4 research outputs found

    XXV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 57 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism, or regional public administration

    Informational needs of HR agency

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    Tato práce bude sloužit personálním agenturám, které chtějí zrychlit práci zaměstnancům, konkrétně konzultantům, pomocí zjištění informačních potřeb, ale také lidem, kteří se pohybují na trhu práce. Čtenářům vysvětlí funkci personálních agentur, jejich poskytované služby a úlohy jednotlivých zaměstnanců. V praktickém příkladu bude poukázáno na informační potřeby personální agentury a podány návrhy na jejich zlepšení.This work will serve HR agencies, which want to improve work of employees, consultants exactly, with informational needs detection, and also to people which moves in labor market. This study will explain function of HR agencies, their services and consultant's work. In practical part there will be shown informational needs of HR agency and will be suggested improvements.Fakulta ekonomicko-správn

    Employee remuneration system in the selected company and proposals for its improvement

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    The bachelor thesis deals with the employee remuneration system in a chosen company and brings suggestions for changes that should increase employee satisfaction. It is structured into three main parts: theoretical, analytical and design. The theoretical part uses professional literature to explain the employee remuneration system in detail. The analytical part focuses on the analysis of the existing remuneration system in the company. In the design part, measures are presented that should lead to a better employee remuneration system and increase their satisfaction

    Micro-Geographies of Information and Communication Technology Firms in a Shrinking Medium-Sized Industrial City of Ostrava (Czechia)

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    We aimed to explain the spatial distribution of information and communication technology (ICT) firms in the city of Ostrava as an example of a medium-sized, shrinking, polycentric industrial city. The primary research question was to what extent micro-geographic location factors affect the current spatial clustering of ICT firms in polycentric cities characteristic by relatively weak urbanization economies and mostly routine character of ICT activities. We analyse and test the effects of the urban form at the level of urban blocks and individual buildings (considering their height, technical condition, age and dominant function) on the clustering of ICT firms of various sizes and ownership statuses. The inquiry was based on a detailed field mapping (using ArcGIS Collector) of ICT firms and physical/functional characteristics of the buildings and their immediate surroundings. ICT firms are significantly spatially concentrated in the historic city centre and inner city. Spatial patterns of ICT firms focused on less knowledge-intensive, routine and/or lower value-added functions do not differ fundamentally from innovative firms developing new products. Preference of denser, walkable, mixed-use neighbourhoods in urban cores/inner cities can be found in the group of firms focusing on routine functions: rather for larger than for smaller firms and domestic than foreign-owned firms