30 research outputs found


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    Cilj rada. Istražiti nastaju li u posteljici trudnica starije životne dobi morfoloÅ”ke promjene koje mogu uzrokovati poremećaje tijeka trudnoće te fetalnog rasta i razvoja. Materijal i metode. HistomorfoloÅ”ki i kvantitativno smo stereoloÅ”kim metodama analizirali 30 zrelih posteljica. Posteljice su podijeljene u dvije skupine, ovisno o životnoj dobi trudnice: a) posteljice trudnica od 35. do 45. godine (n=15) i b) posteljice trudnica od 20. do 35. godine (kontrolna skupina, n=15). Izmjereni su volumen posteljice (Vp) i porodna težina novorođenčeta (Tn). Izračunali smo volumensku gustoću (Vv) i totalni volumen (V) placentarnih resica, periviloznog fibrinoida i interviloznog prostora te usporedili ih u obje istraživaneĀ¬ skupine. Rezultati. U posteljica starijih trudnica značajno je manji volumenski udio placentarnih resica (p0,05). Zaključak. Rezultati pokazuju da u jednom cm3 posteljice trudnica starije životne dobi nastaju promjene prostornog rasporeda placentarnog parenhima, Å”to se odnosi na statistički značajno manji udio placentarnih resica i značajno veći udio periviloznog fibrinoida. U mlađih i starijih trudnica slične vrijednosti totalnog volumena posteljice, njenih resica, periviloznog fibrinoida i interviloznog prostora te podjednake porodne težine novorođenčadi potvrđuju da se u posteljica starijih i mlađih trudnica jednako aktiviraju strukturni kompenzacijski mehanizmi. Oni osiguravaju dostatnu maternofetalnu izmjenu tvari; posteljice starijih trudnica funkcijski udovoljavaju potrebama normalnog rasta i razvoja fetusa kojem pripadaju.Objective. To investigate the presence of morphologic changes that may cause disorders in pregnancy course and fetal growth and development in older pregnant womenā€™s placentas. The aim of the study was histomorphologiĀ¬cally and quantitatively analyze term placentas of older pregnant women and investigate possible differences in their structure as compared to younger womenā€™s placentas. Material and methods. A total of 30 term placentas were histomorphologicallyĀ¬ and quantitatively analyzed by stereologic methods. The placentas were divided in two groups depending on the pregnant womenā€™s age: a) placentas of pregnant women aged 35ā€“45 years (N=15), and b) placentas of pregnant women aged 20ā€“35 years (control group, N=15). Placenta volume (Vp) and newbornsā€™ birthweight (Tn) were determined. Volume density (Vv) and total volume (V) of placental villi, perivillous fibrinoid and intervillous space were calculated and compared in both examined groups. Results. Placentas of the older pregnant women had significantly lower volume proportion of placental villi (p0.05). Conclusion. Results of quantitative analysis demonstrated that changes in the spatial arrangement of placental parenchymaĀ¬ occurredĀ¬ in one cm3 of older pregnant women and were related to a statistically significantly lower proportion of placental villi and significantly higher proportion of perivillous fibrinoid. Similar values established for younger and older pregnant women with regard to their total placenta volume, placental villi, perivillous fibrinoid, intervillous space and equal newbornsā€™ birthweigh, supported the fact that structural compensatory mechanisms were equally activated in both younger and older womenā€™s placentas. These mechanisms ensure sufficient maternofetal exchange; the older pregnant womenā€™s placentas may equally meet the needs for normal growth and development of fetuses

    Craniofacial characteristics of Croatian and Syrian populations

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    Craniofacial area is apart of the human body which undergoes the greatest changes during development and is characterized by uneven growth. External and internal factors affect the growth and development of craniofacial structures. They are responsible for the occurrence of specific craniofacial characteristics in different races or populations within the same race. The present study investigates the possible differences of the basic head and face shapes between the Croatian and Syrian populations. The sample included 400 subjects of both sexes aged 18-24 years and was divided into a Croatian and a Syrian group with 200 subjects each. Six variables defined according to Martin and Saller were measured by standard anthropometric instruments. The results of the study demonstrated statistically significant differences between our subjects in all variables except face width. The dolichocephalic head type and the mesoprosopic face type were predominant in the Croatian population, while the brachycephalic head type and the euryprosopic face type dominated in the Syrian population


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    Dvanaest inbred linija kukuruza i 24 njihovih hibridnih kombinacija analizirano je na prinos suhe tvari cijele biljke, zrnatog - nezrnatog dijela, sadržaja vlage, pepela, surovih proteina, surove masti, surovih vlakana i NET-a, u cilju primjene u oplemenjivanju silažnog kukuruza s visokim prinosom probavljivog nezrnatog dijela. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju veliku varijabilnost između hibrida u prinosu suhe tvari cijele biljke, nezrnatog dijela i surovih vlakana. Sličnu varijabilnost pokazuju i inbred linije. Rezultati kemijskih analiza pokazuju da je sadržaj sirovih proteina i surovih masti kod hibrida i inbred linija slabo varijabilan, a NET-a, i osobito surovih vlakana, visoko varijabilan. S obzirom na prinos neznatog dijela i kemijski sastav, četiri od 12 ispitivanih inbred linija mogu se smatrati perspektvnim u daljnjem oplemenjivačkom radu. Tri od 24 promatrana hibrida potrebno je ispitati na probavljivost ukupne suhe tvari i surovih vlakana.Twelve inbred lines and their 24 crosses were analysed for variability in dry matter yield of the whole plant and the grained - ungrained part, as well as variability in content of water, ash, crude proteins, crude fats, crude fibres and NFE, respectively with the aim to breed maize with high yield and digestibility of the ungrained part. The results have shown high variability between hybrids in dry matter yield of the whole plant, the ungrained part and crude fibres. Similar variability is recorded for inbred lines, too. The results of chemical analyses of hybrids and inbred lines have shown that crude protein content and crude fat content had low variability. In contrast, NFE and specially crude fibres had high variability. Begarding yield of the ungrained part and chemical composition, four out of 12 studied inbred lines have been selected as promising for further breeding. Three out of 24 studied hybrids should be tested for total dry matter and crude fibres digestibility

    Do Parathyroid Glands from Individuals of Different Age and Gender Contain Lymph Vessels?

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    Whereas lymph vessels in some endocrine glands have been thoroughly investigated, data on these vessels in human parathyroid glands are often contradictory and deficient in available literature. Therefore, the aim of this study was to histomorphologically investigate whether lymph vessels could be found in human parathyroid glands postnatally and, if so, whether their presence was age- and gender-dependent. A total of 44 parathyroid glands from subjects of both genders, aged 4ā€“90 years, were studied. The glands were divided into three groups. Those from the 1st and the 2nd age group demonstrated similar morphological structure of parenchyma with predominant chief cells with pale-staining cytoplasm, while the frequency of lymph vessels was lower in the 2nd group. Unlike in these groups, chief cells with dark- staining cytoplasm predominated in the glandular parenchyma of the 3rd age group where lymph vessels were not found in any of the examined glands. The frequency of lymph vessels in parathyroid glands was almost the same for both genders. Histomorphologic occurrence of lymph vessels coincided with the presence of endocrine cells with pale-staining cytoplasm, which allowed the assumption that lymph vessels were also one of the signs of functional activity of human parathyroid glands

    Craniofacial Characteristics of Croatian and Syrian Populations

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    Craniofacial area is a part of the human body which undergoes the greatest changes during development and is characterized by uneven growth. External and internal factors affect the growth and development of craniofacial structures. They are responsible for the occurrence of specific craniofacial characteristics in different races or populations within the same race. The present study investigates the possible differences of the basic head and face shapes between the Croatian and Syrian populations. The sample included 400 subjects of both sexes aged 18ā€“24 years and was divided into a Croatian and a Syrian group with 200 subjects each. Six variables defined according to Martin and Saller were measured by standard anthropometric instruments19. The results of the study demonstrated statistically significant differences between our subjects in all variables except face width. The dolichocephalic head type and the mesoprosopic face type were predominant in the Croatian population, while the brachycephalic head type and the euryprosopic face type dominated in the Syrian population

    Razvoj temporomandibularnog zgloba i funkcijski poremećaji povezani s kliničkom otoloÅ”kom simptomatologijom

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    Temporomandibular disorders (TMD s) are a form of musculoskeletal pain of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ ) and/or masticatory muscles of nonspecific etiology. In this study, the relationship between embryonic and anatomic-topographic similarities of the TMJ and the ear was analyzed, i.e. secondary otologic symptoms that can be closely connected to TMJ disorder. Nonspecific otologic symptoms are not primary diagnostic symptoms of TMD , but may cause diagnostic confusion due to patientsā€™ inability to correctly locate the origin of pain. The most common otologic symptoms that can be related to TMD s are otalgia, tinnitus and vertigo. Otorhinolaryngologists have to differentiate between primary otologic symptoms and those caused by TMJ disorders. In TMD diagnosis, manual techniques are used to determine the arthrogenic or myogenic form, whereas in the diagnosis of arthrogenic disorders magnetic resonance imaging is indicated as the highly specific imaging method of joint disk and osteoarthritic changes. Symptomatic treatments for TMD as well as the etiologic diagnosis of the pain require multidisciplinary cooperation between dentists and medical specialists.Temporomandibularni poremećaji (TMP ) su oblik miÅ”ićno-skeletne boli temporomandibularnog zgloba (TMZ) i/ili žvačnih miÅ”ića nespecifične etiologije. U ovoj studiji analizirao se odnos embrijskih i anatomsko-topografskih sličnosti TMZ i uha, odnosno sekundarnih otoloÅ”kih simptoma koji se mogu usko povezati s TMP . Nespecifični otoloÅ”ki simptomi nisu primarni dijagnostički simptomi TMP , ali mogu izazvati dijagnostičke probleme zbog nemogućnosti bolesnika da točno lociraju izvor boli. NajčeŔći otoloÅ”ki simptomi koji se mogu povezati s TMP su bolovi u uhu, Å”um u uhu i vrtoglavica. Otorinolaringolozi moraju razlikovati primarne otoloÅ”ke simptome i one uzrokovane poremećajima u TMZ. U dijagnostici TMP primjenjuju se ručne tehnike kako bi se utvrdio artrogeni ili miogeni oblik, dok je u dijagnostici artrogenih poremećaja indicirana magnetska rezonancija kao visoko specifična metoda slikovnog prikazivanja zglobnog diska i osteoartritičnih promjena. Simptomatsko liječenje TMP , kao i etioloÅ”ka dijagnostika boli zahtijeva multidisciplinarnu suradnju stomatoloÅ”kih i medicinskih specijalista

    Pathophysiology of Osteonecrosis of the Jaw in Patients Treated with Bisphosphonate

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    Apart from the well-known mechanism of bisphosphonatesā€™ cellular effect, embryonic development and the specific features of alveolar bone homeostasis have been discussed. The unique ethiopathogenic mechanism which relates osteonecrosis of the jaw and bisphosphonates treatment has not been explained. The emphasis lies on the toxicological effects of bisphosphonates on the physiology of the alveolar bone and on the lasting effect of tooth extraction followed by an infection of the extraction wound and consequent progression into deeper layers of osseous tissue. Epithelial infection includes microbiological findings of Actinomyces species. The risk is pronounced in oncological patients treated with bisphosphonates intravenously in relatively large doses and during a longer period of time, especially with highly potent nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates pamidronate and zoledronate. This review of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw stresses the significance of some other risk factors (corticosteroids, chemotherapy, tumour tissue etc.) of necrosis development ā€“ more precisely of osteomyelitis of the jaw if the microbiological component of the diseases has been taken into account, while the role of the bisphosphonates becomes minor. There is no gold standard for the treatment of jaw osteonecrosis; rather, palliative and minimally invasive treatment is applied, without subsequent oral surgical interventions. Since there is a significant risk of jaw osteonecrosis in oncological patients, the level of oral health is an important factor for the indication of intravenous bisphosphonates treatment

    The Many Faces of Cat Scratch Disease ā€“ A Report of Four Cases

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    Bolest mačjeg ogreba (BMO) infekcija je uzrokovana Gram negativnom, fakultativno intracelularnom bakterijom Bartonella henselae. Glavni rezervoar infekcije je mačka i oko 75% bolesnika ima podatak o ogrebu ili ugrizu mačke u anamnezi. Rjeđe se infekcija javlja u kontaktu s psom, posredovano mačjom buhom ili neizravnim kontaktom oÅ”tećene kože ili sluznice s povrÅ”inom kontaminiranom mačjom slinom. Infekcija može proći asimptomatski, ali se i prezentirati spektrom kliničkih manifestacija. U 85-90 % bolesnika radi se o klasičnoj BMO s kožnom lezijom i samoograničavajućim, regionalnim limfadenitisom dok ostale, rjeđe kliničke manifestacije, mogu zahvatiti gotovo svaki organ i organski sustav. Prikazujemo četiri bolesnika s BMO liječenih u Klinici za infektivne bolesti Kliničkog bolničkog centra Rijeka te raspravljamo o dijagnostičkim i terapijskim izazovima ove bolesti.Cat scratch disease (CSD) is an infection caused by the Gram negative, facultative intracellular bacteria Bartonella henselae. The main reservoir of the infection is cat and about 75% of the patients have a cat scratch or a bite in anamnesis. Rarely, infection results from exposure to dogs, cat fleas or from contact with cat saliva through broken skin or mucosal surfaces. Infection can be asymptomatic or present with a number of clinical manifestations. In wast majority (85-90%) of the patients CSD presents as a cutaneous lesion and self-limiting, regional lymphadenitis near the site of organism inoculation, other seldom manifestations, however, can include virtually every organ and organ system. We present four patients with CSD treated at the Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka and discuss diagnostic and therapeutic challenges of the CSD

    Bivalvular Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis in a young pregnant woman without known previous risk factors ā€“ a case report

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    Infektivni endokarditis značajan je uzrok pobola i smrtnosti. Posebno je težak klinički entitet u trudnica s obzirom na određeni stupanj imunosupresije u trudnoći, kao i zbog značajnih promjena kardiovaskularne funkcije u trudnica. Većina infektivnih endokarditisa, pa i u trudnoći, uzrokovana je bakterijama, a dominantno je zahvaćen jedan srčani zalistak, najučestalije mitralnog uŔća. U ovom radu je prikazan slučaj liječenja i ishoda endokarditisa mitralnog i aortnog zaliska uzrokovanog bakterijom Staphylococcus aureus u prethodno zdrave trudnice.Infectious endocarditis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. It is a particularly difficult clinical entity in pregnant women due to a certain degree of immunosuppression in pregnancy, as well as due to significant changes in cardiovascular function in pregnant women. Most infectious endocarditis cases, even in pregnancy, are caused by bacteria, with one heart valve, most commonly the mitral orifice, predominantly affected. This paper presents treatment and outcome of mitral and aortic valve endocarditis caused by Staphylococcus aureus in a previously healthy pregnant woman

    Temporal Bone Actinomycosis Accompanied by Actinomycotic Meningitis and Cervical Lymphadenitis ā€“ a Case Report

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    Aktinomikoza predstavlja rijetku kroničnu infekciju uzrokovanu anaerobnom, Gram pozitivnom bakterijom koja pripada rodu Actinomyces. U ovom smo radu prikazali slučaj aktinomikoze temporalne kosti i meningitisa uzrokovanog Aktinomicetama te limfadenitisa vrata kod imunokompetentne bolesnice s anamnezom kroničnog supurativnog otitisa nakon traumatske perforacije bubnjića starijeg datuma. Liječenje je uspjeÅ”no provedeno kombiniranom kirurÅ”kom i dugotrajnom antimikrobnom terapijom. Ovim prikazom želimo skrenuti pozornost na meningitis kojeg uzrokuje Actinomyces spp. te kojeg je, iako je rijedak, potrebno uključiti u diferencijalnu dijagnozu kroničnog meningitisa, osobito kod pacijenata s kroničnom upalom srednjeg uha i paranazalnih sinusa. Jednako tako, želimo skrenuti pozornost i na ostale manifestacije ove rijetke bolesti.Actinomycosis represents rare chronic infection caused by anaerobic, Gram positive bacteria belonging to Actinomyces genus. Here we present a case of temporal bone actinomycosis accompanied by meningitis and cervical lymphadenitis in imunocompetent patient with case history of chronic suppurative otitis media as a tympanic membrane perforation sequelae. The patient was successfully treated with both surgical and prolonged antimicrobial therapy. This case, although rare, implies cosideration of Actinomyces spp. in diferential diagnosis of chronic meningitis, especially in patients with case history of chronic otitis media or chronic sinusitis