8 research outputs found

    Influence of the method of creating a hydrogen-air mixture on the emission of nitrogen oxides in a spark-ignition engine

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    The article presents an analysis of phenomena affecting the formation of nitrogen oxides during the combustion of a hydrogen-air mixture in a spark-ignition engine. Studies have been carried out to determine the strategy of creating and burning a hydrogen-air mixture that guarantees a low concentration of nitrogen oxides. This strategy limits the synthesis of nitrogen with atmospheric oxygen during engine operation

    New condition of private use? : lawfulness of the source copy in light of Article 23 Polish law on copyright and related rights

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    The article presents the theoretical and practical issues concerning institution of private use in the Polish copyright law in the light of CJEU case law. On a basis of Polish regulation, prior to the ACI ADAM case, the character of the source (whether it is legal or not) was dependent on liberal, restrictive or mixed perception. However, the dominant approach was the liberal interpretation. Following the decision in the ACI ADAM case, liberal attitude became unacceptable. In the aftermath, the remaining two ways of approach can be taken into consideration. In the article authors clarify which interpretation is more appropriate and adequate, taking into account the aspect of balancing the rights of authors and users. Contrary to some authors' opinion, balanced approach cannot be interpreted from the Article 23 of Polish law on copyright and related rights. As long as the copyright law is not amended, the courts should carefully consider this issue and literally interpret the judgment made in the ACI ADAM case. No matter which interpretation will be considered as binding in near future, there is an urgent need for the revision of the Polish law on copyright and related rights, along with comprehensive improvements of the regulation

    Investigation of a new concept of hydrogen supply for a spark-ignition engine

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    The article presents the results of conceptual and research works of an internal combustion engine adapted for hydrogen supply. The engine was equipped with a direct injection of hydrogen into the combustion chamber, allowing the control of the heat release rate. The developed concept of the power supply system and the fuel injection strategy were presented. Initial results of bench tests were also presented

    Występowanie Candida spp. W mikrobiocie jamy ustnej w warunkach zdrowia

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    Background. Candida is a strain of fungi that is found on the surface of healthy mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Yet, Candida may also be considered opportunistic microorganisms. The pathogenicity of Candida spp. depends on strain-specific characteristics including, invasiveness, adhesion, and production of biofilm abilities as well as the production of enzymes allowing the colonization of tissue. The aim of the paper was to evaluate the frequency of Candida spp. occurrence in the oral microbiota of healthy adults, and its relation with risk factors and colonization. Material and methods. This study consisted of 72 healthy participants (from the Lubelskie Voivodeship between 19 and 73 years of age). Medical history was collected to determine potential relationships to risk factors affecting oral microbiota (past oral cavity diseases, chronic diseases, and smoking). The participants who were qualified had no oral cavity infections during the study. The collected clinical samples (oral cavity swabs) were disseminated on the chromogenic base for isolation and differentiation of Candida spp. Results. The frequency of Candida spp. occurrence was at the level of 63.8%. C. albicans was the most frequently identified species (56.5%). C. glabrata (45.6%) and C. tropicalis (23.9%) were identified less often. In 21.7% of swabs, two species of Candida were identified and in 2.2% of swabs three species identified. The most common colonization risk factor was associated with smoking (32.6%). Conclusions. Yeasts of Candida species are part of the healthy microflora of the oral cavity in people of different ages and may occur as single species or coexist with other species. The coexistence of chronic diseases, propensity for oral cavity infections and smoking significantly influence the Candida colonization. This may result in uture clinical consequences, for example in cases of immunodepression.Wprowadzenie. Grzyby z rodzaju Candida mogą w warunkach fizjologicznych występować na powierzchni błony śluzowej jamy ustnej, jednak równocześnie uznawane są za drobnoustroje oportunistyczne. Chorobotwórczość Candida spp. zależy od właściwości szczepu, inwazyjności, zdolności do adhezji i tworzenia biofilmu oraz wytwarzania enzymów umożliwiających kolonizację tkanek. Celem pracy była ocena częstości występowania Candida spp. w mikrobiocie jamy ustnej u osób dorosłych w warunkach zdrowia oraz określenie związku pomiędzy czynnikami ryzyka a kolonizacją. Materiał i metody. Grupę badaną stanowiły 72 zdrowe osoby (mieszkańcy województwa lubelskiego, w wieku od 18 do 73 lat), od których zebrano wywiad odnośnie obecności czynników wpływających na stan mikrobioty jamy ustnej (występowania w przeszłości chorób jamy ustnej, istnienia chorób przewlekłych oraz palenia papierosów). Do udziału w badaniach zakwalifikowano osoby, które w trakcie ich prowadzenia zadeklarowały brak infekcji w obrębie jamy ustnej. Pobrany materiał kliniczny (wymazy z jamy ustnej) posiano na podłoże chromogenne do izolacji i różnicowania Candida spp. Wyniki. Częstość występowania Candida spp. odnotowano na poziomie 63,8%. Najczęściej identyfikowano C. albicans (56,5%), rzadziej C. glabrata (45,6%) i C. tropicalis (23,9%). W 21,7% wymazów rozpoznano po dwa gatunki Candida, a w 2,2% wymazów trzy. Najczęstszym deklarowanym czynnikiem ryzyka kolonizacji było palenie tytoniu (32,6%). Wnioski. Drożdżaki z rodzaju Candida są obecne w mikroflorze jamy ustnej w warunkach zdrowia u osób w różnym wieku i mogą występować jako pojedyncze gatunki lub współistnieć obok siebie w różnych konfiguracjach. Współistnienie chorób przewlekłych, skłonności do infekcji w obrębie jamy ustnej oraz palenie papierosów wpływają istotnie na kolonizację jamy ustnej drożdżakami, co może w przyszłości skutkować konsekwencjami klinicznymi w przypadku spadku odporności