18 research outputs found

    „A man is worthless, when he is not inspired by presence of the great man.“ Personifications in Czech national festive culture in 1860s and 1870s

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    The paper deals with the problem of symbolic personification within Czech national festivals in 1860s and 1870s. This period represents the peak of the Czech national upheaval in 19th century in form of mass public action of representatives of the national movement. During this identity-building and identity-inventing process the organisation of national festivals played one of the most important mobilizing roles. Symbolic context of Czech nationality was being re-invented by performing the festive culture as a space for communication and confrontation of new and old meanings. The process comprised the multi-level overlaying of different identities, e.g. regional, local, class, professional, religious, within the national frame. One aspect of these ritual enactments was integration of different important persons that were celebrated – creation of national Pantheon. The analysis in this article focuses on these perfomative acts (J. Butler) using historical and anthropological approaches based in concept of culture as “web of significance” (C. Geertz). Main goal is to show how meanings transfer from symbolic national frame to celebrated persons and vice versa. The analysis is done in four steps. Firstly, the symbolic personification is analysed in the case of celebrating Czech patriots active in pre-1848 period – "awakeners of dying Nation". Among these ones particular significance was given to František Palacký whose role as "the father of Nation" is interpreted in Christian context of family metaphors. Third section is dedicated to the personification of Hussite historical context with Jan Hus, Jan Žižka and Prokop Holý as main actors. Last part shows the examples of (mostly unsuccessful) attempts of introducing Catholic symbolism and identity in to the national frame during the saint's-days of Slavic saints Cyril and Method.The paper deals with the problem of symbolic personification within Czech national festivals in 1860s and 1870s. This period represents the peak of the Czech national upheaval in 19th century in form of mass public action of representatives of the national movement. During this identity-building and identity-inventing process the organisation of national festivals played one of the most important mobilizing roles. Symbolic context of Czech nationality was being re-invented by performing the festive culture as a space for communication and confrontation of new and old meanings. The process comprised the multi-level overlaying of different identities, e.g. regional, local, class, professional, religious, within the national frame. One aspect of these ritual enactments was integration of different important persons that were celebrated – creation of national Pantheon. The analysis in this article focuses on these perfomative acts (J. Butler) using historical and anthropological approaches based in concept of culture as “web of significance” (C. Geertz). Main goal is to show how meanings transfer from symbolic national frame to celebrated persons and vice versa. The analysis is done in four steps. Firstly, the symbolic personification is analysed in the case of celebrating Czech patriots active in pre-1848 period – "awakeners of dying Nation". Among these ones particular significance was given to František Palacký whose role as "the father of Nation" is interpreted in Christian context of family metaphors. Third section is dedicated to the personification of Hussite historical context with Jan Hus, Jan Žižka and Prokop Holý as main actors. Last part shows the examples of (mostly unsuccessful) attempts of introducing Catholic symbolism and identity in to the national frame during the saint's-days of Slavic saints Cyril and Method

    System for development and testing of the printed sensors

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    The paper focuses on the design and the realization of the testing system for printed sensors. In the first part of this paper describes the requirements to the system. The second part of this paper informs about the hardware of the testing unit. And the third part contains information about parts of the whole system and interconnection between parts: Android application, web application, and hardware of testing unit

    „A man is worthless, when he is not inspired by presence of the great man.“ Personifications in Czech national festive culture in 1860s and 1870s

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    The paper deals with the problem of symbolic personification within Czech national festivals in 1860s and 1870s. This period represents the peak of the Czech national upheaval in 19th century in form of mass public action of representatives of the national movement. During this identity-building and identity-inventing process the organisation of national festivals played one of the most important mobilizing roles. Symbolic context of Czech nationality was being re-invented by performing the festive culture as a space for communication and confrontation of new and old meanings. The process comprised the multi-level overlaying of different identities, e.g. regional, local, class, professional, religious, within the national frame. One aspect of these ritual enactments was integration of different important persons that were celebrated – creation of national Pantheon. The analysis in this article focuses on these perfomative acts (J. Butler) using historical and anthropological approaches based in concept of culture as “web of significance” (C. Geertz). Main goal is to show how meanings transfer from symbolic national frame to celebrated persons and vice versa. The analysis is done in four steps. Firstly, the symbolic personification is analysed in the case of celebrating Czech patriots active in pre-1848 period – "awakeners of dying Nation". Among these ones particular significance was given to František Palacký whose role as "the father of Nation" is interpreted in Christian context of family metaphors. Third section is dedicated to the personification of Hussite historical context with Jan Hus, Jan Žižka and Prokop Holý as main actors. Last part shows the examples of (mostly unsuccessful) attempts of introducing Catholic symbolism and identity in to the national frame during the saint's-days of Slavic saints Cyril and Method.The paper deals with the problem of symbolic personification within Czech national festivals in 1860s and 1870s. This period represents the peak of the Czech national upheaval in 19th century in form of mass public action of representatives of the national movement. During this identity-building and identity-inventing process the organisation of national festivals played one of the most important mobilizing roles. Symbolic context of Czech nationality was being re-invented by performing the festive culture as a space for communication and confrontation of new and old meanings. The process comprised the multi-level overlaying of different identities, e.g. regional, local, class, professional, religious, within the national frame. One aspect of these ritual enactments was integration of different important persons that were celebrated – creation of national Pantheon. The analysis in this article focuses on these perfomative acts (J. Butler) using historical and anthropological approaches based in concept of culture as “web of significance” (C. Geertz). Main goal is to show how meanings transfer from symbolic national frame to celebrated persons and vice versa. The analysis is done in four steps. Firstly, the symbolic personification is analysed in the case of celebrating Czech patriots active in pre-1848 period – "awakeners of dying Nation". Among these ones particular significance was given to František Palacký whose role as "the father of Nation" is interpreted in Christian context of family metaphors. Third section is dedicated to the personification of Hussite historical context with Jan Hus, Jan Žižka and Prokop Holý as main actors. Last part shows the examples of (mostly unsuccessful) attempts of introducing Catholic symbolism and identity in to the national frame during the saint's-days of Slavic saints Cyril and Method

    Design and realization of sensor unit with NFC interface for monitoring of ambient conditions

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    Předkládaná diplomová práce je zaměřena na návrh a realizaci senzorového záznamového systému ve formě tagu, se kterým je možno komunikovat skrze technologii NFC. V první části diplomové práce je představena NFC a RFID technologie. Druhá část práce je věnována rešerši komerčních produktů a integrovaných obvodů. Třetí část je zaměřena na realizaci jednočipové a multičipové platformy senzorového tagu. V případě jednočipové platformy se jedná o systém monitorující teplotu a v případě multičipové platformy se jedná o systém monitorující teplotu a relativní vlhkost. Tato část zahrnuje také informace o vývoji komunikačních aplikací. Závěrečná část této práce je věnována ověření funkčnosti vyvinutých platforem.ObhájenoThe master thesis focuses on the designing and the realization of sensor tag that can communicate through the technology NFC. The first part of this thesis introduces NFC and RFID technologies. In second part is market research of commercial products and chips. The third part focuses on realization of singlechip and multichip sensor tag. Singlechip platform measures temperature and Multichip platform measures temperature and relative humidity. This part also informs about development of communications applications for OS Android. In last part of this thesis, there is a verification of function of all developed platforms

    Perspektivní elektronické součástky

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    Tato práce se zaměřuje na vývoj senzorového elementu relativní vlhkosti na bázi uhlíkových alotropů pro využití v oblasti logistiky, konkrétně v oblasti chytrých obalových materiálů. Výsledkem práce je senzorový element relativní vlhkosti založený na bázi uhlíkových nanotrubic, které byly modifikované niklovým ftalocyaninem s funkčními skupinami SO3Na. Vyvinutý senzorový element je realizovatelný tiskovými technologiemi. Senzor má relativní změnu odporu 180 % na rozsahu relativní vlhkosti 20 % až 80 %. Dále byl tento senzor integrován do vyvinutého hybridního tištěného senzorického štítku.ObhájenoThis work is focused on the development of a relative humidity sensor element based on carbon allotropes for use in logistics, especially in the field of smart packaging materials. The result of the work is the relative humidity sensor element based on carbon nanotubes that have been modified with nickel phthalocyanine with SO3Na functional groups. The developed sensor can be fabricated by printing technologies. This sensor has a relative resistance change of 180 % over a relative humidity range of 20 % - 80 %. Furthermore, this sensor was integrated into the developed hybrid printed sensor label

    Perspektivní elektronické součástky

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    Tato práce se zaměřuje na vývoj senzorového elementu relativní vlhkosti na bázi uhlíkových alotropů pro využití v oblasti logistiky, konkrétně v oblasti chytrých obalových materiálů. Výsledkem práce je senzorový element relativní vlhkosti založený na bázi uhlíkových nanotrubic, které byly modifikované niklovým ftalocyaninem s funkčními skupinami SO3Na. Vyvinutý senzorový element je realizovatelný tiskovými technologiemi. Senzor má relativní změnu odporu 180 % na rozsahu relativní vlhkosti 20 % až 80 %. Dále byl tento senzor integrován do vyvinutého hybridního tištěného senzorického štítku.ObhájenoThis work is focused on the development of a relative humidity sensor element based on carbon allotropes for use in logistics, especially in the field of smart packaging materials. The result of the work is the relative humidity sensor element based on carbon nanotubes that have been modified with nickel phthalocyanine with SO3Na functional groups. The developed sensor can be fabricated by printing technologies. This sensor has a relative resistance change of 180 % over a relative humidity range of 20 % - 80 %. Furthermore, this sensor was integrated into the developed hybrid printed sensor label

    Extension, modification and verification of printed sensors test system for printed RH sensors measuring

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    Tento článek vznikl za podpory interního projektu na podporu studentských vědeckých konferencí SVK-2018-005 a projektu SGS-2018-016: Diagnostika a materiály v elektrotechnice. Dále tento článek vznikl za podpory TAČR pod projektem FLEXPRINT - TE01020022.The paper focuses on the extension, modification a verification of the testing system for printed sensors. The first part of this paper describes the modifications of the system. The main modifications are: sending data through the LoRa LPWAN and extension from two measuring channels to four measuring channels. The second part of this paper informs about the results of the verifying of function and precision of the modified measurement method

    Control software for mass flow regulators

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    Předkládaná bakalářská práce je zaměřena na řešení problematiky ovládání regulátorů průtoku od společnosti Sierra Instruments. V úvodu práce je popsán obecný princip činnosti hmotnostních regulátorů průtoku a jsou zde uvedeny základní parametry konkrétních přístrojů. Praktická část práce je zaměřena na návrh softwarového projektu a jeho následnou realizaci. Hlavním výstupem této práce je software v jazyce C# nad platformou MS .NET Framework 4.0., který byl naprogramovaný za účelem řízení regulátorů průtoku pro laboratorní použití.Katedra technologií a měřeníObhájenoThe bachelor thesis is focused on development of a software tool for mass flow controllers from Sierra Instruments Company. The first part of the thesis contains description of the operating principle of mass flow controllers and their technical parameters. In this part, electrical specifications and communication protocol were discussed. The main output of the thesis is the software project that was designed and subsequently programmed in programing language C# above the platform MS.NET Framework 4.0

    Resistance measurement method for IoT and low power application

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    This paper is focused on the measurement of resistance by transferring its value to frequency. The employed integrative comparative method (ICM) based on RC charging circuit is suitable for IoT applications thanks to its low power consumption. The practical implementation of the method on the STM microcontroller is described together with the dependencies, essential characterization and parameters of this method

    Preparation and Application of Carbon Nanotubes Ink for Aerosol Jet Printing System

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    The paper deals with the carbon nanotubes ink preparation and its application for Aerosol Jetprinting system. Aerosol Jetprinter allows using wide range ofmaterials within the meaning of their viscosity, particle size or used solvents. The carbon allotropes (structurally different forms of carbon) are very remarkable materials and especially carbon nanotubes (CNT) and graphene are researchedfor their application in modern printed electronics. The aim of the research is to create a CNT dispersion (ink) which is Aerosol Jet printable, choose the best one and determine its parameters by creating and measuring fully printed CNT resistors. The microscopic inspection and resistivity measurement are presented.The paper deals with the carbon nanotubes ink preparation and its application for Aerosol Jetprinting system. Aerosol Jetprinter allows using wide range ofmaterials within the meaning of their viscosity, particle size or used solvents. The carbon allotropes (structurally different forms of carbon) are very remarkable materials and especially carbon nanotubes (CNT) and graphene are researchedfor their application in modern printed electronics. The aim of the research is to create a CNT dispersion (ink) which is Aerosol Jet printable, choose the best one and determine its parameters by creating and measuring fully printed CNT resistors. The microscopic inspection and resistivity measurement are presented