, followed by the lime and black locust honey samples, in descending order of presence: K, Ca, Na, Mg, Mn and Fe. A good potential of marking the botanical origin was confirmed on the basis of increased contents of Mn and Sr in chestnut honey. Increased concentrations of Pb and Zn determined in honey samples from the Pannonian Region showed to be a good basis for demarcation of the geographical origin. The content of some heavy metals in honey were low (Median: Cd < 0.005 mg/kg; Pb 0.015 mg/kg; Ni 0.083 mg/kg; Zn 1.362 mg/kg; with no harmful health effects)


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    As a special forest vegetation reserve, the PraÅ”nik rain forest is a highly protected area which owes its protection not only to a unique composition of trees, but also to its geographical position and, to an extent, historical events. It is situated on the Sava River left bank, north of the city of Stara GradiÅ”ka (cca. 3 km). The study area belongs to the southwestern part of Pannonian Basin, specifically the Sava Depression. The aim of this study was to assess a possible impact of war activities in Croatia (23 years ago) when numerous mines were laid in this region and to establish a major and trace metal baseline concentrations for future investigations. Ten topsoil (S) samples were taken randomly with adjacent vegetation (bark and leaves) at each site. Major and trace metal concentrations were measured for all three types of samples using the ICP method. Analysed soils are composed of quartz, micaceous mineral, 14ƅ mineral, plagioclase and mixed layer minerals. All metal values in the sample taken from an ex-mine crater are 2-4 times higher compared to other. Generally, positive statistically significant Kendallā€™s Tau correlation coefficients of trace metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn) were found for all combinations of the S (soil), B (bark), and L (leaf) groups. Such results indicate that the war activity have played a certain role in a distribution pattern of soil as well as vegetative trace metal levels.PraÅ”uma PraÅ”nik kao poseban rezervat Å”umske vegetacije visoko je zaÅ”tićeno područje, ali ne samo zbog jedinstvenoga sastava drveća, već zahvaljujući i geografskomu položaju te u određenoj mjeri povijesnim zbivanjima. Nalazi se na lijevoj obali rijeke Save, oko 3 km sjeverno od Nove GradiÅ”ke. Područje istraživanja pripada jugozapadnomu dijelu Panonskoga bazenskog sustava, području Savske depresije. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je procijeniti mogući utjecaj ratnih zbivanja u Hrvatskoj (od prije 23 godine), kada je ovo područje minirano, i utvrditi koncentracije metala. Deset uzoraka tla nasumično je prikupljeno zajedno s korom i liŔćem. Koncentracije glavnih metala i metala u tragovima mjerene su za sve 3 grupe uzoraka ICP metodom. Analizirano tlo sastoji se od kvarca, tinjčastoga minerala, minerala 14ƅ, plagioklasa i mjeÅ”ovitoga sloja minerala. Sve vrijednosti metala u uzorcima uzetim iz nekadaÅ”njega minskog kratera veće su 2 ā€“ 4 puta u odnosu na ostale. Statističkom analizom dobiveni su pozitivni, statistički značajni Kendallovi tau-koeficijenti korelacije tragova metala (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn) i za sve kombinacije uzoraka tla, liŔća i kore. Takvi rezultati upućuju na to da je ratna aktivnost odigrala određenu ulogu u distribucijskome uzorku tla i vegetativnim razinama metala u tragovima

    Praćenje količine soli u prehrambenim proizvodima

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    Uvod i cilj rada: Kuhinjska sol ili natrij klorid nezaobilazni je dodatak gotovo svakoj hrani. Osim Å”to doprinosi boljem okusu hrane, neophodna je za njegovo normalno funkcioniranje jer sudjeluje u mnogim fizioloÅ”kim procesima. Preveliki unos soli utječe negativno na rad krvnožilnog sustava, bubrega, te na niz raznih procesa u organizmu. Veliki broj namirnica sadrže u svom sastavu određenu količinu soli na koju sami ne možemo utjecati, stoga je cilj ovoga rada bio utvrdi količinu soli prisutnu u pojedinim vrstama hrane a koja se svakodnevno koristi u prehrani, osobito djece i mladih.Materijal i metode: Ukupno je analizirano 54 uzoraka hrane podijeljenih u četiri skupine: mlijeko i proizvodi od mlijeka, pekarski proizvodi, oraÅ”asti proizvodi Ā i snack proizvodi. U uzorcima je količina soli određivana indirektnim, računskim putem preko natrija, sukladno Uredbi o informiranju potroÅ”ača o hrani 1169/2011. Količina natrija u uzorcima određivana je nakon obrade mikrovalnom digestijom, vezanim sustavom imuno spregnute plazme i spektrometrije masa (ICP-MS).Rezultati: Dobivene vrijednosti u skupini mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda kretale su se u rasponu od 0,01g/100 g u mlijeku do 2,5 g/100 g u siru, u skupini pekarskih proizvoda od 0,36 g/100 g do 2,48 g/100 g, u oraÅ”astim proizvodima od 0,02 g/100 g do 2,9 g/100g, a u snack proizvodima od 0,06 g/100 g do 2,4 g/100gZaključak: Evidentno je da u svim analiziranim kategorijama hrane, postoje proizvodi koji sadrže znatnu količinu soli, a koja bi prilikom prekomjernog i kontinuiranog uživanja takvih namirnica mogla Å”tetno utjecati na zdravlje potroÅ”ača. To je osobito izraženo kod oraÅ”astih i snack proizvoda, a koje najčeŔće konzumira mlađa populacija. Smanjenje soli u proizvodnji hrane zahtjeva određene promjene tijekom tehnoloÅ”kog procesa proizvodnje, Å”to može potrajati i dulji vremenski period. Obzirom na dobivene rezultate preporučuje se primjena alternativnih trendova u tehnoloÅ”kom procesu prerade hrane, kao Å”to je nanotehnologija, a sve u cilju postupnog smanjenja razine soli u svakodnevnoj prehrani

    Cereals and milled products as a good source of magnesium in everyday diet

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    Žitarice predstavljaju najrasprostranjeniju i najvažniju kulturu za prehranu ljudi. Važne su i kao sirovina u prehrambenoj industriji te čine osnovu piramide prehrane. Mlinski proizvodi također predstavljaju osnovne prehrambene proizvode. Glavni su mlinski proizvodi prekrupa, krupica i braÅ”no. Magnezij je mineral koji je iznimno važan element u ljudskom organizmu. Zauzima četvrto mjesto po zastupljenosti kationa u organizmu te je drugi najčeŔći u stanicama. Ima važnu ulogu za katalitičku aktivnost viÅ”e od 300 enzima u enzimatskim sustavima. Najvažniji je za pravilan rad srca te kao regulator fosfora i kalcija u kostima. Cilj je ovog rada utvrditi količinu magnezija u odabranim žitaricama i mlinskim proizvodima te prikazati zdravstvenu dobrobit magnezija. Tijekom analize sastava žitarica i mlinskih proizvoda analizirano je sveukupno 28 uzoraka. Od toga je bilo pet uzoraka kukuruza u zrnu, sedam uzoraka pÅ”enice, 11 uzoraka pÅ”eničnog braÅ”na, braÅ”no od integralne heljde bez glutena, zobena kaÅ”a, prosena kaÅ”a, kaÅ”a zobi, ječma i pira te kaÅ”a riže, kukuruza i heljde. Analiza je provedena na Nastavnom zavodu za javno zdravstvo ā€žDr. Andrija Å tamparā€. Magnezij je nakon digestije s nitratnom kiselinom i vodikovim peroksidom u mikrovalnoj pećnici određen induktivno spregnutom plazmom s masenom spektrometrijom (ICP-MS). Količine magnezija u žitaricama iznosile su od 81,92 mg / 100 g do 145,21 mg / 100 g za pÅ”enicu te od 111,68 mg / 100 g do 145,21 mg / 100 g za kukuruz. Prosječna vrijednost magnezija iznosila je 105,81 mg / 100 g za uzorke pÅ”enice te 133,72 mg / 100 g za uzorke kukuruza u zrnu. Količina magnezija utvrđena u pÅ”eničnom braÅ”nu kretala se u rasponu od 23,17 mg / 100 g do 60,41 mg / 100 g, dok je srednja vrijednost magnezija iznosila 34,56 mg / 100 g. Količina magnezija u braÅ”nu od integralne heljde bez glutena iznosila je 226,32 mg / 100 g. Utvrđena količina magnezija u zobenoj kaÅ”i, prosenoj kaÅ”i, kaÅ”i zobi, ječma i pira te kaÅ”i riže, kukuruza i heljde kretala se u rasponu od 76,77 mg / 100 g do 153,61 mg / 100 g. Srednja vrijednost magnezija za uzorke kaÅ”e iznosila je 122,98 mg / 100 g.Cereals represent the most prevailing and important culture for human consumption. They are also important as a raw material in the food industry and form the basis of the food pyramid. Milled products also represent basic food products. The main milled products are groats, semolina and flour. Magnesium is a mineral that is an extremely important element in the human body. It ranks fourth in the representation of cations in the body and is the second most common in cells. It plays an important role for the catalytic activity of more than 300 enzymes in the enzymatic systems. It is most important for proper heart function and as a regulator of phosphorus and calcium in the bones. The aim of this paper is to determine the amount of magnesium in selected cereals and milled products and to present the health benefits of magnesium. A total of twenty eight samples were analysed during the analysis of the composition of cereals and milled products. Of these, there were 5 samples of corn beans, 7 wheat samples, 11 samples of wheat flour, gluten-free whole buckwheat flour, oatmeal, millet porridge, porridge oats, barley and spelt, and rice, corn and buckwheat mash. The analysis was carried out at the Andrija Stampar Teaching Institute of Public Health. After microwave digestion with nitrate acid and hydrogen peroxide, magnesium was determined by inductively coupled plasma with mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The amounts of magnesium in cereals ranged from 81.92 mg/100 g to 145.21 mg/100 g for wheat, and from 111.68 mg/100 g to 145.21 mg/100 g for corn. The average magnesium value was 105.81 mg/100 g for wheat samples and 133.72 mg/100 g for grain corn samples. The amount of magnesium found in wheat flour ranged from 23.17 mg/100 g to 60.41 mg/100 g, while the mean magnesium value was 34.56 mg/100 g. The amount of magnesium in the flour from gluten-free wholegrain buckwheat was 226.32 mg/100 g. The determined amount of magnesium in oatmeal, millet porridge, porridge oats, barley and spelt and porridges of rice, corn and buckwheat ranged from 76.77 mg/100 g to 153.61 mg/100 g. The mean magnesium value for porridge samples was 122.98 mg/100 g

    Determiniranje teÅ”kih metala u različitim vrstama riba uzorkovanih na hrvatskim tržnicama i mogući utjecaj na zdravlje

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    The purpose of this study was to determine and to compare the amount of heavy metals in the meat of white (N = 39) and blue (N = 35) sea fish, considering the spring (N = 38) and fall (N = 36) catch period to study the possible type and seasonal differences especially in Hg concentrations in fish, and to estimate if the amounts registered can have a harmful effect on consumer health. The fish were chosen as an indicator of eco-system contamination with mercury and other heavy metals. The amount of heavy metals, lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd), in both groups was lower than the Highest Permissible Amounts regulated by law in Croatia and the European Union. Mercury (Hg) exceeded the maximum allowed value in just a number of samples 3/74 (0.04%), while it is relevant for arsenic (As) to be present in almost any sample, although it has simultaneously not been regulated by law. The statistically significant value of arsenic exists in blue fish during the spring period, and the amount of mercury is higher in white fish compared to blue fish. Also a statistically significant difference in mercury levels was recorded during fall compared to spring,. Given the dietary habits and frequent fish consumption in Croatia, there is no risk of harmful health effects.Cilj ovoga rada bio je odrediti i usporediti količinu teÅ”kih metala u 74 uzorka bijele (N = 39) i plave ribe (N = 35), uzorkovanih u proljetnom (N = 38) i jesenskom razdoblju (N = 36), kako bi se istražila moguća razlika u koncentracijama teÅ”kih metala, posebice žive, ovisno o sezoni ulova ili tipu ribe i procijenilo mogu li determinirane količine imati Å”tetnih utjecaja na zdravlje potroÅ”ača. Riba je izabrana, budući da je ona indikator zagađenja teÅ”kim metalima u eko sustavu. Količina teÅ”kih metala, olova (Pb) i kadmija (Cd), u obje grupe uzoraka, bila je niža od maksimalnih dopuÅ”tenih koncentracija prema hrvatskih i europskim zakonima. Količina žive (Hg) bila je viÅ”e od maksimalnih dopuÅ”tenih koncentracija u vrlo malom broju uzoraka 3/74 (0,04%). Međutim, u uzrocima su zabilježene relevantne količine arsena (As), iako količine arsena nisu regulirane hrvatskim propisima. Multivarijatna statistička obrada (neparametrijski Mann-Whitney U test) pokazala je statistički značajne razlike u količini arsena u proljetnom razdoblju u odnosu na jesensko razdoblje, kao Å”to je i izmjerena količina žive statistički značajno bila viÅ”a u bijeloj u odnosu na plavu ribu, te ona izmjerena u jesenskom razdoblju u odnosu na proljetno. UzevÅ”i, međutim, u obzir potroÅ”ačke navike i učestalost konzumacije ribe u Hrvatskoj, izmjerene koncentracije nisu povezane s rizikom Å”tetnih posljedica na zdravlje potroÅ”ača

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)

    Assessment of Metal Intake by Selected Food Supplements Based on Beehive Products

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    The aim of this study was to determine the quantity of particular toxic metals (Pb, Cd, As, Hg) and micronutrients (Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se) in the recommended daily dose of 51 food supplements based on beehive products. Samples taken from the Croatian market were submitted for the identification/quantification of studied metals and micronutrients. It was carried out by means of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Eleven samples (21.57%) showed an increased concentration of total arsenic, three samples (5.88%) contained an increased concentration of total iron, and eight samples (15.68%) had an increased concentration of total nickel. Three samples (5.88%) contained an increased concentration of zinc, while one sample (1.96%) contained an increased concentration of selenium. Increased levels of certain toxic metals and micronutrients do not pose a danger to human health because the amount identified was less than what can cause toxic effects in humans. All other analysed metals and micronutrients fell within the defined literature values. Despite certain increases in particular parameters, all samples met the established toxicity criteria. This study evidenced their safety if consumed in the recommended daily dose