10 research outputs found

    Psychometric properties of the Serbian version of the Wechsler adult intelligence scale: Fourth edition (WAIS-IV)

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    Četvrta revizija Vekslerove skale za procenu inteligencije kod odraslih (WAIS-IV) je klinički instrument koji se zadaje individualno i koji je konstruisan za procenu intelektualnih sposobnosti adolescenata i odraslih. WAIS-IV se sastoji od 15 suptestova (10 sržnih i 5 dopunskih) koji procenjuju kognitivno funkcionisanje u četiri domena - verbalno razumevanje (eng. verbal comprehension - VCI), perceptivno rezonovanje (eng. perceptual reasoning - PRI), radna memorija (eng. working memory - WMI) i brzina procesiranja (eng. processing speed - PSI), kao i opÅ”tu intelektualnu sposobnost (eng. Full-Scale IQ - FSIQ). WAIS-IV je zadat uzorku od 262 ispitanika: 104 ispitanika iz uzorka koji je reprezentativan za Å”iru oblast Beograda, 62 ispitanika sa dijagnozom shizofrenije, 63 sa dijagnozom depresije i 33 ispitanika sa intelektualnim teÅ”koćama. Psihometrijske karakteristike WAIS-IV suptestova su analizirane u okvirima teorije stavskog odgovora (eng. IRT) i klasične testne teorije (eng. CTT). Rezultati su pokazali da se IRT pouzdanost kreće od .86 (Razumevanje i Dopune) do .95 (Precrtavanje), dok je IRT pouzdanost FSIQ bila .94. Sveukupno, svi suptestovi dobro diskriminiÅ”u ispitanike duž celog kontinuuma intelektualnih sposobnosti. WAIS-IV omogućava visoko pouzdanu procenu intelektualnih sposobnosti na srpskoj populaciji.The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) is an individually administered clinical instrument designed for assessment of intellectual abilities of adolescents and adults. The WAIS-IV consists of 15 subtests (10 core and 5 supplemental) reflecting the efficacy of cognitive functioning in four domains (verbal comprehension-VCI, perceptual reasoning-PRI, working memory-WMI, and processing speed-PSI), and general intellectual ability (Full-Scale IQ-FSIQ). The WAIS-IV was administered to a sample of 262 respondents - specifically, 104 respondents from sample representative for the wider Belgrade area, 62 schizophrenic, 63 depressive, and 33 patients with intellectual disability. Psychometric properties of WAIS-IV subtests were analysed within the frameworks Item Response Theory (IRT) and Classical Test Theory (CTT). Results show that IRT reliability of subtests ranges from .86 (Comprehension and Picture Completion) to .95 (Cancellation), while the IRT reliability of the FSIQ is .94. Overall, all subtests discriminate participants well along the whole continuum of intellectual abilities. The WAIS-IV enables highly reliable assessment of intellectual abilities on Serbian population

    Dijagnostičke mogućnosti indeksa za procenu kognitivnog funkcionisanja na Rorschach testu

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    The study presents theoretical and empirical comparison of the three indexes in Rorschach Comprehensive System that were developed for psychotic functioning assessment: the Schizophrenia Index (SCZI), the Ego Impairment Index (EII) and the Perceptual Thinking Index (PTI). In spite of the conceptual and nominal differences, these indexes significantly overlap and includes common indicators. The study compared a discrimination value of these three indexes, as well as and theirs indicators and based on the obtained results, tried to formulate a new index as a composite of the best predictors.Istraživanje predstavlja teorijsku i empirijsku komparaciju tri indeksa za procenu psihotičnog funkcionisanja sa Rorschach testa. To su Indeks shizofrenije (SCZI), Indeks Ego oÅ”tećenja (EII) i novi Indeks percepcije i miÅ”ljenja (PTI). Uprkos razlikama u nazivu, kao i razlikama u konceptualnim polaziÅ”tima, ovi indeksi se značajno preklapaju jer uključuju slične indikatore. Istraživanje je imalo za cilj da ispita diskriminativnu vrednost ovih indeksa i njihovih pojedinačnih indikatora, kao i da na osnovu dobijenih rezultata formira novi indeks koji uključuje indikatore sa najboljom diskriminativnom vrednoŔću

    Terapijska procena ličnosti - kolaborativni pristup

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    Studies in the field of psychodiagnostis usually apply to presentation of some techniques and innovations in order to improve the quality and reliability of the obtained data. However, it remains to be answered how are all these data and their interpretation and integration used, and what their purpose is. Therapeutic evaluation has been developed as a new and logical answer to the old question. The paper presents the basic principles of this approach to personality evaluation.Radovi iz oblasti psihodijagnostike uglavnom se odnose na prikaz pojedinačnih tehnika i novina u cilju poboljÅ”anja kvaliteta i pouzdanosti dobijenih podataka. Međutim, postavlja se pitanje kako se svi ti podaci i njihova interpretacija i integracija koriste, čemu ili kome zapravo oni služe? Terapijska procena nastala je kao nov i logičan odgovor na ovo staro pitanje. U ovom radu predstavljene su osnovne postavke ovog pristupa proceni ličnosti

    Ispitivanje karakteristika i mogućnosti kliničke primene indeksa ego-oÅ”tećenja

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    This study examines diagnostic potential of Ego Impairment Index (EII) for the assessment of schizophrenic patients. The study represent replication of the validation research based on previous theoretical and empirical studies of disturbance of ego functions and theirs assessments with Rorschach Inkblot Test. The research sets the following goals: 1. Analysis of EII factor structure 2. Correlations analysis of EII and its component variables with diagnosis of schizophrenia based on DSM criteria 3. Analysis of discriminative potential of EII to differentiate between schizophrenic and non-psychotic patients 4. Comparison of discriminative validity and correlations between Schizophrenic Index (SCZI) and EII The study included patients hospitalized at the Institute for Psychiatry in Belgrade. The total of 58 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and 44 non-psychotic patients matched by sex and age (range 18-45) were included in the study. Statistical analysis was based on canonical correlation, discriminative analysis and factor analysis.Rad se bavi empirijskom proverom validnosti i diskriminativne vrednosti Indeksa Ego-oÅ”tećenja (Ego Impairment Index, EII) u proceni psihotičnih poremećaja. Oslanjajući se na ranije radove Perija i Viglionea (Perry & Viglione, 1991) i teorijske osnove u radovima Vejnera (Wainer, 1966) i Blata (Blatt et al., 1976) o poremećajima Ego-funkcija kod shizofrenija i njihovoj proceni na RorÅ”ah-testu, u istraživanju je postavljeno nekoliko ciljeva: 1. Analiza faktorske strukture EII indeksa. 2. Provera povezanosti EII indeksa i pojedinačnih indikatora sa dijagnozom shizofrenije. 3. Provera diskriminativne vrednosti EII indeksa i doprinosa pojedinih indikatora u diferenciranju psihotičnih i nepsihotičnih pacijenata. 4. Komparacija diskriminativne vrednosti i korelacija Indeksa shizofrenije (SCZI) i EII indeksa. Ispitivanje je obavljeno na 58 psihotičnih i 44 nepsihotična pacijenta oba pola uzrasta od 18 do 40 godina hospitalizovanih na Institutu za psihijatriju KCS u Beogradu. Statistička obrada podataka vrÅ”ena je pomoću kanoničke korelacione, diskriminativne i faktorske analize u SPSS statističkom programu


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    pristupom koji otvara prostor za istraživačku primenu projektivnog metoda. Međutim, istraživačka primena instrumenta, pored dobrog poznavanja procedura primene i pravila interpretacije, zahteva i poznavanje osobenih metodoloÅ”kih problema u primeni metoda. Mreža Rorschach indikatora čini da oni nisu međusobno nezavisni, pa je u pojedinim nacrtima potrebno kontrolisati neke od bazičnih varijabli, kako ne bismo dobili artefakta u istraživanjima.To se posebno odnosi na nacrte u kojima se kompariraju grupe, pa tako i u normativnim istraživanjima u kojima se kros kulturalno porede Rorschach indikatori. Diskutujemo posebno potrebu kontrole i ujednačavanja uzoraka u pogledu ključnih varijabli: broj odgovora, Lambda i Erlebnistypus. Ključne reči: Rorschach metod, Obuhvatni sistem interpretacije, metodoloÅ”k

    Methodological problems in Rorschach research

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    Comprehensive System of Rorschach interpretation is considered as nomotetic system that makes possible using of projective method in research projects. However, research use of Rorschach method besides of appropriate knowledge of assign procedures and interpretation rules, means a knowledge of specific methodological issues. The Rorschach indicators are nor independent, as they are a part of specific net, so in some research it is necessary to control basic variables not to get artifacts in our research. This is basically relied on researches where we compare groups, as well as in normative studies where through cross-cultural we compare Rorschach indicators.

    Doživljena i anticipirana diskriminacija kod osoba sa dijagnozom shizofrenije

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    Aim of this research was to describe the nature, direction and severity of anticipated and experienced discrimination reported by people with schizophrenia. We applied interview to 50 patients with diagnosis of schizophrenia in two psychiatric hospitals in Belgrade. Discrimination was measured with discrimination and stigma scale (DISC) which produce 3 subscores, positive experienced discrimination, negative experienced discrimination and anticipated discrimination. The same scale was used in cross-cultural research in 27 European countries. Results have shown that participants from Serbia do not recognize discrimination in all areas of life equally. The discrimination recognized is more frequently negative then positive and is associated with existentially important realms of life. Due to anticipated discrimination participants in our study prevent themselves from looking for a close relationship. Anticipated discrimination could not be predicted on the grounds of experienced, positive or negative discrimination.Cilj rada je bio ispitivanje prirode, direkcije i stepena doživljene i anticipirane diskriminacije kod osoba s dijagnozom shizofrenije. Obavljen je intervju sa pedeset pacijenata dve psihijatrijske klinike u Beogradu, Srbija. Diskriminacija je merena Skalom diskiriminacije i stigme (DISC-10) koja je konstruisana i validirana kao metodologija INDIGO Istraživačke mreže. Ista skala već je primenjena u kros-kulturalnom istraživanju u 27 evropskih zemalja. Rezultati su prezentovani preko tri skora: pozitivna i negativna doživljena diskriminacija i anticipirana diskriminacija. Rezultati su pokazali da ispitanici u Srbiji ne prepoznaju postojanje diskriminacije u svim oblastima života podjednako. Kada opaze da diskriminacija postoji, ona je za njih po svom kvalitetu čeŔće negativna nego pozitivna i vezana je za temeljne oblasti života. Ispitanici zbog anticipirane diskriminacije najčeŔće prestaju da traže bliske odnose s ljudima. Na osnovu izraženosti doživljene diskriminacije, bilo negativne ili pozitivne, nije moguće predvideti izraženost anticipirane diskriminacije

    Comparative study of experienced and anticipated stigma in Serbia and the world

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    Aim: The presented study is part of the International Study of Discrimination and Stigma Outcomes ( INDIGO) conducted in 28 countries. The aim of this study was to compare the degree of experienced and anticipated stigma of patients with schizophrenia in Serbia with world results. Method: The Discrimination and Stigma Scale (DISC) was applied in individual interviews. The sample comprised 732 subjects of the main study and 50 subjects from Serbia. Results: The amount of negative experienced discrimination in Serbia is the same as in other participating countries. The Serbian sample shows more negative discrimination in intimate relationships, personal safety and general harm due to the diagnosis, but more positive discrimination within the family, privileges during treatment of somatic illnesses, and benefits enjoyed in social and retirement insurance. The Serbian sample shows less anticipated discrimination in looking for a close relationship and in stopping self from applying for work. The results show that socio-demographic variables could not predict negative experienced and anticipated discrimination, while those same variables enable the prediction of 34% of positive discrimination. Conclusion: Compared to other investigated countries, stigmatization processes for persons with schizophrenia do not differ considerably in Serbia, which justifies the implementation of unique anti-stigma programmes and joint upgrading of legal regulations

    Psychometric properties of the Serbian version of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV)

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    The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) is an individually administered clinical instrument designed for assessment of intellectual abilities of adolescents and adults. The WAIS-IV consists of 15 subtests (10 core and 5 supplemental) reflecting the efficacy of cognitive functioning in four domains (verbal comprehension-VCI, perceptual reasoning-PRI, working memory-WMI, and processing speed-PSI), and general intellectual ability (Full-Scale IQ-FSIQ). The WAIS-IV was administered to a sample of 262 respondents ā€“ specifically, 104 respondents from sample representative for the wider Belgrade area, 62 schizophrenic, 63 depressive, and 33 patients with intellectual disability. Psychometric properties of WAIS-IV subtests were analysed within the frameworks Item Response Theory (IRT) and Classical Test Theory (CTT). Results show that IRT reliability of subtests ranges from .86 (Comprehension and Picture Completion) to .95 (Cancellation), while the IRT reliability of the FSIQ is .94. Overall, all subtests discriminate participants well along the whole continuum of intellectual abilities. The WAIS-IV enables highly reliable assessment of intellectual abilities on Serbian population. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 179018