60 research outputs found

    Self-medication with antibiotics: questionnaire survey among primary care center attendants

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and reasons for self-medication with antibiotics within the last 12 months among primary healthcare center attendants aged 18 or over, in Ankara. Methods A questionnaire was applied by face to face interview technique to 2696 subjects attending at five primary healthcare centers. Information on demographic characteristics, intention to self-medication with antibiotics and self-medication within last 12 months were collected. Results It was found that 28% of the subjects were storing antibiotics at home. The percentage of self-administering antibiotics was 19.1% in the last 12 months. The most common reasons for self-administration of antibiotics were sore throat (59.6%), fever (46.2%), and cough (40.0%). Other reasons were dental infection, rheumatism, and fatigue. According to age groups, the most common self-medicating group was those aged 40–49 with 23% while the least self-usage was in the 60–69 age groups with 11.8%. Male sex, being single, educational level of secondary school or higher, being employed and not having social security increased self-administration of antibiotics ( p<0.05). Conclusions The study indicated the need for legal regulations regarding the sale of antibiotics without prescription and, health education is required for the community to decrease the inappropriate use of antibiotics and self-medication

    Anxiety Levels of Children with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and Their Mothers at the Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Change in the First Year

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    We aimed to assess anxiety of children with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) and their primary caregivers at the beginning of Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and change in levels of anxiety in first year with prolongation of pandemic. This was a two-step study; first step was questionnaire-based, conducted via teleconference. In first step, 29 patients and 105 healthy children and their mothers were participated; 25 children with PCD and their mothers were in second step. Demographic characteristics, clinical informations were recorded. Children’s and mothers’ state and trait anxiety levels were assessed and compared. Anxiety levels of mothers of patients were assessed according to clinical characteristics of children. Mothers’ knowledge of COVID-19 and effect of teleconference on their anxiety was evaluated. State anxiety levels in the first year of pandemic of children with PCD and their mothers were also compared. Compared to control group, state anxiety of children in 13-18 age group and trait anxiety of their mothers were lower (p<0.05). In both groups, trait and state anxiety of 13-18 years old children and mothers positively correlated. Trait anxiety of mothers of patients negatively correlated with patients’ FEV1 and MEF25-75. Patients’ mothers reported feeling less anxiety at the end of teleconference. Anxiety of mothers of patients (especially under 9 years old) had increased as pandemic continued. At the beginning of pandemic, children with PCD were less anxious than healthy children, and their mothers had lower trait anxiety than mothers of healthy children. Being followed for chronic disease and obtaining information about COVID-19 may have reduced anxiety of children with PCD and their mothers. However, as pandemic continues, need to protect their children with PCD from infection, especially of mothers with younger children, may have raised their concerns

    The Assessment Of Expectatıons And Satısfactıon Levels Of Outpatıents Who Receıve Treatment At A Unıversıty Hospıtal And Theır Relatıves In Terms Of Hospıtal Staff And Hospıtal Servıces

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    Bu araştırma, Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi (GÜTF) Hastanesi'nde ayaktan tedavi alan hastaların ve hasta yakınlarının hastane çalışanları ve hastane hizmetlerinden beklentilerinin, memnuniyet durumlarının ve bunu etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini GÜTF Hastanesi polikliniklerine 17-26 Nisan tarihleri arasında herhangi bir nedenle başvuran ve anket uygulamayı kabul eden 18 yaş üstü kişiler oluşturmaktadır. 8577 kişilik evrenin ulaşım yüzdesi 83.3'tür. Yapılan çalışmada hastaneye başvuranlar aldıkları hizmetten genel memnuniyetlerini %47,8 iyi, %42 orta olarak değerlendirmiştir. Ayrıca genel hasta memnuniyetini hastaların demografik bilgilerini ele alarak karşılaştıracak olursak; okuryazar olanların %50'si hastaneden memnuniyetlerini orta, okuryazar olmayanların ise %50'si iyi olarak belirtmiştir. Aylık gelir düzeylerine göre karşılaştırıldığında, 1000 TL ve altı geliri olanların %78'i iyi, 5000 TL ve üzeri geliri olanların %51'i orta olarak nitelendirmiştirThis study was carried out to determine the expectations and satisfaction levels of relatives and outpatients who receive treatment in Gazi University Faculty of Medicine (GUFM) Hospital; and the factors that affect them. The population of this study consists of people over 18 years old who applied GUFM Hospital policlinics for any reason between April 17 and 26 and who accepted to fill in the questionnaire. The access percentage of the population of 8577 people is 83,3. In this study, 47,8% of the attendants regarded the service that they received as good, and 42% of the attendants regarded it as average. Besides, if we are to compare the patient satisfaction regarding demographic information, 50% of the literate attendants indicated their satisfaction as average, and 50% of illiterate ones indicated it as good. When compared regarding the level of monthly income, 78% of people whose income is 1000 Tl or less evaluated it as good, and 51% of people whose income is 5000 TL or more evaluated it as average


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    Alcohol consumption and alcohol policy

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    Alcohol is a unique addictive substance used by many people for different reasons. Alcohol use affects not only the users but also the family and the whole society in a negative way. Alcohol is one of the most commonly used substances for entertainment purposes in the world and 1 in 3 people is a current drinker. 2348 billion people (43\% of the population) aged 15 and over are current drinkers and males drink about 2 times more frequently than females (53.6\%/32.3\%). According to the Global Alcohol and Health Report published by the World Health Organization (WHO) (2018), total alcohol per capita consumption (APC) worldwide aged 15 and over increased from 5.7 liters in 2000 to 6.4 liters in 2016. Harmful alcohol consumption is a major public health problem and it is known to be associated with more than 200 diseases and injuries. Policies and measures to prevent alcohol use are not implemented adequately and the burden of alcohol-related illnesses continues to increase tremendously. In order to prevent and reduce the harmful effects of alcohol, alcohol policies should be formulated based on the best evidence from a public health perspective

    A study in three districts of Ankara of behaviors associated with irrational use of drugs

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    Amaç: Akılcı olmayan ilaç kullanımının olumsuz etkilerinin önüne geçilebilmesi için toplumun ilaç kullanım özelliklerinin araştırılmasına yönelik bilimsel çalışmaların yapılması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; Ankara il merkezinde üç ilçedeki bazı aile sağlığı merkezlerine başvuran 18 yaş üstü kişilerin ilaç kullanım özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesidir. Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı tipteki araştırma, Ankara il merkezinde üç ilçedeki bazı aile sağlığı merkezlerine başvuran 18 yaş üstü 1990 kişinin katılımıyla anket formu uygulanarak yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Katılımcıların yarısından daha azı bir sağlık sorunuyla karşılaştıklarında sağlık kuruluşuna başvurduğunu belirtmiştir; %78.6’sı evde ilaç bulundurmaktadır ve bunların %40.3’ü ağrı kesicilerdir. Katılımcıların %60.9’u ilaçların kullanma talimatını okuduğunu, %56.9’u reçete ile alınan ilaçları tam olarak kullandığını söylemiştir. Katılımcılardan 55 yaş ve üzerindekilerin %68.9’u, kadınların %63.0’ı, evli olanların %63.3’ü, okuryazar olmayanların %71.2’si, ev kadınlarının %70.6’sı, aylık toplam geliri 1001 TL ile 1500 TL arasında olanların %68.9’u, hanesinde sürekli ilaç kullanan olan katılımcıların %68.8’i doktora istediği ilacı yazdırmayı talep ettiğini belirtmiştir (p&lt;0.05). Sonuç: Bu çalışmada, katılımcıların yaklaşık yarısının herhangi bir sağlık sorunu olduğunda sağlık kuruluşuna başvurmadığı, azımsanamayacak bir kısmının ise evdeki ilaçları kullanma, bitkisel/geleneksel yöntem kullanma gibi yollara başvurduğu saptanmıştır. Akılcı ilaç kullanım ilkeleriyle bağdaşmayan bu gibi davranışların önüne geçilebilmesi için toplumu oluşturan bireylere akılcı ilaç kullanımına yönelik halk eğitimlerinin yapılması gerekmektedir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Akılcı ilaç kullanımı, reçete, tanımlayıcı </p

    Military Medical Students' Awareness and Practice Concerning Occupational Health and Safety

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    This study aimed to investigate the awareness and practices of military medical students concerning occupational health and safety. In this cross-sectional study, a questionnaire composed of 20 open-and closed-ended questions was administered to medical students of the Gulhane Military Medical Faculty (n = 754). The response rate of the questionnaire was 82.4\% (n = 622/754). The mean age of the participants was 21.5 +/- 1.84 years, and the majority of participants were male (94.1\%). A substantial number of participants (41.1\%) described their level of awareness and practice as ``low/very low,{''} although 95.0\% and 76.7\% of them had never acquired any occupational disease or had any work accidents, respectively. In total, 28.1\% of all students had at least one vaccination, and 5th- and 6th-year students were 92 times and 63 times more likely to have been vaccinated than 1st-year students, respectively (odds ratio = 92.66, 95\% confidence interval = 26.70-321.59; odds ratio = 63.01, 95\% confidence interval = 17.96-221.01). The knowledge and practice level of medical students concerning occupational health and safety appeared to be increasing by the grades of medical faculty, however students expressed themselves as insufficient about their knowledge and practice level