71 research outputs found

    Determination of vertical and horizontal soil displacements in automated measuring systems on the basis of angular measurements

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    The increasing interest in monitoring systems for soil displacements, prompted the authors to search for calculation methods which would allow the construction of monitoring devices without the need to place sensors in inclinometric tubes. The application of the spline interpolation method and the local approximation method by means of weighted moving squares allowed for the creation of curves which describe the soil deformation with the required accuracy. The basic equations of this calculation method and numerical examples are presented in the paper

    Structural health monitoring of a rail bridge structure impacted by mining operation

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    Structures located in areas affected by mining operation are subjected to movements and tilting. Continuous monitoring of the structure’s response to these forces allows for the control of their impact on the technical condition of the structure. In the case of railway structures, the measurements may allow further determination of the impact of modifications to the geometry of the structure on the track. This paper presents the results of observing indications of Structural Health Monitoring installed on an actual bridge construction under which mining operations were being conducted

    Influence of IQT on research in ICT

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    This paper is written by a group of Ph.D. students pursuing their work in different areas of ICT, outside the direct area of Information Quantum Technologies IQT. An ambitious task was undertaken to research, by each co-author, a potential practical influence of the current IQT development on their current work. The research of co-authors span the following areas of ICT: CMOS for IQT, QEC, quantum time series forecasting, IQT in biomedicine. The intention of the authors is to show how quickly the quantum techniques can penetrate in the nearest future other, i.e. their own, areas of ICT

    Cross-talk interactions of exogenous nitric oxide and sucrose modulates phenylpropanoid metabolism in yellow lupine embryo axes infected with Fusarium oxysporum

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    AbstractThe aim of the study was to examine cross-talk of exogenous nitric oxide (NO) and sucrose in the mechanisms of synthesis and accumulation of isoflavonoids in embryo axes of Lupinus luteus L. cv. Juno. It was verified whether the interaction of these molecules can modulate the defense response of axes to infection and development of the pathogenic fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lupini. Sucrose alone strongly stimulated a high level of genistein glucoside in axes pretreated with exogenous nitric oxide (SNP or GSNO) and non-pretreated axes. As a result of amplification of the signal coming from sucrose and GSNO, high isoflavonoids accumulation was observed (+Sn+GSNO). It needs to be stressed that infection in tissues pretreated with SNP/GSNO and cultured on the medium with sucrose (+Si+SNP/+Si+GSNO) very strongly enhances the accumulation of free isoflavone aglycones. In +Si+SNP axes phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity was high up to 72h. As early as at 12h in +Si+SNP axes an increase was recorded in gene expression level of the specific isoflavonoid synthesis pathway. At 24h in +Si+SNP axes a very high total antioxidant capacity dependent on the pool of fast antioxidants was noted. Post-infection generation of semiquinone radicals was lower in axes with a high level of sucrose than with a deficit

    Pathology of the lower urinary tract in patients with chronic kidney disease and evaluation for kidney transplant

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    Prawidłowa czynność dolnych dróg moczowych (DM) pozwala na zbieranie i magazynowanie moczu w pęcherzu moczowym (PM) pod niskim ciśnieniem oraz jego całkowite wydalanie w momencie mikcji. W przypadku uszkodzenia neurowegetatywnego układu nerwowego, na które częściej narażeni są chorzy z przewlekłą chorobą nerek (PChN), a zwłaszcza ci ze współtowarzyszącą cukrzycą, dochodzi u nich do zaburzenia tych mechanizmów, co predysponuje do odpływów pęcherzowo-moczowodowych, zakażeń układu moczowego (ZUM) oraz rozwoju PChN. Niezwykle przydatna w ocenie dysfunkcji neurogennej DM jest ultrasonografia z oceną nerek, pęcherza i zalegania moczu po mikcji. Badaniem z wyboru jest badaniem urodynamiczne, służące ocenie czynności PM i cewki moczowej (CM). Ocena innych schorzeń urologicznych w populacji chorych z PChN podczas kwalifikacji do przeszczepienia nerki (PN) jest niezwykle istotna. Długotrwałym okresom hemodializ (HD) towarzyszą oligo- i/lub anuria, związane z zanikiem mięśniówki gładkiej PM. Nie ma zgodnych poglądów dotyczących postępowania w takich przypadkach. Niektórzy autorzy uważają, że PM rozciąga się po PN pod wpływem podjętej diurezy i nie zalecają żadnego postępowania przygotowawczego, inni badacze są zwolennikami „rozciągania” PM lub zalecają jego powiększenie metodami operacyjnymi. Biorców nerki z usuniętym wcześniej PM można kwalifikować do wykonania przetoki moczowodowo- jelitowo-skórnej (zbiornik Brickera) jednocześnie z zabiegiem PN. W trakcie oceny urologicznej potencjalnego biorcy nerki przeszczepionej należy zawsze ocenić wskazania do nefrektomii nerek własnych. Skorygowane anatomiczne oraz funkcjonalne wady układu moczowego wydają się nie wpływać negatywnie na rokowanie pacjentów po PN mimo zwiększonego ryzyka nawracających ZUM. Dlatego wnikliwa diagnostyka, właściwe rozpoznanie oraz leczenie zaburzeń urologicznych w trakcie oceny potencjalnego biorcy nerki zapobiegają u niego powikłaniom po PN i poprawiają przeżywalność przeszczepu.Normal function of the lower urinary tract (UT) conditions the collection and low pressure storage of urine in the urinary bladder (UB) and its complete excretion through the process of micturition. When the neurovegetative nervous system is damaged, a frequent occurrence in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), especially those with concomitant diabetes, the above described mechanisms are disturbed, thus predisposing such patients for vesicoureteral reflux, urinary tract infections (UTIs) and CKD progression. When evaluating UT neurogenic dysfunction, ultrasound with the assessment of kidneys, bladder and urine retention following micturition is especially effective. The examination of choice is urodynamic testing that serves to assess the function of the UB and urethra. It is particularly important to evaluate urologic diseases in the population of CKD patients prior to kidney transplant (KT). Long term hemodialysis (HD) treatment is accompanied with oligo/anuria that is associated with the atrophy of the UB smooth muscle coat. No unanimous views exist as to how to deal with such cases. Some authors believe that the UB becomes extended after KT because of the following diuresis and do not recommend any preparatory procedures, whereas others favour “the extension” of the UB or recommend its surgical enlargement. Kidney recipients who had undergone cystectomy may be qualified for an ileal conduit urinary diversion (Bricker conduit) simultaneously with KT. During the urological evaluation of a potential kidney transplant recipient, indications for recipient nephrectomy should always be assessed. Anatomic and functional anomalies of the urinary tract seem not to affect prognosis of patients after KT despite a higher risk of recurrent UTIs. Consequently, thorough diagnostics, correct diagnosis and skillful correction of urological dysfunctions during the evaluation work up of a potential kidney recipient prevents the development of complications following KT and improves graft survival

    Research on the level of awareness and consumption of energy drinks among students aged 18-25

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    Introduction and purpose: The article focuses on the analysis of young people's awareness of the consumption of energy drinks, especially those containing caffeine. The aim of the study is to understand the level of knowledge about the awareness and consumption of energy drinks among students aged 18-25. This study was conducted using surveys and involving 202 participants. Material and Methods: The study was conducted using online anonymous surveys, involving 202 participants. The participants were students aged 18-25 both women and men. The results were analyzed according to the age and gender. Moreover, based on the available literature examining aspects related to the consumption of energy drinks.Results: The study shows that the vast majority of respondents (94.06%) are aware of the impact of energy substances on the body. The charts also illustrate that caffeine, as the main ingredient in energy drinks, is well understood in terms of cardiovascular effects. Moreover, the student community is aware of the link between excessive sugar consumption and the risk of cancer development. Discussion: The study shows that young people are aware of the negative impact of energy drinks on health. Nevertheless, not all areas of knowledge are clear to them. The continuous increase in the level of education can undoubtedly contribute to the introduction of healthy eating habits among students. Most respondents declare to drink energy drinks again, it should draw our special attention.Conclusions: It is worth noting the need for further education, especially in the field of metabolic syndrome. It also highlights the role of research and education in shaping public health awareness. Finally, the article suggests that further research and targeted educational programs are critical to improving public health, especially in the context of energy drink consumption

    Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia - a literature review

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    Introduction and purpose: Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), also known as Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome, is a rare and complex vascular disorder characterized by abnormal blood vessel formation. It can present significant challenges in diagnosis and management, as it is currently estimated up to 90% of those affected are never diagnosed. Despite its rarity, HHT can carry substantial implications for patients and their families, at times requiring comprehensive medical care and support. This paper aims to provide an in-depth exploration of HHT, encompassing its epidemiology, genetics, clinical manifestations, diagnostic approaches, and current management strategies. Moreover, we hope to point out possible areas in need of future research. Description of the state knowledge: HHT is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder that affects 1 in 5-10,000 people. Its most prominent symptoms include telangiectasia of skin and mucous membranes, recurrent epistaxis, gastrointestinal bleeding and arteriovenous malformations in vital organs. In the vast majority of cases, it is caused by a mutation in one of the following genes: ENG, ACVRL1, SMAD4; however, mutations in other genes have been described to cause a similar or much the same constellation of symptoms. Treatment options are focused on managing symptoms and improving quality of life, but possible new treatment options are being researched that could change the landscape of HHT management. Summary: HHT is a severely underdiagnosed disease that has seen a surge of researchers’ interest in recent years. We firmly believe that, combined with plummeting costs of genetic testing and possible new treatment options, means that HHT will become increasingly important in physicians’ everyday practice

    3D PET image reconstruction based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation Method (MLEM) algorithm

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    Positron emission tomographs (PET) do not measure an image directly. Instead, they measure at the boundary of the field-of-view (FOV) of PET tomograph a sinogram that consists of measurements of the sums of all the counts along the lines connecting two detectors. As there is a multitude of detectors build-in typical PET tomograph structure, there are many possible detector pairs that pertain to the measurement. The problem is how to turn this measurement into an image (this is called imaging). Decisive improvement in PET image quality was reached with the introduction of iterative reconstruction techniques. This stage was reached already twenty years ago (with the advent of new powerful computing processors). However, three dimensional (3D) imaging remains still a challenge. The purpose of the image reconstruction algorithm is to process this imperfect count data for a large number (many millions) of lines-of-responce (LOR) and millions of detected photons to produce an image showing the distribution of the labeled molecules in space.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Randomized controlled clinical trials versus real-life atrial fibrillation patients treated with oral anticoagulants. Do we treat the same patients?

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    Background: The aim of the study was to compare clinical characteristics of real-life atrial fibrillation (AF) patients with populations included in randomized clinical trials (ROCKET AF and RE-LY).Methods: The analysis included 3528 patients who are participants of the ongoing, multicentre, retrospective CRAFT study. The study is registered in ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02987062. The study is based on a retrospective analysis of hospital records of AF patients treated with vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) (acenocoumarol, warfarin) and non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants (NOACs) (dabigatran, rivaroxaban). CHADS2 score was used for risk of stroke stratification.Results: VKA was prescribed in 1973 (56.0%), while NOAC in 1549 (44.0%), including dabigatran — 504 (14.3%) and rivaroxaban — 1051 (29.8%), of the 3528 patients. VKA patients in the CRAFT study were at significantly lower risk of stroke (CHADS2 1.9 ± 1.3), compared with the VKA population from the RE-LY (2.1 ± 1.1) and the ROCKET-AF (3.5 ± 1.0). Patients in the CRAFT study treated with NOAC (CHADS2 for patients on dabigatran 150 mg — 1.3 ± 1.2 and on rivaroxaban — 2.2 ± 1.4) had lower risk than patients from the RE-LY (2.2 ± 1.2) and the ROCKET AF (3.5 ± 0.9).Conclusions: Real-world patients had a lower risk of stroke than patients included in the RE-LY and ROCKET AF trials