196 research outputs found

    Multidimensional and equivocal : the theoretical and philosophical issues of legal sanctions

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    The social order, and especially the legal order, is implemented and main- tained by institutions whose actions are based on the application of various forms of legal constraint. A sanction in the law may take various forms, as diversified in content may be the legislative justifications for them. The article deals with reflection on sanc- tions. It begins with a linguistic note: “sanction” as a semantic category and a term from juristic language. Then in the theory of law as an element of the structure of the norm. Authors also point out that sanctions exist in normative systems other than the law and they start reasoning by citing the view that the most important goal of establishing sanc- tions is to prompt adequate motivation of the subjects to comply with the norm (legal or other). In the essential part of the article the authors refer the division and typology of sanctions and theirs construction. In the final and most important part of the article the classical point of view - quoted at the beginning - is confronted with the order of international law, which is sometimes recognized as as lex imperfecta – as the interna- tional public law (law of nations) hasn’t developed a system of institutionalized sanctions ensuring observance of its norms. The authors suggest that it is a mistake committed the most frequently by lawyers not expert in international public law unjustifiably and incorrectly transfer the apparatus of notions with precisely assigned significance straight from the theory of domestic (in this case, Polish) law into the sphere of research on public international law. For the international law is shaped as a decentralized structure, within which the question of the execution of behaviours complying with its principles and rules belong to the duties of the subjects of that law—members of international society

    The Hungarian feudal institutions as found in the legal system of the Second Polish Republic : the relationships between the Estate Manor and the village in the Polish Spisz (Szepes) and Polish Orawa (Arva)

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    Rozdział przedstawia zależności o charakterze feudalnym, które przypominały stosunki pańszczyźniane. Przetrwały one na obszarze byłego Królestwa Węgierskiego (Spisz polski, Orawa polska), które zostały włączone w latach 1918-22 do obszaru II RP aż do lat 1930.The rustical relationships resembling those of serfdom and detactable in the Polish part of Spisz and Orawa (Sepesz and Arva) after the end of World War I are the subject-matter of the article. Those relationships were reminiscent of the lord-peasant that could be previously found in some areas of the Hungarian part of Habsburg Monarchy

    Wojna - media i propaganda.

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    This article try to demonstrate how recent developments have altered the relationship between politicians, the media and civil servants in the shaping of policies which may led to conflict. Author here examine the complex subjects of propaganda, censorship, and the handling of the media by the military and political authorities, while also shedding light on journalistic ethics and motives. The article tried to highlights the effect of the media on the formation of public opinion and the extend to which the latter influences the making of foreign policy. So the main question asking by the author is about power of the influence of the media on public opinion and the politics. In this article is also tickled concept of information domination. It is also dealing with the issue of new independent sources of information. In this article were used some examples of particular conflicts like Vietnam, the Falklands, Gulf War, and II Iraqi war

    Sprawozdanie z Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej nt. "Stosunki polsko-białoruskie - historia i teraźniejszość", Siedlce, 28-29 maja 2008 roku.

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    Sprawozdanie z Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej pt. „Stosunki polsko-białoruskie – historia i teraźniejszość”, zorganizowanej w Siedlcach, w dn. 28–29 maja 2008 r. przez Instytut Nauk SPołecznych Akademii Podlaskiej

    Neuroendocrine tumour metastasis to the orbit

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    Neuroendocrine neoplasms are tumours that usually arise in the gastrointestinal tract and the bronchopulmonary system. The orbit is a rare anatomical site for their metastases. In the following article we present a case report of a 73-year-old man who was admitted to the Ophthalmology Department because of eye pain and high intraocular pressure in the right eye. There was also eye motility restriction, diplopia, oedema of the eyelid, and subconjunctival haemorrhage. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a tumour in the right orbit, probably arising from the inferior rectus muscle. The patient was qualified for surgery, during which orbit decompression was conducted and a sample of the tumour tissue was collected. Based on the biopsy of the lesion, diagnosis of a metastatic neuroendocrine neoplasm, probably of gastrointestinal origin, was made. Further diagnostic procedures revealed metastases to other organs, and the patient was qualified for oncological treatment. In this case, orbital metastasis was the first diagnosed location of the neoplasm.

    Rola sił zbrojnych w państwie. Główne nurty teorii stosunków cywilno-wojskowych.

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    Polityka bezpieczeństwa Kanady: nowa strategia, wierność priorytetom.

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    Canada took part in creating United Nations Organization and actively participated in many UN specialized organizations. It was also the co-author of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Contributed in negotiations in the matter of the prohibition of continuing the experiences with the nuclear weapon, supported Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems. Canada acted as a leader of the British Commonwealth, the allied of United States, moderator in the Atlantic Alliance, mediator in solving international conflicts. Canada was involved as the economic power in solving global problems, and also offered help for undeveloped states. Beginning from the end of years 60. the politics of Canadian governments brought to the reduction of defense expenses, and in the result brought some problems with the Canadian identity. The Canada balances among the necessity of the co-operation with United States and the protections of own independence. New defense strategy introduced in 2008, Canada First. Defense Strategy, created possibilities of change in the defense policy. New strategy give possibility of the armed forces strengthening and the strengthening of the international position of the Canada, however these introduced changes are meeting some difficulty after years of negligence s

    Stany nagłe w Podstawowej Opiece Zdrowotnej: 61-letni pacjent z migotaniem przedsionków rozpoznanym po raz pierwszy w POZ. Opis przypadku

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    Atrial fibrillation is the most common supraventricular tachyarrhythmia. The prevalence of atrial fibrillation in the general population in the first years of the 21st century was estimated at 0.5–1%. It is estimated that currently as many as 400,000 people suffer from atrial fibrillation in Poland. Therefore, the current epidemiological, clinical and social picture of this disease should be sought. The article presents a clinical case of a 61-year-old patient with atrial fibrillation diagnosed for the first time in the General Practitioner’s office. The patient required an urgent transfer to the Cardiology Depar tment in order to make a decision to restore the sinus rhythm of the heart and determine further treatment. The article discusses the etiology, treatment and possible complications of atrial fibrillation with an emphasis on a number of information particularly useful for primary care physicians.Migotanie przedsionków jest najczęstszą tachyarytmią nadkomorową. Częstość występowania migotania przedsionków w populacji ogólnej w pierwszych latach XXI wieku określano na 0,5-1%. Szacuje się, że obecnie w Polsce na migotanie przedsionków choruje aż 400 000 osób. Z tego względu należy dążyć do posiadania aktualnego epidemiologicznego, klinicznego i społecznego obrazu tego schorzenia. W artykule przedstawiono przypadek kliniczny 61- letniego pacjenta z pierwszy raz w życiu zarejestrowanym migotaniem przedsionków w gabinecie lekarza POZ. Pacjent wymagał pilnego przekazania do Oddziału Kardiologicznego w celu podjęcia decyzji o umiarowieniu rytmu serca i ustaleniu dalszego leczenia. W pracy omówiono etiologię, leczenie oraz możliwe powikłania migotania przedsionków z naciskiem na szereg informacji szczególnie przydatnych dla lekarzy POZ

    Pericarditis or myocarditis : still a clinical problem

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    Pericarditis and myocarditis are diseases of a similar etiology and clinical image, and they often overlap. Depending on the clinical manifestation, there is pericarditis with simultaneous involvement of the heart muscle (myopericarditis), or myocarditis with pericardial involvement (perimyocarditis). The paper presents a case of a young patient with myopericarditis, with attention to the electrocardiographic image and parameters of myocardial damage