39 research outputs found

    The solution of Schrödinger equation for hyperbolic Schröberl central potential

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    Bu çalışmada hiperbolik Schröberl merkezcil potansiyeli için radyal Schrödinger denkleminin çözümünü Asimtotik İterasyon Metodu ve Nikiforov- Uvarov Metotlarını kullarak elde ettik. Bu metotlar, ikinci derece homojen lineer diferansiyel denklemlerin çözümünde oldukça sık kullanılır. İlk iki bölümde zamandan bağımsız ve zamana bağlı Schrödinger denklemini elde ettik. Üçüncü bölümde hiperbolik Schröberl merkezcil potansiyeli için radyal Schrödinger denkleminin analitik çözümü için Asimtotik İterasyon Metodunu, dördüncü bölümde ise Nikiforov- Uvarov Metodunu kullandık. Son bölümde ise her iki metodu kullanarak n 4 ve farklı l değerleri için enerji özdeğerlerini hesapladık ve sonuçların gerçek değerlerle uyumlu olduğunu gösterdik.We have found the approximate analytical solution of the radial Schrödinger equation for hyperbolic Schröberl molecular potential with centrifugal term by using Asymptotic Iteration Method and Nikiforov- Uvarov Method. These methods are frequently used for the solution of the second-order homogenous linear differential equations. In the first two chapters, we have obtained the time independent and time dependent Schrödinger equation. In third chapter, we have used the Asymptotic Iteration Method for the analytical solution of the radial Schrödinger equation for hyperbolic molecular potential with centrifugal term. In the fourth chapter, we have used the Nikiforov- Uvarov Method for analytical solution of the radial Schrödinger equation with the same potential. In the final chapter, the bound state energy eigenvalues are derived for values of l with n 4 by using both methods and we have shown that the results are in good agreement with exact values

    Surgical correction of craniofacial dysplasia

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    Bu yazıda; kraniofasial displazi tanısı konulan ve 1990 ile 1997 yılları arasında kraniofasial tekniklerle birbiri ardı sıra cerrahi düzeltilmesi yapılan 13 olguluk hasta serimiz gözden geçirilmekte, sonuçlar ve karşılaşılan problemler sunulmaktadır. Grubumuzdaki konjenital malformasyonlan; dizostozla birlikte olan kraniotasial displaziler (dokuz olgu), sinostozla birlikte olan kraniofasial displaziler (iki olgu) ve hem dizostoz hem de sinostozla birlikle olan kraniofasial displaziler (iki olgu) oluşturmuştur. Post-operatif mortalite görülmemiş ve sonuçlar fonksiyonel ve kozmetik açıdan tatminkar bulunmuştur.In this paper; 13 consecutive patients with the diagnosis of craniofacial dysplasia undergoing craniofacial Surgical procedures between the years 1990 and 1997 have been reviewed and the results and problems encountered are reported. Our patient series consisted of craniofacial dysplasia with dysostosis (nine cases), craniofacial dysplasia with synostosis (two cases) and craniofacial dysplasia with dysostosis and synostosis (two cases). There was no mortality and the functional and cosmetic results seemed satisfactory

    Bası yarası karsinomu: Bir olgu bildirisi

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    Observation.- Pressure sore carcinomas are ra¬rely seen. They have a high recurrence rate with poor prognosis. Generally they require radical sur¬gical excision and elective lymph node dissection. A male patient suffering from paraplegia secon¬dary to a spinal cord injury, for 20 years is repor¬ted, The histopathological examination of the sac¬ral pressure sore which developed 15 years later revealed a well- differentiated squamous cell car¬cinoma. Here we present a review of the literature and the details of the surgical therapy instituted

    A Case Study: What Doses of Amanita phalloides and Amatoxins Are Lethal to Humans?

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    Kaya, Ertugrul/0000-0003-0081-682X; Akata, Ilgaz/0000-0002-1731-1302WOS: 000366228200006PubMed: 26453489There are few data estimating the human lethal dose of amatoxins or of the toxin level present in ingested raw poisonous mushrooms. Here, we present a patient who intentionally ingested several wild collected mushrooms to assess whether they were poisonous. Nearly 1 day after ingestion, during which the patient had nausea and vomiting, he presented at the emergency department. His transaminase levels started to increase starting from hour 48 and peaking at hour 72 (alanine aminotransferase 2496 IU/L; aspartate aminotransferase 1777 IU/L). A toxin analysis was carried out on the mushrooms that the patient said he had ingested. With reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography analysis, an uptake of approximately 21.3 mg amatoxin from nearly 50 g mushroom was calculated; it consisted of 11.9 mg alpha amanitin, 8.4 mg beta amanitin, and 1 mg gamma amanitin In the urine sample taken on day 4, 2.7 ng/mL alpha amanitin and 1.25 ng/mL beta amanitin were found, and there was no gamma amanitin. Our findings suggest that the patient ingested approximately 0.32 mg/kg amatoxin, and fortunately recovered after serious hepatotoxicity developed