Land readjustment method and its efficient applicability within international framework


Arazi ve Arsa düzenlemesi, gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkeler için önemli bir tekniktir. Bu yöntem ile, kentsel alanlarda hem yeni alanların gelişimi hem de yapılaşmış alanların yeniden organizasyonu sağlanabilmektedir. Arazi birleşimi, plan uygulaması, arazi edinimi, altyapı inşaatı, arazi gelişiminin finansı, zamana bağlı arazi gelişimi, düşük-maliyetli konut için arazi sağlama yönlerinden arazi ve arsa düzenleme yöntemi önemli potansiyellere sahiptir. Bu nedenle hem gelişmiş hem de gelişmekte olan ülkeler açısından bu tekniğin uygulanması büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Kentsel alanlarda servisli kentsel arsa arzının yetersizliği, arazi piyasası içerisinde düşük gelirli hatta orta gelirli grupların barınma için arsaya girişinin yeterince sağlanamaması, kent kenar alanlarına doğru yoğun baskı ve hem varolan hem de yeni gelişen konut alanlarındaki altyapı ve servis alanlarının eksikliği gibi ortak sorunlar devlet müdehalesini gerektirmiştir. Farklı ülkelerde hükümetler, müdahalenin gereği olarak farklı politikalar üretmiş ve farklı araçlar kullanmışlardır. Kullanılan çoğu araç ya da programlar, bu sorunların çözümünde yetersiz kalmış ve bu yetersizlikler çeşitli uluslararası çalışmalarda da sık olarak ortaya konulmuştur. Bu noktada, Arazi ve Arsa düzenlemesi, uluslararası literatürde tüm bu araçlara karşı ülkelerin uygulayacağı önemli bir alternatif çözüm olarak görülmektedir. Bununla birlikte, hem ulusal hem de uluslararası planlama literatüründe Arazi ve Arsa düzenlemesinin kullanımı ile ilgili yayınlar oldukça kısıtlı sayıdadır. Bu makalenin amacı, uluslararası literatür çerçevesinde AAD yönteminin etkin ve başarılı uygulanabilirliğindeki koşulları incelemektir. AAD yöntemi etkin olarak uygulayamayan ülkelerdeki modellerin hangi açılardan geliştirilebileceğine yönelik bilgi sağlamaktadır.       Anahtar Kelimeler: Arazi ve Arsa düzenlemesi (AAD), kentsel alanlar, uygulanabilirlik. The land readjustment (LR) is a method which is used for both the development of new areas and the reorganisation of the built-up areas in urban regions. The application of this method provides the conversion of agricultural or semi-urban land into urban land. LR can be thought as an important planning tool during the rural- suburban transition. Further, the urban plots may also be readjusted, if necessary. The models of land readjustment vary according to countries. While in some countries private initiative (landowner associations or cooperatives) is more efficient in the application of LR models, the public initiative (municipality, governorship, etc.) may be more efficient in other countries. However, in whatever country the method is applied, after a common share is allocated  for public usage such as roads, parks, car parks,  from the total  of all plots that fall into LR area, the remaining areas are distributed to the landowners in proportion to either the area  size or value criteria. LR not only capture the costs of providing infrastructure and services to the areas, but it also potentially recaptures additional value created for any the other public purposes. For example, a good standard subdivision layout, the production of plots with service in regular forms and sizes, the supply of service areas like roads, parks, etc. which are required for public use, and the achievement of price stability as a result of meeting the demand. The LR is one of methods and procedures for urban development focuses on the modification of existing land parcels in terms of shape, location, size other conditions together with the proper allocation and  improvement  of urban infrastructure. The LR method is applied efficiently and successfully in developed countries like Japan, Germany and France and in developing countries of the Far East. In some countries that have a long background and accumulation of LR (Turkey, India, etc.), the achievements from the use of the LR method are far behind the expectations. The aim of this article is to define and examine provisions in the efficient applicability of land readjustment method within the frame of international literature. The findings of this study provide knowledge as to which aspects of the models in the countries failing to apply the LR method efficiently can be improved. The efficient applicability of the land readjustment method can be examined under some headlines: One of the conditions for the efficient application of the LR method is "cost recovery". Main financial resources in LR are related to land contribution of landowners. In some country models, some part of this contribution land is sold to cover the infrastructure cost. In LR projects, transparency and fairness are principles necessary in the sharing of project costs and benefits. While infrastructure cost and construction are included within the scope of LR in some countries, the cost and construction of infrastructure is excluded from the process in other countries' models. Certain conditions arise in regards to planning in the efficient application of LR. of construction. The first condition is the ideal size of LR project areas. The second condition is the establishment of a connection between the master plan (local physical plan) and LR projects. The third condition is the completion of the development on the urban plots produced at the end of the LR projects. One of the important conditions in the efficient application of LR is the participation of the landowners in the project. Adoption and participation of landowners to the project will increase applicability of the LR. Another important component in the efficient application of the LR method is the availability of skilled and competent personnel. In land readjustments, the incoming data from the land registration system, which is one of the important inputs, should be precise. The efficient applicability of LR models in various countries can be evaluated within the frame of the availability of these conditions. This evaluation may enable an approach to be adopted on the elimination of problematic areas with respect to the use of the LR method in the country's legislation. The findings of this study provide knowledge as to which aspects of the models in the countries failing to apply the LR method efficiently can be improved.  Keywords: Land readjustment, urban areas, applicability.

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