630 research outputs found

    Some Midpoint Type Inequalities for Riemann Liouville Fractional Integrals

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    In the literature, there are a lot of studies about midpoint type inequalities for Riemann Liouville Fractional Integrals. But for most of them, the right and left fractional integrals are used together. In this paper, we give three new Riemann-Liouville fractional midpoint type identities for differentiable functions by using only the right or the left fractional integral. From these identities, we obtain some new midpoint type inequalities for harmonically convex functions by applying power mean and Hölder inequalities

    Evidence-Based Recommendations for Surgical Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    COVID-19 pandemisi sırasında yaşamı kurtarmak, organ işlevini korumak, altta yatan hastalığın daha fazla zarar vermesinden kaçınmak için cerrahi hizmetlerin en yüksek düzeyde sağlanması ve sağlık kaynaklarının en uygun şekilde kullanılması gerekmektedir. Bu derlemede, pandemi sürecinde cerrahi bakımda rol alan sağlık çalışanlarına uygulamalarında yol göstermek üzere kanıta dayalı kılavuz önerilerinin sunulması amaçlanmıştır. Hastaneler, yapılan cerrahi işlemlerin sayısı ve türüne uygun cerrahi kaynaklara ve bunların nasıl ve ne zaman kullanılacağına ilişkin politikalara sahip olmalıdır. Cerrahi öncelik düzeyleri düşünülmelidir. Perioperatif bakımın her aşaması boyunca güvenli ve kaliteli bakım sağlanmalıdır. Elektif cerrahiye yeniden başlama koşulları karşılanmalıdır. Cerrahi ortamda pandemi için hazırlık, altyapı ve süreçlerin değiştirilmesini, personel ve malzeme yönetimini ve enfeksiyon önleme stratejilerini içerir. Cerrahi ekipler, hasta sonuçlarını iyileştirmek, sağlık sistemi ve toplum üzerindeki yükü en aza indirmek için dünya çapındaki bu toplum sağlığı krizine uygun şekilde yanıt vermeli, hızla değişen ortama uyum sağlamalıdır.During the COVID-19 pandemic, surgical services should be provided at the highest level and health resources should be optimally used to save life, maintain organ function and avoid further damage of the underlying disease. In this review, we aimed to present evidence-based guideline recommendations to guide healthcare professionals who play a role in surgical care during the pandemic process. Hospitals should possess surgical resources appropriate for the number and type of surgical procedures performed and have policies regarding how and when to use these resources. Surgical priority levels should be given a thought. A safe and quality care should be provided throughout each stage of the perioperative care. The conditions for restarting elective surgery should be met. Preparing for the pandemic in the surgical environment includes changing the infrastructure and processes, personnel and material management, and infection prevention strategies. Surgical teams should respond appropriately to this worldwide public health crisis and adapt to the rapidly changing environment in order to improve patient outcomes and minimize the burden on the health system and society

    Caraway (<i>Carum carvi</i> L.) seed treatments and storage temperature influences potato tuber quality during storage

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    The present research was conducted to determine the effects of chemical and natural sprout inhibitors on potato (Solanum tuberosum ‘Agria’) tuber quality at two storage temperatures (8 oC or 15 oC). Four doses (0, 50, 100, 150 g/10 L) of ground and whole caraway (Carum carvi L.), containing high levels of S-(+)-carvone, and chlorpropham (CIPC) were applied. Tubers were stored for a total of 135 days in plastic containers (10 L) and placed in cold storage rooms at 8 °C or 15 °C with 85% relative humidity. Sprout inhibitors were applied only once at the start of experiment. At the end of 135 days the tubers stored at 8 °C had high starch and vitamin C content with a higher degree of firmness as compared to the tubers stored at 15 °C. Total soluble sugar content (TSS) of tubers increased during the storage period and the increase was high at 15 °C than 8 °C of storage condition. Low temperature storage and ground caraway treatments at high temperature caused accumulation of reducing sugars (RS). In general, ground caraway and CIPC treatments were more effective in maintaining tuber quality than the control and whole caraway treatments during the storage period


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    Alevi communities, which have spread to many places in Turkey and around the world with migration mobility, have developed a large number of mass communication tools in order to express their identities, promote them or interact with each other. The tools defined as Alevi media have a wide variety from traditional to new media with both qualitative and quantitative dimensions. The Alevi media, which is widespread in today’s world from periodicals to virtual networks, has not received the attention it deserves in the field of social sciences, especially communication studies, and has become a research subject that has been little studied. Although research on Alevi media has increased in recent years, it can be stated that the field of study has a rather scattered. The subject of this research is the examination of scientific/academic works that focus on Alevi media or include Alevi media types in their content. The research, which aims to examine academic studies on Alevi media with systematic literature review / systematic literature analysis, has more than one purpose. The first of the aims is to present the accumulation of the field by presenting the scope of current research in a tidy manner. Another aim is to contribute to the creation of a holistic and comprehensive map for future studies that will focus on the subject. It is also among the aims to contribute to the direction of new research by drawing attention to the continuous and neglected points in the field. For the research, YÖK National Thesis Center and internet-based search engines were searched with various keywords

    Nursing Education in the World during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Bu derlemede, COVID-19 pandemisi sırasında farklı ülkelerdeki hemşirelik okullarında, ülkelerindeki mevcut koşullar, yasal düzenlemeler ve mesleki kurumların önerileri doğrultusunda yapılan uygulamaları açıklamak ve örnekleri ile sunmak amaçlanmıştır. COVID-19 pandemisinin ortaya çıkışı, hemşirelik okullarındaki eğitim şeklinde hızlı değişiklikler yapılmasını, yenilikçiliği, esnekliği ve hızlı hareket etmeyi gerektirmiştir. Hemşirelik eğitiminde yüz yüze yürütülen teorik dersler hızla çevrim içi ortamlara taşınmıştır. Dünyanın birçok bölgesinde virüsün doğası ve hakkındaki belirsizlik, kişisel koruyucu ekipman temini, sağlık sigortası, eğitimci denetimi gibi nedenler göz önüne alınarak öğrencilerin klinik uygulamaları iptal edilmiştir. Bu nedenle klinik uygulama ile öğrencinin kazanabileceği bilgi, beceri ve tutumların geliştirilmesi tüm dünyada hemşirelik eğitiminde en çok zorluk yaşanan alan olmuştur. Çevrim içi eğitime geçiş, okulların öğrenci katılımını teşvik edecek stratejiler geliştirmelerini, sınav prosedürlerinde ve not verme uygulamalarında değişiklikler yapmalarını gerektirmiştir. Aynı zamanda eğitimciler öğrencilere alternatif klinik deneyimler sunmak ve öğrenci performansının nasıl değerlendirileceğini yeniden tanımlamak zorunda kalmışlardır. Hemşirelik okulu yöneticileri ve eğitimcileri pandemi süresince hemşirelik eğitiminin devamlılığını sağlamak ve kalitesini sürdürmek için okullarda altyapının düzenlenmesi, hemşirelik öğrencileri için klinik alan gereksinimlerinin planlanması, akreditasyon standartlarının sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlanması gibi pek çok unsuru göz önünde bulundurmuştur. Salgınlarla mücadelede yetkin sağlık profesyonelleri yetiştirebilmek için eğitimde gerekli düzenlemeler acil olarak yapılmalıdır.The aim of this review is to explain and present examples of the practices in nursing schools around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic, considering the conditions, legal regulations, and recommendations of professional associations in different countries. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has required rapid changes in the form of education in nursing schools as well as innovation, flexibility, and rapid action. Theoretical courses conducted face-to-face in nursing education have been rapidly transferred to online platforms. In many parts of the world, the clinical learning has been canceled, considering the uncertainty of the virus, the supply of the personal protective equipment, health insurance, and educator supervision. For this reason, developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students gain through clinical learning has been the most difficult issue in nursing education all over the world. The transition to online education has required schools to develop strategies to encourage student participation, and to make changes in exam procedures and grading. Meanwhile, educators had to offer students alternative clinical experiences and redefine how to evaluate student performance. To ensure the continuity of nursing education and to maintain its quality during the pandemic, nursing school deans and nurse educators have taken into account many factors such as organizing the infrastructure in schools, planning clinical learning requirements for nursing students, and ensuring the sustainability of accreditation standards. Necessary regulations in education should be made urgently in order to train competent health professionals in combating epidemics

    Mobilization of seed reserves during germination and early seedling growth of two sunflower cultivars

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    The present study was carried out to determine the mobilization of seed storage components of sunflower seeds during germination and early seedling development. Two sunflower cultivars (DUET CL and TR 3080) were used as plant materials. Seeds were germinated for 120 h and samples were taken every 24 h. The total chlorophyll and carotenoid contents of the germinating seeds of both cultivars significantly increased till 96 h, and then decreased. While the total soluble and reducing sugar contents were decreased during the first 24 h, their amounts increased significantly afterwards. The total protein contents of the germinating seeds of TR 3080 and DUET CL decreased from 48.1% and 40.9% to 35.5% and 28.4%, respective-ly. However, their free amino acid contents were steadily increased during germination and early seedling growth. The oil contents of DUET CL and TR 3080 started to decrease significantly after 72 h and dropped to 41.3% and 40.2%, respectively, at the end of the study. Free fatty acid contents of the seeds increased until 72 h, but decreased thereafter. While, oleic acid contents of the cultivars decreased during the germination period, their linoleic acid contents increased. These results suggest that significant changes occur in the pigment, sugar, lipid and protein metabolisms during germination and early seedling growth period of sunflower


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    Kalkınmanın sürdürülebilirliği fosil yakıtlara bağımlılığın ortadan kaldırılması ile mümkün görünmektedir. Enerji arz güvenliği, enerji kaynaklarının çeşitlendirilmesi, zararlı çevresel etkiler vb. ülkelerin sürdürülebilir kalkınmayı gerçekleştirmede çözmek zorunda oldukları sorunların başında gelmektedir. Bu sorunun çözümü yenilenebilir enerji teknolojilerinin geliştirilmesi ve yaygınlaştırılmasına bağlı görünmektedir. Fakat piyasa yapısı, idari ve yasal düzenlemeler, vb. koşullar bu teknolojilerin kullanımının önünde engel oluşturmaktadır. Bu sebeple yenilenebilir enerji teknolojilerinin kamu politikaları ile desteklenmesi gerekmektedir


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    Künt toraks travmasına bağlı olarak gelişen kardiak yaralanmalar sonucu nadir olarak valvüler lezyonlar ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Acil serviste araç içi trafik kazası nedeniyle değerlendirilen 20 yaşındaki erkek olgunun fizik muayenesinde mitral odakta üfürüm, akciğer kontüzyonu ve şüpheli kot fraktürü saptandı. Daha önceden kardiyak rahatsızlığı ve efor kapasitesinde kısıtlılığı olmadığını ifade eden olguya elektif şartlarda ekokardiyografi (EKO) yapıldı ve posterior leaflet flail görünümde, posterior leafleti tutan kordal yapılarda rüptür ve mitral yetmezlik jetinin tüm sol atriumu doldurmakta olduğu tesbit edilerek ağır mitral yetmezliği (MY) tanısı kondu. Genel durumu iyi olan ve kardiyak yetmezlik bulguları olmayan olgunun medikal tedavisi düzenlenerek servis izlemine alındı. Elektif şartlarda operasyon önerildi. Künt toraks travması ile acil serviste değerlendirilen hastaların kardiyak travmaya açık hastalar olduğu unutulmamalı, dikkatli ve tam fizik muayene yapılmalıdır. Valvuler lesions may be observed due to cardiac injuries after blunt thoracic traumas. A 20 year -old male patient admitted to the emergency department after a car accident. His physical examination reveled a pansystolic murmur at mitral area by auscultation. On his chest X-ray examination, it was found out that pulmonary contusion and a suspected rib fracture were present. This patient didn't declare any prior cardiac illness and exertional dsypnea. Echocardiographic examination was carried out under elective circumstances. This examination defined a flail-like appearance at the posterior leaflet of the mitral valve, rupture of the chordae holding mitral posterior leaflet and severe mitral regurgitation. His general condition was fine and he is given medical treatment at our clinic, and elective mitral valvuler surgery has been proposed. The patients admitted to the emergency department because of blunt chest trauma should be carefully examined


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    Castleman hastalığı, yaş ve cinsiyetten bağımsız olarak görülen lenf nodlarının aşırı büyümesidir. Kliniğimizde cerrahi olarak tedavi edilen ve histopatolojik inceleme sonunda Castleman hastalığı tanısı alan 37 yaşında kadın ve 38 yaşında erkek olgular tartışılmaktadır. Her iki hastaya da tanısal torakotomi yapılarak kitleler rezeke edilmiş ve patoloji sonuçları hyaline-vasküler tipte Castleman hastalığı olarak bildirilmiştir. Olgular halen takip altında ve asemptomatiktirler. Castleman's disease is an enlargement of lymph nodes without differentiaton of age and sex. A 37-year-old woman and a 38-year-old man patients were treated surgically in our clinic who were diagnosed as Castleman's disease with histopathological examination. For both of the patients diagnostic thoracotomy was performed and tumoral masses were resected. Postoperatively, hyaline-vascularized type Castleman's disease was diagnosed and our patients were remained asymptomatic at follow-up. Our patients were remained asymptomatic for follow-up after operation