92 research outputs found

    Social support, social comparison, and anger

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship of social support, social comparison, anger and anger expression. Participants were 258 high school students who completed a questionnaire package that included the Multidimensional Scale for Social Support, the Social Comparison Scale, and the State-Trait Anger Scale. The hypothesis model was tested correlational analysis. According to results social support was related positively to social comparison. Also social comparison was related negatively to anger in and anger out and positively to anger control. Results were discussed in the light of literature

    The effect of computer-assisted foreign language teaching on the student’s attitude and success

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    This research was carried out to determine the impact of computer-assisted teaching on teaching English. The first phase of the research was designed as an experiment and computer-assisted teaching and traditional teaching methods were conducted synchronically in two different groups. In the second phase, effects of variables such as gender, age, receiving private lesson and types of high schools of the students who attended the implementation were analysed.The sample of the research consisted of 40 first year undergraduate students from the first bachelor’s level program and another 40 from the second bachelor’s level program   in the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology in the Faculty of Education at Sakarya University in 2003-2004 academic year fall semester.  The students of the first bachelor’s level program were assigned to be the control group and the students of the second bachelor’s level program were assigned to be the experimental group. The experimental group was given the computer-assisted lessons for twelve weeks but traditional teaching methods were meanwhile used in the classes of the control group. The experimental group used a compact disc in the laboratory as an educational material, which was prepared by the researcher.Data for attitude evaluation were gathered by questionnaires and success was evaluated through students’ examination grades. In determining the success rate, pre-test and post-test grades were used as the data.At the end of the research, the results revealed that traditional teaching methods caused the students grouped according to the variables such as gender, age, private lessons and types of high schools to develop a negative attitude towards English lessons whereas computer-assisted teaching method led the students to develop a positive attitude. Although it was observed that traditional teaching methods made a positive impact on the success of the students in English classes, this impact was weaker than computer-assisted teaching did in the other group. The students who studied English in computer-assisted teaching classes showed a more positive attitude towards English classes than the ones who studied English using traditional teaching methods

    An Examination of Meaning in Life, Satisfaction with Life, Self-Concept and Locus of Control among Teachers

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    The aim of this study is to examine meaning in life, satisfaction with life, self-concept and locus of control among teachers by several variables. The research group was composed of 363 teachers (114 [40%] women, 219 [60%] men) working in several districts of İstanbul. The data were collected with Meaning in Life Scale (MLS), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), Social Comparison Scale (SCS), and Rotter’s Locus of Control Scale (RLCS). Pearson’s Correlation Analysis, Independent Samples T-Test and Mann Whitney-U and Kruskal-Wallis H test were utilized. A positive relationship was found between experienced meaning in life and satisfaction with life and self-concept while a negative relationship was found between experienced meaning in life and locus of control. Expected meaning in life, satisfaction with life and locus of control were found to differ by gender. It was also determined that expected meaning in life and self-concept differed by marital status

    Exploring Teachers’ Resilience in Relation to Job Satisfaction, Burnout, Organizational Commitment and Perception of Organizational Climate

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    This study is a descriptive research study investigating the relationship of teachers’ resilience levels with job satisfaction, burnout, organizational commitment and perception of organizational climate. Within the scope of the study, teachers’ resilience level was also investigated with regard to its relationship with gender, age, experience and the school level they teach. The study group consisted of 581 teachers. The data were collected through “Personal Information Form”, “The Resilience Scale for Adults”, “Job Satisfaction Scale”, “The Burnout Measure Short Version”, “Organizational Commitment Scale for Teachers” and “The Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire.” The results revealed a significant negative relationship between teachers’ resilience levels and burnout; and significant positive relationships between teachers’ resilience levels and organizational commitment, job satisfaction and perception of organizational climate. As a result of the one way ANOVA analysis regarding the differences between resilience levels of the teachers working at different school levels, it was found out that the resilience level of the teachers working at high schools differ significantly from the ones working at secondary schools in the family cohesion subscale, one of the sub dimensions of resilience. Additionally, resilience levels of the teachers who work at secondary schools were found to be significantly lower compared to the teachers who work at elementary schools and high schools. When the level of resilience was examined in relation to gender, it was concluded that there was no significant difference between the mean scores of the male and female teachers. The only significant difference was found in the perception of self subscale, where the mean scores of the male teachers were higher than the female teachers. There was no significant difference in teachers’ resilience or sub-scales of it in terms of age and experience of the participants

    İlköğretim okullarında etkin yöneticiler için bir gösterge: problem çözme becerisi

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    Bu araştırmada, ilköğretim okulu yöneticilerinin problem çözme beceri düzeyleri incelenmiş onların günlük hayatta karşılaşabilecekleri problemlere genel olarak nasıl tepki gösterdikleri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, ilköğretim okulu yöneticilerinin problem çözme konusunda kendilerini yetersiz olarak algıladıkları görülmüştür

    Career and Talent Development Self-Efficacy Scale: Adaptation and Validation in the Turkish Population

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    The aim of the study is to adapt and conduct reliability and validity studies of the Career and Talent Development Self-Efficacy Scale. Participants were 1047 students in İstanbul. To assess content validity, expert consultancy was utilized and to assess construct validity confirmatory factor analysis was utilized. Reliability of the scale was examined with Cronbach’s Alpha, split-half reliability, test of upper and lower 27% of the groups in terms of item mean differences. Confirmatory factor analysis results showed that chi-square was significant (χ2 = 719.30, SD = 130, p = .00); and fit indices were as follows RMSEA = .066, GFI = .93, AGFI = .91, CFI = .93, IFI = .93, NFI = .91, RFI = .90, SRMR = .041. According to the model results provided a good fit to the data and factor structure in the Turkish form was parallel to the original factor structure. In terms of reliability, internal consistency reliability was. 92 and split-half reliability was. 86. Furthermore, corrected item total correlations were ranged between. 49 and. 67 and all the differences between upper and lower 27% groups were significant. The results of the analysis supported the conclusion that the Turkish form of Career and Talent Development Scale is a reliable and valid measurement tool

    The relationship between the family environment, eating behavior and obesity for the secondary school studentsOrta okul öğrencilerinde aile ortamı, yeme tutumu ve obezite durumları arasındaki ilişki

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    In this study, the junior school students’ family environments in which they live, their eating behaviors, and obesity have been examined in respect of their genders, levels of class and socio-economic levels. The research is realized by using the relational screening model. The research has been realized on 565 students going to the junior high schools in Kocaeli central township İzmit who are between the ages of 11-14. In the research, the Family Environment Scale and Eating Behavior Test was applied. In addition, the tallness and weights of the students were taken by the researcher. In the calculation of the Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated by dividing the weight of the body (kg) by the square of the tallness (in meters=m) (BMI= kg/m2). The values of the Body Mass Indices of the students were grouped according to the genders and age intervals by comparing to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) reference values in the year 2007. The correlation analysis is used in order to show the relationship between the variables, and the Kolmogoroy-Smirnov test is utilized in order to test the normalness. In addition, the t-test and one-way analysis of variance is used. At the end of the study, it was found that the rate of those with obesity was 22% in girls and 11% in boys. They concluded that the students with high control points show abnormal eating disorder, and the students with high unity and solidarity show normal eating behaviors. When the family environment and eating behavior are examined according to the variable of gender, there are meaningful differences in favor of girls in respect of unity and solidarity and in favor of boys in respect of control. Also in this study, it is seen that the high socioeconomic level effects obesity and abnormal eating behavior. In the light of the data obtained from the research, it is concluded that the family environment is influential on the abnormal eating behavior, and that the socioeconomic level is a risk factor for abnormal eating behavior and obesity. When these are taken into consideration, it will be very important to arrange studies for developing the relationships within the families. The studies to be done in this respect are expect to prevent abnormal eating behaviors at an important level before they reach clinical levels. ÖzetBu çalışmada ortaokul öğrencilerinin yaşamış oldukları aile ortamları, yeme tutumları ve obezite durumları cinsiyet, sınıf düzeyi ve sosyoekonomik düzeyleri yönünden incelenmiştir. Araştırma ilişkisel tarama yöntemi ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma Kocaeli ili İzmit merkez ortaokullarında okuyan 11-14 yaş grubundaki 565 öğrenci ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada veri toplama amacıyla öğrencilere Aile Ortamı Ölçeği ve Yeme Tutumu Testi uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca öğrencilerin boy ve ağırlıkları araştırmacı tarafından ölçülmüştür. Beden Kitle İndeksi (BKİ)’nin hesaplanmasında bireyin vücut ağırlığının (kg), boy uzunluğunun (m cinsinden) karesine (BKİ=kg/m²) bölünmesi formülü kullanılmıştır. Öğrencilerin Beden Kitle İndeksi (BKİ) değerleri cinsiyete ve yaş aralığına göre Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO)’nün 2007 yılı referans değerleri ile karşılaştırılarak gruplandırılmıştır. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koymak için korelasyon analizi ve normallik sınaması için de Kolmogoroy-Smirnov testinden yararlanılmıştır. Ayrıca t-testi ve tek yönlü varyans analizi uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda obez olanların oranı kızlarda %22, erkeklerde ise %11 bulunmuştur. Denetim puanları yüksek öğrencilerin bozuk yeme davranışı, birlik beraberlik puanı yüksek öğrencilerde ise normal yeme davranışı gösterdikleri sonucuna varılmıştır. Cinsiyet değişkenine göre aile ortamı ve yeme tutumu incelendiğinde birlik beraberlik boyutunda kızlar lehine, denetim boyutunda ise erkekler lehine anlamlı farklılık bulunmuştur. Ayrıca bu çalışmada yüksek sosyoekonomik yapının obeziteyi ve anormal yeme davranışını etkilediği sonucuna varılmıştır.  Araştırmadan elde edilen veriler ışığında aile ortamının anormal yeme davranışı üzerinde etkili olduğu, cinsiyetin ve sosyoekonomik düzeyin anormal yeme davranışları ve obezite için risk faktörü olduğu düşünüldüğünde ailelerle yapılacak aile içi ilişkileri geliştirici çalışmaların düzenlenmesi büyük önem taşıyacaktır. Bu yönde yapılacak çalışmaların bozuk yeme davranışlarını klinik düzeye taşımadan, önemli ölçüde önleyeceği düşünülmektedir

    Sleep Quality and Self-compassion as Predictors of Aggression in High School Students

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    In the current study, the relationships between Aggression, Self-compassion and Sleep Quality of high school students have been examined. 529 high school students (66% females and 34% males) participated in the study. Data were collected from participants through using a Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Aggression Questionnaire (AQ), Self-Compassion Scale (SCS), and Descriptive Questionnaire. The predictors of aggressiveness of the variables determined by simple correlation were investigated by multiple linear regression. According to the results, there was a positive and significant relationship between aggression levels and all sub-dimensions of self-compassion and sleep quality. In addition, it was observed that the levels of aggressiveness were significantly predicted by the sub-dimensions of self-compassion and sleep quality, and that the first three most effective predictive variables were over-identification, self-judgment and sleep quality

    Maternal serum preptin levels in the pathogenesis and diagnosis of Gestational diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a metabolic disorder that occurs during pregnancy that increases both maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity. It was investigated whether there is a change in circulating levels of preptin, a new peptide secreted from pancreatic beta cells, due to GDM in pregnant women. The relationship between serum preptin levels with insulin and other metabolic parameters was also evaluated in these subjects. Methods: Eighty-five patients diagnosed as GDM and 89 healthy pregnant women with 75 mg oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was assessed in terms of serum preptin levels. Results: The serum preptin levels of the GDM group were significantly higher than those of the control group (p=0.001; p < 0.01). For the cutoff value of preptin measurement of 335.3 ng/L, the sensitivity was 97.65%, specificity was 87.64%, positive predictive value was 88.3% and negative predictive value was 97.5%. The risk of developing the disease is 294.273 times higher in patients with preptin level of 335.3 and above. Conclusions: We think that the reason for the increase in serum preptin levels in GDM is probably the response to glucose. The current results indicate that preptin plays an important role in elucidating the pathology of GDM. In addition, the search for a practical marker for the diagnosis of GDM suggests that the measurement of preptin level is promising