107 research outputs found

    Ocular trauma in the pediatric age group: a systematic review

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    Ocular traumas are the leading cause of acquired unilateral blindness in the pediatric age group. The aim of this study is to determine the incidence of pediatric ocular injuries, the etiological factors that cause them, and to make some preventive recommendations. Methods: This was a retrospective observational study of pediatric ocular trauma (age < 18 years) presented to the pediatric emergency unit of our tertiary university hospital between January 2016 and December 2020. Demographic data such as age, gender, season, duration of admission, trauma etiology, and type of injury were recorded. Patients with missing medical records were excluded from the study. Results: Two hundred two patients aged a mean of 107.4 +/- 40.7 months including 87 females (43.07%) and 115 males (56.93%) were included in the study. Most of the patients (n = 135, 66.83%) were in the 7-11 years of age group. The vast majority of the study population lived in the urban area (n = 119, 58.91%). Most injuries were seen in the summer (n = 108, 53.47%). 59.41% of all patients had closed globe injuries. Hyphema (32.5%) and endophthalmitis (26.6%) were the most common in closed globe injuries. Of the open globe injuries, 39 were penetrating (47.5%), 12 were perforated (14.6%), and 23 were intraocular foreign body injuries (28%). It was determined that the places where the injury occurred were mostly in situations where family control was reduced, such as weddings, holidays, and playgrounds (80.69%). The most common causes of injury were toy guns (35.15%), stones (28.71%), and fireworks (16.34%). Conclusion: This analysis is the first study to provide data on childhood ocular trauma in Aksaray. Most of the childhood ocular injuries can be prevented with simple precautions. For this purpose, effective and preventive strategies should be developed such as raising public awareness, providing parental control, and early intervention

    Toryum dioksit esaslı inert matriks yakıtların sol-gel metodu ile üretimi ve karakterizasyonu

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bu çalışmada ülkemizin gelecek yıllar için önemli bir enerji kaynağı olarak kullanılmasını öngördüğü toryum esaslı yakıtların sol-gel prosesine dayalı dış jelasyon yöntemiyle üretilip, özelliklerinin incelenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Metal nitrat esaslı kimyasallar (Th(NO3)4.5H2O, CeN4O12, Al(NO3)3.9H2O, Mg(NO3)2.6H2O) kullanılarak dış jelasyon yöntemiyle oksit esaslı yakıt peletleri üretilmiştir. Ayrıca toryum dioksit ve seryum dioksit yüzdesi değiştirilerek seryum dioksitin katkıları incelenmiştir. Herbir metal nitrat çözeltisi 2M olacak şekilde çözeltiler hazırlanmıştır. Başlangıç çözeltisine viskozite ayarlama amacıyla polivinil alkol, modifiye edici olarak da tetra hedra fulfuril alkol eklenmiştir. Dış jelasyon yöntemine göre üretimin gerçekleştirilebilmesi için deney düzeneği imal edilmiştir. Besleme çözeltisinden uygun formda jel elde edilebilmesi amacıyla damlacık oluşumu, ön sertleşme ortamı ve ürünlerin birikeceği yer konusunda optimum koşullar belirlenmiştir. Sol-gel prosesiyle üretilen jel formundaki ürünler yaşlandırma, yıkama ve kurutma safhalarından geçirilerek karakterizasyon çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Buna göre elde edilen ürünlerin TG/DTA analizi ile termal davranışları incelenmiştir. Değişik sıcaklıklarda kurutulan ve 1000 oC'de kalsine edilen ürünlerin X-ışını analizi yapılarak katı hal incelemeleri yapılmıştır. Daha sonra elde edilen oksit formundaki tozlardan 500 MPa basınçla, 6 mm çapında peletler hazırlanarak termal davranışları dilatometre ile belirlenmiştir. Aynı peletler değişik sıcaklıklarda sinterlenmiş ve geometrik ve daldırma yoğunlukları hesaplanmıştır. Değişik sıcaklıklarda sinterlenen bu peletlerin mikroyapıları SEM ile incelenmiş ve kıyaslamalı analizleri yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak sol-gel prosesiyle istenilen formda toryum esaslı inert matriks nükleer yakıt elde edilmiştir ve elde edilen ürünlerden homojen, yüksek yoğunluklu peletlerin üretimi gerçekleştirilmiştir. (Th, Al, Mg, Ce) oksit yapısındaki ürünlerin sol-gel yöntemiyle üretimi ve karakterizasyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan karakterizasyon incelemeleri sonucunda literatür ile uyumlu sonuçlar bulunmuş ve kıyaslamalı olarak incelenmiştir.This study aimed to examine the production and characterization of thoria based inert matrix fuel (IMF) by external gelation process. This study was carried out using nitrate based solutions of (Th(NO3)4.5H2O, CeN4O12, Al(NO3)3.9H2O, Mg(NO3)2.6H2O) for the external gelation process. In addition, with changing thorium oxide and cerium oxide percentage, the contributions of cerium oxide addition were examined. Metal nitrate solutions were prepared. In addition to initial solution polyvinyl alcohol to adjust the viscosity of solutions and to tetra hydro fulfuryl alcohol as a modifier were added. The experimental set-up were designed. Droplet formation, pre-hardening medium and collected products area were investigated and optimum conditions were determined. The products that produced by sol-gel process were gone through phases aging, washing and drying respectively. The thermal behavior of the products were investigated by TG/DTA analysis. Solid state investigations of the products that dried at different temperatures and calcined at 1000 °C were calculated with data obtained by X-ray diffraction techniques. Then the oxide powders were pressed at 500 MPa and in 6 mm diameter die. The sintering behavior of pellets were investigated by dilatometer. The pellets were sintered at different elevated temperatures and the density of the pellets were calculated. Microstructures of these pellets were examined by SEM and comparative analyzes were conducted. In this study, the results showed that multi component (Th, Al, Mg, Ce) oxide structures homogeneously obtained using sol-gel method. With the characterization investigation, the results that consistent with the literature were found and the results carried out comparatively


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    Pornografinin toplumca yasak veya ayıp/günah olarak kabul edilerek göz önünden kaldırılmasına ve konuşulmasına engel olunan simgeleri üretmek ve onları pazarlamak amacıyla geliştiğini söylemek mümkündür. Cinselliğin kontrol edilme çabaları da değişik biçimlerde her zaman var olmuştur; öte yandan da insan cinselliği birtakım sınırlamaları her zaman mecbur tutmuştur. Ama cinsellik bu tip kısıtlamalarla önüne geçilebilecek bir durum değildir. Cinselliği doğallığından çıkarıp bastırdığınız ya da kısıtladığınız zaman ise cinselliğin farklı yerlerden akmaya başladığı ve bu akışı kontrol altına almanın hiç de kolay olmadığı görülmektedir. Cinselliğin dışa vurulması toplumda kısıtlanması sonucunda cinsellik toplumda konuşulması ayıp ya da yasak bir kavram olunca, ilişkilerin çarpıklığı, sevimsizliği yalnızca kapalı kapılar altında kalmamakta, kendisini çeşitli yollarla dışa vurma yolunu aramaktadır ki pornografi de bu yollardan birisidir. Cinsellik hakkında konuşmanın zorluğunun çok daha ötesinde pornografi üzerinde konuşmak çok daha zordur. Cinsellikle ilgili yayınlar ve pornografi arasındaki ayırımı yapmak kolay olmadığı gibi, pornografi tanımlaması en zor medya biçimlerinden birisi olup, analizi ve tartışması en zor konuların başında gelmektedir. Cinselliğe yer veren ürünlerin büyük çoğunluğu cinselliği pazarlamakta, satışa sürmekte ve cinsellikten ticari ürünler ortaya çıkararak cinselliği sömürmektedir. Bu bağlamda pornografi ile erotizm arasındaki fark önem taşımaktadır. Bu fark, özetle, cinselliğe yer veren ürünlerde cinselliğin sömürülmesinin, metalaştırılmasının ve pazarlanıp satılmasının bulunup bulunmadığı ve de bu ürünlerde eşitsizliğin ve sömürünün var olup olmadığı ile ve aynı zamanda, cinselliğin insani özden yoksunlaştırılıp, aşktan yalıtılarak, ya da aşkı çarpıtarak biyolojiye indirgenmiş olup olmadığı ile ilgilidir. Bu araştırma bedenin nesneleştirilmesinin ve pornografinin kısa bir tarihçesine var olan literatür kapsamında bir ziyaret yaparak medya endüstrisinin durumdan nasıl etkilendiğini tartışmayı amaçlamaktadır

    A Survey Based Study Of Civil Engineering Education In Turkey

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    The main purpose of the study is the investigation of teaching qualities of some civil engineering departments in Turkey assessment by civil engineering students that are the main part of this teaching. Also, some solution proposals are offered to improve the quality of the teaching. In this context, students’ opinions about the universities; development level of the faculty and the department; quality of courses and summer practices taken throughout their education and teaching programs; academic and scientific capabilities of faculty members and departments; the city and mass transportation opportunities are investigated. The research is a questionnaire-based study and applied on total 301 undergraduate students from 6 different civil engineering departments which are categorized as developed, developing and newly established according to some criteria like as the foundation date of department, number of faculty members etc. Research data is evaluated by IBM SPSS Statistics v.20.0 that is a computer program generally used for survey authoring, data mining and statistical analysis. In this study, a reliable and valid scale is created to specify the current levels of educational environment by defining of students’ value criteria that are expected from higher education institutions in learning process

    Evaluation of personality and cognitive traits in individuals with panic disorder: comparison of clinical and healthy groups

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    Panik bozukluk, beden duyumlarının kişisel felaketlere yol açacak şekilde çarpık yorumlanması sonucu gelişen, adaptif olmayan kaçınma ve güvenlik sağlayıcı davranışlarla pekişen ruhsal bir bozukluktur. Panik bozukluk, tüm kişilik özellikleri ile görülebilmekle birlikte, c kümesi kişilik özellikleri ile daha sık görülmektedir. Kişilik özellikleri, bilişsel özellikler ve anksiyete ilişkisinin belirlenmesi, hastaların terapi sürecine katkı sağlayabilir. Bu çalışmada, panik bozukluk şiddeti ile bilişsel özelliklerin ve kişilik özelliklerinin ilişkisini incelemeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya 45 panik bozukluk tanılı birey ve 31 sağlıklı gönüllü katıldı. Katılımcılara sosyodemografik veri formu, panik bozukluğu şiddet ölçeği, kişilik inanç ölçeği-kısa form, otomatik düşünceler ölçeği, fonksiyonel olmayan tutumlar ölçeği, durumluk ve süreklilik kaygı envanteri, Beck depresyon ölçeği ve Beck anksiyete ölçeği uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: Hasta grubunun tüm ölçek skorları, kontrol grubundan yüksekti. Hasta grubu, sağlıklı gruba kıyasla anlamlı düzeyde yüksek çekingen, bağımlı, pasif agresif, antisosyal, narsistik, paranoid ve borderline kişilik özellik skorlarına sahipti. Panik bozukluk şiddeti yüksek olan grupta çekingen, bağımlı, narsistik ve borderline kişilik özellikleri anlamlı düzeyde yüksekti. Sonuç: Panik bozukluğu tanılı bireyler yüksek düzeyde olumsuz otomatik düşünce ve ara inançlara sahiptir. Anksiyete özelikleri dışlandığında, durumluk kaygı ile hiçbir kişilik özelliği korelasyon göstermezken, sürekli kaygı çekingen, bağımlı, borderline kişilik ile ilişkili bulunmuştur. Bu durum kaygının, daha çok ara inançlarla ilişkili olabileceğini düşündürmüştür. Kişilik özellikleri, panik bozukluk şiddeti yüksek bireylerde daha ön plandadır.Panic disorder is a mental disorder that develops as a result of catastrophic misinterpretation of bodily sensations which reinforced by non-adaptive avoidance and safety-providing behaviors. Although panic disorder can be seen with all personality beliefs, it is more common with cluster C personality beliefs. It can contribute to the therapy process of patients to determine the relationship between personality beliefs, cognitive process and anxiety. In this study, we aimed to examine the relationship between panic disorder severity and cognitive process and personality beliefs

    Evaluation of Child Cases Admitted for Tick Bite and Tick Species in İstanbul

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    Aim:The Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) is a tick-borne infection that has a high mortality. In Turkey, the total number of cases reported between 2002-2014 was 9.069 and 440 of them died. The aim of this study is to evaluate the demographic characteristics of the children with the complaint of tick bite and to determine the species of the ticks seen in İstanbul.Materials and Methods:A hundred sixty two tick bite cases were analyzed with respect to demographic, clinical and laboratory findings between January and December 2014. The blood samples for whole blood count, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and creatinine were obtained from all cases and they were followed up for 10 days. The ticks removed from patients were classified by the Department of Parasitology in the Veterinary Faculty of İstanbul University.Results:The mean age of the patients was 6.1±3.7 years and 76% of them were male. Eighty four (52%) of the cases had additional complaints other than tick bite. The most frequently complaints were nausea/vomiting (26%), fever (19%) and cough (14%). We found that 34 (20%) of them had abnormal laboratory results such as elevated liver enzymes, leukocytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia and prolonged prothrombin time. August was the month in which most patients applied (56 cases, 34%). The regions of body that were most bitten by the ticks were the extremities (35.8%). The total number of larvae, nymphs and adult ticks were found as 4, 88 and 14 respectively.Conclusion:This study showed that the tick species in the İstanbul province were largely different from the species causing CCHF. Although the incidence of CCHF in İstanbul is lower than in other regions of Turkey, children and their families who live in or travel to rural areas in Istanbul should be informed about this disease

    Prevalence of allergic rhinitis and risk factors in school children

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    Objective: To evaluate the prevalence and the risk factors of allergic rhinitis in a particular area. Methods: The main study group consisted of all school children in Kemalpasa district aged 13-14 years. Children with current rhinitis based on responses given in ISAAC questionnaire survey were further evaluated for confirmation. Parents responded to a more detailed questionnaire about allergic diseases and risk factors. Then peak nasal inspiratory flow (PNIF) was evaluated to objectively assess nasal patency. Skin-prick test was performed for ten common allergens. Results: The questionnaire was answered by 90.8% (1373) of children. The prevalence of physician-diagnosed AR was 11.1%. Current rhinitis was found to be 31.3%. Of this group, 55.0% were admitted for the parent questionnaire and tests. Precisely, 90.3% of children accepted PNIF evaluation, and %10.1 of them had a nasal obstruction. Skin-prick tests revealed allergy for at least 1 allergen in 16.6% of children. The present study showed that the children with maternal allergic rhinitis history had 2,18 fold, and the children with seasonal allergic rhinitis had 2,11 fold higher possibility of sensitization to an allergen. The probability of perennial allergic rhinitis was 3,1 fold higher in the children who had siblings with allergic rhinitis. Conclusion: We included all children in a specific age group living in an area in our survey. As well as we found the prevalence of current rhinitis with the ISAAC questionnaire; we also evaluated peak nasal inspiratory flow and used skin-prick tests that yielded objective results

    Stage IB1 cervical cancer treated with modified radical or radical hysterectomy: does size determine risk factors?

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    Objectives: This study was performed to investigate prognostic factors status at smaller tumors in patients with stageIB1 cervical cancer (CC) who underwent modified radical or radical hysterectomy.Matherial and metods: Data from patients diagnosed with CC between January 1995 and January 2017 at the GynecologicalOncology Department, Tepecik Training and Research Hospital and Bakirkoy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital,Istanbul, Turkey, were investigated. A total of 182 stage IB1 CC cases were evaluated retrospectively.Results: Patients were divided into two groups according to tumor size (&lt; 2 cm and ≥ 2 cm). There were no complicationsassociated with the operation in patients with a tumor size &lt; 2 cm. Among patients with a tumor size ≥ 2 cm, however, 0.9% (n = 1) developed bladder laceration, 0.9% (n = 1) rectum laceration, and 0.9% (n = 1) pulmonary emboli (P = 0.583). The rates of intermediate risk factors (depth of stromal invasion and lymphovascular space invasion) were significantly higher and lymph node involvement significantly more frequent in patients with a tumor size ≥ 2 cm. However, there were no significant differences in parametrial invasion or vaginal margin involvement between the two groups.Conclusions: Intermediate risk factors and lymph node metastasis were significantly less frequent in patients with smalltumors measuring &lt; 2 cm. However, although parametrial involvement and vaginal margin involvement were less common in patients with small tumors compared with large tumors (≥ 2 cm), the differences were not significant

    The effects of Covid-19 on physical medicine and rehabilitation in Turkey in the first month of pandemic

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    Objectives: The outbreak of novel coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19) has affected Turkey very seriously, as well as all around the world. Many urgent and radical measures were taken due to the high contagious risk and mortality rate of the outbreak. It is noteworthy that isolation recommendations and the provision of health services for pandemic have a negative impact on Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR) services. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effects of COVID-19 on the PMR services and physiatrists immediately after the first month of pandemic in Turkey. Patients and methods: An online survey consisting of 45 items was sent to the members of the Turkish Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. The main goal of the survey was to evaluate the changes in the provided service of PMR and conditions of physiatrists one month after the first reported COVID-19 case in Turkey. Results: A total of 606 PMR specialists and residents responded to the survey. The mean number of the patients visited the outpatient clinics was 148.2 +/- 128.5 per week before the pandemic, it significantly decreased to 23.4 +/- 33.1 per week after the first month of the reported first COVID-19 case. Similarly, the mean number of the patients of inpatient service significantly decreased from 21.7 +/- 39.3 per week to 2.5 +/- 10.0 per week after the first month of the pandemic. Most of the residents (69%) reported that their training was seriously affected due to pandemic. From the economic aspect, 69.2% of the participants who were working at private hospitals reported a decrease in their monthly salary, and 21% of them were sent to an unpaid vacation. A total of 21.9% of private-practice institutions paused their services. During the first month, 46.9% of the participants were assigned to the different services such as COVID-19 inpatient service, emergency or COVID-19 outpatient clinics. According to the Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Health guideline and algorithm, 15.7% of the physicians were in the category of healthcare workers with suspected COVID-19. Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic affected seriously both the services and the PMR physicians as early as the first month. This effect is expected to become worse, when the duration of pandemic prolongs. Proper arrangements and measures should be planned to ameliorate the negative effects of the pandemic on the patients and PMR physicians