29 research outputs found


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    The article presents how to use methods and tools in the area of quality engineering to assess the supply chain, having the example of the food industry. It outlines the regulatory requirements and standardization documents for the transport of dairy products. Using a questionnaire conducted it selects criteria that were directly used to assess the quality of the supply chain (network). Then, using the Pareto-Lorenz diagram the most important criteria were selected, which were also used in the study

    Rachunek sozologiczny instrumentem w polityce i ekonomii środowiskowej

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    This study show indicate idea of eco-development on environmental economy. Particularly marked interaction of connection between ecological losses and sociological calculation. Layout for this study is as follow: eco-development as goal for politics and environmental economy, ecological losses in microeconomic and macroeconomic, evaluation in ecological harms in sociological calculation

    Istota kultury bezpieczeństwa i jej znaczenie dla człowieka i grup społecznych

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    The paper presents the essence of the security culture and its significance for the quality of life as well as for the level security of a person, social groups, institutions, organizations and systems. Particular attention was paid to the significance of the security culture for the quality of the functioning of national security systems and their component - the subsystem of the crisis management. In this context the significance of the organizational culture and the legal culture as well as their relation with the security culture and their influence over the functioning of the security systems was also presented. The article characterizes the structure of the security culture, its determinants and functions as well. It lays proper foundations to elaborate tools for empirical research concerning the level and the character of this psychosocial and praxeological phenomenon as well as the relations between the security culture and the quality of thefunctioning of systems. In the final part of the paper, the attempt to present the posibilty to research objectives areas of the security culture and the phenomenon of sustainable development was made at the example of the ecological security and the health securityW artykule przedstawiono istotę kultury bezpieczeństwa oraz jej znaczenie dla jakości życia i poziomu bezpieczeństwa człowieka, grup społecznych, instytucji, organizacji i systemów. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na znaczenie kultury bezpieczeństwa dla jakości funkcjonowania systemu bezpieczeństwa narodowego i jego elementu – podsystemu zarządzania kryzysowego. W tym kontekście ukazano także znaczenie kultury organizacyjnej i kultury prawnej, ich związki z kulturą bezpieczeństwa oraz wpływ na funkcjonowanie systemów bezpieczeństwa. Scharakteryzowana została również struktura kultury bezpieczeństwa oraz jej wyznaczniki i funkcje, co stwarza dobre podstawy do opracowania narzędzi do empirycznego badania poziomu i charakteru tego fenomenu psychospołecznego i prakseologicznego oraz związków kultury bezpieczeństwa z jakością funkcjonowania systemów. W końcowej części artykułu na przykładzie kultury bezpieczeństwa ekologicznego i zdrowotnego starano się także ukazać możliwość badania przedmiotowych obszarów kultury bezpieczeństwa i zjawiska zrównoważonego rozwoj

    Kultura bezpieczeństwa obywateli a funkconowanie systemu zarządzania kryzysowego w wymiarze lokalnym. Wyniki badań empirycznych

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    On the basis of results of empirical research conducted in 2013, the authors present the level of security culture of representatives of administration, services of crisis management and so called common citizens in a few poviat cities and three voivodeship cities in Poland. Moreover, there are presented data concerning the quality of functioning of the crisis management system in the places where research took place, as well as the mutual dependencies between security culture of entities functioning within the crisis management system and the quality of such “a system” on the local level. The conclusion contains findings and propositions concerning the development of security culture and the increase of the quality of functioning of the crisis management system in the local dimensionNa podstawie wyników badań empirycznych przeprowadzonych w 2013 roku zaprezentowano poziom kultury bezpieczeństwa przedstawicieli administracji, służb zarządzania kryzysowego i tzw. zwykłych obywateli w kilku miastach powiatowych i w trzech miastach wojewódzkich w Polsce. Przedstawiono także dane dotyczące jakości funkcjonowania Systemu Zarządzania Kryzysowego w objętych badaniami miejscowościach, oraz wzajemne zależności między kulturą bezpieczeństwa podmiotów funkcjonujących w ramach SZK a jakością funkcjonowania tego „systemu” na szczeblu lokalnym. Zakończenie zawiera wnioski i propozycje dotyczące doskonalenia kultury bezpieczeństwa i podnoszenia jakości funkcjonowania SZK w wymiarze lokalny

    Dynamics of "binary" 197Au+197 Au collisions as a test of energy dissipation mechanism

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    197Au+197Au collisions at 15 MeV/nucleon were studied using the multidetector array CHIMERA and heavy ion beams from the superconducting cyclotron of LNS Catania. The experiment was aimed at studying the mechanism of energy dissipation in collisions of very heavy systems. In the present contribution we report on a part of our study concentrated on a subject of basically binary damped collisions, in which only two main fragments are formed prior to secondary deexcitation processes. Such “binary” events were selected by using complete information from the exclusive-type data (including all Z 3 fragments) obtained with the CHIMERA multidetector. Results are compared with predictions of a classical dynamical model of Błocki et al., in which both scenarios of energy dissipation, one-body or two-body dissipation mechanisms, are assumed

    Isoscaling in neck fragmentation

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    Production of intermediate mass fragments (IMF) has been studied in semi-peripheral 124Sn (35AMeV) + 64Ni and 112Sn (35AMeV) + 58Ni reactions. Our recently proposed new method of an analysis of the neck- like fragmentation processes that provides information on the IMFs time equence and time scale is reviewed. Isotopic analysis of so characterized IMFs gives evidence for neutron enrichment of mid-velocity fragments. A clear isoscaling behavior is found despite the short emission time scale. Evolution of the isoscaling parameters from semi-peripheral to central collisions is discussed

    Isospin effects studied with the CHIMERA detector at 35 Mev/nucleon

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    The yield of light charged particles and intermediate mass fragments is studied for the neutron-rich, 124Sn+64Ni, and neutron-poor, 112Sn+58Ni, reactions at 35MeV/nucleon as a function of the impact parameter. Our main observations are: (i) The yields of 1H, 3He and 4He particles in the neutron-poor system are enhanced with respect to the neutron-rich system and the yield of 3H is suppressed at all impact parameters, (ii) The ratio of 3H to 3He yield is three times larger for neutron poor system, (iii) The N/Z ratio of the emitted intermediate-mass fragments shows dependence on the isospin of the system, (iv) The neutron richness of detected intermediate mass fragments depends strongly on their rapidity. The gross features of the experimental data are reproduced by quantum molecular dynamics model calculations

    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts

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    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts. June 4-7, 2019, Szczyrk, Polan