100 research outputs found

    Kvantifikacija inženjerskogeoloških činilaca za izbor najpovoljnije trase saobraćajnice primenom GIS tehnologije

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    U ovom radu inženjersko geološki faktori koji utiču na uslove gradnje puteva, analizirani su korišćenjem GIS tehnologije, zasnovane na metodologiji više-kriterijumske analize koja je razvijena od strane stručnjaka iz Instituta za puteve iz Beograda. Ispitani su i analizirani sledeći faktori: geološka struktura, stabilnost terena, reljefa (nagib površine terena), stišljivost terena, uslovi zemljanih radova, hidrološke i hidrogeološke karakteristike stenske mase u ispitivanim oblastima. Višekriterijumska analiza je urađena u GIS okruženju i sastoji se pre svega od matematičkih operacija sa rasterom. Jediničnim poljem rasterskih dokumenata koji se koriste u analizi smanjena je veličina piksela na 10x10 m. Kao rezultat analize, napravljena je karta izolinija uticaja ovih faktora, na osnovu koje se vrši procena i izbor najboljeg puta putu u dolini reke Lim, južno od Prijepolja između Velike Župe i Lučica

    Quantitative risk assessment of "Umka" landslide near Belgrade

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    Квантитативна процена ризика од клизишта, у зависности од размере истраживања, представља својеврстан истраживачки изазов, који се огледа у потреби да се на аналитички начин, уз примену различитих комплексних метода мултидисциплинарног и интердисциплинарног осматрања, инжењерскогеолошког и геотехничког моделовања природних параметара и узрочника нестабилности терена, изврши процена хазарда и ризика од клизишта. Квантитативном анализом ризика од клизишта се, приликом дефинисања и одређивања меродавних параметара који на њега утичу, примењују детерминистички и пробабилистички модели динамике чиме се делимично елиминише могућност појаве грешака услед субјективности истраживача. За студију случаја је одабрано познато клизиште „Умка“, код Београда, које активношћу већ читав век угрожава стамбене објекте и објекте инфраструктуре, који преко њега прелазе, тако и становништво, које и даље живи на њему. „Умка“ је активно, дубоко, споро и комплексно клизиште, са периодима веће и мање активности које проузрокују значајну штету по угрожене елементе који су изложени ризику. Дисертацијом је приказан поступак дефинисања и израде 3D модела комплексног, дубоког и спорог клизишта „Умка“ са пратећим анализама стабилности и приказане су процедуре за евидентирање елемената у ризику. Процењена је физичка угроженост елемената у ризику на клизишту „Умка“, на основу поступака и образаца, први пут дефинисаних овом дисертацијом и на крају, извршена је процена хазарда и ризика од клизишта „Умка“, са проценом штете, која може настати приликом реализације различитих сценарија хазарда. У Србији постоје бројна клизишта која се простиру на десним обалама Саве и Дунава а која имају сличне услове генезе и динамике, на које могу бити примењени поступци и резултати приказани у овој дисертацији.Quantitative landslide risk assessment, considering the area and scale of investigation, represents a research challenge, that is reflected by need to analyse, in an analytical manner, using various complex methods. Those methods of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary observation, engineering geological and geotechnical modelling of natural parameters and causes of terrain instability are performed for landslide hazard and risk assessment. The deterministic and probabilistic dynamics models are applied to define and determine the relevant parameters that affect the quantitative landslide risk assessment. This eliminates the possibility of errors due to the subjectivity of the researcher. “Umka”, near Belgrade, is chosen as a case study. This landslide is known as a very active landslide that for a century threatens housing and infrastructure facilities, as well as the population that still lives on it. The “Umka” landslide is active, deep, slow and complex landslide with periods of higher and lower activity, which causes significant damage to the exposed elements at risk. The dissertation presents the process of defining and designing a 3D model of a complex, deep and slow landslide "Umka" with stability analyses and described procedures for inventorying elements at risk. The physical vulnerability of risk elements at the “Umka” landslide was assessed based on the procedures and questionnaires that are first time defined in this dissertation. At the end, the hazard and risk assessment of the “Umka” landslide was defined as well as damage, which may occur from realization of the various hazard scenarios. The methods and results, represented within this dissertation could be applied onto numerous landslides that extends to the right bank of Danube and Sava River

    Monitoring slope instability in Belgrade suburban area by analysing satellite and aerial images

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    Purpose of this study is to prepare slope instability map by using a spatial criteria in a landslide- prone area of Belgrade suburban area. Landslide locations were detected from interpretation of aerial images. Several factors were used for interpretation of landslide conditioning factors. These factors are: slope, lithology, human impact, distance from rivers and streams, tectonic assembly, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) calculated from Landsat 7 satellite images. During last 35 years, in Belgrade urban and suburban area, more than 2000 landslides were registered. Research area includes unstable slopes in the area of the gully, the total surface area of 1.4 km2. Research area is located near Sava, 20 km SW from Belgrade City centre, and it is very close to biggest, deepest and the most investigated landslide in Belgrade area, named Umka. According to Basic Geological Map (Filipović and Rodin 1976), whole area is built from marly and carbonic clay, coal, diatomaceous earth and sand. Conformably over the Pannonian sediments lie gray, yellowish and bluish marl clay. Average slope value of research area is 7.42°. Three groups of faults are noted. Regional faults are NW-SE oriented. This group of faults is responsible for gullies forming. Second detected group of faults is perpendicular to the first group. Some of this ruptures are responsible for the occurrence of couple of landslides in this area. Third group includes NNE-SSW oriented faults. Relation between the occurrences of slope instability to this group of faults was not established. The biggest part of area of 0.8 km2 that was detected by analysing of areal images is considered as a potential landslide, which means that it is not active landslide, but there is big possibility, considering lithology, position and terrain slope, that could be initiated with greater rainfall or other triggers. There are 10 active smaller landslides. Biggest of them includes area of 0.3 km2. Two landslides that once were active, but not now, are detected. They are in close vicinity of active landslides. Since the research area belongs to suburban area, interpreted landslides do not make any threats to people or households

    Strukturna analiza Džebel Tameda (Djebel Tameda) u Alžiru primenom Landsat 7 satelita

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    Strukturna analiza Džebel Tameda rađena je na snimku Landsat 7 satelita snimlјenog ETM+ senzorom (Enhanced Thematic Mapper). Ovaj senzor daje snimke u sedam kanala, koji pokrivaju vidlјivi i infracrveni deo spektra, sa rezolucijom 30m, i panhromatski snimak rezolucije 15m. Za analizu je korišćen deo snimka iz 197 orbite i 37 reda. Obrada snimka,analiza i grafička obrada rezultata analize rađena je u programskom paketu “TNTmips”, u Centru za dalјinsku detekciju Rudarsko - geološkog fakulteta u Beogradu. Vizuelizacija i dovođenje snimaka do nivoa koji je omogućio prikuplјanje geoloških podataka, pre svega strukturnu analizu , obavlјeno je postupcima procesiranja. Definisanjem granice područja istraživanja na snimku, ekstraktovanjem tog područja i njegovim georeferenciranjem u izabrani koordinatni sistem, izvršeno je otklanjanje geometrijskih deformacija snimka. Podizanje kvaliteta snimka (image enhancement) urađeno je povećanjem razlike kontrasta između susednih piksela, podizanjem rezolucije snimka sa 30m na 15m, korišćenjem panhromatskog snimka. Ovako pripremlјen snimak je korišćen za geološku analizu i interpretaciju.Geološka analiza je obavlјena vizuelno, uočavanjem razlike i izdvajanjem područja različitih svojstava. Korišćeni su standardni kriterijumi za geološku analizu: geomorfološke karakteristike, boja/ton tla, vegetacija i strukturne karakteristike. Analizom skolopa utvrđeni su nabori i rupture, njihov prostorni položaj i međusobni odnos. Geološkom analizom su, takođe, utvrđene jedinice različite litologije i starosti. Rezultati analize su prikazani u vidu karte, preko snimka i kao 3D model. Za 3D model korišćen je digitalni elevacioni model terena

    Finansijski aspekti sanacije klizišta

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    Monitoring slope instability in Belgrade suburban area by analysing satellite and aerial images

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    Purpose of this study is to prepare slope instability map by using a spatial criteria in a landslide- prone area of Belgrade suburban area. Landslide locations were detected from interpretation of aerial images. Several factors were used for interpretation of landslide conditioning factors. These factors are: slope, lithology, human impact, distance from rivers and streams, tectonic assembly, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) calculated from Landsat 7 satellite images. During last 35 years, in Belgrade urban and suburban area, more than 2000 landslides were registered. Research area includes unstable slopes in the area of the gully, the total surface area of 1.4 km2. Research area is located near Sava, 20 km SW from Belgrade City centre, and it is very close to biggest, deepest and the most investigated landslide in Belgrade area, named Umka. According to Basic Geological Map (Filipović and Rodin 1976), whole area is built from marly and carbonic clay, coal, diatomaceous earth and sand. Conformably over the Pannonian sediments lie gray, yellowish and bluish marl clay. Average slope value of research area is 7.42°. Three groups of faults are noted. Regional faults are NW-SE oriented. This group of faults is responsible for gullies forming. Second detected group of faults is perpendicular to the first group. Some of this ruptures are responsible for the occurrence of couple of landslides in this area. Third group includes NNE-SSW oriented faults. Relation between the occurrences of slope instability to this group of faults was not established. The biggest part of area of 0.8 km2 that was detected by analysing of areal images is considered as a potential landslide, which means that it is not active landslide, but there is big possibility, considering lithology, position and terrain slope, that could be initiated with greater rainfall or other triggers. There are 10 active smaller landslides. Biggest of them includes area of 0.3 km2. Two landslides that once were active, but not now, are detected. They are in close vicinity of active landslides. Since the research area belongs to suburban area, interpreted landslides do not make any threats to people or households

    Application of an Automated Technique for Topographic Watershed Deriving Using DEM Analysis

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    Basic topographic features play major role in deriving basin hydrological characteristics for water resources modeling. Algorithm used in this paper for defining watershed contours relies on digital elevation model (DEM) as primary input data. Accuracy of automatic deriving of watershed contours primarily depends on DEM resolution. On the other hand, accuracy can depend on raster method that is used for stream network delineation into Stream Network raster. To perform this function it is necessary to know how much water flows through each pixel. This means that it is necessary to set the threshold of how many cells flow into each downslope cell to recognize it as a stream. There are several ways to set up the threshold value and herein the calibration method is used. This paper treatsGornja Lisina source, where this method was used to determine watershed contours for 9 springs. Source DEM had 25 m resolution. Various threshold values were tested. For each value catchment area was calculated and compared to area values calculated using common hydrological methods

    Geofizička istraživanja tonjenja lesa u Zemunu

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    Istražni prostor obuhvata periferni deo Zemunskog lesnog platoa, koji čini značajni deo Zemuna. U prirodnim uslovima teren je okarakterisan kao stabilan, ali se usled prodora veće količine vode u tlo, naročito u dužem vremenskom periodu ili sa većim hidrauličkim pritiskom vode, mogu očekivati naknadna diferencijalna sleganja i deformacije prašinasto peskovitih lesnih naslaga. Usled kolapsa lesnog tla u Novogradskoj ulici u Zemunu, potpuno se urušio jedan prizemni stambeni objekat, oštećenja na dečjem obdaništu su bila tolika da je morao biti srušen, za dva veoma oštećena objekta su projektovane sanacione mere, a deformacije su registrovane na još 10 stambenih objekata, kao i na samoj saobraćajnici. Istraživano područje obuhvata 0,8 ha urbanog područja, gde su registrovane prsline, pukotine i ulegnuća na površini terena koja ukazuju na nejednako sleganje i tonjenje tla i pojavu procesa mehaničke sufozije u centralnom delu istražnog područja. Cilj geofizičkih istraživanja je bio da se registruju potencijalna prisustva podzemnih prostorija, tj. laguma, kao i degradiranih zona sa slabijim fizičko-mehaničkim svojstvima, koje su pretpostavljeni uzrok nestabilnosti tla i oštećenja stambenih objekata. Korišćena je refraktivna seizmometrijska metoda duž dva profila, pri čemu je akvizicija podataka vršena instrumentom RAS-24. Pozicije profila i njihove dužine su odabrane tako da se obuhvati i stabilna i nestabilna zona. Procena stabilnosti navednih zona vršena je na osnovu evidentiranja nastalih oštećenja na objektima u široj zoni profila. Obrada i modelovanje na osnovu podataka dobijenih terenskim merenjima postupkom seizmometrijske refrakcije, izvedene su programskim paketima RAS-24 (System Software i Rayfract), dok je optimizacija i vizuelizacija izvedena programskim paketom Golden Software (Surfer & Grapher). Za oba merena profila generisani su 2D modeli distribucije brzina longitudinalnih seizmoakustičkih talasa, u domenu konačnih elemenata. Analizom dobijenih 2D modela može se zaključiti da duž dva izvedena profila ne postoje indicije o postojanju većih zona smanjenja brzine primarnih talasa (Vp) koje su karakteristične za prisustvo šupljina, odnosno laguma. Međutim, moguće je uočiti razlike u distribuciji Vp na profilima. Na jednom od profila, koji je pozicioniran na strani ulice gde je dokumentovano i vizuelno uočljivo sleganje objekata, pojavljuje se veća debljina sredine sa smanjenom brzinom Vp. Navedeno može ukazivati na prisustvo zone sa izmenjenim i slabijim fizičko-mehaničkim svojstvima tla. Za potvrdu takvih pretpostavki neophodno je izvesti dodatna geotehnička i inženjersko-geološka ispitivanja.Ovaj rad finansiran je po „Ugovoru o realizaciji i finansiranju naučnoistraživačkog rada NIO u 2022. godini“, br. 451-03-68/2022-14/ 200126

    Characteristics of balance and posture of people with the autism spectrum disorder – research review

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    Postura predstavlja uspravni stav pri stajanju i hodu, dok integracija informacija iz više različitih čula o položaju i kretanju tela u prostoru predstavlja osnovu skladno razvijenog balansa. Cilj ovog rada je da se, pregledom dostupne literature, prikažu karakteristike balansa i posture osoba sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Pretragom elektronske baze podataka Konzorcijuma biblioteka Srbije za objedinjenu nabavku – KOBSON, kao i pretragama preko pretraživača Google Scholar, prikupljeni su i analizirani radovi koji se odnose na specifičnost balansa i posture kod dece i osoba sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Rezultati pretrage pokazuju da osobe sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma imaju smanjenu posturalnu stabilnost, odnosno da pri različitim modifikacijama senzornih informacija, kao i pri modifikovanim vizuelnim informacijama, ispitanici povećavaju posturalna njihanja, što rezultira smanjenom posturalnom kontrolom. Istraživači takođe ističu drugačiji posturalni profil kod dece sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma, odnosno povećanu učestalost određenih deformiteta kičmenog stuba u odnosu na decu tipične populacije. Oblast posturalne kontrole kod dece i osoba sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma u poslednjoj deceniji dobija na značaju, pa tako i sami autori prikazanih istraživanja sugerišu da je neophodno nastaviti ispitivanja kako bi se ova oblast dodatno istražila. Detaljnija saznanja u ovoj oblasti bi obogatila pristup u tretmanu osoba sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma, čime bi se podigao nivo funkcionisanja ovih osoba.Posture represents the upright position when standing or walking, while the integration of information from several different senses about the position and body movement in the space, represents the foundation of a harmoniously developed balance. The aim of this paper is to review the available literature and present the characteristics of posture and balance of persons with autism spectrum disorder. By researching the electronic database of the Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition – KoBSON, as well as, searching through the Google Scholar search engine, papers were gathered and analyzed, which are related to the specificity of posture and balance with children and persons with autism spectrum disorder. The search results show that persons with autism spectrum disorder have reduced postural stability, i.e. that with different modifications of the sensory information, as well as, with the modified visual information, the participants are increasing their postural swaying, which results in a decreased postural control. The researchers also point out a different postural profile with children with autism spectrum disorder, respectively an increased frequency of certain spinal deformities relative to typical population children. The area of postural control of children and adults with autism spectrum disorder is becoming more important in the last decade, and so the authors of the presented researches themselves suggest that it is necessary to continue the research, in order to additionally explore this area. More detailed findings in this area would enrich the approach in the treatment of persons with autism spectrum disorder, which would elevate the level of functionality of these person

    Monitoring erozije na području Đavolje Varoši: Projekat „Međa“

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    Project "Мonitoring оf Erosion on the Đavolja Varoš site ‐ MEĐA: sustainability of natural phenomena in climate change conditions ", was created by a team of young scientists and PhD students from the Faculty of Mining and Geology and Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade. The area of interest is Đavolja Varoš, near Kuršumlija, where all field research will be carried out, while the analysis of the collected data will be done at the Faculty of Mining and Geology and Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade. MEĐA aims to popularize the natural values of the protected area of Đavolja Varoš, but also to raise awareness about the problems of sustainability of this natural phenomenon in the climate change conditions (Naydenova 2012), among the wider and local public, as well as among the scientific circles in the country and abroad. Indirectly, the project encourages local activism through local involvement in the development of this research and its results, responsible planning, interdisciplinary approach to solving problems and approaching the problem of the local population through education, which should be stimulative for the preservation and promotion of the natural heritage. The desired long‐term effect that would result from this research should have a significant part in the overall socioeconomic development of the municipality of Kuršumlija, and the entire Toplica district