4 research outputs found

    Heavy minerals in sediments from the Mošnica Cave: Implications for the pre-Quaternary evolution of the middle-mountain allogenic karst in the Nízke Tatry Mts., Slovakia

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    The cave deposits from the Mošnica Cave located on the northern slope of the Nízke Tatry Mts. were analysed by sedimentological, petrographical and mineralogical methods. Based on mineralogical study the cave sediments are composed of dolomite, quartz, muscovite, amphibole, chlorite, calcite, Kfeldspar and plagioclase. Heavy mineral assemblage is formed by garnet, zircon, apatite, monazite, tourmaline, staurolite, rutile, titanite, epidote, sillimanite, allanite, andalusite and barite. Opaque minerals are represented by ilmenite, pyrite, magnetite, Cr-spinel, Fe-oxyhydroxides and chalcopyrite. Detailed research of chemical composition of the heavy minerals points to their source rocks formed by granitoids, amphibolites and amphibolite gneisses representing the crystalline basement and probably by Triassic cover sediments of the Lúžna Formation. Presence of the allochthonous minerals in the cave from metamorphic complex recently occurred on the opposite southern slope of the Nízke Tatry Mts. indicates a past larger catchment area of the allogenic karst of Mošnica Valley on the pre-Quaternary less dissected terrain. A change of watershed boundary leading through the central range of the Nízke Tatry Mts. was probably connected with the tilting of this mountain range towards the north, in the compression regime during the Late Tertiary

    Využitie ONE pri rozvoji regiónu východného Slovenska

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    One of the key factors of agricultural production is the more efficient use of biomass, which significantly contributes to improving the economic and social situation in economically disadvantaged regions including Eastern Slovakia. The potential of biomass, which in Slovakia is unused, represents more than 163 PJ of energy. In addition to the power potential that the biomass hides in itself, there is also a significant multiplier effect, which is creating new jobs, establishment of partnerships in business, support in science and research, a network of energy, energy without crisis and a significant contribution to environmental protection.Jedným z kľúčových faktorov zefektívnenia poľnohospodárskej výroby, je využitie biomasy, čo môže významne prispieť aj k zlepšeniu ekonomickej a sociálnej situácie v ekonomicky znevýhodnených regiónoch, medzi ktoré východné Slovensko patrí. Potenciál biomasy, ktorý je na Slovensku nevyužívaný, predstavuje vyše 163 PJ energie. Okrem významného energetického potenciálu, ktorý biomasa v sebe ukrýva, je biomasa aj významným multiplikačným efektom, ktorého využitie predstavuje vytváranie nových pracovných miest, vznik partnerstiev v oblasti podnikania, podporu v oblasti vedy a výskumu, vznik sietí energií, energiu bez kríz a významný príspevok k ochrane životného prostredia

    Evidence of a plate-wide tectonic pressure pulse provided by extensometric monitoring in the Balkan Mountains (Bulgaria)

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    The EU-TecNet monitoring network uses customized three-dimensional extensometers to record transient deformations across individual faults. This paper presents the first results from two newly established monitoring points in the Balkan Mountains in Bulgaria. The data from Saeva Dupka, recorded across an EEN-WWS striking fault, show sinistral strike-slip along the fault and subsidence of the southern block. Much of the subsidence occurred around the time of the distal MW = 5.6 Pernik Earthquake. An important transient deformation event, which began in autumn 2012, was reflected by significant compression and following extension, across the monitored fault. The data from Bacho Kiro, recorded across a NE–SW striking fault, show sinistral strike-slip along the fault and subsidence of the north-western block. The same important deformation event was reflected by changes in the strike-slip, dip-slip, and horizontal opening/closing trends. These results have been compared to data from other monitoring points in the Western Carpathians, External Dinarides, and Tian Shan. Many of the sites show evidence of simultaneous displacement anomalies and this observation is interpreted as a reflection of the plate-wide propagation of a tectonic pressure pulse towards the end of 2012