368 research outputs found

    Accuracy of state space collapse for earliest-deadline-first Queues

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    This paper presents a second-order heavy traffic analysis of a single server queue that processes customers having deadlines using the earliest-deadline-first scheduling policy. For such systems, referred to as real-time queueing systems, performance is measured by the fraction of customers who meet their deadline, rather than more traditional performance measures, such as customer delay, queue length or server utilization. To model such systems, one must keep track of customer lead times (the time remaining until a customer deadline elapses) or equivalent information. This paper reviews the earlier heavy traffic analysis of such systems that provided approximations to the system's behavior. The main result of this paper is the development of a second-order analysis that gives the accuracy of the approximations and the rate of convergence of the sequence of real-time queueing systems to its heavy traffic limit.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/105051605000000809 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Second order approximation for the customer time in queue distribution under the FIFO service discipline

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    A single server with one customer class, serviced by the FIFO protocol, is considered and the instantaneous time in the queue profile of the customers is investigated. We provide the second order approximation for the random measure describing the customer time in the queue distribution under heavy traffic conditions

    No purification in all discrete theories and the power of the complete extension

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    Quantum theory has an outstanding property, namely each state has its well defined purification - a state extremal in the set of states in larger Hilbert space. It is known that the classical theory and the theory of non-signaling boxes does not have purification for all of their states. These theories are examples of the so called generalized probabilistic theories (GPTs). However in any non-signaling GPT each state has a number of extensions to a larger system. We single out the most relevant among them, called a complete extension, unique up to local reversible operations on the extending system. We prove that this special, finite dimensional extension bares an analogy to quantum purification in that (i) it allows for an access to all ensembles of the extended system (ii) from complete extension one can generate any other extension. It then follows, that an access to the complete extension represents the total power of the most general non-signaling adversary. A complete extension of a maximally mixed box in two-party binary input binary output scenario is up to relabeling the famous Popescu-Rohrlich box. The latter thus emerges naturally without reference to the Bell's non-locality. However the complete extension is not a purification (a vertex) in the generic case. Moreover, we show that all convex discrete theories does not provide purification for almost all of it states. In particular the theory of contextuality does not possess purification. The complete extensions are by nature high-dimensional systems. We were able however to provide explicit structure of complete extension for the noisy Popescu-Rohrlich-boxes and the 3-cycle contextual box.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figure

    Correlations constrained by composite measurements

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    How to understand the set of correlations admissible in nature is one outstanding open problem in the core of the foundations of quantum theory. Here we take a complementary viewpoint to the device-independent approach, and explore the correlations that physical theories may feature when restricted by some particular constraints on their measurements. We show that demanding that a theory exhibits a composite measurement imposes a hierarchy of constraints on the structure of its sets of states and effects, which translate to a hierarchy of constraints on the allowed correlations themselves. We moreover focus on the particular case where one demands the existence of an entangled measurement that reads out the parity of local fiducial measurements. By formulating a non-linear Optimisation Problem, and semidefinite relaxations of it, we explore the consequences of the existence of such a parity reading measurement for violations of Bell inequalities. In particular, we show that in certain situations this assumption has surprisingly strong consequences, namely, that Tsirelson's bound can be recovered.Comment: 50 pages. V2 - added figure with result
