266 research outputs found

    Türk Erken Çocukluk Öğretmenlerinin Medya Okuryazarlığı Aracılığıyla Sürdürülebilirlik için Eğitim ile İlgili Mesleki Gelişimlerinin Desteklenmesi

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    This article aims to document the findings of a professional development intervention study seeking to promote in-service preschool teachers’ professional growth about education for sustainability (EfS) through media literacy (ML). The overall aim of this year-long action research project (based on the Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate or ADDIE approach) was to foster teachers' knowledge and awareness regarding EfS via a professional development program incorporating media literacy education. Four preschool teachers participated in the professional development program. Participants’ in-class EfS implementations before and after the professional development program were examined utilizing interview, stimulated recall interviews, field notes and content analysis of teacher daily and monthly plans. The principal outcome of the study was that the proposed professional development program does, indeed, lead to the growth of the early childhood teachers' EfS knowledge and awareness. In the short term, examination of participants’ pre/post intervention teaching activities indicated that fostering teachers’ ML skills helped when designing EfS activities since they were able to access, analyze & evaluate and create EfS related media resources more effectively. Longer-term, the teachers involved in the study incorporated an increased number of EfS related activities in-class, as evidenced by their post-intervention daily and monthly plans.Bu makale okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin sürdürülebilirlik için eğitim (SİE) konusundaki mesleki gelişimlerini medya okuryazarlığı (MO) aracılığıyla desteklemek için gerçekleştirilen bir mesleki gelişim müdahale çalışmasının bulgularını sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bir akademik yıl boyunca devam eden bu eylem araştırması projesinin (Analiz et, Tasarla, Geliştir, Uygula ve Değerlendir başlıklarını içeren ADGUD Yaklaşımı temelinde) en genel amacı öğretmenlerin SİE hakkındaki bilgilerini ve farkındalıklarını, SİE ve MO’yu bir araya getiren bir mesleki gelişim programı yardımıyla geliştirmektir. Bu mesleki gelişim programına toplamda 4 okul öncesi öğretmeni katılmıştır. Katılımcıların bu mesleki gelişim programı öncesindeki ve sonrasındaki sınıf-içi SİE uygulamaları görüşmeler, hatırlatma seansları içeren görüşmeler, alan notları ve öğretmenin günlük ve aylık planlarının belge analizleri teknikleri kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen ana bulgu, önerilen mesleki gelişim programının gerçekten de erken çocukluk öğretmenlerinin SİE bilgisi ve farkındalıklarının artmasını mümkün kıldığıdır. Katılımcıların müdahale öncesi/sonrası incelenen etkinlikleri gösteriyor ki, kısa vadede, SİE bağlantılı medya kaynaklarına daha etkili bir şekilde erişmek, bu kaynakları daha iyi analiz edip, değerlendirmek ve bu kaynakları daha etkili bir biçimde yeniden tasarlamak için öğretmenlerin MO becerilerinin geliştirilmesi, bu öğretmenlerin SİE aktiviteleri tasarlama aşamasındaki etkinliklerini artırmaktadır. Uzun vadede ise, bu çalışmaya dâhil olan öğretmenlerin günlük ve aylık planlarında SİE bağlantılı aktivitelere daha fazla yer verdikleri görülmektedir

    Examining relationship between being cyber bully/ cyber victim and social perceptual levels of adolescents

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    This study aims to investigate the relationship between being cyber- bully / cyber-victim and social perception levels in adolescents. In this study, descriptive method was employed. The sample of the study consited of 300 students whom attending different high schools in Trabzon in 2009-2010 school years. 159 students of the sample were boys (% 53) and 141 students were girls (% 47). Cyberbullying Scale and Social Comparision Scale were used to collect the data. Pearson correlation coefficient and independent samples t test were conducted to analyze the data. The results of the study revealed that there was a negative significant relationship between being cyber-bully/cyber-victim and social perception levels. As a result of this, students develop negative thinking both themselves and their social life.  Also students who have low social perception being more cyber-bully/cyber-victim. These results were discussed in light of relevant literature and some new direction were given to the further studies.This study aims to investigate the relationship between being cyber- bully / cyber-victim and social perception levels in adolescents. In this study, descriptive method was employed. The sample of the study consited of 300 students whom attending different high schools in Trabzon in 2009-2010 school years. 159 students of the sample were boys (% 53) and 141 students were girls (% 47). Cyberbullying Scale and Social Comparision Scale were used to collect the data. Pearson correlation coefficient and independent samples t test were conducted to analyze the data. The results of the study revealed that there was a negative significant relationship between being cyber-bully/cyber-victim and social perception levels. As a result of this, students develop negative thinking both themselves and their social life.  Also students who have low social perception being more cyber-bully/cyber-victim. These results were discussed in light of relevant literature and some new direction were given to the further studies

    PMDI İlaveli Melamin Üre Formaldehit (MÜF) Tutkalının Yongalevha Endüstrisinde Değerlendirilmesi

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    Bu çalışmada, nemli şartlarda kullanılan ve yük taşıyıcı olmayan yongalevhalarda PMDI tutkalının kullanılabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla PMDI tutkalı, farklı katılım oranlarında (%0-Kontrol, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5 ve 2) yongalevhaların orta tabakalarına ilave edilmiştir. Levha üretiminde kullanılan endüstriyel yongalar; %15 ladin, %50 çam, %20 meşe, %10 kapak tahtası, %5’i atık talaştan oluşmaktadır. Yoğunluk değeri 630 kg/m3 olan, %65’lik melamin üre formaldehit (MÜF) tutkalı kullanılarak yongalevhalar üretilmiştir. Levhaların bazı fiziksel (yoğunluk, rutubet, 2-24 saat kalınlık artımı ve su alma oranı) ve mekanik özellikleri (eğilme direnci, eğilmede elastikiyeti modülü, yapışma direnci, yüzey sağlamlığı ve vida tutma direnci) TS EN standartlarına göre test edilmiştir. Deney sonuçlarına göre test levhalarının 24 saatlik kalınlık artış değerleri, %14’ün altında tespit edilmiştir. Vida tutma direnci dışındaki tüm mekanik özellikler bakımından test ve kontrol levhaları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farkın olmadığı anlaşılmıştır. Levhaların tüm fiziksel ve mekanik özelliklerine ait değerleri, TS EN 312 (2012) standardında belirtilen P3 tipi (nemli şartlarda kullanılan yük taşıyıcı olmayan levhalar) kullanım alanlarında aranan minimum gereksinimleri karşıladığını göstermiştir

    Yolcu Gemilerinde Sewage Arıtma Sistemleri ve Atıkların Denizde Seyrelmesine Etki Eden Parametreler

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    Cruise ships play an inevitable role in tourism sector across the world.Increasing in cruise ship tourism accompanies with significant environmental problems. Due to both size of cruise ships and the amount of passengers and consumables, cruise ships have a great potential for producing considerable amounts of wastes. Various types of wastes are produced in cruise ships depending on the daily consumptions of these wastes. Sewage, which consists mainly the toilet wastes, is the most important problem. Sewage contains various types of heavy metal,chemicals and pathogens that have harmful effects on marine species and ecosystem. Many national and international regulations and conventions are established in order to prevent the harmful effects of wastes. Studies on preventing and minimizing ship-related pollution contribute to both developing new waste management systems and forming new procedures for removing the wastes in both ship and port. In this study, Marine Sanitation Device (MSD) and Advanced Wastewater Treatment (AWT) and treatment procedures are investigated. ‘Dilution factor’ obtained by theoretical and experimental studies is explained indetail and variation of dilution factor depending on ship dimensions andvelocity is investigated.Keywords: Ship, cruise ship, sewage, treatment plants, MSD, AWT, dilution factorTüm dünyada ‘kruvaziyer’ olarak bilinen yolcu gemileri, turizm sektöründe oldukça büyük bir yere sahiptir. Yolcu gemisi turizmi büyüdükçe beraberinde çevresel açıdan büyük sorunlar meydana getirmektedir. Yolcu gemileri, gerek boyutları gerekse taşıdıkları yolcu ve tüketilen madde miktarı açısından dikkate değer oranda atık üretme potansiyeline sahiptir. Bu gemilerde, yolcuların günlük tüketimlerine bağlı olarak çeşitli atıklar meydana gelmektedir. Okyanuslara ve denizlere boşaltılan ve tuvalet/lavabo atıklarından oluşan sewage bu sorunların başında gelmektedir. Gemi kanalizasyonu olarak bilinen sewage içeriğinde deniz canlıları ve ekosistemi için zararlı olan birçok ağır metaller, kimyasal bileşenler ve patojenler bulundurmaktadır. Artan bu kirliliğin, okyanusların ve denizlerin bir çöp yığınına dönüşmesini engellemek adına birçok ulusalve uluslararası düzenlemeler ve sözleşmeler oluşturulmuştur. Gemi kaynaklı kirliliği önleme ve azaltma konusunda yapılan çalışmalar, beraberinde yeni atık arıtım sistemlerinin geliştirilmesine ve atık yönetim sistemi içerisinde hem gemide hem de liman tesislerinde atığın sağlıklı bir şekilde bertarafına yönelik yeni prosedürlerin oluşmasına olanak sağlamıştır. Bu çalışmada gemi sewage arıtım sistemleri olan Deniz Sağlığı Koruma Cihazları (Marine Sanitation Device-MSD) ve Gelişmiş Atık Su Arıtma Sistemleri (Advanced Wastewater Treatment-AWT) incelenmiş ve arıtma prosesleri hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Değişik zamanlarda yapılmış olan deneysel ve teorik çalışmalar sonucunda bulunan ‘seyrelme faktörü’ hakkında bilgi verilerek seyrelme faktörünün gemi boyutları ve gemi hızına bağlı olarak değişimi incelenmiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Gemi, yolcu gemisi, sewage, arıtma sistemleri, MSD, AWT, seyreltme faktör

    Can preoperative magnetic resonance imaging replace intraoperative frozen sectioning in the evaluation of myometrial invasion for early-stage endometrial carcinoma?

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    Objectives: To examine the performance of preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and intraoperative frozen sectioning in the assessment of myometrial invasion during the early stages of endometrial cancer.  Material and methods: This retrospective study employed data from patients with endometrial cancer who were operated on between January 2013 and November 2018. Patients who underwent preoperative MRI and were of FIGO 2009 stage I were included in the study. Radiological staging and intraoperative staging by frozen sectioning were carried out. The data were analyzed to assess agreement of the overall results concerning myometrial invasion.  Results: In total, 222 patients were enrolled. Their mean age was 58.3 ± 8.5 years. The accuracy of MRI for the detection of myometrial invasion was 88.7% and its sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) were 91.6%, 82.1%, 92.2%, and 80.9%, respectively, with a kappa coefficient of 0.734 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.684–0.784; p < 0.001). The accuracy of intraoperative frozen sectioning was 94.4%, and its sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV were 97.7%, 85.7%, 94.7%, and 93.4%, respectively, with a kappa coefficient of 0.856 (95% CI, 0.812–0.900; p < 0.001). No significant difference in accuracy was observed between MRI and frozen sectioning (p = 0.057). MRI and frozen sectioning were sensitive for the detection of myometrial invasion, according to receiver operating curve analyses (areas under the curve, 0.869 and 0.917, respectively; p < 0.001).  Conclusions: The assessment of myometrial invasion by preoperative MRI and intraoperative frozen sectioning during the early stages of endometrial carcinoma was highly accurate.

    Intravesical Migration of Intrauterine Device: A Report of Cases of Total and Partial Migration

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    Intrauterine devices (IUD) are the commonly used long-acting, reversible and effective method of contraception. Migration of IUD into the bladder via uterine perforation is a very rare complication. In this paper, we aimed to present two different cases with different migration steps. In the first case, IUD was petrified and completely migrated into the bladder wall; in the second case, IUD was hanged on to the bladder wall

    Assessment of the coronary venous system by using cardiac CT

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    PURPOSEWe aimed to investigate the coronary venous system and its variations by using dual source computed tomography (CT).MATERIALS AND METHODSRetrospective assessment was carried out on 339 patients who underwent coronary CT angiography using 128-slice dual source CT for suspected coronary artery disease. The examinations were performed according to routine imaging protocols used to evaluate coronary arteries. The coronary venous system was evaluated in each case using maximum intensity projection and volume rendering technique multiplanar reformation reconstructions. In each patient, the presence and calibration of normal anatomy, as well as the variations of the coronary sinus, middle cardiac vein, small cardiac vein, posterior cardiac vein, great cardiac vein, anterior interventricular vein, posterolateral vein, left marginal vein, and anterolateral vein were recorded.RESULTSThe coronary sinus, middle cardiac vein, great cardiac vein, and anterior interventricular vein were visualized in all of the patients. In all cases, one of the lateral or posterolateral veins of appropriate localization and diameter for cardiac resynchronization therapy was detected. The posterior cardiac vein was visualized in 87% of the cases, the left marginal vein in 87.9%, and the small cardiac vein in 20%. There was no significant difference in the diameters or visibilities of the coronary veins in terms of age.CONCLUSIONThe coronary venous system and its tributaries may be examined in detail using CT angiography examination performed according to the routine coronary CT angiography protocol used for dual source CT. Dual source CT may be a valuable tool for evaluation of the coronary veins prior to invasive procedures that are directed at the coronary venous system

    Comparison of Efficacy and Complications of Holmium Laser and Pneumatic Lithotripters Used in the Ureterorenoscopic Treatment of Proximal Ureter Stones, a Multi-Center Study of Society of Urological Surgery Aegean Study Group

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    Objective:The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy and complications of holmium laser and pneumatic lithotripsy used in the ureterorenoscopic treatment of proximal ureteral stones.Materials and Methods:Data of 638 patients, who underwent ureterorenoscopy (URS) due to proximal ureteral stones in different centers, were obtained from patient files. The patients were divided into two groups according to the type of lithotripter used: group 1; laser lithotripter (n=324; 50.8%) and group 2; pneumatic lithotripter (n=314; 49.2%). URS was considered successful upon determination stone-free status with the imaging methods after treatment. The effectiveness and the complications of holmium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser and pneumatic lithotripsy were compared.Results:The total success rate of URS was 82.6% and the complication rate was 8.1%. The mean age of patients was similar between the groups; however, the body mass index values, stone surface area and stone Hounsfield unit were significantly higher in group 1. Although the mean operative time, complication rate and the mean length of hospital stay were similar between the groups; the URS success and postoperative ureteral J stent use rates were significantly higher in group 1 and the push-back rate was significantly higher in group 2.Conclusion:If laser lithotripsy is available in a clinic, we believe that it is better to use it as the first option in the treatment of proximal ureter stones. However, considering that it is not easy to access laser lithotripters due to their high cost in Turkey, pneumatic lithotripters may be an effective and inexpensive alternative that can also be safely used in these cases

    Effect of the Anesthetic Method on the Outcomes of Ureteroscopy for Proximal Ureteral Stones: A Multi-center Study of the Society of Urological Surgery Aegean Study Group

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    Objective:To analyze the effect of the anesthesia method (spinal and general) on the outcome of ureteroscopy (URS) in patients treated for proximal ureteral stones.Materials and Methods:Patients, who underwent URS for proximal ureteral stones at various urology clinics in Turkiye, were included in the study. The patients were divided into two groups according to the anesthesia method performed; the procedure was performed under spinal anesthesia (SA) in group 1 and general anesthesia (GA) in group 2. Patients’ demographic, perioperative data and complication rates were compared between the two groups in a retrospective manner.Results:There were 309 and 329 patients in groups 1 and 2, respectively. The mean stone area and Hounsfield unit in GA group were higher (p0.05). The rate of success of URS, which is accepted as complete stone-free status, was higher in the SA group (p=0.041).Conclusion:URS, which is used in the treatment of proximal ureteral stones, has a high success rate, independent of the anesthesia method used. It is important to keep in mind the patient’s comorbidities prior to selecting the anesthesia method and that the stone area and the Hounsfield unit are the important factors affecting the outcomes