6 research outputs found
Contribution of The Tschammer Library in Cieszyn for Retrospective National Bibliography
The subject of my thesis is the bibliographic processing of the collection of old Czech prints published until 1800 preserved in the Tschammer Library in Cieszyn. The aim is a compilation of bibliographical inventory of preserved editions to give an answer to three research questions. First question is: can a revision of former research results bring something new from the perspective of the national retrospective bibliography? Than whether and how the results of the analysis of the Czech historical collection of specifically local church library can extend the existing knowledge in the research of the history of book culture in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia? Finally, what does the analysis of the provenance of preserved copies held in the Tschammer Library bring to the history of readers, reading and book culture in the Czech lands? The introductory chapter is devoted to the development of evangelical community of Cieszyn Silesia from the 16th to the beginning of the 19th century. The second chapter presents the history of the library and the basic characteristics of its historical collections. The third chapter focuses on the results of my bibliographic research. The conclusion brings a summary of the work and an evaluation of the achieved results, followed by a bibliographic inventory of...Předmětem práce je bibliografické zpracování souboru bohemikálních starých tisků vydaných do roku 1800 dochovaných v Tschammerově knihovně v Těšíně. Cílem je sestavit bibliografický soupis dochovaných vydání a na základě analýzy zodpovědět tři badatelské otázky. Může revize dříve dosažených badatelských výsledků přinést něco nového z hlediska národní retrospektivní bibliografie tisků vydaných do roku 1800? Zda a jak mohou výsledky analýzy bohemikální části historického fondu specificky lokální sborové knihovny rozšířit dosavadní poznatky v oblasti výzkumu dějin knižní kultury Čech, Moravy a Slezska? Co může přinést provenienční analýza evidovaných exemplářů v lokální církevní knihovně z hlediska dějin čtenářství, mecenátu a knižní kultury v českých zemích? Úvodní kapitola je věnována vývoji těšínské evangelické obce od 16. do počátku 19. století. V druhé kapitole jsou představeny dějiny a správa Tschammerovy knihovny a základní charakteristika jejího historického fondu. Třetí kapitola představuje výsledky samostatného bibliografického výzkumu. Závěr tvoří celkové shrnutí práce a zhodnocení dosažených výsledků, na které navazuje bibliografický soupis evidovaných bohemikálních tisků vydaných do roku 1800 dochovaných v historickém fondu Tschammerovy knihovny.Institute of Information Studies and LibrarianshipÚstav informačních studií a knihovnictvíFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art
Czech bibliology in the twenty-first century — its historical development and current state
The assessment of the current state of bibliology in Czechia, i.e. directions of its development and research accomplishments as well as staff training, is impossible without a historical overview of the evolution of bibliology as a more or less independent scholarly discipline. A study has recently been devoted to the subject, but only for the period until the beginning of the Second World War. That is why the author of the article, drawing on the literature on the subject, internet sources and information obtained from the staff of relevant research institutions, focuses first of all on the second half of the twentieth century, i.e. the role and accomplishments of the most important figures involved in the development of the discipline, the position of bibliology in the higher education system at the time as well as the changes which occurred in it in connection with the political breakthrough of 1989 and the emergence of computerised systems towards the end of the twentieth century. A substantial part of the article is devoted to the events from the last two decades. The author notes the rather difficult situation of the discipline at the turn of the millennium as well as attempts to rebuild it, manifested primarily in its restoration to the curriculum in the 2007/2008 academic year, increasingly successful eff orts of libraries and museums (“institutions of memory”) to obtain funds for scholarly activities, and attempts to formulate a concept of further development of the discipline. In the conclusion the author refl ects on the prospects for the development of bibliology in the nearest future, as well as measures that may lead to is further evolution and revival in broad research into the history of book culture in Czechia.The assessment of the current state of bibliology in Czechia, i.e. directions of its development and research accomplishments as well as staff training, is impossible without a historical overview of the evolution of bibliology as a more or less independent scholarly discipline. A study has recently been devoted to the subject, but only for the period until the beginning of the Second World War. That is why the author of the article, drawing on the literature on the subject, internet sources and information obtained from the staff of relevant research institutions, focuses first of all on the second half of the twentieth century, i.e. the role and accomplishments of the most important figures involved in the development of the discipline, the position of bibliology in the higher education system at the time as well as the changes which occurred in it in connection with the political breakthrough of 1989 and the emergence of computerised systems towards the end of the twentieth century. A substantial part of the article is devoted to the events from the last two decades. The author notes the rather difficult situation of the discipline at the turn of the millennium as well as attempts to rebuild it, manifested primarily in its restoration to the curriculum in the 2007/2008 academic year, increasingly successful eff orts of libraries and museums (“institutions of memory”) to obtain funds for scholarly activities, and attempts to formulate a concept of further development of the discipline. In the conclusion the author refl ects on the prospects for the development of bibliology in the nearest future, as well as measures that may lead to is further evolution and revival in broad research into the history of book culture in Czechia
The book in the life and work of writer Bohumil Hrabal
Bakalářská práce představuje Bohumila Hrabala v roli čtenáře, vlastníka knih a spisovatele, jehož život byl s knihou a papírem neoddělitelně spojen. Úvodní část je věnována stručnému životopisu spisovatele, snaží se poukázat na významné mezníky v jeho životě, které ho dovedly až ke spisovatelské dráze. Další část se věnuje Hrabalovým čtenářským návykům, knihám, které četl, knihám, které ho inspirovaly k tvorbě. Jádrem práce je Hrabalův vztah ke knihám jeho práce s papírovými materiály, rozbor jeho strojopisů z pozůstalosti, rozbor knih, které Hrabal vlastnil a nyní se nacházejí v pozůstalosti. Text doprovází fotografická dokumentace Hrabalových knih a soupis knih, které hrabal četl, jenž vychází z rozboru jeho autobiografických děl. V závěru jsou získané poznatky shrnuty a krátce komentovány
Contribution of The Tschammer Library in Cieszyn for Retrospective National Bibliography
The subject of my thesis is the bibliographic processing of the collection of old Czech prints published until 1800 preserved in the Tschammer Library in Cieszyn. The aim is a compilation of bibliographical inventory of preserved editions to give an answer to three research questions. First question is: can a revision of former research results bring something new from the perspective of the national retrospective bibliography? Than whether and how the results of the analysis of the Czech historical collection of specifically local church library can extend the existing knowledge in the research of the history of book culture in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia? Finally, what does the analysis of the provenance of preserved copies held in the Tschammer Library bring to the history of readers, reading and book culture in the Czech lands? The introductory chapter is devoted to the development of evangelical community of Cieszyn Silesia from the 16th to the beginning of the 19th century. The second chapter presents the history of the library and the basic characteristics of its historical collections. The third chapter focuses on the results of my bibliographic research. The conclusion brings a summary of the work and an evaluation of the achieved results, followed by a bibliographic inventory of..
Research on the history of Czech book illustration in a new way: online database of e-illustration and possibilities of its use.
The paper is focused on presenting the intentions and goals of the project Czech Book Illustration in the Early Modern Age and its main result, which is the online accessible E-Illustration database