37 research outputs found


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    Termik santraller Türkiye’de, enerjide dışa bağımlılığın azaltılması, kalkınmanın hızlanması ya da ucuz elektrik üretiminin sağlanması gibi hegemonik söylemlerle toplumda rıza oluşturulmaya çalışılarak yaygınlaştırılmaktadır. Bu gelişme insan sağlığını, çevreyi ve yaşam alanlarını tehdit eden termik santrallere karşı mücadele eden çevre hareketlerinin ortaya çıkmasına yol açmıştır. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de enerji ihtiyacının karşılanması, kalkınmanın hızlandırılması ve istihdamın arttırılması söylemleriyle yürütülen neoliberal enerji politikalarına meydan okuyan termik santral karşıtı hareketlerden biri olan ve Çanakkale’nin Yenice ilçesinin Çırpılar Köyü’ne kurulması planlan termik santrale karşı ortaya çıkan “Çırpılar Hareketi” incelenmiştir. Nitel veri toplama ve yapılandırılmamış mülakat yöntemleri kullanılan bu çalışmada, 2-5 Temmuz 2018 tarihleri arasında Kazdağı Doğal ve Kültürel Varlıkları Koruma Derneği, Troya Çevre Derneği, İda Dayanışma Derneği, Çanakkale Ziraat Odası, TEMA Vakfı üyeleri ile Çanakkale Yenice köylüleri de dâhil olmak üzere toplam 22 kişi ve kurum ile görüşme yapılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler ışığında harekete katılanların amaçları, söylemleri ve eylemleri “insan sağlığı”, “çevre” ve “ekonomik etkinlik” olmak üzere üç tema altında değerlendirilip analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmada Gramşiyan bir perspektiften Çırpılar Hareketi’nin hegemonya karşıtı bir hareket olduğu ve bu mücadelenin aydınlar tarafından inşa edilen ve dillendirilen söylemlerle yürütüldüğü iddia edilmiştir

    Effects of topically applied contractubex® on epidural fibrosis and axonal regeneration in injured rat sciatic nerve

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    AIM: To investigate the effects of Contractubex (R) (Cx) on peripheral nerve regeneration and scar formation. MATERIAL and METHODS: A surgical procedure involving sciatic nerve incision in 24 adult male Sprague-Dawley rats followed by epineural suturing was performed. In weeks 4 and 12 following surgery, macroscopic, histological, functional, and electromyographic examinations of the sciatic nerve were conducted. RESULTS: No significant difference was found between the Cx group and the control group in terms of sciatic function index (SFI) and distal latency results at week 4 (p>0.05). However, significant improvements in the Cx group were observed in SFI amplitudes and nerve action potentials at week 12 (p<0.001 and p<0.001, respectively). Significant improvements were found in the amplitudes of nerve action potentials in the treatment group after weeks 4 and 12 (p<0.05 and p<0.001, respectively). Macroscopically and histopathologically, epidural fibrosis decreased (p<0.05 and p<0.001, respectively). For both measurement times, the treatment group had significantly higher numbers of axons (week 4, p<0.05; week 12, p<0.001), and the treatment group had better results regarding its axon area (weeks 4 and 12, p<0.001) and myelin thickness (weeks 4 and 12, p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Cx, which is applied topically in peripheral nerve injury, affects axonal regeneration and axonal maturation positively and reduces the functional loss

    NATO’s Securitisation of Climate Change in the Arctic

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    This study analyses how and why the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) securitises climate change in the Arctic. The study recognises that climate change has not only endangered the environmental security of the Arctic but has also intensified geopolitical competition over the region’s resources and trade routes as a threat multiplier. Regarding the impact of the changing structure of the region from the “cooperation front” to the “competition area”, the study reveals that NATO considers climate change as a part of the collective defence dimension of its organizational identity, along with increasing geopolitical competition, to develop an integrated approach in its Arctic policy. Drawing on the Copenhagen School and social constructivism, the study presents that NATO resorts to securitisation discourses that concretise the threat to address climate change within the scope of its organizational identity

    Gebelerin Ağız Sağlığı Bilgi ve Tutumları ile Bakım Davranışlarındaki Engellerin Rustvold Ağız Sağlığı Bilgi Envanteri ve Ağız Sağlığı Tutum Envanteri Doğrultusunda Değerlendirilmesi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışma, gebelerin ağız ve diş sağlığı konusundaki bilgi ve tutumları ile ağız sağlığı bakım davranışlarındaki engellerin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirildi. Gereç ve Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı tipte yürütülen bu araştırma bir üniversite hastanesinin Perinatoloji servisi, polikliniği ve Doğumhane birimlerinde Gebe Tanıtım Formu, Rustvold Ağız Sağlığı Bilgi Envanteri ve Rustvold Ağız Sağlığı Tutum Envanteri aracılığıyla yüz yüze şekilde 161 gebe katılımcı ile gerçekleştirildi. Verilerin istatistiksel analizinde tanımlayıcı analizler, Güvenilirlik analizi, madde toplam puan korelasyonu, Açıklayıcı faktör analizi, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Kruskal Wallis, Mann-Whitney-U testleri kullanıldı. İstatistiksel anlamlılık değeri p≤0.05 kabul edildi. Bulgular: Gebelerin yaş ortalaması 28.17±4.99 ve gebelik haftası ortalaması 25.11±9.65 olarak belirlendi. Gebelik döneminde gebelerin %65.2’sinin en az bir ağız sağlığı sorunu yaşadığı ve en çok diş eti kanaması ile diş ağrısı sorunu yaşandığı belirlendi. Gebelerin %41.6’sının dişlerini günde iki kez fırçaladığı tespit edildi. Gebelerin RASBE doğru yanıt oranlarının %7.5-%78.3 arasında değiştiği, ASTE’nden alınan puan ortalamasının 19.91±2.67 olduğu belirlendi. Gebelerin ağız sağlığına ilişkin tutumunun iyi düzeyde olduğu; dişlerini düzenli fırçalayan ve diş hekimi kontrolüne düzenli giden gebelerin ASTE puanlarının istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek olduğu saptandı (

    New experimental finding of dangerous autonomic ganglia changes in cardiac injury following subarachnoid hemorrhage; a reciprocal culprit-victim relationship between the brain and heart

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    Objective: The vagal, stellate, and cardiac ganglia cells changes following subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) may occur. This study aimed to investigate if there is any relation between vagal network/stellate ganglion and intrinsic cardiac ganglia insult following SAH. Materials and methods: Twenty-six rabbits were used in this study. Animals were randomly divided as control (GI, n = 5); SHAM 0.75 cc of saline-injected (n = 5) and study with autologous 1.5 cc blood injection into their cisterna magna(GIII, n = 15). All animals were followed for three weeks and then decapitated. Their motor vagal nucleus, nodose, stellate, and intracardiac ganglion cells were estimated by stereological methods and compared statistically. Results: Numerical documents of heart-respiratory rates, vagal nerve- ICG, and stellate neuron densities as follows: 276 ± 32/min-22 ± 3/min-10.643 ± 1.129/mm3-4 ± 1/mm3-12 ± 3/mm3 and 2 ± 1/cm3 in the control group; 221 ± 22/min-16 ± 4/min-8.699 ± 976/mm3-24 ± 9/mm3-103 ± 32/mm3 and 11 ± 3/cm3 in the SHAM group; and 191 ± 23/min-17 ± 4/min-9.719 ± 932/mm3-124 ± 31/mm3-1.542 ± 162/mm3 and 32 ± 9/cm3 in the SAH (study) group. The animals with burned neuro-cardiac web had more neurons of stellate ganglia and a less normal neuron density of nodose ganglia (p < 0.005). Conclusion: Sypathico-parasympathetic imbalance induced vagal nerve-ICG disruption following SAH could be named as Burned Neurocardiac Web syndrome in contrast to broken heart because ICG/parasympathetic network degeneration could not be detected in classic broken heart syndrome. It was noted that cardiac ganglion degeneration is more prominent in animals’ severe degenerated neuron density of nodose ganglia. We concluded that the cardiac ganglia network knitted with vagal-sympathetic-somatosensitive fibers has an important in heart function following SAH. The neurodegeneration of the cardiac may occur in SAH, and cause sudden death

    Protective felix culpa effect of superior sympathetic cervical ganglion degenerations on prevention of basilar artery spasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage: A preliminary experimental study

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    BACKGROUND: Posterior cerebral blood flow is regulated by the basilar arteries (BAs). Vasospasm of BAs can occur after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Superior cervical sympathetic ganglia (SCG) fibers have a vasoconstrictor effect on the BA. We aimed to investigate the relationship between the degenerated neuron density of the SCG and the severity of BA vasospasm after experimental SAH. METHODS: Twenty-four rabbits were used. Five were used as the control group, and 5 were used as the sham group. Experimental SAHs were performed in the remaining 14 animals (study group) by injecting homologous blood into the cisterna magna. After 3 weeks of injection, neuron densities of SCG and the severity of BA vasospasm index values (VSI) were examined histopathologically and compared statistically. RESULTS: The mean VSI was 0.669 +/- 0.1129 in the control group, 0.981 +/- 0.159 in the sham group, and 1.512 +/- 0.298 in the study group. The mean degenerated neuronal density of SCG was 436 +/- 79/mm(3) in severe vasospasm (n = 3), 841 +/- 101/mm(3) in moderate vasospasm (n = 4), and 1.921 +/- 849/mm(3) in the less vasospasm detected animals (n = 6). CONCLUSIONS: This study shows an inverse relationship between the degenerated neuronal density in the SCG and VSI values. This finding indicates a diminished sympathetic input from the SCG, resulting in a beneficial effect the felix culpa) by dilating the lumen diameter of the BA, so SCG degeneration after SAH protects the BA spasm

    Oxidant-antioxidant status in bovine ephemeral fever

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    WOS: 000466333800024Bovine ephemeral fever is an economically important viral disease of cattle and water buffalo. In this study, it was aimed to investigate oxidant-antioxidant status in cattle with ephemeral fever disease. A total of 32 Holsteins aged between 12- 18 months kept under same care and feeding conditions were used. Activities of GPx, CAT and SOD and the levels of TAC, TOS, CP, SH and MDA were measured. Levels of CP and TAC were significantly (p<0,05) higher in IG compared to HG. Levels of SH and CP were significantly (p<0,05) lower and CAT activity were significantly (p<0,05) higher in RG compared with IG. Levels of SH and activity of GPx and were significantly (p<0,05) lower and CAT levels were significantly (p<0,05) higher in RG compared with HG. The results or this experiment suggest a possible relationship between oxidant/antioxidant balance in favor of antioxidants in ephemeral fever in cattle