59 research outputs found

    Comparison of Optical versus Ultrasonic Biometry in Keratoconic Eyes

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    Purpose. To compare the measurements of optical versus ultrasonic biometry devices in keratoconic eyes. Materials and Methods. Forty-two eyes of 42 keratoconus (KC) patients enrolled in the study were examined. Clinical and demographic characteristics of the patients were noted, and detailed ophthalmological examination was performed. Following Pentacam measurements, central corneal thickness (CCT), anterior chamber depth (ACD), lens thickness (LT), and axial length (AL) were obtained using the Lenstar and US biometer to determine the reproducibility of the measurements between the two devices in keratoconic eyes. The Bland-Altman method was used to describe the agreement between the two devices. Results. The Lenstar could not measure at least one of the biometric properties in one eye and did not automatically give the corrected ACD in 2/3 of our study population. The Lenstar measured CCT (average difference 5.4 ± 19.6 µm; ICC = 0.90; ), LT (average difference 0.13 ± 0.17 mm; ICC = 0.67; ), and AL (average difference 0.10 ± 0.76 mm; ICC = 0.75; ) thinner than US biometer, whereas it measured ACD (average difference 0.18 ± 0.17 mm; ICC = 0.85; ) deeper than US biometer in keratoconic eyes. Conclusion. Although the difference between the measurements obtained using the two devices might be clinically acceptable, US biometry and Lenstar should not be used interchangeably for biometric measurements in KC patients

    Mean Platelet Volume in Patients with Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy

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    Objective. We aimed to investigate the mean platelet volume (MPV) of the patients with nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION). Methods. The medical records of 46 patients with the diagnosis of NAION and 90 control subjects were retrospectively evaluated. All participants underwent complete ocular examination including intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement. Hematocrit, MPV, hemoglobin, and platelet levels of the patients with NAION were compared with those of control subjects. Results. There was no significant difference between the groups in platelet counts (p=0.76). NAION group had significantly higher MPV values (8.25±1.26 fL) than that of control subjects (7.64±1.01 fL) (p<0.001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that MPV is an independent predictor of NAION (odds ratio = 1.61; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.13–2.28; p=0.007). The mean IOP was significantly higher in NAION group (p<0.001). IOP was also found as an independent predictor of NAION according to the regression analysis (OR = 1.27; 95% CI = 1.08–1.48; p=0.003). Conclusion. Our results demonstrated that the MPV values were significantly higher in NAION patients, suggesting that larger platelets may contribute to the pathogenesis of the NAION

    Spectral domain optical coherence tomography findings of the patients with central serous chorioretinopathy

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    Objectives: In this study, optical coherence tomography (OCT) findings of the patients with a diagnosis of acute or chronic central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR) were investigated. Methods: Patients with symptoms and signs longer than 3 months were considered as chronic CSCR. OCT findings of acute and chronic CSCR were recorded at admission. Between the groups, following parameters were compared; visual acuity, hyper reflective dots (HRD), subretinal fluid height (SFH) presence of pigment epithelial detachment (PED), status of photoreceptor inner-outer segment (IS/OS) line. Results: When acute and chronic patients evaluated separately, in acute patients accompanied by PED had lower visual acuity and higher SRF height. In patients with chronic CSCR subretinal fluid of patients with PED was greater than the others however there were no statistically significant differences in visual acuity. Presence of HRD had no effect on the average visual acuity SRF height in patients with acute and chronic CSCR. Also IS/OS line integrity had no effect in visual acuity of the patients in our study. Conclusion: Between the groups there was no difference in terms of IS/OS line distortion, presence of HRD, PED. Height of SRF in patients with PED was higher in both groups. In addition, in acute patients with PED visual acuity was also found to be lower. J Clin Exp Invest 2014; 5 (2): 290-29

    Demographic and etiologic features of adult patients with uveitis in southeastern Anatolia

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    Objective: To evaluate the demographic and clinicalcharacteristics of adult patients with uveitis who were admittedto our clinic between 2011 and 2013.Methods: Records of the patients older than 18 years oldwith a diagnosis of uveitis between November 2011 andMay 2013 were retrospectively reviewed. Age, gender, diagnosis,affected eye, anatomical localization of uveitis,and systemic features were recorded from the patientfiles.Results: In this study 352 patients were evaluated. Themean age of the patients was 35.7±12.8 years. Of the patients177 patients (50.3%) were women and 175 (49.7%)were male. The most common etiology was detected asidiopathic uveitis. Following most common reasons wereBehcet’s disease, and toxoplasma chorioretinitis. Anterioruveitis was found to be the most common involvementsite. Panuveititis was the second most common involvementsite. 69.1% of the patients had unilateral uveitis. Themost common complications of the uveitis were found tobe the development of secondary cataracts and glaucoma.Conclusion: In our study general characteristics of patients,the etiological factors and demographic data of theuveitis patient in Southeastern of Turkey were presented.Because of a similar study has not been performed previouslyin our region, our data will be useful in earlier diagnosisand follow-up of uveitis patients.Key words: Demographic, etiology, uveiti

    Mean Platelet Volume in Ocular Behçet’s Disease

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    Objective. To determine whether mean platelet volume (MPV) is an indicator of disease severity in ocular Behçet’s Disease (BD). Materials and Methods. The study population was 30 newly diagnosed ocular BD patients who presented with active uveitis. These patients had no past history of smoking, drug use, or systemic diseases including diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and renal disease. A control group consisting of 34 healthy individuals was included for comparison. MPV measurements were performed serially upon presentation with active uveitis and at one and three month thereafter in BD group whereas only at presentation in the controls. Results. Upon presentation with active uveitis, the mean MPV levels were 7.88 ± 1.14 femtoliters (fL) for BD group. During the posttreatment follow-up period at first and third months, BD patients demonstrated a mean MPV level of 7.71 ± 1.12 fL and 7.65 ± 1.04 fL, respectively. The mean MPV value of control group, was 8.39 ± 0.66 fL at presentation. Fluctuations in MPV values were not significant in the BD group, while there was a significant difference between the initial measurements of the BD and control groups. Conclusion. MPV measurement in ocular BD is not a predictive laboratory test to determine the clinical improvement in early stages following classical immunosuppressive treatment

    Coat Polymorphism in Eurasian Lynx: Adaptation to Environment or Phylogeographic Legacy?

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    We studied the relationship between the variability and contemporary distribution of pelage phenotypes in one of most widely distributed felid species and an array of environmental and demographic conditions. We collected 672 photographic georeferenced records of the Eurasian lynx throughout Eurasia. We assigned each lynx coat to one of five phenotypes. Then we fitted the coat patterns to different environmental and anthropogenic variables, as well as the effective geographic distances from inferred glacial refugia. A majority of lynx were either of the large spotted (41.5%) or unspotted (uniform, 36.2%) phenotype. The remaining patterns (rosettes, small spots and pseudo-rosettes) were represented in 11.0%, 7.4%, and 3.9% of samples, respectively. Although various environmental variables greatly affected lynx distribution and habitat suitability, it was the effect of least-cost distances from locations of the inferred refugia during the Last Glacial Maximum that explained the distribution of lynx coat patterns the best. Whereas the occurrence of lynx phenotypes with large spots was explained by the proximity to refugia located in the Caucasus/Middle East, the uniform phenotype was associated with refugia in the Far East and Central Asia. Despite the widely accepted hypothesis of adaptive functionality of coat patterns in mammals and exceptionally high phenotypic polymorphism in Eurasian lynx, we did not find well-defined signs of habitat matching in the coat pattern of this species. Instead, we showed how the global patterns of morphological variability in this large mammal and its environmental adaptations may have been shaped by past climatic change.publishedVersio

    Nevşehir – Kapadokya Bölgesi Nde Kara Kaplumbağalarındaki (Testudo Graeca, Lınnaeus 1758) Bazı Enzim Ve Hormon Düzeylerinin Araştırılması

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    This study was on common tortoise (Testudo graeca) (55 tortoises from Kaplumbaga valley and 34 tortoises from Nar valley) between April to October 2012 in Nevsehir, Cappadocia Region. The enzyme and hormone levels are investigated by taking the blood samples. Enzymes, esterase (cholinesterases (BChE) carboxylesterases (CbE)) and glutathione enzymes (glutathione S transferases (GST), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione peroxidase (GPx)) and sex steroid hormones (Testosterone and Estradiol) are considered as parameters. The tortoise blood samples were compared in two areas by seasonal fluctation. BChE enzyme activities were significantly higher in Kaplumbaga valley (516,56 411,26 nmol min ml serum) than Nar Valley (333,86 180,94 nmol min ml serum) in June 2012 with both acetylthiocholine iodide and butyrlthiocholine iodide substrates. CbE activities were tested by 4 different substrates 1-Naphytlacetate:1-NA, 1-Naptylbutyrate:1-NB, 4-Nitrophenylacetate :4-NPA, 4-NitrophenylbutyBu çalışma, 2012 yılı Nisan – Ekim döneminde, Kapadokya Bölgesinde (Nevşehir) bulunan Kaplumbağa ve Nar Vadilerindeki kara kaplumbağalarından (Testudo graeca), alınan kan örneklerindeki (Kaplumbağa Vadisi nden 55 örnek, Nar Vadisi: 34) bazı enzim ve hormon düzeyleri araştırılmıştır. Bu kapsamda, esteraz enzimlerinin (kolinesteraz: BChE ve karboksilesteraz: CbE) aktivite ve substrat etkileşimleri , glutatyon S-transferaz (GST), glutatyon redüktaz(GR) ve glutatyon peroksidaz (GPx) aktiviteleri ile eşey hormonları testosteron ve 17-β Estradiol düzeyi incelenmiştir. Her iki alanın kara kaplumbağaları kan örneklerine ait değerler alansal ve zamansal yönden karşılaştırılmıştır

    Nvestıgatıons on Bıogeography and Haplogroup Composıtıon of Dwarf Lızard, Parvilacerta Parva (Boulenger, 1887), in Anatolıan Penınsula

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    In this study, morphological and phylogenetic relationships between the populations of the dwarf lizard (Parvilacerta parva), whose distribution area is large Anatolian Peninsula, were investigated. In addition, how the climatic factors affect the distribution of the species today and in the past (at the last glacial maximum) has been demonstrated, and species distribution model maps of have been drawn and possible refigiums have been determined. The modeling results showed that especially climatic factors are effective in colonizing Anatolian populations of dwarf lizard. Lizards, which were in refugias among Western Anatolia and Van region in the past, are currently spreading to steppe habitats of Anatolia. Statistical analysis on morphological characters have shown that there is a macro-regional colonization as a result of past climate-based mobility rather than today's geography and landscapes in accordance with the distribution dynamics of the species. In this context, gradual changes and significant correlations were detected between the Eastern, Central and Western Anatolian macro-regions. Phylogenetic analyzes were performed on mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (862 bp). The sequences of this gene were tested with maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference. Although the bootstrap values of some branches cannot have very high scores due to it is just a within species study, it is observed that the Eastern Anatolian populations are in a separate clad compare to Central and Western Anatolian populations and the Western populations are labelled as the youngest populations by using Bayesian inference analysis. Divergence time analyzes have also shown that the seperations in the colonization of the species are climate-based rather than geographical barriers. Because of the optimal mild climatic conditions, the species is dispersed from the refugiums. As a result, every significant branching in the phylogenetic tree was found to coincide with the interglacial periods, especially in the Pleistocene age. It was also calculated that the species might be separated from the Fraas lizard (Parvilacerta fraasi), another member of the genus Parvilacerta, in the period when the effects of Messinian salinity crisis were observed.Bu çalışma kapsamında yayılış alanının çok önemli bir kısmı Anadolu Yarımadası olan cüce kertenkelenin (Parvilacerta parva) populasyonları arasındaki morfolojik ve filogenetik ilişkiler araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca iklimsel faktörlerin türün dağılımını günümüzde ve geçmişte (son buzul maksimumunda) nasıl etkilediği ortaya konarak, türün dağılım model haritaları çıkarılarak, olası sığınak alanları belirlenmiştir. Modelleme çalışmalarından elde edilen sonuçlar, cüce kertenkelenin Anadolu populasyonlarının kolonize olmasında özellikle iklime bağlı faktörlerin etkili olduğunu göstermiştir. Geçmişte yoğunlukla Batı Anadolu’ya ve Van yöresine sığınan kertenkeleler, günümüzde ise Anadolu’nun step habitatlarına yayılmış durumdadırlar. Morfolojik karakterler üzerinden yapılan istatistiksel analizler de, türün yayılış dinamiklerine uygun olarak, günümüz coğrafyası ve yer şekillerinden ziyade, geçmişten gelen iklim bazlı hareketliliğin bir sonucu olarak makrobölgesel düzeyde kolonileşmelerinin olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu kapsamda belirlenen Doğu, Orta ve Batı Anadolu makrobölgeleri arasında, özellikle kafa kısmına ait morfolojik karakterlerde, kademeli değişimler ve anlamlı korelasyonlar belirlenmiştir. Filogenetik analizler ise mitokondrial sitokrom b geni (862 bç) üzerinden yapılmıştır. Bu gene ait diziler, maksimum benzerlik, maksimum parsimoni ve Bayes çıkarımı ile test edilmiştir. Tür içi bir çalışma olduğu için, bazı dallara ait bootstrap değerleri çok yüksek belirlenemese de, özellikle Bayes çıkarımı analizi ile Doğu Anadolu populasyonlarının, Orta ve Batı Anadolu populasyonlarından ayrı bir kladda oldukları, Van populasyonunun Doğu Anadolu’dan ziyade, Orta Anadolu populasyonuna daha yakın bir dalda kümelendiği, en genç populasyonların ise Batı Anadolu’dakiler olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrılma zamanı analizleri de, türün kolonileşmesindeki ayrışmaların coğrafi bariyerlerden ziyade, iklim bazlı faktörler olduğunu göstermiştir. Zira optimal ılıman iklim koşulları, türün sığınak alanlarından yayılmasını sağlamıştır. Bu durumun bir sonucu olarak, filogenetik ağaçtaki her anlamlı dallanmanın özellikle Pleistosendeki buzullar arası dönemlere denk geldiği saptanmıştır. Ayrıca bu türün, Parvilacerta cinsinin diğer üyesi olan Fraas kertenkelesinden (Parvilacerta fraasi), Messinian tuzluluk krizinin etkilerinin görüldüğü dönemde ayrılmış olabileceği hesaplanmıştır

    Ecotoxicogenomics concept and its contributions to ecological risk assessment

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    Ekotoksikolojide, ekotoksikogenomik yaklaşımlar önemli bir alan olmaya başlamıştır. Toksikogenomikler önceleri kimyasalların insanlara risklerini belirlemek amacıyla kullanımdayken, bu konudaki son gelişmeler bu yaklaşımın diğer organizmalara da uygulanabilirliğini göstermiştir. Ekotoksikogenomik, ekosistemi temsil eden ve bireyler üzerinde olduğu kadar ekosistem üzerinde de kimyasalların zararlı etkilerinin çalışıldığı, organizmalara yönelik toksikogenomik bir uygulamadır. Ekotoksikogenomik belli bir toksikanta biyolojik sistemlerin bir yanıtı olarak, öncül gen ekspresyon çalışmalarından gelişmiştir. Zaman içinde olgunlaşan çalışmalar çeşitli –omik alanlarının toksikoloji ve patolojide kullanılmasına olanak sağlamıştır. Bu bağlamda ekolojik risk değerlendirme çalışmalarında çeşitli enzimler ve proteinlerin (örneğin Glutatyon S-transferaz, metallotiyonin, kolinesterazlar, ısı – şok proteinleri) biyobelirteç olarak kullanılması canlılar üzerindeki potansiyel etkilerin gözlemlenmesine olanak sağlamıştır. Ayrıca birçok omurgalı ve omurgasız canlıda toksik etkiye maruz kalmanın belirlenmesinde mikroçip veya gen çiplerinden yararlanılarak hangi genlerin hücrede, dokuda, organda “up/down regüle” olarak ifade edilmesinin belirlenmesi de bu yaklaşımın bir diğer alanıdır. Etki ve genin sonuç özgü örüntüsü, protein ve metabolit profilleri, toksisitenin biyobelirteçleri olarak moleküler değişimleri tanımlamada kullanılmakta ve bu profiller, toksisite mekanizmalarını açıklamayı da sağlamaktadır. Bu yaklaşım ile çok sayıda farklı etkenin etki mekanizmalarını belirlenerek, belli tür ve populasyon alt gruplarında bu mekanizmaları yorumlayabilen genetik özellikleri gösterebilmektedir. Son yıllarda çevresel maruz kalma ile oluşan etkilerden korunma ya da etkinin azaltılmasında ekotoksikogenomik çalışmalar, multidisipliner kimliği ile hem erken uyarı değerlendirilmesini hem de maruz kalmanın ekosistemde oluşturduğu risklerin moleküler düzeyde etki mekanizmalarının açıklanmasını sağlayan bir bilim dalı olarak gelişmesini sürdürmektedir.Ecotoxicogenomic approach has become an important area in ecotoxicology. While toxicogenomics were previously used to determine the risks of chemicals to humans, recent developments in this area have demonstrated that this approach is also applicable for other organisms.Ecotoxicogenomic is a toxicogenomic practice that represents the ecosystem and where harmful effects of chemicals are studied on the ecosystem as well as on individuals. Ecotoxicogenomics evolved from precursor gene expression studies as a response to a particular toxicant biological systems. Studies that have matured over time have allowed various -omic fields to be used in toxicology and pathology. In this context, the use of various enzymes and proteins (eg Glutathione S-transferase, metallothionine, cholinesterases, heat-shock proteins) as biomarkers in ecological risk assessment studies has enabled the observation of potential effects on living things. In addition, determining which genes are expressed as “up / down regulated” in the cell, tissue and organ by using microarrays or gene chips in determining the exposure to toxic effects in many vertebrates and invertebrates. The result-specific pattern of effect and gene, protein and metabolite profiles are used to define molecular changes as biomarkers of toxicity, and these profiles also explain the mechanisms of toxicity. With this approach, by determining the mechanisms of action of many different factors, it can show genetic features that can interpret these mechanisms in certain species and population subgroups. In recent years, ecotoxicogenomic studies continue to be developed as a branch of science that provides both early warning assessment and explanation of the mechanisms of action at the molecular level of the risks posed by the exposure in the ecosystem, with its multidisciplinary identity

    Evaluation of The Reptilian Fauna in Amasya Province, Turkey with New Locality Records

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    The present study investigated the reptilian fauna in Amasya Province, Turkey. Reptile species were identified from collections made during field studies or recorded in literature, with some new locality records obtained. Field studies were undertaken over two consecutive years (2016 and 2017). Two lacertid species, one skink species, two colubrid species and one viper species were officially recorded for the first time or their information was updated. In addition to species locality records, chorotypical and habitat selection were also assessed and the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species criteria included. Data on the distribution and locality information for each taxon is also provided. Our findings demonstrate that Amasya might be an ecotone zone between the Mediterranean, Caucasian, and European ecosystems. Although there are some concerns for the sustainable dynamics of reptilian fauna, relatively rich and different European nature information system habitat types provide basic survival conditions for reptilian fauna in the province