18 research outputs found

    Czy sekularyzacja "nowych" Brytyjczyków? : religijność mniejszości etnicznych pochodzenia imigracyjnego w Wielkiej Brytanii

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    Integration Policies in the EU and the US

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    Migration and human trafficking : challenges for south eastern European region

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    Knowledge centers as an innovative knowledge transfer mechanism : lesson learned from the program implemented in Lesser Poland

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    The aim of the paper is to present the lessons learnt from the "SPIN" regional public project. The project was implemented in the region of Lesser Poland. The objective of the project was to increase the intensity of knowledge transfer from universities to enterprises. The goal was achieved by establishing four Centres for Knowledge Transfer at major universities. Each of them was dedicated to a specific domain of knowledge - regional smart specialization - biotechnology, translational medicine, smart grids and energy-saving buildings. The paper discusses the implementation and effects of the project. The most important conclusions stemming from the project concern the fact that the context of the implementation needs to be taken into account during the project as well as the importance of leadership. More attention should also be devoted to the motivation and skills of those involved in the implementation

    2022 MEDAM assessment report on asylum and migration policies in Europe : refugee protection in the EU : building resilience to geopolitical conflict

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    In this MEDAM Assessment Report, we review EU policy developments-both in response to recent geopolitical conflicts and with respect to the broader reform agenda for the EU asylum system. We then turn to the reception and hosting of refugees from Ukraine in the EU member states-focussing on the situation in Poland. At the same time, it remains a long-term challenge to understand and manage migration to Europe from Africa. We report MEDAM research findings on the decision-making behavior of potential migrants, the links between migration prevalence and improving living conditions in low- and middle-income countries, and cooperation on migration management between the European Union and African Union. The 2022 MEDAM Assessment Report concludes six years of research, policy analysis, and interaction with stakeholders by the Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration in Europe (MEDAM)


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    The article analyzes the discourse in social sciences on the process of adaptation of migrants to a host society. The discourse is based on „integration theories”. Such an approach creates some difficulties and drawbacks. Therefore, an alternative approach grounded in empirical data on Chechen refugees in Poland is presented. The model is based on the concept of „adaptive strategies”. A „strategy” stresses human agency over structural pressures. The adaptive strategies of the Chechens in Poland are expressed in two contexts, i.e. a host society, explained by „new assimilation theories,” and transnational space. The strategies are applied in the process of reconstructing everyday life and while entering the social structures of the host society. The Chechens in Poland reconstruct their everyday life following patterns acquired in Chechnya. What is more, they use modern technologies to reproduce Chechen culture in Poland. Since the assistance offered by the Polish governmental and nongovernmental institutions to refugees and asylum seekers is insufficient, it often happens that the Chechens in Poland can receive support only from members of their own community in Poland. Owing to that support they are able to survive and adapt to the new environment


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    Welfare states in Europe and across the Atlantic introduced various social policies aiming at integrating refugees or facilitating their self-sufficiency. Since the beginning of 2015 when the so called “refugee crisis” started in Europe and anti-refugee rhetoric appeared in public discourse, these policies became jeopardized. Surprisingly, only a handful of studies provide evidence on how these policies operate amidst the current political conditions. Even fewer deliver comparative evidence from different countries. This article aims to address this gap using qualitative comparative case study design and interpretative policy analysis. It answers how asylum and social policies have been shaped and delivered in countries as different as the United States and Poland, including the context of the 2015 and 2016 political shifts. This article argues that despite being shaped and delivered differently, some of the current framing and shaping of the policies are similar and can have parallel outcomes for refugee communities and organizations assisting them. Chances for upward mobility for refugees can decrease and income and social inequalities may deepen


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    Determinants of women's criminal behavior - in the light of the results of research in the Penitentiary

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    Przedmiotem pracy jest etiologia zachowań przestępczych kobiet. W rozdziale I zamieściłam analizę literatury przedmiotu, zawierającą wyjaśnienia podstawowej terminologii, opis zjawiska przestępczości i jej rodzajów, zarys dynamiki i tendencji przestępczości ogólnej na przełomie XX i XXI w., a także uwarunkowania i teorie zachowań przestępczych kobiet.W rozdziale II przedstawiam całościową metodologię badań własnych. Badania przeprowadziłam przy użyciu metody ankiety, na grupie czterdziestu kobiet osadzonych w Zakładzie Karnym w Krakowie – Nowej Hucie. Rozdział III zawiera dokładną analizę otrzymanych wyników, prowadzoną według ustalonych wcześniej problemów szczegółowych.W rozdziale IV zawarłam uogólnienie i wnioski płynące w przeprowadzonych badań.The subject of the thesis is etiology of criminal behavior of women. In Chapter I - I included analysis of the literature's explanations of basic terminology, description of crime and its types, outline the dynamics and trends of crime overall at the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first century, as well as the determinants and theories of criminal behaviour of women. In Chapter II, I present my own comprehensive research methodology. I conducted research using survey methods, on a group of forty women inmates at the penitentiary in Krakow - Nowa Huta. Chapter III contains a thorough analysis of the results, carried out according to previously detailed problems. In Chapter IV, I made a generalization and the conclusions in the my research


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    The article aims at analyzing Polish migration policy and in particular, an access to education system for children migrants in refugee centers and detention centers. In recent years, much has been written about Polish migration policy (e.g., Kicinger 2009; Górny, Grabowska-Lusińska, Lesińska, Okólski 2011; Kicinger Koryś 2011, Okólski 2012) as well as the education of migrant children in Poland. While the former approach has been developed in academia and framed in public policy analysis, the latter has been developed by NGOs, the Ministry of the Interior and Ombudsman Office, and from results of monitoring of refugee centers and detention centers. The two fields rarely meet - therefore, this article addresses this gap by embedding the analysis of educational access for migrant children in a broader context of migration policy, and argues that the existing policy actually results in direct and indirect discrimination of migrant children. Access to education is either strictly limited (in case of detention centers) or hindered (children in refugee centers). Lack of systematic approach to education for children migrants reflects in lack of training for teachers to teach Polish as a foreign language, lack of multicultural training, even if there are some specific tools such as multicultural assistants, they are rarely used because the need is not recognized by local administration. We recognize positive impact of different social actors to introduce changes in the system. The actors are nongovernmental organization assisting migrants and researchers and academics analyzing Polish migration policy. Nevertheless, we argue that the problems faced by migrant children within Polish education system can only be solved by introducing systematic approach to Polish migration policy