122 research outputs found

    Recent Developments on Aroma Biochemistry in Fresh Fruits

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    For fresh fruits to be consumed and relished, they have to stimulate the senses of taste and smell as well as have good visual properties. In terms of the consumption of a fruit, its aroma, which constitutes the taste and odor elements, is of major importance. Therefore, the wish of consumers to eat fresh fruits is largely due to their rich aroma. The components of aroma that are found in fruits, in very low concentrations, such as ppm or ppb, can easily be perceived sensorially. Flavor, usually composed of volatile compounds, is an important criterion that enhances the appeal of fresh fruits. The aroma in fruits is composed of dozens of compounds in different concentrations. Many researchers have reported that the components of fruit aroma are caused by aldehydes, esters, alcohols, lactones, ketones, terpenoids, and other chemical compounds. The features that make these volatile compounds significant and unite them at a common point are that, even in trace amounts, they are perceived by the senses, and play an extremely effective role on the quality of the fruit. Aroma formation and development takes place in fresh fruits under highly dynamic processes. In this review, aroma biochemistry in fresh fruits and the factors affecting this dynamic process are discussed

    Possible chemical mechanism and determination of inhibitory effects of 1-MCP on superficial scald of the Granny Smith apple variety

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    The effects of postharvest 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) treatments on α-farnesene content, incidence of scald, and ethylene content of the Granny Smith apple were evaluated in this study. Harvested apples were treated with 1-MCP at concentrations of 312.5, 625, and 1250 ppb. The 625 and 1250 ppb doses were found to be the most effective in terms of quality protection during storage. For untreated fruits, symptoms of scald development appeared after 8 weeks in cold storage, whereas 1-MCP doses of 625 and 1250 ppb were effective in decreasing superficial scald in fruit after 24 weeks of cold storage. 1-MCP can inhibit oxidation of α-farnesene, which synthesizes during storage. This induces reactive oxygen species metabolism. 1-MCP introduces competitive behavior by breaking the balance between α-farnesene production and the antioxidative defense system, due to the Schenck ene reaction

    Investigating E-Learning Motivational Strategies of Higher Education Learners against Online Distractors

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    Exploring higher education learners’ e-learning experiences and the challenges they encounter is required to equip them with necessary skills and strategies to attain their academic goals (Cooper & Corpus, 2009). By identifying the types of and the frequency of exposure to distractors, the study was specifically geared towards finding out the level of motivational self-regulated strategies, including volition and goal commitment strategies, employed against online distractors during e-learning by higher education learners. The data were gathered through a questionnaire developed after a comprehensive literature review and semi-structured interviews (n = 38). The questionnaire was completed by higher education learners (n = 279), who were found to implement goal commitment and volition strategies at moderate levels despite the high frequency of exposure to distractors. The overall findings imply that equipping learners with motivational e-learning strategies encompassing goal commitment and volition strategies is necessary. This will require more in-depth research conducted to explore the role of self-regulated strategies in predicting learner engagement in the context of online learning

    The effect of antimicrobial policy implementation on carbapenem resistance: A university hospital experience

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    Objective: The resistance of Gram-negative bacteria to antibiotics is a global issue that leads to increased mortality and treatment costs. The aim of this study is to see how a newly formed carbapenem control team affected the prevalence of carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative rods and antibiotic consumption expenses in 2017 compared to the year before.Methods: The rate of carbapenem antibiotic usage in Intensive Care Units and Bone Marrow Transplantation services, as well as the findings of culture materials obtained from various body parts of the same patients, between January 1, 2016, and December 31, 2017 were assessed.Results: While there was an ordinary restriction on carbapenem consumption in 2016, carbapenem consumption has been more restricted in 2017. The carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacteria patterns of culture materials are examined and compared with Defined Daily Dose data of carbapenems. After the restriction, a significant decrease in the consumption of carbapenems was detected. The decline in carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacteria and decreasing antibiotic consumption were found to have a moderately positive correlation (r=0.641, p=0.02). A 60.9% decrease was observed in carbapenem costs after carbapenem restriction, on the other hand, an increase in other unrestricted antibiotics was apparent.Conclusion: Antimicrobial restriction policies can help minimize the rate of carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative rods, which is a serious problem in healthcare. We demonstrated that a decrease in carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative rods isolation rates can lead to a decrease in healthcare-associated infections. Although there is no decrease in the direct antibiotics cost, a drop in carbapenem-resistant may lower the expenses of drastic consequences of infections with carbapenem-resistant and its cost. we can conclude that the Antibiotic Control Policy should be modified based on this new information

    Graft position in arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: Anteromedial versus transtibial technique

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    Introduction: When treating anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries, the position of the ACL graft plays a key role in regaining postoperative knee function and physiologic kinematics. In this study, we aimed to compare graft angle, graft position in tibial tunnel, and tibial and femoral tunnel positions in patients operated with anteromedial (AM) and transtibial (TT) methods to those of contralateral healthy knees. Materials and methods: Forty-eight patients who underwent arthroscopic ACL reconstruction with ipsilateral hamstring tendon autograft were included. Of these, 23 and 25 were treated by AM and TT techniques, respectively. MRI was performed at 18.4 and 19.7 months postoperatively in AM and TT groups. Graft angles, graft positions in the tibial tunnel and alignment of tibial and femoral tunnels were noted and compared in these two groups. The sagittal graft insertion tibia midpoint distance (SGON) has been used for evaluation of graft position in tunnel. Results: Sagittal ACL graft angles in operated and healthy knees of AM patients were 57.78° and 46.80° (p  0.05). Conclusions: Precise reconstruction on sagittal plane cannot be obtained with either AM or TT technique. However, AM technique is superior to TT technique in terms of anatomical graft positioning. Posterior-placed grafts in tibial tunnel prevent ACL reconstruction, although tibial tunnel is drilled on sagittal plane

    The efficacy of albendazole treatment in a patient with hydatid cyst disease of multiorgan involvement

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    Hydatid cyst disease, which is caused by echinococcusgranulosus still poses a serious problem in endemic areas.The disease frequently involves liver and lung. Otherorgan involvements are rare. In a 18-year old patient, bilaterallung, right ventricle of heart, liver and spleen involvementwere detected. With albendazole treatmentcyst in heart was completely disappeared, and liver cystwas found to be decreased in size. However, no declinein the number and size of cysts in lung was observed.Therefore, it was concluded that albendazole may not beeffective in pulmonary hydatid disease compared to otherorgans.Key words: Albendazole, hydatid cyst, multiorgan involvemen

    Management of persistent coccydynia with transrectal manipulation: Results of a combined procedure

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    WOS: 000431533600030PubMed ID: 29234884We compared the results of manual therapy combined with steroid injection with single steroid injection in the treatment of persistent coccydynia. Combined therapy was performed in 21 patients (Group 1) and steroid injection in 23 patients (Group 2). We compared two groups and investigated the combined therapy group in details. Patients were classified according to the underlying cause, BMI, anatomic type of coccyx and duration of symptoms (<6 or 6 months). Mean age was 30.5 years at the time of procedures. Mean followup time was 27.8 months. VAS scores were decreased in both groups but combined therapy group had much more better results. Complete pain relief was achieved in 61.9% of patients in Group 1 whereas it was only 17.4% in Group 2. In 23.8% of Group 1, the VAS score was significantly decreased but the feeling of uncomfortability persisted. This was 73.9% in Group 2. We had no relapse in Group 1 but in Group 2 the relapse rate was 56.5%. Underlying cause, body mass index, anatomic type of coccyx and duration of symptoms had no effect on results. Manual therapy combined with steroid injection would be an alternative method in case of persistent coccydynia. It is a safe and easy option before surgical treatment

    Abdominal Invasion of Alveolar Cysts

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    Alveolar echinococcosis is a rare parasiter disease which caused by a taenia named Echinococcus multilocularis. Altough it is an enfectious disease, it has as malign character. Liver is the most effected member on this illness. After liver; lungs, kidneys, bone and brain are respectively effected. With experimental studies it is shown that peritoneal metastasis like lesions should occur by peritoneal spreading. In this article we aimed to call attention to this enfectious but malign behavioral disease by presenting an abdominal hydaditosis patient who was diagnosed and treated in our clinic

    New Statistical Randomness Tests Based on Length of Runs

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    Random sequences and random numbers constitute a necessary part of cryptography. Many cryptographic protocols depend on random values. Randomness is measured by statistical tests and hence security evaluation of a cryptographic algorithm deeply depends on statistical randomness tests. In this work we focus on statistical distributions of runs of lengths one, two, and three. Using these distributions we state three new statistical randomness tests. New tests use χ2 distribution and, therefore, exact values of probabilities are needed. Probabilities associated runs of lengths one, two, and three are stated. Corresponding probabilities are divided into five subintervals of equal probabilities. Accordingly, three new statistical tests are defined and pseudocodes for these new statistical tests are given. New statistical tests are designed to detect the deviations in the number of runs of various lengths from a random sequence. Together with some other statistical tests, we analyse our tests’ results on outputs of well-known encryption algorithms and on binary expansions of e, π, and 2. Experimental results show the performance and sensitivity of our tests

    Abdominal Invasion of Alveolar Cysts

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    Alveolar ekinokokkozis, echinococcus multilocularis adı verilen tenya tarafından sebep olunan nadir bir paraziter hastalıktır. Hastalık bir enfeksiyoz hastalık olmasına rağmen, davranış olarak malign karakter gösterir. Bu hastalıkta en yaygın etkilenen organ karaciğerdir. Karaciğeri sırasıyla akciğer, böbrek, kemik ve beyin izler. Peritoneal yayılım yoluyla peritoneal metastaz benzeri lezyonlara sebep olabileceği deneysel çalışmalarda gösterilmiştir. Bu yazımızda kliniğimizde teşhis ve tedavi edilen abdominal alveolar hidatidozisli bir hastayı sunarak, bu malign davranışlı infeksiyoz hastalığa dikkat çekmeyi amaçladık.Alveolar echinococcosis is a rare parasiter disease which caused by a taenia named Echinococcus multilocularis. Altough it is an enfectious disease, it has as malign character. Liver is the most effected member on this illness. After liver; lungs, kidneys, bone and brain are respectively effected. With experimental studies it is shown that peritoneal metastasis like lesions should occur by peritoneal spreading. In this article we aimed to call attention to this enfectious but malign behavioral disease by presenting an abdominal hydaditosis patient who was diagnosed and treated in our clinic