512 research outputs found

    What Affects the Main Engine of Growth in the European Economy? Industrial Interconnectedness and Differences in Performance of Business Services Across the EU25

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    The main purpose of this study is to determine what are the main factors which stand behind the diversity in performance of business services measured by their contribution to growth in the EU Member States. We show that in addition to typical growth factors which enhance labor productivity, also the extent of interconnectedness of business services with upstream industries is important to explain service-based economic growth. Our analysis yields two interesting results. Firstly, we show that patterns of industrial interconnectedness of business services are considerably diversified across the EU Member States indicating large differences in the integration of services as supplier with other sectors on a country level. Secondly we show that the diversified growth performance of business services across the EU25 countries can be explained by differences in labor productivity and differences in forward linkages. Our results indicate the fundamental role of business services as the main engine of growth in the European economy. This service-based growth is channeled mainly through increases in labor productivity and forward interconnectedness of services with downstream industries. On the policy making level our results indicate that investment in human and intangible capital are crucial for the service-dominated economy as they not only enhance economic growth inside knowledge intensive services but also facilitate transmission of growth impulses to downstream industries by increasing diffusion and integration of services as suppliers of high value added inputs to the economy

    Strong consistency for delta sequence ratios

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    Almost sure convergence for ratios of delta functions establishes global and local strong consistency for a variety of estimates and data generations. For instance, the empirical probability function from independent identically distributed random vectors, the empirical distribution for univariate independent identically distributed observations, and the kernel hazard rate estimate for right-censored and left-truncated data are covered. The convergence rates derive from the Bennett-Hoeffding inequality. --kernel smoothing,hazard rate,left-truncation,right-censoring,empirical process

    Reinventing the Wheel

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    The Relationship Of Student Achievement To Prinicpals\u27 Self-reported Use Of The Four Frame Theory

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    This study was developed to provide information about the relationship of principals\u27 use of Bolman and Deal\u27s (1991) four frame model of leadership to student achievement. The collection and analysis of student Florida Comprehensive Assessment Testing (FCAT) data over a 2 year period served as a measure to indicate whether or not an increase in reading mean scale score occurred from 2004 to 2005. Comparative analysis of both sets of data using multiple regressions was used to determine if there was a relationship between the self-reported leadership orientations of the principals and student achievement. In addition, the study was intended to contribute to the quantitative data produced concerning the use of the four frames, multi-framing and reframing by elementary and secondary leadership. Principals in this study were surveyed concerning their use of the structural, human resource, political and symbolic frames of leadership using the Leadership Orientations (Self) instrument constructed by Bolman and Deal (1990). The only restriction concerning usability of the returned survey was that the principal had to be at the same school during the 2004 and 2005 school years. Of the 52 surveys returned, 42 (73%) formed the population for this study. This study found that the human resource frame was used most often but that 59% of the elementary teachers and 93% of the secondary teachers multi-framed on a regular basis. The study also found that that the use of the political frame and symbolic frame has increased. The self-reported data indicated no difference in effectiveness as a leader or as a manager, unlike previous data which indicated that leaders and managers worked from different frames to effect organizational policies. The analysis of data also indicated that there was no difference in frame use between elementary and secondary principals. The data indicated no relationship between the principals\u27 frame usage and student achievement as measured by increases in FCAT Reading mean scale scores for the years 2004 and 2005. The implications of this finding are that there are other variables than use of the four frame model that contribute to an increase in FCAT mean scale scores. These emergent factors within and without the organization that is the public school system transcend what the data show in this case. Based on the findings of this study and supported by the literature review, it appears that school organizations could benefit leadership practice and possibly student achievement by providing training in the political and symbolic frames. It might also be perceived from the data, which indicated no relationship between principals\u27 frame usage and student achievement, that leadership might begin to foster awareness of how successful principals\u27 identify emergent patterns in the system. This ability to guide the diverse and constantly changing educational landscape toward positive adjustments in the system may be best served by those who are most adept at multi-framing and reframing to ensure student achievement

    Paper Session I-A - An International Perspective of ELV\u27s

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    Development, management and operations of an indigenous space launch capability has been a prestigious but increasingly expensive luxury affordable by a handful of independent, technologically advanced nations. The development of todays international launch capability began in the 1950\u27s as a military competition- between the United States and Russia, with China and Japan entering the fray in the 1960\u27s. Instead of trying to meet all market demand ESA focused on meeting a specific weight range and type of payloads (commercial GTO communications satellites), and enabled flexibility through multiple manifesting. Accordingly, the launch capability developed by ESA focused on simple launch operations and a modular but focused launch capability. The U.S. Air Force seeks to gain similar operational advantages through their proposed Evolved ELV approach


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    Compendium of Small Class ELV Capabilities, Costs, and Constraints

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    The small class of expendable launch vehicles (ELV\u27s) is the most dynamic and has experienced the largest entry of commercial entrepreneurial activity both in the United States and abroad over the past few years. Small class ELV\u27s can deliver payloads weighing up to approximately 1,000 Ibs. to low earth orbit. Until 1989, the only flight demonstrated vehicles in this class were the US. Scout, the Japanese MU IIS, and the Chinese Long March I. All of these vehicles were developed under government contracts to meet specific government requirements. The Scout vehicle leads tile pack with an impressive history of 112 flights, with 98% reliability over the last 20 years

    Severe detriment to health as a statutory feature of the crimes described in the polish penal code

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    Тези виступу зарубіжного гостя в рамках ІІІ Міжнародного молодіжного наукового юридичного форуму.Severe detriment to health is mentioned in the Polish Penal Code (PC) in various contexts. In the general part of the Code, this category occurs in the contexts of determining the conditions for adjudicating a driving ban (Article 42 § 3 PC), vindictive damages (Article 47 § 1 PC), and the waiver of statute of limitations for certain offences (Article 105 § 2 PC). In the special part of the Penal Code, severe detriment to health is integrated in a varied manner into the statutory features of certain crimes. This article is intended to systematize the situations in which severe detriment to health constitutes a feature of a type of criminal act under the Polish Penal Code

    NASA Secondary Payload Plans, Policies and Requirements

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    Whenever there is excess launch vehicle capacity on either the Space Shuttle or an expendable launch vehicle (ELV), a logical spinoff is to carry a secondary or piggyback payload and provide a relatively low-cost flight opportunity for small satellites, instruments or experiments. NASA typically deploys moderate to large spacecraft as primary payloads on either the Space Shuttle or ELV\u27s in support of the Agency’s scientific, planetary and technology objectives. NASA has flown over a dozen piggyback payloads on the Delta rocket in the past. The Small Expendable Deployment System (SEDS) experiment, originally baselined for launch on the Shuttle, is currently planned as the first in a series of small NASA space experiments launched as a piggyback on an ELV. Small research and commercial payload owners have a variety of ways to access space: on a dedicated small ELV, as a secondary payload on the Space Shuttle, or as a piggyback payload on an ELV. This paper provides an overview of the secondary flight opportunities available today along with an overview of NASA\u27s secondary payload plans, policies and requirements. NASA\u27s initiative to act as a clearinghouse for small payload launch requirements is also presented