137 research outputs found

    Robust formation-tracking control of mobile robots in a spanning-tree topology

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    International audienceWe solve the formation-tracking control problem for mobile robots via linear control, under the assumption that each agent communicates only with one "leader" robot and with one follower. As in the classical tracking control problem for nonholonomic systems, the swarm is driven by a fictitious robot which moves about freely and which is leader to one robot only. For a spanning-tree topology we show that persistency of excitation on the velocity of the virtual leader is sufficient and necessary to achieve consensus tracking. Furthermore, we establish uniform global exponential stability for the error system which implies robustness with respect to additive bounded disturbances. From a graph viewpoint, our main result corroborates that the existence of a spanning tree is necessary and sufficient for consensus as opposed to the usual but restrictive assumption of all-to-all undirected communication

    A simple one-to-one communication algorithm for formation-tracking control of mobile robots

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    International audienceWe solve the formation-tracking control problem for mobile robots via linear control. As in the classical tracking control problem for two nonholonomic systems, the swarm is driven by a fictitious robot which moves about freely. Only one "leader" robot communicates with the reference vehicle and in turn, acts as a leader to a second robot hence forming a fixed spanning tree. We show that a simple condition on the reference angular velocity (persistency of excitation) suffices to achieve consensus tracking

    Formation control of force-controlled mobile robots in a spanning-tree topology

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    International audienceWe solve the formation-tracking control problem for mobile robots via linear control, under the assumption that each agent communicates only with one "leader" robot and with one follower. We assume that the system is force- controlled (hence we use the dynamic model) as opposed to velocity-controlled (in the kinematic-model case). As in the classical tracking control problem for nonholonomic systems, the swarm is driven by a fictitious robot which moves about freely and which is leader to one robot only. For the case of a fixed spanning-tree topology we show that persistency of excitation on the velocity of the virtual leader is sufficient and necessary to achieve consensus tracking

    The Impact of Inhaled Corticosteroids Used for the Treatment of Asthma on the Management of Diabetes Mellitus

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    In this study, it is aimed to investigate the impact of inhaled corticosteroids on the management of diabetes in diabetic patients diagnosed with asthma. This is a retrospective case control study. 188 patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and 88 diabetes mellitus patients diagnosed with asthma - 276 patients in total - were enrolled in the study. Patients using systemic steroids for any reason, patients diagnosed with diabetes, who do not take medication regularly, patients with diabetic ketoacidosis and patients, who had an asthma episode requiring the use of oral steroids in the past year were excluded from the study. A total of 276 patients; 88 (31.9%) male and 188 (68.1%) female were enrolled in the study with the average age being 58.9±9.4. 68.1% (188) of the patients enrolled in the study were diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and 31.9% (88) were diabetes mellitus patients diagnosed with asthma. The comparison between the group not diagnosed with asthma and the group diagnosed with asthma, blood glucose (p<0.007) levels and incidence of neuropathy (p<0.002) were significantly higher in patients diagnosed with asthma and incidence of nephropathy (p<0.024) was significantly higher in patients not diagnosed with asthma. In our study, no statistically significant differences were observed between the two groups with regard to age, haemoglobin levels and glycated haemoglobin levels. In conclusion, the use of low-medium dose inhaled corticosteroids in diabetes mellitus patients diagnosed with asthma does not have an impact on glycated haemoglobin levels but with regard to diabetes-related complications, it may cause an increase in blood glucose levels and neuropathy risk. Keywords: Asthma, Diabetes mellitus, Inhaled corticosteroids DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/79-08 Publication date:August 31st 2020

    Computational Scaling in Inverse Photonic Design Through Factorization Caching

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    Inverse design coupled with adjoint optimization is a powerful method to design on-chip nanophotonic devices with multi-wavelength and multi-mode optical functionalities. Although only two simulations are required in each iteration of this optimization process, these simulations still make up the vast majority of the necessary computations, and render the design of complex devices with large footprints computationally infeasible. Here, we introduce a multi-faceted factorization caching approach to drastically simplify the underlying computations in finite-difference frequency-domain (FDFD) simulations, and significantly reduce the time required for device optimization. Specifically, we cache the symbolic and numerical factorizations for the solution of the corresponding system of linear equations in discretized FDFD simulations, and re-use them throughout the entire device design process. As proof-of-concept demonstrations of the resulting computational advantage, we present simulation speedups reaching as high as 9.2×9.2\times in the design of broadband wavelength and mode multiplexers compared to conventional FDFD methods. We also show that factorization caching scales well over a broad range of footprints independent of the device geometry, from as small as 16μm216{\mu m}^2 to over 7000μm27000 {\mu m}^2. Our results present significant enhancements in the computational efficiency of inverse photonic design, and can greatly accelerate the use of machine-optimized devices in future photonic systems

    Pulmoner Tromboembolili Hastalarda Sağkalımı Etkileyen Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada pulmoner tromboembolizmi olan bireylerin yatarak tedavisi, taburcu olduktan sonraki 6 aylık dönemin sonuna kadar olan tedavi süreci boyunca ortaya çıkabilecek komplikasyonlar ve sağkalım oranını etkileyen faktörlerin araştırılması amaçlanmaktadır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya 01.01.2017-01.12.2019 tarihleri arasında göğüs hastalıkları kliniğinde izlenen ve bilgisayarlı tomografi pulmoner anjiyografisinde en az segmental seviyede trombüs saptanan yetişkin hastalar dahil edildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya alınan 210 hastanın yaş ortalaması 71,27±13,26 yıldı ve bu hastaların 55’i (%26) erkek, 155’i (%74) kadındı. Eksitus olan hastaların nabız hızı, Modifiye Cenevre ve Wells skorları, pulmoner emboli şiddet indeksi (PESI) ve basitleştirilmiş PESI skorları hayatta kalan hastalarınkinden daha yüksekti. Hayatını kaybeden hastalarda 1. ve 5. günlerde hem kırmızı hücre dağılım genişliği (RDW) hem de ortalama korpüsküler hacim ve hematokrit seviyeleri daha düşüktü. Hayatını kaybeden hastalar, 1. ve 5. günlerde daha yüksek sayıda trombosit ancak kanda daha düşük total protein ve albümin seviyelerine sahiplerdi. Birinci günde yüksek olan alkalen fosfataz (ALP), total bilirubin ve C-reaktif protein (CRP) değerlerinin, 5. günde olan ölüm oranı ile ilişkili olduğu saptandı. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda yüksek PESI skorları 1. gün ve 5. günde düşük seviyelerde izlenen hemoglobin, total protein ve albüminle ilişkiliyken, yüksek seviyelerde izlenen RDW ve ALP ile ilişkiliydi. Beşinci günde yüksek olan beyaz kan hücresi, CRP ve total bilirubinin mortalite ile ilişkili olduğu belirlendi

    Emotion Analysis using Different Stimuli with EEG Signals in Emotional Space

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    Automatic detection for human-machine interfaces of the emotional states of the people is one of the difficult tasks. EEG signals that are very difficult to control by the person are also used in emotion recognition tasks. In this study, emotion analysis and classification study were conducted by using EEG signals for different types of stimuli. The combination of the audio and video information has been shown to be more effective about the classification of positive/negative (high/low) emotion by using wavelet transform from EEG signals, and true positive rate of 81.6% was obtained in valence dimension. Information of audio was found to be more effective than the information of video at classification that is made in arousal dimension, and true positive rate of 73.7% was obtained when both stimuli of audio and audio+video are used. Four class classification performance has also been examined in the space of valence-arousal

    G protein gene variants in schizophrenia

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    Various studies demonstrating enhanced vulnerability to apoptosis may contribute to the pathobiology of schizophrenia. Objective: Thus, G proteins may provide an intriguing link between the signal transduction, and apoptotic hypotheses of schizophrenia. In the light of these findings, we investigated whether G protein gene polymorphisms (GNAS1-T393C and GNB3-C825T) accounted for an increased risk of schizophrenia. Methods: The present analyses were based on 100 subjects diagnosed with schizophrenia, and on 100 unrelated healthy controls. The genotyping of GNAS1-T393C, and GNB3-C825T gene polymorphisms were performed using the polymerase chain reaction- restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Results: We demonstrated the positive association of GNB3-C825T gene variants with schizophrenia risk (p: 0.023). In our study, more prevalent CC genotype frequencies were detected in GNB3 in patients compared with the frequencies in the controls. The individuals with GNB3-C825T CC genotype had 2 fold increased risk for schizophrenia (p: 0.011, c2: 6.39, OR:2.14, 95% CI: 1.18-3.90). Discussion: Our study results suggested that GNB3-C825T polymorphism might be associated with schizophrenia