169 research outputs found

    Analysis of the political aspects of the European integrations: perspectives for Balkan countries

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    Since 2000 perspectives of European integration for the West Balkan countries became realistic. Long period of conflicts was finally behind and through Pact for Stability in South-East Europe the EU tries to provide political and other assistance for affected countries. The main goal is their candidate status and prospectively EU membership. Not all of these countries had the same history of accession to the EU. Moreover, their problems and obstacles are not always the same. But some common main lines may be identified. Different to the new EU member states, for West Balkan countries the EU established a set of special conditions for their European integrations. Although accession process is mainly politically coloured, political aspects or criteria became main condition or obstacle for some or most of the west Balkan countries. Since the economic crisis jeopardizes the stability of the EU, the enthusiasm for accession of new members falls. For the time being, only one country has secured EU perspective

    Harmonizacija propisa Republike Srbije u oblasti zaštite životne sredine sa pravom EU

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    U okviru procesa pridruživanja Evropskoj uniji, Republika Srbija je započela ambiciozni poduhvat usklađivanja nacionalnog zakonodavstva sa propisima EU. Reč je o usvajanju pravnih tekovina EU poznatih kao acquis communautaire, kroz izmene važećeg zakonodavstva i donošenje novih usklađenih zakona, te njihovu pravilnu u praksi. Ovaj zadatak zahteva političku volju i podršku, budući da je započet pre formalnog sticanja obaveze usklađivanja propisaza Republiku Srbiju. Od marta 2012. Srbija usklađuje svoje propise kao država kandidat za članstvo u Evropskoj uniji. Jedno od važnih poglavlja acquis communautaire-a jeste poglavlje 27 koje se odnosi na zaštitu životne sredine. U procesu usklađivanja propisa iz ove oblasti Republika Srbija je ostvarila značajan napredak. Međutim, kako acquis communautaire-a nije statična kategorija, to je neophodno obezbediti dalju političku i finansijsku podršku, te ojačati administrativne kapacitete za primenu propisa. Takođe, klimatske promene predstavljaju ozbiljan izazov za Srbiju kao državu kandidata

    The model for theoretical determination of composition of a heterogeneous equilibrium mixture in the course of chemical reactions: C + H2O lt = gt CO + H2 and C + 2H2 lt = gt CH4

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    Rad predstavlja nov način izračunavanja sastava heterogene ravnotežne mešavine hemijskih reakcija važnih u inženjerskoj praksi: proizvodnji čađi gasifikaciji ugljeva, pirolizi otpada, prečišćavanju dimnih gasova suvim i polusuvim postupcima. Rad opisuje tri načina izračunavanja i to: zasnovana na broju kilomolova, sumi broja kilomolova i izračunavanju sastava samo homogene mešavine.The work presents a new way of calculation of the composition of a heterogeneous equilibrium mixture in the course of chemical reactions important in engineering practice: soot production, coal gasification, waste pyrolysis, refining flue gases by dry and semi-dry treatments. In the available literature, the calculation of equilibrium composition of only the homogeneous (gaseous) phase is applied. This work presents three ways of calculation: based upon the number of moles, based upon the sum of the number of moles, and the calculation of the composition of only the homogeneous mixture. The reactions C + H2O ( CO + H2 and C + 2H2 ( CH4 have been considered, since in the available reference literature there is the largest number of data on the composition of the equilibrium homogeneous mixture concerning these reactions. The results of the calculation of the composition of the homogeneous (gaseous) phase, as a part of a heterogeneous mixture are identical with the results obtained by the orthodox calculation of only the homogeneous phase

    The model for theoretical determination of composition of a heterogeneous equilibrium mixture in the course of chemical reactions: C + H2O lt = gt CO + H2 and C + 2H2 lt = gt CH4

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    Rad predstavlja nov način izračunavanja sastava heterogene ravnotežne mešavine hemijskih reakcija važnih u inženjerskoj praksi: proizvodnji čađi gasifikaciji ugljeva, pirolizi otpada, prečišćavanju dimnih gasova suvim i polusuvim postupcima. Rad opisuje tri načina izračunavanja i to: zasnovana na broju kilomolova, sumi broja kilomolova i izračunavanju sastava samo homogene mešavine.The work presents a new way of calculation of the composition of a heterogeneous equilibrium mixture in the course of chemical reactions important in engineering practice: soot production, coal gasification, waste pyrolysis, refining flue gases by dry and semi-dry treatments. In the available literature, the calculation of equilibrium composition of only the homogeneous (gaseous) phase is applied. This work presents three ways of calculation: based upon the number of moles, based upon the sum of the number of moles, and the calculation of the composition of only the homogeneous mixture. The reactions C + H2O ( CO + H2 and C + 2H2 ( CH4 have been considered, since in the available reference literature there is the largest number of data on the composition of the equilibrium homogeneous mixture concerning these reactions. The results of the calculation of the composition of the homogeneous (gaseous) phase, as a part of a heterogeneous mixture are identical with the results obtained by the orthodox calculation of only the homogeneous phase


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    In this paper the design of selective digital filters that consists of parallel connection of two all-pass sub-filters is presented. The phase of this filters has given arbitrary shape ϕ(ω) in both pass-band and stop-band. The proposed method allows the calculation of selective filters with elliptic-like magnitude characteristic. Equations given in the paper are general and suitable for design of filters with arbitrary phase. The efficiency of the method is demonstrated on design of filters with piecewise linear and quadratic phase

    Intrinsic noise equivalent concentration of dynamic mode microcantilever biosensors

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    The presented theory enables systematic investigation of the dependence of the minimal detectable concentration of the target analyte, determined by the cantilever intrinsic noise, on various parameters. Inclusion of the influence of effects such as the mass transfer in noise considerations results in a more accurate noise model, which is necessary when methods based on noise measurements are developed.\ud \ud Poster presented at the 38th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering MNE, 16-20 September 2012, Toulouse, Franc

    Effect of temperature on a free energy and equilibrium constants during dry flue gas desulphurisation chemical reactions

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    During dry flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) dry particles of reagents are inserted (injected) in the stream of flue gas, where they bond SO2. As reagents, the most often are used compounds of calcium (CaCO3, CaO or Ca(OH)2). Knowledge of free energy and equilibrium constants of chemical reactions during dry FGD is necessary for understanding of influence of flue gas temperature to course of these chemical reactions as well as to SO2 bonding from flue gases


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    Предмет овог рада је анализа државноправног карактера тзв. НДХ. Аутори су своју правну анализу усмерили на питања државности тзв. НДХ и устројства и карактера њене власти. Будући да је тзв. НДХ била творевина која је настала искључиво „заслугом” сила Осовине, супротно међународном праву, формалноправно – италијански протекторат са реално јачим утицајем Трећег рајха, призната од уског круга сила Осовине и њихових сателита, без иоле значајније могућности да ступа у међународне односе, аутори закључују да је, са становишта међународног права, реч о класичном „марионетском режиму” (puppet regime), односно да тзв. НДХ није била нити независна, нити држава. Са становишта унутрашњег поретка, реч је о неуставној, недемократској, тоталитарној „држави”, чији је правни поредак омогућавао прогон и ликвидацију, на националној и верској основи, Срба, Јевреја и Рома, као и Хрвата који су били противници усташког режима. Аутори закључују да тзв. НДХ и њен правни систем нису били створени да би служили људима, већ су били директно уперени против људи, односно људскости. Управо овај аспект постојања тзв. НДХ открива у суштини злочиначки, односно нељудски карактер ове „државе”

    Developing self-modifying code model

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    This paper presents the technology of constructing and linearization of binary program utilized for program generation, analysis and transformation into a self-modifying code. An example model of the self-modifying software system and its experimental application in vehicle control have been presented in this paper. The module responsible for vehicle control comprising two subsystems has been created within the simulation software. The first subsystem has emerged through the classical software process developed by a human-programmer. The second subsystem has been created as a result of a separate piece of software substituting the part of a programmer in a software process part. The result of this approach is software creation in conjunction with natural and Artificial Intel- ligence in addition to experimental integration into the vehicle control system

    Application of an Automated Technique for Topographic Watershed Deriving Using DEM Analysis

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    Basic topographic features play major role in deriving basin hydrological characteristics for water resources modeling. Algorithm used in this paper for defining watershed contours relies on digital elevation model (DEM) as primary input data. Accuracy of automatic deriving of watershed contours primarily depends on DEM resolution. On the other hand, accuracy can depend on raster method that is used for stream network delineation into Stream Network raster. To perform this function it is necessary to know how much water flows through each pixel. This means that it is necessary to set the threshold of how many cells flow into each downslope cell to recognize it as a stream. There are several ways to set up the threshold value and herein the calibration method is used. This paper treatsGornja Lisina source, where this method was used to determine watershed contours for 9 springs. Source DEM had 25 m resolution. Various threshold values were tested. For each value catchment area was calculated and compared to area values calculated using common hydrological methods