11 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Frequency of Viral Agents in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in the 0-5 Years Age Group

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    Amaç: Viral gastroenteritler, çocukluk çağında görülen gastroenteritlerin en sık nedenidir. Başlıca enterik virüsler; rotavirüsler, enterik adenovirüsler, astrovirüsler, nörovirüsler ve sapovirüsleri içeren kalisivirüslerdir. Çeşitli ülkelerde yapılan son çalışmalarda nörovirüsler, çocukluk çağı gastroenteritlerinde önemli bir enterik patojen olarak belirlendi. Ancak nörovirüs enfeksiyonlarının epidemiyolojik özellikleri ve hastalık yükü bilinmemektedir. Çalışmanın amacı viral gastroenteritlerde nörovirüs sıklığını belirlemektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Kasım 2011-Aralık 2012 tarihleri arasında ishal atağı ile pediatri polikliniğine ayaktan başvuran 96 hastanın gaita örnekleri analiz edildi. Gaita örneklerinde, rotavirüs, enterik adenovirüs ve nörovirüs immünokromatografik yöntemle araştırıldı. Akut gastroenteritli 1-60 ay arası çocuklar çalışmaya dahil edildi. İshal atağının şiddeti 'Vesikari' skoru kullanılarak belirlendi. Bulgular: Hastalardan alınan 96 gaita örneğinin 53'ünde viral antijen tespit edildi. Rotavirüs %39.6, adenovirüs %10,4, nörovirüs %5.2, oranında tespit edildi. Hastaların ortalama yaşı 20,414,5 aydı. Çalışmada, gastroenteritle ilişkili semptomlardan kusma %77.1, ateş %50, karın ağrısı %24, bulantı %18.8 oranında bulundu. Kusma, rotavirüs pozitif hastalarda %92.1 oranında tespit edildi, istatiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu (p0.005).Sonuç: 0-5 yaş arası akut gastroenteritli çocuklarda 6 ay süren çalışmada, nörovirüsler; rotavirüs ve enterik adenovirüslerden sonra üçüncü viral patojen olarak saptanmıştır.Objective: Viral gastroenteritis is the most frequent cause of gastroenteritis in childhood. The major enteric viruses are rotaviruses, enteric adenoviruses, astroviruses and human caliciviruses including noroviruses and sapoviruses. Recent surveys conducted in various countries have identified noroviruses as an important enteric pathogens in sporadic cases of gastroenteritis in childhood. However, the epidemiological features and disease load are unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of norovirus gastroenteritis among viral gastroenteritis cases. Material and Methods: Stool specimens of 96 cases who had presented to our pediatrics outpatient clinic between November 2011 and April 2012 due to diarrhea were analyzed. Rotavirus, enteric adenovirus and norovirus were searched for in stool specimens using the immunochromatographic method. Patients with acute gastroenteritis between the ages of 1-60 months were included in the study. The severity of gastroenteritis was assessed by using the Vesicari scale. Results: Viral antigens were determined in 53 of the 96 stool specimens. Rotaviruses were identified in 39.6%, adenoviruses in 10.4%, and noroviruses in 5.2%. The mean age on admission was 20.414.5 months. The clinical symptoms associated with viral gastroenteritis in this study were vomiting (77.1%), fever (50%), abdominal cramps (24%), and nausea (18.8%). Vomiting was identified in 92.1% of rotavirus positive patients and this was statistically significant (p0.005). Conclusion: During the study period of six months, norovirus has determined as third viral pathogen after rotavirus and adenovirus with gastroenteritis in children 0-5 age group

    Eurasian Economic Union’s effect on global politics and the world economic system

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    The new Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) has now become a reality coming into effect today allowing free movement of trade, services and capital. Its treaty was signed on 29 May 2014 by the leaders of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. EEU has an integrated single market of 176 million people and a gross domestic product (GDP) of over four trillion US Dollars. From the point view of Nye and Keohane’s interdepence theory, this trade block formed under Moscow’s leadership also begs the question, if the Soviet Union will also reunite and be re-established. Russia seems to look at it not just in economic terms, but as a way to expand Russian influence in the region. The biggest criticism of the union seems to be re-establishment of the crumbled Soviet Union. On the other hand Russia has wanted to launch talks with the newly born EEU despite the Ukraine Crisis. German Chancellor Angele Merkel has supported to establish a common economic space in the Eurasian Region including the focus countries of Eastern Partnership (an EU policy on closer ties with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine). A new Russia-led blocs as a better partner for the EU than the US could cause to deemphasize new Trans-Atlantic Treaty. Another point, the union is actively seeking to increase trade with East Asia. It commenced talks for official trade cooperation with Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Therefore we can say that EEU includes strategic interests as well as economic interests for its members, especially for Russia. In order to link both Europe and East Asia, Russia seeks to develop its eastern regions to increase its access to Asian markets. Far East markets have become so important for Russia since the European Union and the United States imposed sanctions on Russia following crisis in Ukraine. In this article my aim is to analyze EEU effects on global politics and the World Economic System

    The separation of the UK from the EU in the context of regional and international security

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    #nofulltext#British People expressed their will to leave the EU in the referendum held on June 23, 2016. Britain has set a new foreign policy vision on the claim that, remaining in the Union would weaken the British government in economic and social security terms. From the European point of view, the separation of the third most active country after Germany and France is considered as the beginning of the end. It can also be claimed that the incompatibilities between the economic and foreign policies of member states could not be sustained any longer. From the regional security perspective, Britain will keep contributing to the security of Europe through NATO. However, the idea of a "New American Order" put forward by the new US President Trump that includes cooperation with Russia, will affect UK US relations, since Britain is a refraining country about renewing the organizational structure within NATO. The will of Germany, France and Spain to cooperate with Russia shows that Britain will not find much support in its opposition to Russia. In the new European Order, countries will not share their sovereignty by giving priority to their own national securities in the fight against terrorism. In this article, the separation of the UK from the EU will be analysed in terms of its own national security and the European security. © Peter Lang GmbH Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Berlin 2018. All rights reserved


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    Vaginal akıntılı hastalarda direkt bakı ve kültür yöntemleri Trichomonas Vaginalis araştırıldı

    Estimation of antioxidant activity of foods using artificial neural networks

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    The aim of this study was to demonstrate that artificial neural networks (ANN) is an economical and rapid method to estimate antioxidant activity of foods. Phenolic content of different food varieties (red pepper and grape seeds) was used as two input variables, and ferric ion reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) values were estimated as output. The number of total experimental data was 150 (70 % for train, 30 % for test). The developed ANN was able to reveal the relationship between phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of food with the feed-forward model. The estimated FRAP values calculated by ANN correlated with experimental FRAP values with high correlation coefficients. In addition, error rate was found to be approximately 10 %, which corresponds to approximately 90 % of success. The relationship between antioxidant substances and antioxidant activity demonstrated that ANN can be used to determine the antioxidant properties of foods and results of this study showed that this was possible. By this way, it was demonstrated that ANN is a reliable software-based method to estimate antioxidant capacities of foods with savings of time, labour and experimental costs

    Estimation of antioxidant activity of foods using artificial neural networks

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    The aim of this study was to demonstrate that artificial neural networks (ANN) is an economical and rapid method to estimate antioxidant activity of foods. Phenolic content of different food varieties (red pepper and grape seeds) was used as two input variables, and ferric ion reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) values were estimated as output. The number of total experimental data was 150 (70 % for train, 30 % for test). The developed ANN was able to reveal the relationship between phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of food with the feed-forward model. The estimated FRAP values calculated by ANN correlated with experimental FRAP values with high correlation coefficients. In addition, error rate was found to be approximately 10 %, which corresponds to approximately 90 % of success. The relationship between antioxidant substances and antioxidant activity demonstrated that ANN can be used to determine the antioxidant properties of foods and results of this study showed that this was possible. By this way, it was demonstrated that ANN is a reliable software-based method to estimate antioxidant capacities of foods with savings of time, labour and experimental costs

    Estimation of antioxidant activity of foods using artificial neural networks

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    The aim of this study was to demonstrate that artificial neural networks (ANN) is an economical and rapid method to estimate antioxidant activity of foods. Phenolic content of different food varieties (red pepper and grape seeds) was used as two input variables, and ferric ion reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) values were estimated as output. The number of total experimental data was 150 (70 % for train, 30 % for test). The developed ANN was able to reveal the relationship between phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of food with the feed-forward model. The estimated FRAP values calculated by ANN correlated with experimental FRAP values with high correlation coefficients. In addition, error rate was found to be approximately 10 %, which corresponds to approximately 90 % of success. The relationship between antioxidant substances and antioxidant activity demonstrated that ANN can be used to determine the antioxidant properties of foods and results of this study showed that this was possible. By this way, it was demonstrated that ANN is a reliable software-based method to estimate antioxidant capacities of foods with savings of time, labour and experimental costs