65 research outputs found

    Effect of Exercise on Oxidant and Antioxidant Systems in Rat Kidney Tissue with Hyperthyroidism

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    Oxidative stress is involved in the pathogenesis of many diseases. Hyperthyroidism is associated with increased oxidative tissue damage. The aim of this study is to investigate whether if there is any protective effect of a regular endurance exercise on oxidative stress in kidney tissues of rats with experimental hyperthyroidism. Twenty-three male Spraque Dawley rats were divided into four groups: Control, hyperthyroid, exercise and, hyperthyroid with exercise. Hyperthyroid was induced in rats by subcutaneous injections at a dosage of 250 µg L-thyroxine per kg body weight and hyperthyroidism was confirmed by the measurements of TSH, FT3 and FT4 in serum. Endurance training lasted 8 weeks and consisted of 45 minutes daily treadmill running at a speed of 23 m/minute for 5 days a week. The levels of MDA, GSH and, GSH-Px activity were measured in kidney homogenates. MDA level of the hyperthyroid group was significantly higher than those of the control group(p=0.022). On the other hand, the MDA level of the exercise group was significantly lower than the MDA level of the hyperthyroid group (p=0,001). GSH level and GSH-Px activities were lower in the hyperthyroid group comparing the control group (p<0.05). GSH level and GSH-Px activity in the exercise group were higher than compared with the hyperthyroid group (p<0.05). The results of our study show that L-thyroxine injection may increase oxidative stress by causing lipid peroxidation at kidney tissues and endurance training may decrease oxidative stress. Keywords: Endurance training, glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, hyperthyroidism, kidney tissue, malondialdehyde DOI: 10.7176/JMPB/70-05 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Plastic occurrence in commercial fish species of the Black Sea

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    The occurrence of micro- ( 5 mm), meso- (5-25 mm) and macroplastics ( 25mm) was investigated in seven commercial fish species of the Black Sea. Plastics were found in gastrointestinal track of all species analysed: Engraulis encrasicolus, Trachurus mediterraneus, Sarda sarda, Belone belone, Pomatus saltatrix, Merlangius merlangus and Mullus barbatus. A total of 352 plastic particles were removed from 190 individuals (29% of all individuals examined). The mean number of plastic particles per fish was 0.81 +/- 1.42 par.ind-1 (considering all fish analysed, n=650) and 2.06 +/- 1.09 par.ind-1 (considering only the fish that ingested plastic, n=190). The most common types of plastics were fibres (68.5%), followed by films (19%), fragments (11.9%), foams (0.3 %) and microbeads (0.3%). The most common plastic colour was black (39.3%) followed by blue (19.5%) and transparent (18.1%). The length of plastics ranged from 0.05 to 26.5 mm with an average of 1.84 +/- 2.80 mm. 93.2% of plastics were microplastics, 6.5 % as mesoplastics and 0.3% macroplastics. Plastic occurrence was higher in S. sarda (plastic in 70% of the analysed individuals) and lower in M. merlangus (plastic in 9% of the analysed individuals). The main synthetic polymers identified by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy were polypropylene (29.8%), polyester (17.5%), acrylic (15.8%), polyethylene (14%) and polystyrene (1.8%) and 21.1% of polymers were cellulosic. Results show that commercial fish of the Black Sea is contaminated by plastics. This might affect vital functions of fish and pose a risk to ecosystem and human health. The study contributes to a better understanding of the status of plastic pollution in the fish from different habitats of the Black Sea and provides baseline data to implement the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in the basin

    Determination of cholinesterase inhibition potential of rose extract

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    Rosa Damascena Mill., also known as oil rose or rose of Isparta, is one of the most important roses among the fragrant roses in the world. The essential oil obtained from Isparta rose is used especially in cosmetics, perfumery, pharmaceutical and food industries. Isparta rose is traditionally used in the treatment of chest and abdominal pain, strengthening of the heart, constipation, digestive problems and is used in the treatment of neural diseases. Although pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has not been clarified as yet, one of the most accepted theories has been ‘‘cholinergic hypothesis”. A deficiency in levels of the neuromediators called acetylcholine (ACh) and butyrylcholine (BCh) has been observed in the brains of AD patients. Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), the main enzymes which hydrolyze ACh and BCh, respectively, has happen a major treatment option towards AD. So, we initiated a study to screen their AChE and BChE inhibitory activities, which are the key enzymes taking place in pathogenesis of AD. For this purpose, we investigated the effects of rose water on these enzymes. IC50 values were determined as 0.6227 µg ml-1 for AChE and 0.1956 μg/ml for BChE

    The importance of physical activity in the present and past: opinions of thinkers

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    Aim: Thephysical activity is getting decrease due to developing of technology, work life and the urbanization, so this situation has a bad role on the human health. The aim of this study is to compare the information that presents the relationship of exercise approaches and exercises in the past period with today's information and evaluate the perspective of the exercise at that time.Methods: The works of scientists and philosophers living in the past period were investigated by examining the opinions of physical activity and body health.Results:Ibn-i Sina who lived in the eleventh-century and made a reputation especially as a physician, was a scientist. He defined exercise as a series of voluntary movements that consist of deep and rapid respiration, Moreover,he thought that regular exercisehad a protective effect against temperament and humoral disturbances. Another well-known thinker, Ibn-i Miskeveyh said "children and adults drop into a habit that moving, riding, making physical exercise, and avoid to acquired habits that are the opposite of them "He emphasized that physical education and sports have a great positive effect on human health.Conclusion: The views of archaic scholars about physical activity has a significant importance for occurring the physical, mental and spiritually healthier societies