223 research outputs found

    Structured catalytic reactor for VOC combustion

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    VOC emission has recently become a challenge for environmental protection. Catalytic combustion seems a promising method of VOC removal, however, there are still more specific demands concerning the process. The reactor design has to assure enhanced transfer properties accompanied by low flow resistance to reduce the pumping costs. Neither the packed beds nor the classic ceramic monoliths are able to fulfil the requirements. To solve the problem we propose a wire gauze structure composed of several gauze sheets staked. A number of mass transfer and flow resistance experiments were performed for two gauze types and correlations were derived for the Sherwood number and the friction factor. The results were found to be in a reasonable agreement with the literature available. The studied gauze structures were compared with a classic monolith for the assumed case study. The calculated length of the gauze structured reactor was significantly shorter, up to ten times, when compared with a classic ceramic monolith, but the pressure drop was higher

    Repozytorium Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku w liczbach

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    Przedmiotem badań jest analiza statystyczna Repozytorium Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku (RUB) w czasie 10 lat funkcjonowania. Scharakteryzowano RUB pod kątem zasobu bazy, typu dokumentów archiwizowanych na platformie oraz zakresu tematycznego materiałów. Analiza obejmowała również ocenę wkładu poszczególnych jednostek Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku (UwB) w rozwój Repozytorium (porównanie pod względem liczby obiektów oraz przedstawienie listy Top 10 autorów). Kolejne kluczowe elementy, które zostały poddane charakterystyce, to: data wydania i język publikacji zdeponowanych w Repozytorium oraz identyfikatory DOI nadane obiektom cyfrowym. Przy wykorzystaniu narzędzia Google Analytics przedstawiono geograficzną lokalizację użytkowników RUB według krajów, co pozwoliło na uświadomienie międzynarodowego zasięgu i oddziaływania [email protected] Uniwersytecka im. Jerzego GiedroyciaCEON Agregator, http://agregator.ceon.pl/Welcome.action (dostęp: 20.07.2023).Gałecka-Golec A., Łojewska I., Repozytorium Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku jako narzędzie gromadzenia, upowszechniania i promowania dorobku uczelni, [w:] S. Skórka (red.), E. Piotrowska (współpr.), Książki w plikach – publikowanie, udostępnianie i użytkowanie, Kraków 2021.13715

    Far field combined AFM and micro-Raman imaging for characterisation of surface of structured catalysts : example of Pd Doped CoOxCoO_x catalysts on precalcined kanthal steel

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    A coupled AFM-Raman system was used to study the surface heterogeneity of catalytic materials at various stages of their preparation. The catalysts chosen for the analyses were cobalt oxide with and without palladium dopant deposited on surface of pre-calcined steel carriers. Steel carriers are surveyed here in terms of their application as fillers for structured reactors for the catalytic combustion of volatile organic compounds. Upon steel precalcination stage the interfaced AFM-Raman and in situ Raman analyses revealed the evolution of alumina and iron oxide phases on the surface with their final stable forms found as being α-Al_{2}O_{3} and α-Fe_{2}O_{3}. Upon catalyst layering stage AFM-Raman mapping evidenced uniform coverage of precalcined steel carrier with cobalt spinel oxide Co_{3}O_{4}. For the doped catalyst except Co_{3}O_{4} palladium(II) oxide grains were also found on the surface. The differences in the composition of cobalt catalysts were correlated with the differences in their catalytic activity

    Reflective and photoacoustic infrared spectroscopic techniques in assessment of binding media in paintings

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    This study proposes a method to estimate the lipid content in binding media in paintings that can be used at any laboratory equipped with an infrared spectrometer. The lipid content estimator, termed greasiness index (GI), is defined as a ratio of lipid \nu(C=O) and protein amide I bands at 1743 and 1635 cm−1, respectively. Three Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) sampling techniques were evaluated for GI determination: reflective attenuated total reflection-ATR, specular reflection microscopy-\muSR and photoacoustic-PAS. A set of model painting samples containing three tempera binding media (casein, egg, egg + oil), seven pigments and one varnish type were used in the study. Multivariate analysis was used to evaluate the resulting data. A good reproducibility of GI was obtained by ATR and PAS but not with \mu SR. The discriminative power of the technique is higher for unvarnished samples, but, generally, the GI estimator can be used for the categorisation of binding media in large populations of painting samples analysed with the same FTIR technique (sampling technique, detection, etc.)

    Wybrane obszary edukacji matematycznej dzieci. Poradnik dla nauczycieli klas I-III

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    Książka zajmuje się to kilkoma obszarami rozważań z zakresu edukacji matematycznej. Pierwszy polega na przybliżeniu konstruktywistycznej teorii uczenia się i jej odniesień do edukacji matematycznej. Druga, jest analizą treści matematycznych w podstawie programowej i podręcznikach celem ukazania poziomu kompetencji uczniów klas I-III. Trzecia część odsłonią mity w myśleniu o edukacji młodszych uczniów i wynikające z nich deformacje myślenia matematycznego. Część czwarta zorientowana jest na proces kształtowania pojęć matematycznych. Wyjaśnione są w niej zasady konstruowania sytuacji problemowych oraz zilustrowane różnice między zadaniami otwartymi i zamkniętymi z wyraźnym naciskiem na potrzebę upowszechniania zadań otwartych jako bardziej aktywizujących myślenie dzieci. Część ostatnia to analiza propozycji podręcznikowych – zadań zaczerpniętych z pakietu Nasza szkoła. Matematyka pod kątem omówienia zasad ich konstruowania oraz możliwości zastosowania na zajęciach w klasach I-III. Publikacja powstała w ramach projektu „Wdrożenie podstawy programowej kształcenia ogólnego w przedszkolach i szkołach”

    Niewydolność serca i zapalenie płuc jako kliniczna maska guza lewego przedsionka

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    We present a case of heart failure and pneumonia which masked the tumour that filled the whole left atrium.Autorzy prezentują przypadek niewydolności serca i zapalenia płuc, które maskowały rzadki guz wypełniający cały lewyprzedsionek

    Size exclusion chromatography for analyses of fibroin in silk : optimization of sampling and separation conditions

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    A direct goal of this paper was to improve the methods of sample preparation and separation for analyses of fibroin polypeptide with the use of size exclusion chromatography (SEC). The motivation for the study arises from our interest in natural polymers included in historic textile and paper artifacts, and is a logical response to the urgent need for developing rationale-based methods for materials conservation. The first step is to develop a reli- able analytical tool which would give insight into fibroin structure and its changes caused by both natural and arti- ficial ageing. To investigate the influence of preparation conditions, two sets of artificially aged samples were pre- pared (with and without NaCl in sample solution) and measured by the means of SEC with multi angle laser light scattering detector. It was shown that dialysis of fibroin dissolved in LiBr solution allows removal of the salt which destroys stacks chromatographic columns and prevents reproducible analyses. Salt rich (NaCl) water solutions of fibroin improved the quality of chromatograms

    Molecular degradation of ancient documents revealed by 1H^1H HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy

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    For centuries mankind has stored its knowledge on paper, a remarkable biomaterial made of natural cellulose fibers. However, spontaneous cellulose degradation phenomena weaken and discolorate paper over time. The detailed knowledge of products arising from cellulose degradation is essential in understanding deterioration pathways and in improving durability of cultural heritage. In this study, for the first time, products of cellulose degradation were individually detected in solid paper samples by means of an extremely powerful proton HR-MAS NMR set-up, in combination to a wise use of both ancient and, as reference, artificially aged paper samples. Carboxylic acids, in addition to more complex dicarboxylic and hydroxy-carboxylic acids, were found in all samples studied. Since these products can catalyze further degradation, their knowledge is fundamental to improve conservation strategies of historical documents. Furthermore, the identification of compounds used in ancient production techniques, also suggests for artifacts dating, authentication and provenance