14 research outputs found

    Land readjustment method and its efficient applicability within international framework

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    Arazi ve Arsa düzenlemesi, gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkeler için önemli bir tekniktir. Bu yöntem ile, kentsel alanlarda hem yeni alanların gelişimi hem de yapılaşmış alanların yeniden organizasyonu sağlanabilmektedir. Arazi birleşimi, plan uygulaması, arazi edinimi, altyapı inşaatı, arazi gelişiminin finansı, zamana bağlı arazi gelişimi, düşük-maliyetli konut için arazi sağlama yönlerinden arazi ve arsa düzenleme yöntemi önemli potansiyellere sahiptir. Bu nedenle hem gelişmiş hem de gelişmekte olan ülkeler açısından bu tekniğin uygulanması büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Kentsel alanlarda servisli kentsel arsa arzının yetersizliği, arazi piyasası içerisinde düşük gelirli hatta orta gelirli grupların barınma için arsaya girişinin yeterince sağlanamaması, kent kenar alanlarına doğru yoğun baskı ve hem varolan hem de yeni gelişen konut alanlarındaki altyapı ve servis alanlarının eksikliği gibi ortak sorunlar devlet müdehalesini gerektirmiştir. Farklı ülkelerde hükümetler, müdahalenin gereği olarak farklı politikalar üretmiş ve farklı araçlar kullanmışlardır. Kullanılan çoğu araç ya da programlar, bu sorunların çözümünde yetersiz kalmış ve bu yetersizlikler çeşitli uluslararası çalışmalarda da sık olarak ortaya konulmuştur. Bu noktada, Arazi ve Arsa düzenlemesi, uluslararası literatürde tüm bu araçlara karşı ülkelerin uygulayacağı önemli bir alternatif çözüm olarak görülmektedir. Bununla birlikte, hem ulusal hem de uluslararası planlama literatüründe Arazi ve Arsa düzenlemesinin kullanımı ile ilgili yayınlar oldukça kısıtlı sayıdadır. Bu makalenin amacı, uluslararası literatür çerçevesinde AAD yönteminin etkin ve başarılı uygulanabilirliğindeki koşulları incelemektir. AAD yöntemi etkin olarak uygulayamayan ülkelerdeki modellerin hangi açılardan geliştirilebileceğine yönelik bilgi sağlamaktadır.       Anahtar Kelimeler: Arazi ve Arsa düzenlemesi (AAD), kentsel alanlar, uygulanabilirlik. The land readjustment (LR) is a method which is used for both the development of new areas and the reorganisation of the built-up areas in urban regions. The application of this method provides the conversion of agricultural or semi-urban land into urban land. LR can be thought as an important planning tool during the rural- suburban transition. Further, the urban plots may also be readjusted, if necessary. The models of land readjustment vary according to countries. While in some countries private initiative (landowner associations or cooperatives) is more efficient in the application of LR models, the public initiative (municipality, governorship, etc.) may be more efficient in other countries. However, in whatever country the method is applied, after a common share is allocated  for public usage such as roads, parks, car parks,  from the total  of all plots that fall into LR area, the remaining areas are distributed to the landowners in proportion to either the area  size or value criteria. LR not only capture the costs of providing infrastructure and services to the areas, but it also potentially recaptures additional value created for any the other public purposes. For example, a good standard subdivision layout, the production of plots with service in regular forms and sizes, the supply of service areas like roads, parks, etc. which are required for public use, and the achievement of price stability as a result of meeting the demand. The LR is one of methods and procedures for urban development focuses on the modification of existing land parcels in terms of shape, location, size other conditions together with the proper allocation and  improvement  of urban infrastructure. The LR method is applied efficiently and successfully in developed countries like Japan, Germany and France and in developing countries of the Far East. In some countries that have a long background and accumulation of LR (Turkey, India, etc.), the achievements from the use of the LR method are far behind the expectations. The aim of this article is to define and examine provisions in the efficient applicability of land readjustment method within the frame of international literature. The findings of this study provide knowledge as to which aspects of the models in the countries failing to apply the LR method efficiently can be improved. The efficient applicability of the land readjustment method can be examined under some headlines: One of the conditions for the efficient application of the LR method is "cost recovery". Main financial resources in LR are related to land contribution of landowners. In some country models, some part of this contribution land is sold to cover the infrastructure cost. In LR projects, transparency and fairness are principles necessary in the sharing of project costs and benefits. While infrastructure cost and construction are included within the scope of LR in some countries, the cost and construction of infrastructure is excluded from the process in other countries' models. Certain conditions arise in regards to planning in the efficient application of LR. of construction. The first condition is the ideal size of LR project areas. The second condition is the establishment of a connection between the master plan (local physical plan) and LR projects. The third condition is the completion of the development on the urban plots produced at the end of the LR projects. One of the important conditions in the efficient application of LR is the participation of the landowners in the project. Adoption and participation of landowners to the project will increase applicability of the LR. Another important component in the efficient application of the LR method is the availability of skilled and competent personnel. In land readjustments, the incoming data from the land registration system, which is one of the important inputs, should be precise. The efficient applicability of LR models in various countries can be evaluated within the frame of the availability of these conditions. This evaluation may enable an approach to be adopted on the elimination of problematic areas with respect to the use of the LR method in the country's legislation. The findings of this study provide knowledge as to which aspects of the models in the countries failing to apply the LR method efficiently can be improved.  Keywords: Land readjustment, urban areas, applicability.

    Factors influencing the Choice of FDI Locations in Turkey

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    1980 yılından başlayarak izlenen dışa yönelme programı kapsamında dış yatırımlarla ilgili mevzuatın serbestleştirilmesinin ardından yabancı sermaye girişleri ve dış yatırım alanlarında önemli gelişmeler olmuştur. Seksenli yıllarda yabancı sermaye girişlerinin arttırılması amacıyla yapılan yasal ve örgütsel düzenlemeler sonucunda Türkiye’deki yabancı sermayeli firmaların sayısı 29 kat artmıştır. Buna rağmen, bu artış diğer gelişmekte olan ülkelerle karşılaştırıldığında beklenenin altındadır. Günümüzde de coğrafi konumunun sağladığı avantaj, İstanbul’un dünya ekonomik sistemi içinde bölgesel pazarlara ve kaynaklara ulaşmada küresel sermaye için tercih edilen önemli bir düğüm noktası durumuna gelmesine neden olmaktadır. Başka bir deyişle, İstanbul bölgelerarası ağlar içinde kontrol ve erişim fonksiyonlarının merkezi olmaya adaydır.  Bu bakımdan bu çalışmada, 1990–2003 yılları arasında Türkiye’de Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımların (DYY) bölgesel dağılımlarının il düzeyinde belirleyicilerini saptamak amaçlanmaktadır. İkinci olarak, aynı zaman aralığında Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımların sektörlere bağlı yatırım belirleyicilerini incelemektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımlar, yığılma ekonomileri, pazar büyüklüğü, bilgi harcamaları, alt yapı, yatırım teşvikleri.Turkey adopted neo-liberal policies in order to increase economic integration into international relation after 1980. As a result of these policies, foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows increased greatly. In 1980 there were 78 FDI firms in Turkey whereas the number increased by 6511 in 2003. Turkey has become a hub of vast hinterland that extends from Balkans to Caucasus and represented a prime focus for foreign investment. For this reason, it is very important to know the characteristics and spatial distribution of FDI firms in Turkey. This study analyzes the spatial distribution of FDI (foreign direct invest-ment) firms among the provinces in Turkey from 1990 to 2003. The positive and negative effects of foreign investments on a developing country?s economy have been brought out through various studies (Baniak et al., 2005; Pavlinek, 2004). As common characteristics, the nationwide distribution of FDI on developing countries has been uneven because FDIs in many developing countries are concentrated on the biggest city (Pavlinek, 2004; Deichmann et al., 2003). This situation has revealed two basic problems. First is the greater increase of the existing regional instability due to the concentration of FDIs in the largest city in the country in general. The second is the effect on the development dynamics of the city due to the uneven spatial distribution within the city.  FDIs are considered a solution for Turkey, just as for other developing countries, in order to eliminate the problem of insufficient resources and to maintain economic development (DPT, 2000; Karluk, 2001; Balasubramyam, 1996). Therefore, a political and a legal framework has been established to facilitate the entrance of foreign capital inflow. As a result of the policies adopted within the 1980s, the number of foreign investment companies in Turkey increased 29 times by 2000 (Berkoz, 2001). When compared with worldwide foreign direct investment inflows, Turkey?s shares were 0.29% in 1980, 0.24% in 1990, 0.27% in 2003, and 0.42% in 2004. Up until 1980, 87% of the foreign capital that came to Turkey was invested in the industrial sector. Today this ratio has decreased to 45.45%. However, the share of the services sector, which was 13% in 1980, has reached 52.52%, showing a substantial increase (Berkoz and Eyüpoglu, 2005). As is the case within other developing countries, the spatial distribution of FDIs throughout the country was again uneven (Deicmann et al., 2003; Berkoz, 2001). Also,  FDIs in Turkey have been concentrated in the biggest city, Istanbul, which attracts the highest level of foreign investment in Turkey. It is observed that 75.39% of Turkey?s total capital investment and 63.29% of the total number of firms in Turkey are in Istanbul. It has attracted 59.63% of the firms which have made investments in industry in Turkey with 55.22% of the capital, and 66.35% of the firms making investments in the services sector with 92.33% of the capital (Berkoz and Eyuboglu, 2005). According to the report of YASED (the Foreign Investors Association), Istanbul held 6174 foreign capital investments at the end of 2003; 2.53% of these foreign investments were in agriculture, 25.79% in industry, and 71.69% in the services sector.       Providing employment and job opportunities, application of skills and new technologies, transfer of capital , increase in productivity, enhancing exports, spread of domestic firms, and acceleration of economic growth in the developing countries are among the most important benefits of foreign direct investment (FDI). Since the 1990?s foreign direct investment has been considered as the ?development motor? for the developing countries by United Nation Commission of Trade and Development (UNCTAD, 2004), and thus it has been encouraged to create the conditions attracting investment. At the beginning of the 1990?s the investments directed to the developing countries had a share below 20% of the world?s investment capacity. However in the middle of the 1990?s this share increased to 40 %.         A model is developed to test the agglomeration economies as a demand, urbanization economies, market size, employment structure, government incentives, information cost, locational wealth and infrastructure. Location decisions of foreign investors are generally determined by agglomeration economies as population growth in the provinces and previous investment, infrastructure, amount of bank credit and local market growth. Keywords: Foreign direct investments (FDI), ag-glomeration economies, market size, information cost, infrastructure, government incentives

    The adverse prejuduce against land readjustment method

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    Ülkemizdeki imar planı uygulama yöntemleri içerisinde, arazi ve arsa düzenleme yöntemi uzun geçmişe sahip olmakla birlikte, kentsel alanlarda bir imar planı uygulama yöntemi olarak yoğun bir biçimde kullanılmadığı ve bu yönteme karşı önyargı bulunduğu bilinmektedir. Bu makalede, ülkemizde kentsel alanlarda imar planı uygulamalarında taşınmaz sahiplerinin arazi ve arsa düzenlemesi yöntemine karşı olumsuz önyargısı olup olmadığının saptanması ve eğer olumsuz önyargı varsa, bu yargının nedenlerinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Ayrıca arazi ve arsa düzenlemesine karşı olumsuz önyargı olup olmaması ile imar planı uygulama yöntem tercihleri arasında ilişki  belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır.In the implementation methods of the local physical plans in Turkey, although the land readjustment has a long past in Turkey, it is known that this method is not used in urban areas intensively and there is the adverse prejudice of landowners against to the land readjustment method. This paper aims to determine whether there is a adverse of landowners prejudice against to the land readjustment method or not and, if it exists, to determine the reasons of this. Additon to this, in the paper it is examined whether there is a relationship between the adverse prejudice and the method preferences.  This study required a large-scale emperical analysis that attempted to assess the national position across the country. This study took the form of a questionnaire survey of municipalities selected through a stratified random sampling in Turkey. The final sample includes the responses from 468 municipalities. To reach the aims of this paper, descriptive statistics, cross- tabulation  and chi- square test of indepence are used. In the result of the study, it is seen that municipalities tend to implementation of the local physical plans 15. and 16. titles method more than land readjustment methods. In the method preferences of municipalities the adverse prejudice of landowners against to the land readjustment is effective


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    Purpose Discussions in planning systems of different countries under the influence of structural changes at the macro level are concentrated around flexibility and certainty. Since 2000, Turkey have triggered a shift in the planning system which is defined as regulatory in theory, towards a more flexible system in practice. This flexible system can be also seen in urban renewal practices. The aim of the article is to discuss the flexibility shaped by the legal sources with examples of urban renewal in Turkey. Design/Methodology/Approach As methodology, in the study, firstly, international and national literature on flexibility in planning systems was investigated. Afterwards, shaping flexibility in planning systems is focused on three categories; (1) spatial planning, (2) property rights, and (3) discretionary power. Legal sources related to urban renewal areas, and their practices are examined under three categories based on findings of some examples in literature. Findings The findings demonstrate that the increase in the degree of flexibility directly affects the spatial planning, property rights, and using of the discretionary power: Firstly, the scope and power of spatial plans are eliminated. Secondly, the property right, which is protected by the constitution, is ignored. Thirdly, since the limits of discretionary power are not clear, the outcomes of practices cannot be controlled either. Research Limitations/Implications The study based on findings of some examples in literature. In the study, no specific area study has been conducted. Social/Practical Implications As a result of these study, laws and regulations related to urban renewal can be rearranged in terms of property rights, discretion power and spatial planning. Thus, more livable cities can be created with the participation of people in urban renewal practices and the public benefit of planning. Originality/Value There are quite limited studies focus on shaping of flexibility, and its effects in urban renewal. The originality of this study is to examine the shaping of flexibility in legal sources related to urban renewal, and reflections into the practices

    Analysis for main toolkits of urban regeneration focused on earthquake: Case of IETT Blocks

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    İstanbul’un son 20 yıl içinde hızlı bir dönüşüm yaşamış olması, bu süreç içinde İstanbul’un gayrimenkul ve rant odaklı büyüme içerisinde olması, yapı stoğunun yaklaşık %60’ının depreme karşı mukavemet gösterecek sağlamlıkta olmaması gibi nedenler ile İstanbul için, kentsel dönüşüm kavramının yoğun olarak tartışılması kaçınılmaz olmuştur. Bununla birlikte İstanbul’da halen kentsel dönüşüm ve depreme hazırlık politikalarının üretilmesinde önemli eksiklikler bulunmaktadır. Bu tespitleri dikkate alarak, yeni dönemin gündemini doğru belirlememiz gerekmektedir. Özellikle deprem beklentisi ve yapı stoğunun yeterli sağlamlıkta olmadığı gerçeği, afet odaklı kentsel dönüşüm planlamasındaki ön koşulların neler olması gerektiğini sorgulamayı zorunlu kılmaktadır. İstanbul’da son yıllarda gerçekleştirilen kentsel dönüşüm çalışmaları, yerel yönetimlerin bireysel çabaları ile uygulanan tekil projelerden ibaret iken, depreme hazırlık çalışmalarının kentsel planlama ile ilişkilendirilme çabaları sınırlı kalmıştır. Bu süreç içinde ‘Kentsel dönüşüm ne olmalıdır? Neleri kapsamalıdır? İstanbul’a özgü koşullar ve stratejiler nelerdir?’ gibi sorulara cevap aranmış ve birtakım kavramsal kargaşa da yaşanmıştır. Bu karmaşa, ancak süreç içinde uygulamalı örneklerle ortadan kalkacaktır. Bu yönde atılan tüm adımlar değerlidir ve ülkesel politikalara ışık tutmalı, öncü olmalıdır. Bu makalenin amacı, deprem odaklı kentsel dönüşüm etki projelerinin araçlarının ve uygulanabilirliğinin değerlendirilmesi ve ileriye dönük kanıta dayalı kentsel dönüşüm politikalarının oluşturulmasıdır. Makalede, deprem odaklı kentsel dönüşüm etki projelerinin anahtar bileşenleri incelenmektedir. Deprem odaklı kentsel dönüşüm etki projesinin uygulanabilirliği örnek alan üzerinde SWOT analizi yöntemi ile sınanmaktadır. Makale, depreme odaklı çözüm ve etki yaratacak kentsel dönüşüm politikalarının önemini vurgulamakta ve kentsel dönüşüm tartışmalarına pilot alan sınaması ile kanıt sunmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ateşleyici proje, deprem, İstanbul, dönüşüm, finansal fizibilite.It has been inevitable to discuss the concept of urban transformation intensively for Istanbul due to some reasons like having experienced the rapid transformation for the last 20 years, being in real estate and annuity based growth in this process, approximately % 60 of building stock not being strong and sound enough to resist earthquake. 1999 Marmara earthquake experience has introduced the necessity to plan earthquake preparation studies in Turkey within an integrated system. Designation of a provisional settlement area, associate the reserved places with the urban plans, provision of equipment in neighborhood unit at provisional housing areas and inter-association of the design of prefabricated housing units that form the neighborhood unit and the performance of earthquake preparation studies within this process must be adopted as a new approach. The results of 1999 Marmara earthquake has entailed the formation of "planning, design and management" systematic of earthquake preparation studies in Turkey. While the sensitivity of Turkey and Marmara to earthquake preparation studies increases, another issue of cooperation is reinforcement and the determination of areas that will start "urban regeneration acceleration" rapidly in areas where reinforcement is not sufficient, and the use of urban transformation as a tool in damage reduction studies. However, there are still important deficiencies for the urban regeneration and the production of preparation policies for earthquake. It is necessary to establish sustainable and well qualified urban living spaces for the public prepared for disaster. In other words, on one hand, disaster preparation activities have to be performed quickly and integrated with urban planning on the other hand, approaches on urban regeneration models have to be developed and application  /implementation areas for these models have to be determined. By considering these findings, we have to determine the agenda of the new period in a right way. Especially, the earthquake expectation and the fact that building stock is not sound and strong enough necessitate the questioning of what prerequisites have to be in disaster focused urban regeneration planning. While urban regeneration activities, which have been realized in Istanbul recently is made up of singular projects implemented by the efforts of the local authorities, the efforts to associate preparation activities for the earthquake with urban planning has been limited. In this process, the efforts were made to find answers for the questions like what should urban regeneration be? What should it cover? What are the conditions and strategies special for Istanbul? and several conceptual confusions were experienced. This confusion or chaos will be removed with practical examples in the process. The steps taken to this effect is valuable and should light the way for national policies, they should be pioneer in this way. The aim of this article is to evaluate the toolkits for flagship regeneration projects based on earthquake and their applicability and to build up evidence based urban regeneration policies for future. In the article, after literature investigation on flagship urban regeneration projects, toolkits for flagship urban regeneration projects based on earthquake are examined. By testing the applicability of the toolkits for flagship urban transformation projects based on earthquake on case area with SWOT analysis method, important urban regeneration policies are developed for Istanbul. The article emphasizes the importance of urban regeneration policies which will create flagship development based on earthquake and submits the proof for urban regeneration by pilot area test. In the 2nd section following the introduction section of the article, it is emphasized the main components of an earthquake based urban regeneration project. In the third section, selection of case / sample area and its importance is stated in the context of methodology of the study. In the fourth section of the article, in the framework of key components of an earthquake based regeneration project, the applicability of earthquake based regeneration model is questioned / interrogated on the area taken as a case / sample in Istanbul and the components of regeneration project are evaluated. In Conclusion section, pilot project proofs based strategies and policies are developed in earthquake based regeneration model. Keywords: Flagship, regeneration, Istanbul, disaster mitigation, financial feasibility

    The Application Tools Of The Development Plans And Ordu Case

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1995Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1995Şehirlerin imar yönünden düzenli bir şekilde gelişmesi, imar planlarıyla getirilen planlama kararlarının, planlama ilke ve düzenleme tekniklerine göre uygulanmasıyla sağlanmaktadır. Ülkemizde imar planlarının uygulama araçları kamulaştırma ile arazi ve arsa düzenlemesi olmaktadır. Bu araçlardan kamulaştırma, pahalı bir yöntem olduğu için belediyeler ve valiliklerce tercih edilmemektedir. Arazi ve arsa düzenlemesi ise, ilgili idarelerin imar planlarını uygulamaları için kullanacakları önemli bir araç olmaktadır. Arazi ve arsa düzenlemesi, mal sahiplerinin isteği üzerine yapılabileceği gibi, mal sahiplerinin isteğine bakılmaksızın, belediyeler ve valilikler tarafından bir kamu tasarrufu niteliğinde de yapılmaktadır. Belirtilen ikinci yol, mevzuatımızda zorunlu kılınmış olmasına rağmen çoğunlukla uygulamada istek üzerine düzenlemeler tercih edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada imar planlarının uygulama araçları olan kamulaştırma ile arazi ve arsa düzenlenmesi incelenmiş, özellikle 18. Hadde uygulamasının nasıl yapıldığı araştırılmış ve Ordu'dan seçilen üç değişik düzenleme alanında uygulama yapılmak suretiyle mevzuatımızda bu konu ile ilgili eksiklikler ve boşluklar belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bunlara bağlı olarak da öneriler getirilmiştir. 6 bölümden oluşan çalışmanın birinci bölümünde, konu tanıtılmış, ikinci bölümde ise imar hukukunun yaptırım gücü üzerinde durulmuştur. Üçüncü bölümde imar planlarının uygulama araçları olan kamulaştırma ile arazi ve arsa düzenlemesi incelenmiş ve dördüncü bölümde ise 18. Madde uygulamasının çalışma esasları açıklanmıştır. Beşinci bölümde Ordu Merkez yerleşim alanından seçilen 3 örnek düzenleme alanında uygulama yapılmıştır. Altıncı bölümde ise, konunun bütününe ilişkin değerlendirmeler yapılarak, öneriler getirilmiştir.SİMORT tie appLicanoi tools of tie depelopmhtt plus ih> ordu c*se In this study, the application tools of the development plans have been studied and application stage of the land and plot arrangement has been explained on the actual cases which is taken from Ordu. As a result of these studies, some gaps and deficiencies have been found in laws related to this topic and some solution procedures has been proposed. First chapter describes the scope of this thesis. In second chapter, the position of the development law in legal science İ3 explained. This chapter al30 explains the general concepts and rules of law and emphasizes the distinction between public and private laws. Public law includes the development and city planning law. With city plans, some rights of people related to the ownership may be restricted, delayed or abolished. In our country, in order to solve the problems related to public improvements, the rules of the traditional administrative law are applied. However, these rules are mostly insufficient in practice. For this reason, development law must be independent from the administrative law. In third chapter, the application tools of the development plans in our country, have been explained. These tools are the expropriation, land and plot arrangement. Constitutional Law of 1982 is the fundamental support of expropriation in Turkey. Item of 46 of this constitutional law mentions about general frame of the expropriation. The main characteristics of expropriation can be listed as follows: a) The expropriation is applied on private property. XI b) The main purpose of expropriation is to provide the public interest. c) Only government İ3 authorized for expropriation. d) The price of the property must be paid for cash. e) The expropriation procedure is determined according to the laws. By expropriation, it is so difficult to supply lands for which will be used for public facilities. Because this way is expensive. Municipalities and provinces can not afford for this procedure. The land and plot arrangement is an effective method for above organizations. By using this method, development plans can be easily applied rather than expropriation. Furthermore, because of obligation about application of parcellation plans in Development Law, Item 18 can be applied easily while realizing these plans. In our country, the land and plot arrangement are applied in two ways. First one is the applications which are done by the request of property owners. Second one İ3 the arrangement which is done by municipality and provinces as a public procedure. This second way is obligatory according to the Development Act. The applications which is done by the request of the property owners, are done generally with respect to the Item 15 and 16 of the Development Act No: 3194. Property owners may have gain or loss after application of these items. Development Act does not include a clear explanation about application of these items. The land and plot arrangement have been interpreted in different ways by different law experts. Some of them claim that this items can be evaluated as a private expropriation. The others evaluate this procedure as a restriction on private ownership right. The usage of the private ownership can be restricted according to the development and city planning law. The land and plot arrangement have been included in various laws which came into force since Ottoman Period until now. Xll This arrangement: has been mentioned firstly in Law which came into force in 1864. In all laws related with this topic, the planning participation shares are different. This participation share wa3 determined as 25 % in Item 42 of The Development Act No: ?785 but this item was cancelled by Constitutional Court in 1963. The Court determined this item as an expropriation without compensation. Then this item was rearranged by Act No: 1605 in 1972. In 1985, Development Act No: 3194 came into force. This Act has some new concepts related with land and plot arrangement. These can be listed as follows: a) The participation share is increased from 25 % to 35 %. b) For regions outside the municipal or surrounding region, provinces are authorized for planning. c) The purchase of all kinds of land and plot which have private parcellation or shared ownership is prohibited. d) The mosques and police stations are included in the planning participation share as well as the other public facilities, like streets, squares, parking areas, play grounds and recreation areas. e) To keep plots ready for housing construction is obligatory. f) The areas which are assigned for common use may be formed by granting shares to all arranged parcels. g) According to the Item 39 of the Development Act No: 6785/1605, the participation 3hare can be taken from the parcels which are previously divided and registered. h) With respect to the ground position of the parcel, planning participation share may convert into money by the request of the owier. The advantages of application of Item 18 can be listed as follows: a) The municipalities and provinces can apply the development plans entirely by using Item 18. Xlii b) The public facilities 3uch as streets, squares, parking areas, play grounds, recreation areas, mosques, police stations can be provided without using expropriation. c) By the application of Item 18, the parcels ready for housing construction can be provided. d) By the application of Item 18, all streets and substructure can be realized according to the development plan. A similar procedure can be applied using Item 10-c of Act No: 2981/3290 instead of Item 18 in some lands on which illegal buildings or shared ownership exist. This Item has much more practical rules than Item 18. Fourth section is about the studies carried on the application of the Item 18. These studies are made as preparatory and arrangement studies. The points which are to be taken into consideration in the application are specified. In fifth section, land and plot arrangement is done on three different lands. First case is chosen from developing zone of city called as Cumhuriyet District. Second and third cases are chosen from Subaşı District and Yeni District which are inhabited zones of the city. Item 18 of The Development Act is applied in first and second cases. Item 10-c of Act 2981/3290 is used for third zone. The results of these application studies shows that Items 15 and 16 are most often used in Ordu. Item 18 is applied if Items 15 and 16 are not applicable. Usually, municipality prefers application of Item 10-c of Act No: 2981/3290 instead of Item 18. Because the rules of this Item are more practical in application. Some deficiencies and gaps in Development Act related with land and plot arrangement can be listed as follows: a) There is not clear explanation about application of the Items IS and 16 of Development Act. b) In the application of Item 18, areas of properties are taken into consideration only. c) The planning participation shares calculated after application of Item 18, Items 15 and 16 and Item 10-c XiV of Act No: 2981/3290 may have different values in planning zone. d) The planning participation shares which have been taken at in different times may cause problems. e) The necessary cooperation between city planners and surveying engineers does not exist in our country. Finally, some proposals can be summarized as follows: a) Items 15 and 16 have to be explained clearly in the Development Act. b) The application of the Item 18 have to be much more practical. The rules of Item 10-c which can be easily applied, have to be added into Item 18 of Act No: 3194. c) Priority have to be given to municipality while purchasing the properties. d) The planning participation share have to be calculated in all over the city. This share will be base for later applications. e) City planners have to make easily applicable plans and take care about private ownership.Yüksek LisansM.Sc