840 research outputs found

    Detached House

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá řešením projektové dokumentace pro rodinný dům s provozovnou. Dům je navržen pro 3 – 5 člennou rodinu jako dvoupodlažní, a je částečně podsklepený. V jeho suterénu se nachází provozovna, která je uvažována jako kancelář. Obytná část objektu je zastřešena sedlovou střechou, nad garáží se nachází terasa, která je přístupná z druhého nadzemního podlaží.This bachelor’s thesis deals with a project documentation of a detached house with workshop. Detached house is designed for family from three till five members. There are two floors and underground floor – which is under a part of this house. In basement there is a office. Above living part of this house, there is a gabble roof. From second floor we can go to teracce, which is above garage.


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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem mateřské školy v obci Habry. Objekt je navržen dvoupodlažní, přičemž v 1NP se kromě technického zázemí pro provoz školy nachází i 2 oddělení, každé pro 20 dětí. V 2NP je umístěno vedení školky, logopedická poradna, multifunkční místnost, a také dvě třídy pro zájmové kroužky. Mateřská škola je navržena ze systému z lehkého betonu, obvodové zdi s provětrávanou vzduchovou vrstvou a s obkladem z cementotřískových desek, je založena na základových pasech, s jednoplášťovou plochou střechou.The thesis deals with design of kindergarten in Habry. The building is designed with 2 floors. On the first floor are two sections (for 20 children each) and rooms for technical equipment. Headquarters of school, speech therapy clinic, multifunctional room and two rooms for recreational course are situated on the second floor. Kindergarten is design of lightweight concrete system, external wall with ventilated cladding of cement-bonded particleboard. It is built with warm flat roof and the building is based on strip foundations.

    Foreign Approaches to Cover Uninsurable Risks Offering Opportunities for the Czech Insurance Market

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    AbstractUninsurable risks belong to actual issues of insurance industry. These risks weaken the role of commercial insurance. Insurers make exceptions in coverage of excessive claims. Property, health and lives are excluded from protection of commercial insurance products. In order to look for an effective solution of uninsurable risk we have focused our interest in uninsurable risk of flood, which is significant non-life insurance risk in the Czech Republic. Main aim is to describe multi-sourcing system based on cooperation between the state, insurers and insured objects. The system as a result of the research includes features of foreign approaches to uninsurable flood risk and is adjusted according to specific conditions of the Czech insurance market. Foreign approaches of uninsurable flood risk have determined the opportunities for the Czech insurance industry and have made a contribution to define the multi-sourcing system

    Cytokine Production by Porcine Mononuclear Leukocytes Stimulated by Mitogens

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    Prevalence of antibodies to Encephalitozoon cuniculi in European hares (Lepus europaeus)

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    [b]Introduction and objectives.[/b][i] Encephalitozoon cuniculi[/i] is an obligate intracellular parasite infecting especially domestic rabbits; however, spontaneous infections have been documented in other mammalian species such as dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, cows and sheep all over the world. Encephalitozoonosis is a chronic and latent disease leading to renal failure, encephalitis, disorders of brain and urinary tract, and may lead to death. There are limited reports on encephalitozoonosis in wildlife, which is why the aim of this study was to detect the prevalence of antibodies to [i]E. cuniculi[/i] in European hares. [b]Materials and methods. [/b]Samples of blood sera from 701 wild hares from the Czech Republic (n = 245), the Slovak Republic (n = 211) and Austria (n = 245) were examined by indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT); samples with titer ≥ 40 were marked as positive. [b]Results[/b]. The total seroprevalence of E. cuniculi antibodies was 1.42% with titres in the range 40–640. Antibodies to [i]E. cuniculi[/i] were detected in 2.9% (7/245), 0.8% (2/245) and 0.47% (1/211) hares from the Czech Republic, Austria and the Slovak Republic, respectively. [b]Conclusions[/b]. This is the first detection of antibodies to [i]E. cuniculi[/i] in hares from Europe showing that hares could be exposed to[i] E. cuniculi[/i] infection, however with a low rate

    Marketing in Electronic Commerce

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    Diplomová práce se zamuje na marketing v pomrn nové sfée a to marketing na internetu. Specifikuje konkrétní nedostatky internetového obchodu a navrhuje nkolik podstatných krok pro pokroilejší fungování již existujícího internetového obchodu. Obsahuje návrh nkolika ešení, které pomáhají zvýšit návštvnost internetového obchodu a v návaznosti také zvýšení obratu internetového obchodu .The master’s thesis focuses on marketing in the relatively new spere specifically marketing on the Internet. Specifies the specific deficiencies shop and proposes a number of essential steps for the advanced operation of an existing Internet business. Contains several design solutions that help increase visits in online store, and consequently also increase sales shop.

    Oxidative damage to proteins

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    Univerzita Karlova v Praze Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Katedra biochemických věd Kandidát: Jana Bártová Školitel: PharmDr. Iva Boušová, Ph.D. Název diplomové práce: Oxidační poškození proteinů Kyselina chlorná je silné oxidační činidlo, které využívají fagocytující buňky k usmrcení pohlcené bakterie. Pokud dojde k vylití obsahu fagocytu do okolí, může dojít k poškození okolních struktur včetně proteinů. Katechiny patří do skupiny flavonoidů, jejichž antioxidační vlastnosti byly demonstrovány v mnoha studiích. Moje diplomová práce byla zaměřená na potenciální vliv osmi přírodních derivátů katechinu na oxidační poškození lidského sérového albuminu (HSA) kyselinou chlornou. Použila jsem dvě spektrofotometrické (stanovení karbonylů a chloraminů) a tři elektroforetické metody (nativní PAGE, SDS-PAGE, imunoblotting). Při stanovení chloraminů jsem sledovala závislost účinku antioxidantu na jeho koncentraci (0-3 mM) a ze získaných dat jsem pomocí programu GraphPad Prism vypočítala hodnoty EC50 pro jednotlivé katechiny. Nejúčinnější sloučeninou byl katechin, jehož EC50 byla 4,8 µM. Z výsledků vyplývá, že antioxidační schopnost klesá s rostoucím počtem hydroxylových skupin v molekule flavonoidu. Karbonylové skupiny jsou vhodným markerem probíhající oxidace proteinu. Nejsilnější protektivní účinek...Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biochemical Sciences Candidate: Jana Bártová Supervisor: PharmDr. Iva Boušová, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Oxidative damage to proteins Hypochlorous acid is a strong oxidant, which is used by phagocytic cells to kill ingested bacteria. Surrounding structures including proteins may be damaged in case the content of a phagocyte is spilled to the vicinity. Catechins belong to a group of flavonoids whose antioxidant properties were demonstrated in many studies. My diploma thesis was focused on a potential effect of eight naturally occurring derivatives of catechin towards oxidative damage of human serum albumin (HSA) by hypochlorous acid. I used two spectrophotometric (determination of carbonyl groups and chloramines) and three electrophoretic methods (native PAGE, SDS-PAGE, immunoblotting). Dependence of an antioxidant effect on its concentration (0-3 mM) was observed during determination of chloramines and obtained data were used for calculation of EC50 values of individual catechins using program GraphPad Prism. The most effective compound was catechin whose EC50 was 4.8 µM. Results suggest that antioxidant ability decreases with increasing number of hydroxyl groups in the molecule of flavonoid. Carbonyl groups are a...Department of Biochemical SciencesKatedra biochemických vědFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec KrálovéFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králov

    ‘Genderising’ aspects of birth-related leave policies and fertility behaviour in Europe: understanding policy from an individual’s perspective

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    In the context of population ageing and its consequences for future welfare state support, the issue of low fertility in Europe has become very topical over the past two decades. The role of policy and gender equality in explaining fertility behaviour has gained a prominent position in the literature and even today represents two streams that are believed to be important predictors of the current fertility outcomes in Europe. When building arguments regarding the policy effects on fertility behaviour, authors often implicitly assume that everyone living in a given country is entitled to support from particular statutory policy and/or that each individual is entitled to the same amount of support. However, although everyone of reproductive age is likely to make a decision about having children, the policy support does not mean the same thing for each one of them. Instead the set of rules on eligibility conditions clearly states who is entitled to welfare state support and how extensive this support is going to be. These rules consequently mediate the impact a child is going to have on an individual’s circumstances and therefore may influence the decision of whether or when to start a family and how big this family is going to be. The issue of within-country variation in the distribution of entitlements to policy support has been largely ignored in the comparative welfare state literature and has not been sufficiently acknowledged in fertility research. By focusing on the birth-related leave schemes in Europe, this thesis aims to address this gap. It does so by linking the individual-level survey data from EU-SILC with legislative rules from 27 European countries. Such an approach allows the identification of individuals that would be entitled to birth-related leave and compares how their socio-economic situation would change if they were to have a child. Apart from that the thesis is set into a wider context of contemporary fertility research that examines the role of gender issues in fertility behaviour. As such the thesis is particularly interested in the distribution of entitlements to birth-related leave between men and women and in the analyses pays special attention to the policy designs that strengthen traditional gender roles and whether they are associated with fertility behaviour

    Natural elements

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    Rescue and Assistance in Selected Elements of Artistic Gymnastics at High School

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    The bachelor thesis will focus on rescue and assistance in selected elements of artistic gymnastics during physical education classes at a chosen secondary school. The main objective of the thesis is to assess the current utilization of rescue and assistance in the selected elements of artistic gymnastics. The research methods used in the thesis were observation and questionnaire survey. Based on the evaluation of observations and data analysis from the questionnaires, it was found that the current level of rescue and assistance during gymnastics exercises in physical education classes is inadequate in some cases, and in some instances, i tis completely lacking, with only a small percentage if teachers possessing knowledge and skills to properly provide rescue and assistance. Key words: Artistic gymnastics, assistance, rescue, floor exercise, horizontal bar, vault.Bakalářská práce se bude zabývat záchranou a dopomocí v předem vybraných prvcích sportovní gymnastiky v hodinách tělesné výchovy na vybrané střední škole. Hlavním cílem práce je aktuální využití záchrany a dopomoci ve vybraných prvcích sportovní gymnastiky. V práci byly použity metody pozorování a dotazníkového šetření. Na základě vyhodnocení pozorování a analýzou dat z dotazníků bylo zjištěno, že aktuální úroveň záchrany a dopomoci při gymnastických cvičení v hodinách tělesné výchovy je nedostačující v některých případech úplně chybí a pouze malé procento učitelů má znalosti a dovednosti, jak záchranu a dopomoc správně poskytovat. Klíčová slova: Sportovní gymnastika, dopomoc, záchrana, prostná, hrazda, přeskok.Katedra tělesné výchovyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult