37 research outputs found


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    Analiza radnog mjesta pomorca od prvorazrednog je značaja za kvalitetan rad i rješavanje cijelog niza problema kako posade tako i broda u cjelini. U radu se analiziraju čimbenici koji doprinose nesrećama i traumatizmu pomoraca, te mjere koje se poduzimaju za njihovu zaštitu

    Relations between the characteristics of the firstattacking stroke and the competitiveachievement of young table tennis players

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je identifikacija onih karakteristika prvog napadačkog udarca u odigravanju poena na međunarodnim mečevima u stonom tenisu koji najviše doprinose takmičarskom uspehu stonotenisera kadetskog i juniorskog uzrasta oba pola. Uzorak entiteta su činili međunarodni mečevi stonotenisera kadetskog i juniorskog uzrasta oba pola, koji se nalaze u prvih 60 na rang listi ETTU. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno ukupno 120 mečeva. Posmatrajući ukupan uzorak od 9742 poena, u 90,3 % poena je izveden napadački udarac. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da oko 75 % poena traje do četiri razmenjena udarca kod stonotenisera, a 73 % kod kadetkinja i juniorki. Ovi podaci upućuju na veliki značaj tehničko taktičkih elemenata koji se primenjuju na početku poena. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su od prvih napadačkih udaraca najčešće primenjivani top spinovi (70,6 %) i flipovi (29,1 %) kod stonotenisera, a kod stonoteniserki 80,9 % top spinova, a 18,1 % flip udaraca. Zastupljenost rotiranih, sigurnih top spin udarca kao PNU je veća kod stonotenisera, dok su devojke u većoj meri koriste snažne FH i BH top spinove u otvaranju faze napada u odnosu na kadete i juniore. Na kratke lopte, bilo da se radi o prijemu servisa ili vraćanju kratkih rezanih lopti, od ukupnog broja izvedenih flip udaraca stonoteniserke primenjuju 46,1 % FH flip, a igrači 36,3 % FH flip udarce. Istraživanjem je dokazano da karakteristike i uspešnost prvog napadačkog udarca (PNU) značajno utiču na takmičarsko postignuće stonotenisera i stonoteniserki kadetskog i juniorskog uzrasta. Uočene razlike u uzrasnim kategorijama mogu poslužiti za potrebe planiranja i programiranja treninga mladih. Rezultati su pokazali da vrste, tipovi udaraca, udarci koji prethode i udarci koji slede nakon prvog napadačkog udarca su važni faktori od kojih zavisi dalji tok poena, naročito ako se u obzir uzme njihova uspešnost.The aim of this research is to identify those characteristics of the first attacking stroke in playing points in international table tennis matches that contribute the most to the competitive success of table tennis players of cadet and junior age of both sexes. The sample of entities consisted of international table tennis matches of cadet and junior age of both sexes, which are in the top 60 on the ETTU ranking list. 120 matches are covered by this research. Looking at the totalVI sample of 9742 points, in 90.3% of points an attacking shot was performed. The research established that about 75% of points lasts up to four exchanged shots in male table tennis players, and 73% in female cadets and juniors. These data indicate on the great importance of technical-tactical elements that are applied at the beginning of the point. The research results showed that from the first attacking blows, top spins (70.6%) and flips (29.1%) were most often used in male table tennis players, and in female table tennis players 80.9% of top spins, and 18.1% of flip shots. The prevalence of rotated, safe top spin shots as first attacking stroke is higher in male table tennis players, while girls are more likely to use strong forehand and bachand top spins in the attack phase opening compared to cadets and juniors. On short balls, whether it is a matter of service receiving or short cut balls returning, 46.1% of the total number of performed flip strokes are applied by female table tennis players, and male players 36.3% of FH flip shots. The research proved that the characteristics and success of the first attacking stroke (PNU) significantly affects the competitive achievement of cadet and junior age table tennis players both sexes. The differences in age categories observed by this research can be used for the purposes of planning and programming youth training. The results showed that the categories, types of shots, theVII precede shots and the shots that follow after the first attacking blow are important factors on which the further points flow depends, especially if points success is taken into account

    Relations between the characteristics of the firstattacking stroke and the competitiveachievement of young table tennis players

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je identifikacija onih karakteristika prvog napadačkog udarca u odigravanju poena na međunarodnim mečevima u stonom tenisu koji najviše doprinose takmičarskom uspehu stonotenisera kadetskog i juniorskog uzrasta oba pola. Uzorak entiteta su činili međunarodni mečevi stonotenisera kadetskog i juniorskog uzrasta oba pola, koji se nalaze u prvih 60 na rang listi ETTU. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno ukupno 120 mečeva. Posmatrajući ukupan uzorak od 9742 poena, u 90,3 % poena je izveden napadački udarac. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da oko 75 % poena traje do četiri razmenjena udarca kod stonotenisera, a 73 % kod kadetkinja i juniorki. Ovi podaci upućuju na veliki značaj tehničko taktičkih elemenata koji se primenjuju na početku poena. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su od prvih napadačkih udaraca najčešće primenjivani top spinovi (70,6 %) i flipovi (29,1 %) kod stonotenisera, a kod stonoteniserki 80,9 % top spinova, a 18,1 % flip udaraca. Zastupljenost rotiranih, sigurnih top spin udarca kao PNU je veća kod stonotenisera, dok su devojke u većoj meri koriste snažne FH i BH top spinove u otvaranju faze napada u odnosu na kadete i juniore. Na kratke lopte, bilo da se radi o prijemu servisa ili vraćanju kratkih rezanih lopti, od ukupnog broja izvedenih flip udaraca stonoteniserke primenjuju 46,1 % FH flip, a igrači 36,3 % FH flip udarce. Istraživanjem je dokazano da karakteristike i uspešnost prvog napadačkog udarca (PNU) značajno utiču na takmičarsko postignuće stonotenisera i stonoteniserki kadetskog i juniorskog uzrasta. Uočene razlike u uzrasnim kategorijama mogu poslužiti za potrebe planiranja i programiranja treninga mladih. Rezultati su pokazali da vrste, tipovi udaraca, udarci koji prethode i udarci koji slede nakon prvog napadačkog udarca su važni faktori od kojih zavisi dalji tok poena, naročito ako se u obzir uzme njihova uspešnost.The aim of this research is to identify those characteristics of the first attacking stroke in playing points in international table tennis matches that contribute the most to the competitive success of table tennis players of cadet and junior age of both sexes. The sample of entities consisted of international table tennis matches of cadet and junior age of both sexes, which are in the top 60 on the ETTU ranking list. 120 matches are covered by this research. Looking at the totalVI sample of 9742 points, in 90.3% of points an attacking shot was performed. The research established that about 75% of points lasts up to four exchanged shots in male table tennis players, and 73% in female cadets and juniors. These data indicate on the great importance of technical-tactical elements that are applied at the beginning of the point. The research results showed that from the first attacking blows, top spins (70.6%) and flips (29.1%) were most often used in male table tennis players, and in female table tennis players 80.9% of top spins, and 18.1% of flip shots. The prevalence of rotated, safe top spin shots as first attacking stroke is higher in male table tennis players, while girls are more likely to use strong forehand and bachand top spins in the attack phase opening compared to cadets and juniors. On short balls, whether it is a matter of service receiving or short cut balls returning, 46.1% of the total number of performed flip strokes are applied by female table tennis players, and male players 36.3% of FH flip shots. The research proved that the characteristics and success of the first attacking stroke (PNU) significantly affects the competitive achievement of cadet and junior age table tennis players both sexes. The differences in age categories observed by this research can be used for the purposes of planning and programming youth training. The results showed that the categories, types of shots, theVII precede shots and the shots that follow after the first attacking blow are important factors on which the further points flow depends, especially if points success is taken into account

    Emergence of VIM-2 metallo-beta-lactamase-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates in a paediatric hospital in Serbia

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    Molecular detection and surveillance of the resistance genes harboured by Pseudomonas aeruginosa are becoming increasingly important in assessing and controlling spread and colonization in hospitals, and in guiding the antibiotic treatment of infections. Metallo-blactamase (MBL)-producing P. aeruginosa strains are slowly but steadily increasing within hospitals, causing outbreaks and/or hyperendemic situations in some centres, mostly in the Far East and the south of Europe (Queenan & Bush, 2007). The global dissemination of MBL-producing P. aeruginosa strains has also reached the Balkan region (Lepsanovic et al., 2008; Sardelic et al., 2003). The objective of our study was to detect and characterize P. aeruginosa isolates producing MBLs from the 400-bed paediatric tertiary care hospital Mother and Child Health Institute of Serbia ‘Dr Vukan Cupic

    Molecular tools for utilization of mitochondrial diversity in faba bean (vicia faba)

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    We performed in silico PCR analyses utilizing complete mitochondrial (mtDNA) genome sequences of faba bean (Vicia faba) and two related species, Vigna angularis and Vigna radiata, currently available in GenBank, to infer whether 15 published universal primer pairs for amplification of all 14 cis-spliced introns in genes of NADH subunits (nad genes) are suitable for V. faba and related species. Then, we tested via PCR reactions whether seven out of 15 primer pairs would generate PCR products suitable for further manipulation in 16 genotypes of V. faba representing all botanical varieties of this species (major, minor, equina and subsp. paucijuga) of various levels of improvement (traditional and improved cultivars) originating from Europe, Africa, Asia and south America. We provide new PCR primers for amplification of nad1 intron 2/3 in V. faba, and demonstrate intraspecific variability in primary nucleotide sequences at this locus. Based on outcomes of both in silico predictions and PCR amplification, we report a set of PCR primers for amplification of five introns in nad genes that are promising molecular tools for future phylogeographic and other studies in this species for which unambiguous data on wild ancestors, centre of origin and domestication are lacking

    Stočni grašak - značajan faktor obezbeđenja biljnih proteina

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    The paper emphasizes growing and utilization of fodder pea in forage and grain production. The yield and quality of different pea varieties in forage and grain especially important in plant protein provision. The paper offers a review of areas, production, average yield of fodder pea as forage and grain crops from 1955 until the present day. Possible ways of utilization as well as access to optimal of utilization are also emphasized.U radu je razmatrana problematika gajenja i iskorišćavanja stočnog graška u proizvodnji krme i zrna. Posebno je obrađen prinos i kvalitet sortimenta stočnog graška u proizvodnji krme i zrna kao koncentrovanog stočnog hraniva, značajnog u obezbeđenju biljnih proteina. Dat je pregled kretanja površina, obima proizvodnje i prosečni prinosi po hektaru, stočnog graška za krmu i zrno od 1955. do danas (SGJ-2000), te mogući načini iskorišćavanja i optimalne faze pristupa korišćenju

    Advancements in mesenchymal stem cell treatment for Buerger's disease

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    Birgerova bolest (thromboangiitis obliterans) je neaterosklerotski inflamatorni proces koji uglavnom zahvata male i srednje arterije i vene u donjim i gornjim udovima. Okarakterisan je kao vrsta vaskulitisa. Nastanak, napredovanje i težina bolesti su povezani sa pušenjem. Birgerovu bolest karakterišu bol, pojava ishemičnih ulkusa, gangrena i rizik od amputacije, što značajno utiče na kvalitet života pacijenta. Trombolitička terapija, primena nesteroidnih antiinflamatornih lekova i vaskularno-hirurški rekonstruktivni zahvati su neki od terapijskih pristupa u lečenju Birgerove bolesti. Međutim, ovi načini lečenja nisu dovoljno efikasni. Još uvek najbolji efekat na poboljšanje bolesti ima prekid pušenja. U poslednje vreme, ćelijska terapija je ponudila sasvim nove mogućnosti lečenju Birgerove bolesti. Terapija mezenhimskim matičnim ćelijama (MMĆ) je prepoznata kao novi pristup u tkivnom inženjerstvu i regenerativnoj medicini, primenljiv u lečenju različitih ishemijski poremećaja, uključujući Birgerovu bolest. Prva terapija koja koristi MMĆ u lečenju Birgerove bolesti je odobrena u Indiji 2016. godine. U martu 2017. godine Evropska komisija je terapiju autolognim MMĆ iz adipoznog tkiva uvrstila u lekove "siročiće" za Birgerovu bolest. Ovaj novi terapijski pristup je neophodno validirati u narednim studijama u više kliničkih centara.Buerger's disease or thromboangiitis obliterans, is a non-atherosclerotic inflammatory process which mostly involves medium and small sized arteries and veins in lower and upper extremities. It is categorized as vasculitis. The disease is known to be closely linked to smoking. Buerger's disease is a long-term debilitating condition because of the pain, the development of ulcers and gangrene, and the risk of amputation. Drugs effective on erythrocyte flexibility, agents acting on platelets, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and vascular reconstruction are among several therapeutic methods for Buerger's disease. However, the applied therapies are insufficiently effective. Still, the base of treatment is smoking cessation. Lately, cell therapy has offered us entirely new possibilities. Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) treatment has been proposed as a novel approach for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine for various ischemic disorders, including Buerger's disease. In 2016, the first MSC based therapy has received regulatory approval for the treatment of Buerger's disease in India. In March 2017, orphan designation was granted by the European Commission for autologous adipose tissue-derived MSC for the treatment of Buerger's disease. Novel therapeutic approach needs to be validated in the upcoming studies conducted in different clinical centers

    Priming seeds-method for increasing the germination of soybean seeds under drought stress conditions

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    Drought is one of the most important factors limiting the successful production of cultivated plants. One of the most sensitive stage to the water deficit in plants is seed germination. There are various methods of pre-sowing treatments that aim to reduce the negative impact of drought stress and improve seed germination. One of them is priming seeds. The aim of this experiment was to examine the effect of priming seeds in solutions - KNO3 (1%), ascorbic acid - AsA (100 mgl-1) and potassium chloride KCl (1%) on the reduction of the negative effect of drought stress. The effect of drought stress was simulated using different concentrations of PEG 6000 (0 (control), -0.30, -0.51, -0.80 MPa). The results of the research showed that with the increase of water deficiency, the effect of priming seeds is greater. At the water potential of the solution of -0.30 MPa, germination energy and seed germination increased on average by 6.77% and 5.08%, while at the water potential of the solution of -0.80 MPa, the increase was 19.28% and 16.75%, respectively. Also, priming seeds significantly reduced the intensity of lipid peroxidation and the content of free proline. From all the above, it can be concluded that priming of seeds is a method that can serve to improve the germination of soybean seeds in conditions of drought stress.Suša je jedan od najvažnijih faktora koji ograničava uspešnu proizvodnju kulturnih biljaka. Jedna od najosetljivijih faza na nedostatak vode kod biljaka je klijanje semena. Postoje razne metode odnosno predsetveni tretmani koj imaju cilj da smanje negativan uticaj nedostatka vode i poboljšaju klijanje semena. Jedan od njih je potapanje semena. Cilj ovog eksperimenta bio je da se ispita uticaj potapanja semena u rastvore - KNO3 (1%), askorbinsku kiselinu - AsA (100mgl-1) i kalijum hlorid KCl (1%) na smanjenje negativnog uticaja suše. Dejstvo suše simulirano je primenom različitih koncentracija PEG-a 6000 (0 (kontrola), -0,30, -0,51, -0,80 MPa). Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je sa povećanjem nedostatka vode efekat potapanja semena veći. Pri vodnom potencijalu rastvora od -0,30 MPa enerija klijanja i klijavost semena povećani su, u proseku, za 6,77% odnosno 5,08% dok je pri vodnom potencijalu rastvora od - 0,80 MPa povećanje iznosilo 19,28% odnosno 16,75%. Takođe, potapanje semena značajno je smanjilo intenzitet lipidne peroksiacije i sadržaj slobodnog prolina. Iz svega navedenog može se zaključiti da je potapanje semena metod koji može da poboljša klijanje semena soje u uslovima suše


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    The aim of the research was to determine the effects of applied technical and tactical characteristics of table tennis players on their success in competitions. The representative sample consisted of 48 top senior table tennis players from Bosnia and Herzegovina, age 18 and 36, selected on the basis of a qualification tournament. The measuring instruments for this study included eight assessment tests for the table tennis players' technical and tactical characteristics and one test for assessing success in table tennis competitions. Technical and tactical characteristics of the participants were evaluated by five experts who analyzed the efficacy of technical and tactical characteristics of the players on a scale ranging from 1 to 5. The methods of processing the results included descriptive statistical procedures, the multiple correlation coefficient, the determinant coefficient and a multiple regression analysis. The results indicate that technical and tactical characteristics have a major impact on the player's performance and are essential for table tennis success. Based on the value of the regression coefficients and their significance, it may be concluded that the 5 variables statistically significantly contribute to the regression model are: the efficiency of the serve; the efficiency of preventing the attack of the opponent and preparation of the players’ own attack; confidence when attacking across the table; the efficiency in the active defence and the efficiency of movement during the game. In the hierarchy of significance, the most important variables are the serve efficiency and efficiency of preventing the attack of an opponent and preparation of the player's own attack. The efficiency of the serve allows an attacker to realize technical and tactical ideas and usually gain initiative in the game. By returning a serve we can prevent or at least make it harder for the opponent to attack again. A serve return can also allow us to take the initiative

    Damage to a tube of output reheater due to gas corrosion

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    IMEC2022 - 1st International Conference on Innovative Materials in Extreme Conditions, 22-23 March 2022, Belgrade, Serbi