13 research outputs found

    Moyamoya disease associated with antiphospholipid syndrome

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    Moyamoya (MMD) is a disease that often involves the vascular structures of anterior cerebral circulation, particularly the proximal segments of anterior and middle cerebral arteries. The etiology of the disease is unknown. MMD often presents with cerebral ischemia and rarely with cerebral hemorrhage. The pathology is termed Moyamoya syndrome (MMS) when the pathological cerebral angiography findings are accompanied by meningitis, neurofibromatosis, neoplasm, Down syndrome or polycystic kidney disease. Autoimmune diseases including Graves’ disease, Behcet’s disease and antiphospholipid syndrome might also lead to the development of MMS. In this manuscript, we presented an interesting case of MMD associated with antiphospholipid syndrome, which is quite a rare cause of acute cerebral infarction in childhoo

    Treatment of group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis: A retrospective evaluation of 161 cases

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    Akut streptokok farenjiti tedavisinde çeşitli antibiyotiklerle elde edilen sonuçları değerlendirmek üzere poliklinik hastalarının dosyaları retrospektif olarak incelendi. Penisilin V alan 35 hastanın 26 (% 74.3)'sında, ampisilin alan 18 hastanın 14 (% 77.8)'ünde, amoksisilin alan 35 hastanın 30 (% 85.7)'unda, makrolit grubundan bir antibiyotik alan 25 hastanın 19 (% 76.0)'unda, sefalosporin grubundan bir antibiyotik alan 36 hastanın 28 (% 77.8)'inde ve injektabl penisilin alan 12 hastanın yedisinde (% 5.8) tedavi bitiminde (tedavinin başlangıcından sonraki 11-15. günlerde) A grubu beta-hemolitik streptokoklar eradike edildi (p>0.05). Penisilin V alan 35 hastanın 30 (% 85.7)'unda, ampisilin alan 18 hastanın 16 (% 88.9)'sında, amoksisilin alan 35 hastanın 31 (% 88.6)'inde, makrolit grubundan bir antibiyotik alan 25 hastanın 21 (% 84)'inde, sefalosporin grubundan bir antibioytik alan 36 hastanın 31 (% 86.1)'inde ve injektabl penisilin alan 12 hastanın 11 (% 91.7)'inde klinik iyileşme saptandı (p>0.05). Başlıca gastro-intestinal ve deriye ilişkin reaksiyonlar olmak üzere hastaların 20 (% 12.4) 'sinde ilaca bağlı hafif yan etkiler gözlendi. Çeşitli tedavi gruplarında saptanan bakteriyolojik eradikasyon oranları muhtemelen poliklinik hastalarında daha yüksek tedavi uyumsuzluğuna bağlı olarak prospektif çalışmalarda bildirilen oranlara göre daha düşük bulundu. Klinik iyileşme ve bakteri eradikasyonu açısından kullanılan çeşitli antibiyotiklerin penisilin V'den üstün olmadıkları görüldü.To evaluate clinical experience with treatment of acute Streptococcal pharyngitis with various antibiotic regimens, the outpatient clinic data is reviewed and analysed. A beta-hemolytic streptococci were eradicated at the end of treatment (11-15 days after treatment started) from 26(74.3 %) of 35 taking penisilin V, 14 (77.8 %) of 18 taking ampicillin, 30 (85.7 %) of 35 taking cephalosporine and seven (58.3 %).of 12 taking injectable penicillin (p>0.05). Overall clinical succès was achieved in 30 (85.7 %) of 35 penicillin V-treated patients, in 16 (88.9 %) of 18 ampicillin-treated patients, in 31 (88.6 %) of 35 amoxicillin-treated patients, in 21 (84 %) of 25 a macrolide-treated patients, in 31 (86.1 %) of 36 a cephalosporin-treated patients and in 11 (91.7 %) of 12 an injectable penicilline-treated patients (p>0.05). Mild adverse events (mainly gastrointestinal and cutaneous reactions) which were possibly related to the medication were seen in 20 (12.4 %). Bacterial eradication rates observed in all antibiotic regimens were lower than those of previous prospective studies, which may suggest noncompliance in outpatients. Different antibiotics used were found

    Urticaria pigmentosa

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    Mastositozis, semptom ve işaretleri deri, kemik iliği, karaciğer ve diğer organların mast hücrelerince infıltrasyonu ve bu hücrelerin salgıladığı kimyasal mediatörlere bağlı olan bir grup klinik sendromun ortak adıdır. Mastositozisin genellikle benign ve asemptomatik, kutanöz bir varyantı olan Ürtikerya pigmentoza, dermişin mast hücreleri tarafından infıltrasyonu ile karakterizedir. Ürtikerya pigmentozalı 28 aylık bir kız çocuğu sunularak literatür gözden geçirildi.Mastocytosis is the collective name for a group of clinical syndromes whose signs and symptoms are due to the infiltration of various tissues including skin, bone marrow, liver and other organs by mast cells and to the release of chemical mediators by these cells. Urticaria pigmentosa is usually a benign and asymptomatic cutaneous variant of mastocytosis, which is a relatively rare disorder characterized by abnormal aggregates of mast cells in the dermiş. We present a 28 months old girl with urticaria pigmentosa and review the literature

    The impact of motor-sensory development and level of disability on quality of life and mother's stress level in children with epilepsy

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    31st International Epilepsy Congress -- September 05-09, 2015 -- Istanbul, TurkeyWOS: 000365756500750

    The evaluation of motor development level in children with epilepsy

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    31st International Epilepsy Congress -- September 05-09, 2015 -- Istanbul, TurkeyWOS: 000365756500751

    The relationship between normal motor development and disease impact-disability level in children with epilepsy

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    31st International Epilepsy Congress -- September 05-09, 2015 -- Istanbul, TurkeyWOS: 000365756500753

    The impact of epilepsy on preschool children and their families

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    WOS: 000384392500002PubMed ID: 27428870This study investigated the possible presence of sensory-motor developmental impairments in preschool children with epilepsy and explored epilepsy impact on their activities and quality of life and on the stress load of their family. Study participants were children aged 2-6 years diagnosed with epilepsy without any other comorbidities (epionly children). The instruments used for assessment included the Neurological, Sensory, Motor, Developmental Assessment (NSMDA) scale for sensory-motor development, the Impact of Childhood Neurologic Disability Scale (ICNDS), and the Impact of Pediatric Epilepsy Scale (IPES) for disease impact on disability and Quality of Life (QoL), as well as the Pediatric Outcomes Data Collection Instrument (PODCI) for functional health status, and the Parental Stress Scale (PSS) for the family stress load. Required data were obtained from direct testing or observation of children's activities and mother-supplied answers to questions. Eighty-two children were investigated. The NSMDA scores were in the normal development range 6-8. Significant moderate impact of the disease on disability and QoL was estimated with the ICNDS and IPES instruments. The PODCI scores were similar to healthy population levels except for the happiness dimension which was better for children with epilepsy. PSS were significantly above normal. The functional health and QoL of the children as well as their family stress were found to be positively correlated with increasing age. It is found that epilepsy does not degrade neuromotor development and functional health status of preschool epionly children, though it has a significant impact on their neurological disability and QoL and the stress level of their families; this impact seems to decrease with age

    Kireçtaşı rezervuar kayaçlarında kaya mekaniği özelliklerinin ölçülmesi ve rezervuar parametrelerine etkisinin araştırılması

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    Petrol ve doğal gaz rezervuarlarmda üretim yapılan kayaçlann kaya mekaniği özelliklerinin belirlenmesi rezervuarın üretime geçirilmesinden öriîce ve sonrasında gerekli olabilecek parametrelerin kullanımı açısından son derece önemlidir. Temel olarak petrol ve doğal gaz rezervuarlarının performansını kontrol eden ve sıvıların akışında önemli rol oynayan parametreler geçirgenlik ve gözenekliliktir. Geçirgenlik ve gözeneklilik, rezervuar kayacı üzerinde uygulanan overburden basıncın etkisiyle değişmektedir. Bu nedenle kayaç üzerine uygulanan yüklerin meydana getirdiği stress ve strain 'in geçirgenlik ve gözeneklilik üzerine olan etkilerinin belirlenmesi gereklidir. Bu proje kapsamında, Türkiye Petrolleri Anonim Ortaklığı (TPAO) ile ortak olarak belirlenen bir sahanın kireçtaşı rezervuar kayaçlarının kaya mekaniği parametrelerinin belirlenmesi için öncelikle sahadan karot numuneleri toplanmış, geçirgenlik ve gözeneklilik ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Daha sonra oluşturulan deney düzeneği ile rezervuar kayacının kaya mekaniği özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca kayaç üzerine uygulanan yüklerin meydana getirdiği stress ve strain parametrelerinin geçirgenlik ve gözeneklilik üzerine olan etkileri araştırılmıştır

    Subakut Sklerozan Panensefalit’li Olgularımızın Klinik ve Radyolojik Bulgularının Değerlendirilmesi

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    Amaç: Subakut sklerozan panensefalit (SSPE) merkezi sinir sisteminde kızamık virüsünün geç komplikasyonu olarak ortaya çıkan bir yavaş virüs enfeksiyonudur. Bu çalışmada SSPE’li hastalarımızın klinik ve radyolojik özelliklerini araştırmayı amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya, Harran Üniversite¬si Çocuk Nöroloji Kliniği ve Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Kliniğinde takip edilen toplam 19 SSPE hastası alındı. Hastalar yaş, cins, kızamık öyküsü, başvuru şikayetleri, klinik evre ve beyin manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) bulguları açısından değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastaların %68.4’ü (n=13) erkek, %31.6’sı (n=6) kızdı. Hastaların başvuru anında %31.5’inde (n=6) atonik ve miyoklonik nöbet, %20’sinde (n=4) mental ve davranış değişikliği gözlendi. Beyin MRG’ sinde en fazla tutulum gösteren alanlar kortikal, subkortikal ve periventriküller beyaz cevher bölgeleri idi. Olguların %36.8’inde (n=7) normal beyin MRG bulguları tespit edildi. Tartışma: SSPE’ nin endemik olarak görüldüğü bölgelerde yaşayan çocuklarda atonik ve miyoklonik nöbet, kişilik değişikliği, saldırgan davranış ya da içine kapanma gibi psikiyatrik bulguların varlığı hastalık için uyarıcı olmalıdır. Bununla birlikte, hastalığın erken evrelerinde beyin MRG bulgularının yüksek oranda normal olabileceği göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır.Aim: Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a slow virus infection, arising in the central nervous system in the form of late complication of measles virus. In this study we aimed to research the clinical and radiological features of our patients with SSPE. Material and Method: The study was attended by 19 patients with SSPE being followed-up in the Child Neurology Clinic of the Medical Faculty of Harran University. Patients were assessed as per the following aspects, including age, gender, measles case, complaints resulting in the application, findings from clinical phase and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain. Results: While 68.4% (n = 13) of the patients were male, remaining 31.6% (n = 6) thereof were female. At the time of application, atonic and myoclonus seizures were seen among 31.5% (n = 6) of the patients, and mental and behavioral changes were seen among 20% (n = 4) thereof. In MRI of brain, involvement was seen the most in cortical, sub-cortical, and periventricular white matter fields. Among the findings from MRI of brain, those detected as normal were 36.8% (n = 7) of the total. Discussion: At places where SSPE is seen as endemic, presence of such psychological findings among children, including atonic and myoclonic seizures, personality changes, aggressive behaviors, or autism, should be considered as a warning. Meanwhile, it should further be considered that, MRI of the brain at the earlier stages of the disease may bring forth normal findings in high ratios

    Meningitis in children: Analysis of 92 cases

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    Objective: In this study, we aimed to evaluate cases ofmeningitis for epidemiologic, clinical, laboratory findingsand the treatment response.Materials and methods: We evaluated ninety two patientswhose diagnosis were meningitis retrospectivelybetween January 2010 and December 2011, for age, gender,presenting symptoms, physical examination, laboratoryfindings and treatments. The patients who were hospitalizedwith central nervous system infection were diagnosedas meningitis by examination of cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) under a microscope and evaluation of biochemical(glucose, protein, chloride) results and / or culture.Results: Fifty patients were male and 42 were female,mean age was 4.2 ± 4.1 years. The most common symptomswere fever (91.3%), vomiting (87.0%), headache(68.5%), and convulsion (20.7%). On physical examinationin descending order neck stiffness (60.9%), Brudzinskiphenomenon (50%), Kernig sign (46.7%), alteredconsciousness (16.3%) and rash (2.2%) were detected.When patients were classified in terms of clinical andlaboratory findings; bacterial meningitis was determined53.4%, aseptic in 38% and tuberculous meningitis in7,6%. CSF and blood culture were positive in 13 of andseven of the cases respectively. The most frequent complicationswere seizures, cranial nerve palsy, hydrocephalusand the syndrome of inappropriate ADH. Mortalityrate was determined as 2.2%.Conclusion: The patients especially with symptoms offever, vomiting, headache and convulsions, meningitisshould be considered primary disease.Key words: Child, meningitis, clinical signs, treatmen