502 research outputs found

    Assessing and strengthening organisational resilience in a critical infrastructure system: Case study of the Slovak Republic

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    Critical infrastructure is a system that consists of civil infrastructures in which disruption or failure would have a serious impact on the lives and health of the population. It includes, for example, electricity, oil and gas, water supplies, communications and emergency or healthcare services. It is therefore important that technical resilience and organisational resilience is provided continuously and at a high level by the owners and operators of these civil infrastructures. Organisational resilience management mainly consists of continuously assessing determinants in order to identify weak points early so that adequate security measures can be taken to strengthen them. In the context of the above, the article presents a method for Assessing and Strengthening Organisational Resilience (ASOR Method) in a critical infrastructure system. The essence of this method lies in defining the factors that determine organisational resilience and the process of assessing and strengthening organisational resilience. The method thus allows weaknesses to be identified and the subsequent quantification of positive impacts that strengthen individual factors in organisational resilience. A benefit from applying this method is minimizing the risk and subsequent adverse impact on society of critical infrastructure system disruption or failure. The article also contributes to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goal 9, namely Building Resilient Infrastructure. The ASOR method namely contributes to the development of quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and trans-border infrastructure. Finally, the article presents the results of this method's practical application on a selected electricity critical infrastructure entity in the Slovak Republic.Web of Science123art. no. UNSP 10457

    Approach to Assessing the Preparedness of Hospitals to Power Outages

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    Within the secondary impacts of electricity blackouts, it is necessary to pay attention to facilities providing medical care for the population, namely the hospitals. Hospitals represent a key position in the provision of health care also in times of crisis. These facilities must provide constant care; it is therefore essential that the preparedness of such facilities is kept at a high level. The basic aim of this article is to analyse the preparedness of hospitals to power outages (power failures, blackouts) within a pilot study. On that basis, a SWOT analysis is used to determine strengths and weaknesses of the system of preparedness of hospitals to power outages and solutions for better security of hospitals are defined. The sample investigated consists of four hospitals founded by the Regional Authority (hospitals Nos. 1-4) and one hospital founded by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic (hospital No. 5). The results of the study shows that most weaknesses of the preparedness of hospitals are represented by inadequately addressed reserves of fuel for the main backup power supply, poor knowledge of employees who are insufficiently retrained, and old backup power supplies (even 35 years in some cases)

    Technological parameters of abrasive process

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    V této práci je popsán brousicí proces včetně technologických podmínek s identifikací pohybů a rychlostí při broušení. Dále jsou popsány brousicí nástroje, jejich rozdělení a charakterizování. V posledním bodě jsou pak uvedeny některé dosahované parametry přesnosti broušené plochy a parametry struktury povrchu v závislosti na době trvání brousicího procesu.In this work, there is described an abrasive process including technological terms with an identification of motions and a speed of grinding.Then there are described abrasive tools, their distribution and description. In the last part there are introduced some reached parameters of the accuracy and characteristics of the surface structure in dependence on the length of abrasive process.

    Design and implementation of a CANopen communication unit

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací průmyslového komunikátoru pro synchronizaci a ovládání řídicích jednotek elektrických pohonů s rozhraním RS232 nebo CANopen. Hardware komunikátoru je postaven na platformě vývojového systému EMX od společnosti GHI Electronics. Software komunikátoru je realizován v jazyce C# na platformě .NET Micro Framework. Komunikátor umožňuje nastavení a kontrolu až čtyř motorových pohonů. Po úspěšném navázání komunikace s jednotlivými jednotkami lze řídit natočení, které je zadáváno počtem otáček s přesností na tisícinu otáčky. Komunikátor také periodicky zjišťuje a zobrazuje aktuální hodnotu natočení připojených jednotek. Uživatel obsluhuje komunikátor v grafickém prostředí, pokyny aplikaci zadává pomocí dotykového displeje nebo tlačítek.This diploma thesis describes the design and implementation of an industrial communicator for synchronization and control of electrical drive controllers with the interface of RS232 or CANopen. Hardware of communicator uses the EMX development system by GHI Electronics. Communicator software is implemented in C# by the .NET Micro Framework. Communicator allows user to adjust and control up to four electric motor drives. After a successful connection with each unit, communicator can control its position, which specify the number of revolutions to the nearest thousandth of a turn. Communicator also periodically finds out and displays the current position of the connected units. User operates the communicator with GUI, application instructions are entered via the touch screen or buttons.

    The Study of the Order Processing in Selected Company

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    V bakalářské práci budu popisovat průběh zakázky vybraným podnikem, který mi poskytl veškeré potřebné podklady pro její zpracování. Po studiu teoretických východisek nejdříve popíšu současnou situaci, ve které se společnost nachází a následně se pokusím navrhnout řešení, které by mělo vést ke zlepšení v procesu zakázkového řízení.In my bachelor thesis I would like to describe order processing in selected company, which provided me all needed informations. In the first step I worked on theoretical bases and after I discribed current situation of order processing. In the last step I would like to make a proposal which could lead to the improvements.

    Solar energy storage

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou přebytečné energie ze solárních systémů. Cílem je navrhnout takový solární systém, který by měl být soběstačný bez využití el. energie ze sítě. V úvodu bakalářské práce jsou uvedeny základní informace o funkčnosti solárních panelů a nejvhodnějším prostředím pro jejich umístění. V analytické části jsou uvedeny obecné informace o jednotlivých typech akumulace a jejich výhody a nevýhody při použití. V praktické části je popsaný a vypočítaný návrh solárního systému pro určenou nemovitost.This thesis aims to find solution that deals with excess energy produced by solar systems. Main point in this Bachelor's thesis is to solve off-grid solar power system that is completely self-sufficient. Introduction examines how solar panels works and the best weather conditions of operating. Analytics part of this thesis focuses on basic information about types of power accumulation with their advantages and disadvantages. Practical part proposes system used and also mathematical solution of solar system.